160.Chapter 160 – Ranch and Huberian’s Fortunes and Woes

Chapter 160 – Ranch and Huberian’s Fortunes and Woes
Outside the window, the cold autumn moonlight spilled over the ancient stone walls, while the lamps in the room kept the cold chill out.

No matter how the sullen mountain winds rattled outside Lichtens Castle and how deep the night went, the warm bedroom was always as tough and stable as ever.

The room fell silent for a moment.


Ranch held his chin in thought as he listened to Goddess Officer Styxella’s intelligence.

Nearly two days will arrive ……

And able to create an accident on campus ……

Why does it sound and feel like the timing is so subtle?
“This dangerous guy you’re talking about, he wouldn’t be mixed in with the group of the academic visit from the Kingdom of Yaloran, would he?”

Ranchi asked Stisella.

Didn’t this timing coincide with the arrival of the Yaloran Kingdom’s academic visit team?

Outsiders with dubious identities who wanted to haunt the powerful and tightly-secured Ichorite Academy would be targeted in minutes, and they had to have a glamorous and grandiose identity in order to plan a perfect murder!

Ranchi always felt as if Stisella had revealed a rather remarkable piece of information to him.

Using a congregation hidden among the local civilians to infiltrate the Ichorite Academy where Grand Magister Loren was located to commit an assassination was quite dangerous, and if it triggered a trace, it was likely that an entire line would be uprooted.

But the Yaloran Kingdom was different, if something went wrong among the visiting students of the Yaloran Kingdom, first of all, the Yaloran Kingdom’s side would take the blame, not necessarily implicating the Church of the Resurrection, and even destroying the trust and relationship between the two countries!

If the Houghton Kingdom side wanted to go deeper into the investigation, it would definitely involve international issues.

No matter what, there would be some friction.

Since the disappearance of Duke Migaiya Alansal, the holder of the [Primordial Tablet – Dark], the Hedon Kingdom needed to rely on Grand Magister Loren, the holder of the [Primordial Tablet – Wind], to defend against Bishop Evanoth, the holder of the [Primordial Tablet – Fire], the Bishop of Destruction.

And the Kingdom of Arrowland relies on Juliana, the Immortal Sword Emperor, holder of [Primordial Tablet – Regeneration], to defend against Bishop Farmer, the holder of [Primordial Tablet – Corrosion], the Bishop of Decay.

If Huberian’s murder became the trigger, and the Church of the Resurrection further fanned the flames in secret, there were ways to worsen the already tense relationship between Grand Magister Loren and the Immortal Sword Emperor, the head of the Kingdom Knights of Aloran.

At that time, these two Archbishops of the Southern Continent might start a new joint maneuver!

This information concerning the turmoil and intrigue of the Southern Continent was scrutinized, and even if it was reported directly to Abbot Loren, Ranchi would be making a heavenly achievement!

“Nine times out of ten ……”

Stisella admitted with a grave expression, by revealing this information just now, she was betting her life on Ranqi’s hands.

If Ranchi directly sold her out, she would definitely die.

But accordingly, this information was also enough to be worth the value of Ranchi saving her life.

Everything depended on Ranchi’s conscience and ability.

With that, a magic card originally stored in the soul space appeared in Stisella’s hand, signaling that Ranchi could take it away.

[Certificate of Resurrection – Destruction]

[Category: Equipment Card]

[Grade: Purple Rare]

[Class: 0

【Effects: Identity credentials of the Church of the Resurrection, can be modified or upgraded by the Bishop’s Card, if the holder kills the Bishop, it will be upgraded to the Bishop’s Card and unlock the Bishop’s authority】.

[Remarks: Holder -, number ±, encrypted]]

“So this is the identity seal of the Church of the Resurrection?”

Ranchi took the magic card deck from her hand.

Since its 0 cost, it wasn’t detected when she searched her magic deck earlier.

The identity information of elite religious with secret missions and perfect lurking in the present world like Styxella was extremely secretive.

Apart from their partners or immediate bishops, even other bishops have no way of knowing their information.

If Ranchi was able to capture a perfect latent elite religious like Stisella, steal and replace him with the hidden and real identity of a religious in the southern continent, and then mix into the other cardinal’s branches in the northern continent with that identity, with the northern and southern continents magically isolated in communication, the bishops over in the northern continent would have no way of verifying that there were any problems with his religious identity if they didn’t cross the sea to come over to convene a bishops’ conference!
“In your academy that guy who delivered the Shadow World matching time intelligence, I also don’t know its identity at all, but to be able to use communication magic, it is bound to be an existence of at least the sixth order, as well as I will tell you the exact time of these two times in the Shadow World when we received the intelligence, and it is up to you to reason and sift through it.”

Stisella added timidly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let the Restoration Church side suspect that it was you who revealed the information.”

Ranchi’s words turned serious as he nodded a promise to Stisella. Once he returned to the present world, he would have an important job of his own at the Ichorite Academy – to

To catch the lawless reanimator who was lurking in the academic visiting team of the Kingdom of Arrowland!

How dare you! How dare you come under my nose and commit murder!

Ranch will protect his campus and any evil will be brought to justice!

On the side, Huberian belatedly lowered her head without raising it, she felt that even the atmosphere on Ranchi had become heavy.

Finally, the voice so light that it was about to evaporate murmured beside him:

“I’m sorry Ranch …… for always getting you into trouble ……”

Her words were filled with uncountable amounts of guilt, and she wondered how many more times she would have to drag Ranchi into danger like this.

If she was destined to die, then her only wish was that she would just die alone and never harm Ranch.


Ranchi heard her words and looked at her with great confusion.

“Trouble? Isn’t it true that every time I need a fire, you can bring me charcoal?”

Ranchi could only express his sigh of relief at Huberian’s level of monster pulling, which helped him pull high-quality gold monsters every single time!
And by now.

After this encounter in the Shadow World.

As well as the conversation with the Royal Daughter of Alexia.

And the information obtained from Styxella here.

Ranchi also had a premonition in his heart.

The more certain he was that there was someone who was now eager and determined to kill Huberian, the more certain Ranch became of a suspicion- the

The Bloods and the Church of the Resurrection in the Krewe of the Empire, the mystery of Duke Migaiya’s disappearance, and the Wilford tragedy that would occur in the future might be inextricably linked to each other.

The time when the Blood Clan took full control of the Krieger Empire, the time when Duke Migaiya was killed, and the time when the Wilford Chamber of Commerce was exterminated, all coincided.

The Wilford Chamber of Commerce was the key transnational chamber of commerce and transportation channel between the Houghton Kingdom and the Krypton Empire!

At this point in time, it was almost impossible to say that there was no relationship between these events!
In the original storyline, if Ranch died and no one interfered with the entrance exam of Ichorite Academy, Huberian might have died after failing the entrance exam, and even if she managed to enroll in the school, the Church of the Resurrection would still use even more radical means to kill her, in short, she could never have survived until the point in time of the main storyline.

But Huberian is actually another very important person, the Duke’s daughter who connects all the clues of the Demons, the Bloods, and the Church of the Resurrection.

The one who wants to kill her is bound to be a mastermind-like being behind the scenes.

This also indicated that the three events that occurred a year and a half later when the Blood Race was able to take control of the Krewe Empire, Duke Migaiya would die, and the Wilford Chamber of Commerce would be exterminated, Huberian’s death was most likely an extremely crucial inflection point!

If the above speculations were correct.

Then Ranch could also be sure that long before the story began, the idiot rich young man who would be exterminated and the duke’s daughter who would be hunted down and killed would have had their fates linked.

Helping her, in fact, had long been helping himself!

It was true that good people had good rewards!
“Huberian, we must catch that guy who is trying to destroy the campus and threaten the safety of the students, and give him a good probation!”

Ranqi at this moment transformed into a good cadre of the student council again, and his words were filled with a sense of duty and responsibility.

He would carry out a secretive but great mission in a place no one knew about, silently guarding the campus, guarding the country, stopping the conspiracy of the Church of the Resurrection, and resolving the crisis of trust between the Kingdom of Hedon and the Kingdom of Yaloran!

After the matter is over, he will go away, and hide his accomplishments deep in his heart!

Huberian froze as she gazed into Ranch’s clear and righteous eyes, wondering if he had a problem or she did.

She was pretty sure Rancic wasn’t being polite right now, but was full of anticipation that she’d be able to lure a few more of the big guys over next time.

Huberian was also coming to realize something.

Could it be that ……

The calamities that she had attracted to herself had all turned into blessings when they were lured to Ranch was it?

Whether this guy’s motives were righteous or not was another story, but he must have been itching to go dark and eat to the end!

(End of chapter)

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