Chapter 573: The first step towards stabilization

Chapter 573 – Taking the First Stable Step

Qian Capital.

Cabinet Division.

Su Yougen, Zuo Yi Zhi, and Yao Ningqing were already waiting inside the hall, and with a ball of light illuminating outside the hall, they directly drilled into the large hall and fell into the main seat.

The three of them rose in unison, arching their hands and bowing down.

“See the Grand Master.”

“See Your Majesty.”

“See the Great Immortal.”

Three distinctly different voices, but belonging to the same meaning, rang out.

The light dispersed, Song Yin sat down on the main seat, raised his hand and said, “Exempt, report on the recent situation today, Zuo Yi Zhi, you are in charge of livelihood and business affairs, you come first.”

“Obey Great Immortal’s order.”

Zuo Yi Zhi said: “Great Immortal, now the livelihood of Da Qian basically into the stability, every household has a stable source of income, which 60% of the household registration to farming-based, the rest of the people are to do labor for a living, living in the city. Nowadays there is also no shortage of food, with the help of the Golden Immortal Sect, we have a lot of inventory, although some places are difficult to grow food, but also to raise silkworms and textiles, supplying the needs of Daqian, and the rest also have business affairs to run with each other, to ensure balance.”

Saying that, he held out a pile of thick books, almost half a person high, piled up in front of the desk.

Ruling the Great Qian, is not a verbal speech, specific reports, that are recorded in digital form, the more detailed the better.

These things, day after day and month after month, if one by one to check, ordinary people do not know how long it will take to finish reading.

But Song Yin is not an ordinary person ah.

He finger point, the booklet automatically fly open, in the air directly flip, Song Yin eyes from top to bottom straight sweep over, finger is another point, the booklet automatically fall, neatly arranged.

“Not bad.”

Song Yin laughed: “The operation is normal, the next as long as the fine attention, the problem of food and clothing of the people of Da Qian, can be solved.”

“Thank you Great Immortal for your compliments.” Zuo Yi Zhi revealed a smile, and his heart was relieved.

For the piece of mortals, Song Yin gave little request, what he wanted was for Da Qian to function ‘normally’.

But this normal, itself was not normal.

Previously, Zuo Yi Zhi thought that normal is that mortals are not bullied on the line, but after Song Yin gave instructions, that ‘normal’ level naturally changed.

Not only should mortals not be bullied, but they should at least be able to eat, wear warm clothes, have a house to live in, and be able to support their whole family just by working on their own.

This was the minimum standard given by Song Yin.

The Golden Immortal Sect and even the Daqian government were all working on this standard.

Zuo Yi Zhi originally thought it was difficult, after all, there are poor people everywhere, but with the help of Transcendence, things became not quite the same.

Soundless door people, is not able to give mortals help, in addition to their beautiful name to protect the mortals, fighting with the evil demons, but that benefit compared to the harm they bring, it would be better to directly let go, let the mortals live on their own words, may also be better.

The people of the Golden Immortal Sect were different. They themselves alchemy, but also teach the mortals alchemy, refine those can improve the degree of fertility of the land, can cure the disease of the elixir, are as much as possible to improve into the mortals can be used.

In the words of the Great Immortal, Immortals are also human beings, and what Immortals can use, mortals can also use!

Those elixirs, mortals can not afford to Dan fire, then deliberately get out of the mortals can also use the Dan fire, as long as the fire refining medicine can be, although the effectiveness is not as good as the immortals, but only for mortals to use, is certainly enough.

Mortals learn the skills, spread to the more distant mortals, and then let the fire spread all over the place, as far as possible, every place of the mortals can use, good at cultivating herbs of mortals, in the local medicine store, good at alchemy, but also opened the Dan room, than the local doctors.

Good at planting, also learned a hand of planting grass alchemy to grow the land fertility of the craft, planting out of things is naturally a bumper harvest.

For the entire material cycle of the Great Qian, its food and clothing is absolutely not lacking, and some people want to affluent things, rare things, they are temporarily not, but the Dragon Palace has!

The Dragon Palace complements the desires of those who are affluent, so that they earn money to have a place to spend, and the Golden Immortal Sect from time to time to the mortal world of the gadgets, but also in accordance with the value of the value of the whole of the Daqian people are sought after.

The rich are secure, the poor are well-fed, and the whole of Da Qian is thriving.

And all the efforts made in the past few years, are made into a booklet, and now as an examination result to give Da Xian over the eyes fell through.

“Yao Ningqing.” Song Yin turned to Yao Ningqing.

“The government offices have been erected in various places, and the government offices are functioning normally, scattered in various cities and towns, radiating out to the surrounding areas with one city, the guards preside over the order of the villages and towns, and the people have all placed their trust in the Daqian government. The mountain stone of the Fulong Pass was also distributed to each household, and now all of them have created a different demand for it”

Yao Ningqing finished speaking, suddenly smiled: “I heard an interesting story, a certain town in the south, collective funding wants to move a large Fu Long Guan mountain stone, to be used to carve into your appearance, as a symbol of the center of the town.”

“But the mountain stone is hard to find, they actually sent people to come to the foot of the mountain to steal and dig, but this thing was stopped before it was done, and we can’t break it, so we have to put it back, but also have to relieve them and say that if there is a mountain stone falling, the first one to pick them.”

“But this has just been said out not two days, all over the world are trusting relations to ask me if this mountain stone can choose them, even our Qiandu, the people are spontaneous petition, want to build your statue in the center. They say that we are the capital of a country, but we don’t even have a decent statue of your majesty, it’s all made of ordinary things by the people, gold is not as valuable as this mountain stone in their eyes.”


Song Yin also laughed: “Gold can buy the needs of mortals, even we are moved, how can it not be worth money, Volsung Pass is just a mountain, ordinary stone can be worth what money. If you want it, just let them come and dig it up, master won’t care.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Yao Ningqing arched his hand and continued, “Nowadays, the people of Da Qian are already relying on your majesty, your majesty’s light, shining over the whole territory, blessing Da Qian, so that we are not victimized by the evils and demons, and can raise our heads to be human beings!”

Raise your head to be a human being!

Speaking here, there are hidden tears in his eyes.

He had moved through so many countries, but this word of lifting up one’s head to be a man was only realized by Da Qian!

Or in his hands, by his personal participation in the realization!

This is his long-cherished wish since he resolved to change as a mortal, but in the eyes of the world, in a desolate and remote place has been realized!
How could it not be exciting!
“Good, in this way, mortals are not afraid of any evil, and can live safely in a place…”

Song Yin laughed with delight, “Our wish to help the world and save others has finally stabilized the first step, and from now on, our feet are on the ground. But .”

His face was solemn, “This is only the first step, we must not be lax and think that this is satisfied, there are more mortals outside, and those who are oppressed and exploited by evil demons are even more! We can’t forget about those suffering mortals just because we’re living comfortably!”

He looked at Su Yougen and said with a straight face, “First Counselor Su, report on the recent situation of the army in Da Qian today.”

(End of chapter)

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