Chapter 49: Selection of Commission

Chapter 49: Selecting a commission

Xu Chuniang stopped inputting aura into the Wind Cloud Armor and flipped her hand to take out the Zi Mu Swift Shadow Shuttle.

The new disciple examination still had some days to go before it ended, taking advantage of these days, she could just improve her proficiency with the Mother and Child Swift Shadow Shuttle.

The Wind Cloud Armor was a defensive spirit weapon, so there wasn’t much room for improvement, but the Mother’s Swift Shadow Shuttle was different, as an attacking spirit weapon, it had to have a high enough proficiency to be able to operate it at will.

In the next few moments, Xu Chuniang used the Zi Mu Swift Shadow Shuttle with all her heart, and after her cultivation reached the fifth level of Qi cultivation, her control over it became more and more comfortable.

A week later, the new disciple examination was finally over, and the plebeian affairs of the Outer Sect’s various halls had finally returned to normal.

As a disciple who had already finished the protection period, Xu Chuniang would have to buy the grain-preventing pills and pay the sect contribution value out of her own pocket from this year onwards.

She had obtained several bottles of Grain Resistant Pills after the anti-robbery, so she didn’t need to buy them for the time being.

Contribution value could only be obtained by doing tasks and commissions in the sect, and could not be exchanged for spirit stones.

But on the contrary, disciples could buy resources with contribution value, and the value of one point of sect contribution value was equal to one spirit stone.

The purpose of the sect doing this was to allow everyone to participate in the construction of the sect, thus creating a higher sense of belonging to the sect.

Most of the new disciples, who were no more than two or three levels of Qi cultivation at the end of the protection period, would usually go to the Steward’s Office in the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs to pick up quests, and it was only until their cultivation level was higher that they would go to the Hall of Commissions to pick up commissions with higher returns.

Xu Chuniang had offended Zhang Donglai, the steward of the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs, and had even verbally threatened him a few times before in order to get that little share of spirit stones.

With Zhang Donglai’s vindictive character, I’m afraid he was waiting for her to taunt him at his door, so how could he give her a task?
Xu Chuniang got up, adjusted her revealed cultivation to the middle of the third level of Qi cultivation, and walked towards the commission hall.

There were many cultivators gathered in the commission hall, ranging from the fourth to the ninth level of Qi cultivation.

As soon as Xu Chuniang walked in, she gained quite a few stares.

However, these people didn’t pay too much attention to her, after all, there were quite a few people like this who didn’t have enough cultivation and wanted to come to the commission hall to try their luck.

It was just that receiving a commission was easy, and the punishment for failing to complete it was no joke.

Therefore, most of these small disciples of the third level of qi cultivation, after understanding the punishment for failing to complete the commission, left unhappily. The ones who really had the courage to take the commission were the minority.

Xu Chuniang looked around for a while and realized that the commission hall was divided into four areas.

The two areas in the middle were where cultivators at the upper levels of Qi Practicing received commissions, while the two areas on the sides were where many cultivators at the middle levels of Qi Practicing were gathered.

She raised her steps and walked towards the leftmost area.

Xu Chuniang’s movements were seen by many people, who revealed expressions of watching the show.

“Hey, there’s another insouciant from the third level of Qi cultivation coming to take on a commission.”

“I guess she’ll be so scared after seeing the content of the commission that she’ll roll out of the commission hall! After all, the punishment is actually quite severe if you don’t complete the commission. Previously, there were a few unbelievers who insisted on taking it, but instead owed hundreds of contribution value! More than ten years won’t be able to pay it back.”

“That’s what happens when you think about reaching heaven in one step. This cultivation path, we still have to recognize reality.”

Xu Chuniang didn’t bother with the words of the bystanders, staring intently at the content displayed on the large screen at the top.

“Go to West Mountain to mine ore for five years. Every year, you must submit five hundred pieces of lower-grade ore, and you will receive thirty points of contribution value for completing it, with one point of contribution value deducted for every ten pieces less.”

Xu Chuniang thought about it, it didn’t say how to count anything over five hundred pieces, since there was no provision for mandatory submission, it should go to the client’s income.

There were only thirty points of contribution value a year, leaving only twelve points after expenses. If the mined ore is not enough, some will even be deducted, it doesn’t seem to be a very cost-effective commissioned task.

She looked at the second one again.

“Go to Beast Mountain to take care of demonic beasts for five years. Twenty-five points of contribution value per year, and if the demonic beasts die due to poor care, ten points of contribution value per beast will be deducted.” This one did look easy, only needing to take care of the demonic beasts and not spending too much time.

But accordingly, there were only twenty-five points of contribution value per year, which was pitifully low.

Moreover, if you accidentally take care of a dead demonic beast, the punishment is also very severe, ten points of contribution value will be deducted for a dead one.

Xu Chuniang now understood why those people earlier would say that some people had hundreds of debts after taking on commissions.

If the commission wasn’t completed properly, not only would they not be able to earn the contribution value, but they might also fall into debt.

She continued to look down.

“Refining talisman ink for a period of five years. Every year, you must refine two hundred copies of lower-grade talisman ink, and you will earn thirty points of contribution value for completing it, with one point of contribution value rewarded for every additional five copies refined, and the opposite deducted.”

“Refining medicinal herbs for a period of five years. Each year, you must refine five hundred copies of lower-grade medicinal herbs, and completing it will earn you thirty points of contribution value, with one point of contribution value rewarded for each additional ten copies refined, and deducted for the opposite.”

“Breeding demonic beasts for a period of five years. Breed at least five demonic beasts each year, and you will receive forty points of contribution value for completing the process. Do not damage the demonic beasts, otherwise the contribution value will be deducted according to the damage.”

“Refining disciple tokens for a period of five years. Refine at least 100 tokens per year, completion will earn a commission of one hundred points, each additional refinement will reward one point of contribution value, and the opposite will be deducted.”


All sorts of assorted commissions could be said to be available, Xu Chuniang looked at them for a while and probably understood them.

This commission was for a period of five years, once a commission was taken, it could not be replaced for at least five years.

However, she didn’t know how to make talisman ink, take care of demonic beasts, or anything else, so she had to look again to see if there were any suitable ones.

Among the many commissions, Xu Chuniang finally found two that she was able to take, and the contribution value was not low.

“Cultivate medicinal herbs for a period of five years. Cultivate at least 300 low-grade medicinal herbs each year, and receive eighty points of contribution value upon completion. Each additional five plants rewards one point of contribution value, and vice versa.”

“Cultivate spiritual rice for a period of five years. Turn in at least 800 pounds of spirit rice every year, and receive thirty points of contribution value upon completion, with one point of contribution value deducted for every ten pounds less.”

Xu Chuniang pondered for a moment, the first commission was to cultivate medicinal herbs, each year, as long as the task was completed, there would be eighty points of contribution value, more work, more pay, and there was even the possibility of earning more than a hundred spirit stones per year.

And the second commission was to cultivate spirit rice, each year she could get thirty points of contribution value, but if the spirit rice production exceeded the portion, all of it belonged to her!
Although the purchase price of spirit rice within the sect was twice as low as the market price, and two jin of spirit rice was only worth one spirit stone, but if the output could increase by two hundred jin, she could earn one hundred spirit stones.

Together with the contribution value issued by the sect, the income for a year could be up to one hundred and three!

Xu Chuniang’s heart thumped, and with the Spiritual Rain Technique, Spring Born Technique, and Moisture Earth Technique in hand, she believed that she was fully capable of achieving this goal!

As for why she didn’t sell her spiritual rice to the marketplace at a high price, it was naturally because the sect rules had clearly stated that disciples who grew spiritual rice were forbidden to sell it privately.

If the private sale of spirit rice exceeded ten pounds, there would be a corresponding punishment.

Xu Chuniang was able to understand the sect’s approach, for one thing, the spiritual fields and grounds were provided by the sect, and the disciples were only responsible for planting them, and for another, many of the resources within the sect were charged at cost to the disciples.

For example, the Grain Resistant Pill was sold at one spirit stone for two bottles within the sect, but on the other side of Qing Shan Town, the selling price actually reached a staggering three spirit stones for a bottle.

As for the lower-grade arts that could be topologized by the Transmission Pavilion for only five spirit stones, their value in the marketplace was even higher at several tens of spirit stones.

From this, it could be seen that the sect disciples were invariably enjoying even more benefits.

Walking over to the steward’s office in the commissioning hall, Xu Chuniang handed over her own disciple order, “Please help me register to receive the commission to grow spirit rice.”

Next would be a stage of doing commissions.

Thank you to Dao Friend Hong,,, Jie for the reward, and Dao Friends Happy☆Star, Heartlove, and linlin655 for their monthly vote support!

(End of chapter)

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Chapter 49: Selecting a commission

Xu Chuniang stopped inputting aura into the Wind Cloud Armor and flipped her hand to take out the Zi Mu Swift Shadow Shuttle.

The new disciple examination still had some days to go before it ended, taking advantage of these days, she could just improve her proficiency with the Mother and Child Swift Shadow Shuttle.

The Wind Cloud Armor was a defensive spirit weapon, so there wasn’t much room for improvement, but the Mother’s Swift Shadow Shuttle was different, as an attacking spirit weapon, it had to have a high enough proficiency to be able to operate it at will.

In the next few moments, Xu Chuniang used the Zi Mu Swift Shadow Shuttle with all her heart, and after her cultivation reached the fifth level of Qi cultivation, her control over it became more and more comfortable.

A week later, the new disciple examination was finally over, and the plebeian affairs of the Outer Sect’s various halls had finally returned to normal.

As a disciple who had already finished the protection period, Xu Chuniang would have to buy the grain-preventing pills and pay the sect contribution value out of her own pocket from this year onwards.

She had obtained several bottles of Grain Resistant Pills after the anti-robbery, so she didn’t need to buy them for the time being.

Contribution value could only be obtained by doing tasks and commissions in the sect, and could not be exchanged for spirit stones.

But on the contrary, disciples could buy resources with contribution value, and the value of one point of sect contribution value was equal to one spirit stone.

The purpose of the sect doing this was to allow everyone to participate in the construction of the sect, thus creating a higher sense of belonging to the sect.

Most of the new disciples, who were no more than two or three levels of Qi cultivation at the end of the protection period, would usually go to the Steward’s Office in the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs to pick up quests, and it was only until their cultivation level was higher that they would go to the Hall of Commissions to pick up commissions with higher returns.

Xu Chuniang had offended Zhang Donglai, the steward of the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs, and had even verbally threatened him a few times before in order to get that little share of spirit stones.

With Zhang Donglai’s vindictive character, I’m afraid he was waiting for her to taunt him at his door, so how could he give her a task?
Xu Chuniang got up, adjusted her revealed cultivation to the middle of the third level of Qi cultivation, and walked towards the commission hall.

There were many cultivators gathered in the commission hall, ranging from the fourth to the ninth level of Qi cultivation.

As soon as Xu Chuniang walked in, she gained quite a few stares.

However, these people didn’t pay too much attention to her, after all, there were quite a few people like this who didn’t have enough cultivation and wanted to come to the commission hall to try their luck.

It was just that receiving a commission was easy, and the punishment for failing to complete it was no joke.

Therefore, most of these small disciples of the third level of qi cultivation, after understanding the punishment for failing to complete the commission, left unhappily. The ones who really had the courage to take the commission were the minority.

Xu Chuniang looked around for a while and realized that the commission hall was divided into four areas.

The two areas in the middle were where cultivators at the upper levels of Qi Practicing received commissions, while the two areas on the sides were where many cultivators at the middle levels of Qi Practicing were gathered.

She raised her steps and walked towards the leftmost area.

Xu Chuniang’s movements were seen by many people, who revealed expressions of watching the show.

“Hey, there’s another insouciant from the third level of Qi cultivation coming to take on a commission.”

“I guess she’ll be so scared after seeing the content of the commission that she’ll roll out of the commission hall! After all, the punishment is actually quite severe if you don’t complete the commission. Previously, there were a few unbelievers who insisted on taking it, but instead owed hundreds of contribution value! More than ten years won’t be able to pay it back.”

“That’s what happens when you think about reaching heaven in one step. This cultivation path, we still have to recognize reality.”

Xu Chuniang didn’t bother with the words of the bystanders, staring intently at the content displayed on the large screen at the top.

“Go to West Mountain to mine ore for five years. Every year, you must submit five hundred pieces of lower-grade ore, and you will receive thirty points of contribution value for completing it, with one point of contribution value deducted for every ten pieces less.”

Xu Chuniang thought about it, it didn’t say how to count anything over five hundred pieces, since there was no provision for mandatory submission, it should go to the client’s income.

There were only thirty points of contribution value a year, leaving only twelve points after expenses. If the mined ore is not enough, some will even be deducted, it doesn’t seem to be a very cost-effective commissioned task.

She looked at the second one again.

“Go to Beast Mountain to take care of demonic beasts for five years. Twenty-five points of contribution value per year, and if the demonic beasts die due to poor care, ten points of contribution value per beast will be deducted.” This one did look easy, only needing to take care of the demonic beasts and not spending too much time.

But accordingly, there were only twenty-five points of contribution value per year, which was pitifully low.

Moreover, if you accidentally take care of a dead demonic beast, the punishment is also very severe, ten points of contribution value will be deducted for a dead one.

Xu Chuniang now understood why those people earlier would say that some people had hundreds of debts after taking on commissions.

If the commission wasn’t completed properly, not only would they not be able to earn the contribution value, but they might also fall into debt.

She continued to look down.

“Refining talisman ink for a period of five years. Every year, you must refine two hundred copies of lower-grade talisman ink, and you will earn thirty points of contribution value for completing it, with one point of contribution value rewarded for every additional five copies refined, and the opposite deducted.”

“Refining medicinal herbs for a period of five years. Each year, you must refine five hundred copies of lower-grade medicinal herbs, and completing it will earn you thirty points of contribution value, with one point of contribution value rewarded for each additional ten copies refined, and deducted for the opposite.”

“Breeding demonic beasts for a period of five years. Breed at least five demonic beasts each year, and you will receive forty points of contribution value for completing the process. Do not damage the demonic beasts, otherwise the contribution value will be deducted according to the damage.”

“Refining disciple tokens for a period of five years. Refine at least 100 tokens per year, completion will earn a commission of one hundred points, each additional refinement will reward one point of contribution value, and the opposite will be deducted.”


All sorts of assorted commissions could be said to be available, Xu Chuniang looked at them for a while and probably understood them.

This commission was for a period of five years, once a commission was taken, it could not be replaced for at least five years.

However, she didn’t know how to make talisman ink, take care of demonic beasts, or anything else, so she had to look again to see if there were any suitable ones.

Among the many commissions, Xu Chuniang finally found two that she was able to take, and the contribution value was not low.

“Cultivate medicinal herbs for a period of five years. Cultivate at least 300 low-grade medicinal herbs each year, and receive eighty points of contribution value upon completion. Each additional five plants rewards one point of contribution value, and vice versa.”

“Cultivate spiritual rice for a period of five years. Turn in at least 800 pounds of spirit rice every year, and receive thirty points of contribution value upon completion, with one point of contribution value deducted for every ten pounds less.”

Xu Chuniang pondered for a moment, the first commission was to cultivate medicinal herbs, each year, as long as the task was completed, there would be eighty points of contribution value, more work, more pay, and there was even the possibility of earning more than a hundred spirit stones per year.

And the second commission was to cultivate spirit rice, each year she could get thirty points of contribution value, but if the spirit rice production exceeded the portion, all of it belonged to her!
Although the purchase price of spirit rice within the sect was twice as low as the market price, and two jin of spirit rice was only worth one spirit stone, but if the output could increase by two hundred jin, she could earn one hundred spirit stones.

Together with the contribution value issued by the sect, the income for a year could be up to one hundred and three!

Xu Chuniang’s heart thumped, and with the Spiritual Rain Technique, Spring Born Technique, and Moisture Earth Technique in hand, she believed that she was fully capable of achieving this goal!

As for why she didn’t sell her spiritual rice to the marketplace at a high price, it was naturally because the sect rules had clearly stated that disciples who grew spiritual rice were forbidden to sell it privately.

If the private sale of spirit rice exceeded ten pounds, there would be a corresponding punishment.

Xu Chuniang was able to understand the sect’s approach, for one thing, the spiritual fields and grounds were provided by the sect, and the disciples were only responsible for planting them, and for another, many of the resources within the sect were charged at cost to the disciples.

For example, the Grain Resistant Pill was sold at one spirit stone for two bottles within the sect, but on the other side of Qing Shan Town, the selling price actually reached a staggering three spirit stones for a bottle.

As for the lower-grade arts that could be topologized by the Transmission Pavilion for only five spirit stones, their value in the marketplace was even higher at several tens of spirit stones.

From this, it could be seen that the sect disciples were invariably enjoying even more benefits.

Walking over to the steward’s office in the commissioning hall, Xu Chuniang handed over her own disciple order, “Please help me register to receive the commission to grow spirit rice.”

Next would be a stage of doing commissions.

Thank you to Dao Friend Hong,,, Jie for the reward, and Dao Friends Happy☆Star, Heartlove, and linlin655 for their monthly vote support!

(End of chapter)

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