129.Chapter 129 – The Ranch Clan’s Advantage Comes Through

Chapter 129 – The Ranch Clan’s Advantage This is Where It Comes Out

Lichtenstein Castle.

The hands of the large sanctuary clock had just crossed nine thirty.

On this morning, the crowd had returned to the mansion from the cliffside and made their way to the library on the second floor.

Despite all the magical probing, there were no particularly hidden secret compartments or mechanisms to decipher in this old castle, and the detective had previously skipped over anything that might be a clue.

But in the room of the master of the mansion and the library of the general collection of books may be more or less useful historical background information.

For example, this mysterious era that no one could figure out, the relationship between blood races and humans, and the relevant records of the Horning Empire.

Even if it doesn’t help in the deciphering of this shadow world.

It could be recorded, but it would also allow the Southern Continent Shadow World Association to share it with the many researcher societies to analyze this important history.

Except for Ranch and Huberian, who stayed together, the other challengers remained in groups of three, keeping a safer distance from each other.

Walking leisurely to the window Rancic pulled back the red velvet curtains, the natural light hitting the wood grain of the dark brown bookshelves far more clearly than in the early morning.

An ancient book, the dull, stamped lettering on its cover also glowed anew under the illumination.

As the sunlight penetrated, the air in the library became fresher, and mixed with the scent of books and ink and candles, it was as if the whispers of the books could be heard, telling the stories they contained that had been forgotten by history.

“Since we all agreed to scout for some information before waiting for Mr. Detective to return, let’s first look for any books about the Bloods together.”

Ranch said to the group as he stood by the window, bathing in the sunlight behind him.

Although there was no longer an absolute presiding officer like the detective, it seemed that of the two people who could be trusted the most at the moment, of the [Geographer] Chamberlain Young Master was not very reliable, and there was only the [Detective]’s companion, Mr. [Lawyer], who appeared to be more composed.

But it is also this air of calmness that makes people instinctively feel that he is a bit dangerous.

He always had a subdued smile on his face if nothing else, and compared to arriving at a castle full of killing machines, he gave people the feeling that it was more like actually coming to a mansion for a vacation.

“I have a suggestion, burn all these books.”

Right at this moment, a female voice rang out from the back, and the crowd followed the voice, only to see that it was a young girl from the Krizan Empire’s nobility who hadn’t expressed much of an opinion all this time, who opened her mouth.

The female knights beside the noble maiden in this Battlemage Shepherd’s group just looked at her, while the little cleric became even more timid when he felt the gaze of the crowd.

“Since the detective found the answer with a method that bypassed all the mechanisms, these original mechanisms will be of rather little benefit to us, destroying them all together might even cost the Betrayers more crucial information.”

The noble maiden of the Krezan Empire continued her words firmly adding.

The crowd lapsed into silence, and upon careful consideration, her statement did make sense.

“But it’s also possible that these books only contain information useful to the challenger’s side, especially for another mission target, I think it’s better if we all work together to quickly sift through the books related to the Blood Clan.”

The Magus at the head of the Church of the Goddess of Fate in the Northern Continent said rather hesitantly, seeming to be more supportive of Ranch’s decision.

After a moment of silence in the library.

Now it was nothing more than a question of whether to gamble or not.

If one gambled on destroying the books, it was possible that one could also destroy the information related to the Betrayers’ mission objectives.

“Personally, I’m very much against the behavior of burning books …… However, let’s vote on it.”

Ranch spread his hands with a peacemaker look, as if anything would be fine, as long as everyone could solve the problem peacefully.

Soon, the three clergymen of the Northern Continent all expressed their opposition to book burning, and they were particularly interested in the information of the Blood Clan from the Ancient Era.

And Huberian naturally supported Ranch unconditionally, and also shared Ranch’s opinion of keeping the books.

Only the three people from the Krewe of the Krewe of the Krewe of the Krewe of the Krewe of the Krewe of the Krewe of the Krewe Empire were all in favor of book burning.

The young master of the Chamber of Commerce looked at both sides, and originally wanted to play it cool and burn the books as well, but after thinking about it, he still felt that the opinions of Ranch and several clerics were more stable, so he also chose to keep the books, and the guard siblings didn’t say anything, meaning that it was more close to abstaining from the vote, or saying that whatever they voted for wouldn’t affect the outcome anymore.

In the end, the steadies were in the majority, and after the vote everyone, without much complaint, began to search for the books together, traveling among the shelves in groups of almost five or six, without leaving each other’s sight. From time to time they looked down at the pages, then up again as they wandered through the shelves, and the sound of those pages turning, accompanied by the occasional whisper, made the time fly by.

Without a word, Ranch gently touched the spine of a book with his fingertips, as if he were having a silent conversation with this knowledge.

Flipping through a book, page by page, his eyes focused and deep.

Huberian surreptitiously observed Rancic’s expression.

She always felt as if Ranch was more convinced of something after that earlier vote, but couldn’t tell exactly what he was planning.


So all morning, everyone searched the library for books.

Every book that was suspected to be critical had to go through the hands of at least two different groups of challengers to make sure no one was blinded to the information.

Until it was close to noon.

I don’t know who opened a book first, causing everyone’s [Mission Objective 2: Explore the hidden secrets and crises hidden in the ancient castle] to change at the same time.

An additional note [A core piece of intelligence has been collected, to be interpreted] was added.

Everyone looked at each other and realized that the Chamber Young Master was flipping open an ancient book with demonic characters engraved on the cover, and he was also looking at everyone with a face full of confusion.

“It is …… recorded here that there is an ancient sealing technique. Gathering the power of the sun, moon, and stars will produce a powerful and eternal sealing power, and likewise, in order to break this seal, one needs to collect fresh blood from both the moon and star powers as a guide, and only reverse the seal to unseal it when avoiding the sun.”

The young master of the Chamber of Commerce quickly flipped the pages, reading the key contents on it to the crowd with a confused expression, and
“This is a magic book, I can’t read the exact content of the magic text anymore, do any of you know sealing magic?”

The twin guards behind him were silent, it was obvious that they were both assassin-type professions and only knew a handful of spells.

Not to mention sealing spells, a type of magic that even professional mages were only rarely good at.

People’s eyes couldn’t help but focus on the mage maiden from the Krizgan Empire and the Magus from the Northern Continent.

It was almost as if these two were the only ones who had the most hope of reading it.

“I’m not really good at sealing magic.”

The Magus shook his head in shame.

There weren’t really many Magi of today’s era who were good at sealing magic.

Moreover, in the Northern Continent, sealing magic was even a notorious kind of magic, all because of all the hurtful mass slaughter of civilians done by Silent Bishop Ascension.

“I know a little bit, show me.”

The mage girl at the head of the Krizan Empire’s team nodded, walked towards the young master of the Chamber of Commerce and took the book in his hand.

However, she quickly flipped through the book until she turned it to the last page and just shook her head helplessly.

“Much of the compilation of this book is made up of demonic magical text, or rather a magical text from a time when it had not yet fully evolved into humanity’s own magical text.”

The Imperial Mage Maiden said.

According to legend the very first humans were incapable of using magic, and it wasn’t until demons taught magic to humans that humans began to possess the power of magic.

However, excessive use of demonic magical texts would cause humans to become deformed, go insane, and become monsters, a doctrine that has been proven even in modern times.

It was only after a long period of time that the ancient wizards of mankind gradually improved and created the first human magical scripts, which allowed mankind to use magic normally without paying a huge price.

The magic text on this ancient book is still in a transitional stage between demonic magic text and human magic text.

Not only can humans not read it, even the demons may not be able to read it.

(End of chapter)

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