Chapter 98 Banquet

Chapter 98 The Banquet
White wine is sold at a lower price, although the poor can’t drink it often, but soldiers, mercenaries, butchers, hunters and other people with higher incomes, this price can go to the tavern every day to drink one and a half pounds.

As the sale of white wine became higher and higher, it gradually surpassed steel.

By December, the sales of white wine had reached four hundred and sixty gold coins, and the net profit was over 300 gold coins.

In order to open up the market and expand sales, Richard set the selling price of white wine which was not too expensive, and Mrs. Olaf used Second Uncle Powell’s original tavern as the basis, and also set up a chain of taverns in Black River Fort.

In just one or two months, the Harland family opened six taverns in Fort Black River.

With the increase in industry in Fort Black River, more people could be arranged, and the tavern clerks could also moonlight as spies for intelligence.

With the increase in industry, the Harland family’s influence on Fort Black River would also increase by a few points.

After the distillery went into production, the income of Harland’s territory increased quite a bit, and Richard was able to pull out some funds to replace the outstanding debt.

Uncle Thoros, the brother of the Olafs, Rand Massar, all got the money owed on William’s loan a few months later.

Before the festival of the birth of the goddess in the year 3256 in the morning sun, Richard counted the population of the three territories held by the Harland family had exceeded 20,000 people, and there were 2,000 orc slaves in the territory.

Every month, relying on the steel and liquor trade, the territories earn more than five hundred gold coins of net profit every month.

Together with food, grazing and part of the income, it is already very considerable.

The annual cash income, compared to the southern baronies, is still slightly worse, after all, the south has been developed for hundreds of years, and there is a large population in the noble territory, relying on agricultural cultivation to get tens of thousands of gold coins every year.

Compared to the baronies that had developed successfully in the northern region, the income of Harland’s territory was still slightly higher. If it was compared to a baron who had just been given a territory, there was no comparison at all.

In addition William and the Olafs also had properties in Black River Fort, the tavern and rent income added up to a profit of fifty gold coins every month starting this year.

The daily expenses of a large family of the Harland family, basically using the cash in the hands of the Olafs.

Harland family controls three baronies, three baronies organized seven infantry squadrons, the number of regular army more than one thousand, the army combat power than the southern viscounts to be powerful for a few points, but not compared to the northern region of the viscount family.

After hunting the bipedal flying dragon, Richard asked his second uncle Powell to take someone to Duke Jonathan’s collar and send a letter to Duke Jonathan.

Duke Jonathan’s family had been acquiring dragon marrow fluid from the nobles all year round.

After receiving the letter from Harland’s territory, Duke Jonathan’s sixth son, Stareno, brought a large group of people such as stewards, appraisers, and escorts to Fort Black River to trade Dragon Marrow Liquid with Harland’s family.

Duke Jonathan’s son came to Black River Fort, Black River Fort municipal officer Spencer Allen didn’t dare to slack off and organized a grand banquet to receive Stareno.

Banquets were very common in the lives of nobles.

Many nobles had a culture of comparison and were very generous in spending money on banquets.

The consumption of a banquet organized by a great noble could often reach several hundred gold coins, and on extreme occasions, it could cost thousands of gold coins.

Anyway, Richard wasn’t very fond of socializing, he was a first-generation military noble and didn’t fully integrate into the noble circle, his state of life was relatively plain.

First-generation military nobles don’t have too good a reputation in the noble circle, often carrying the label of savage, rough and tough.

But the royal family tends to value the first generation nobles more.

These fresh blood in the noble society were more like the backbone and backbone of a kingdom. The Grant family of Nolan tends to be very heavy on first-generation military nobles.

Richard and Sophia were both hereditary barons, and both received invitations to the reception banquet.

The banquet was richly decorated, with colorful carpets spreading all over the auditorium, and temporary new silk tablecloths spread on the table tops.

The tables were filled with exquisite food, and the higher-priced red wines were at the guests’ disposal.

Crystal clear glasses were used as drinking utensils, and there were also dancers performing programs.

Huge candles were lit, illuminating the banquet site as bright as day.

In the middle of the auditorium, a colorful magic lamp was also lit, consuming precious magic crystal resources.

The overall arrangement, at a glance, made people feel luxurious and introverted.

Richard was not very fond of attending banquets, and after exchanging a few pleasantries with the nobles of Black River County, he sat alone on one side, and his father, William, was socializing with people, and it looked like they were having a good conversation. Harland family become hereditary nobility time although short, strength on the strength is very strong, Richard himself repeated war success, already is the Black River County heavyweight nobles, as a combat direction commander.

To his position, whether he can socialize or not is actually not very important anymore.

After all, the foundation of the Harland family’s foothold is battle success.

Duke Jonathan’s son Stareno was tall and graceful, very much in line with noble aesthetics.

A dozen or so noble ladies came up, constantly courting, looking like they had their eyes on the Duke’s son and wanted to marry into Jonathan’s court.

Even if there was a lot of difference in status and it was impossible to become the Duke Duke’s proper wife, being a courtesan of a great noble was better than being a wife to a lesser noble.

Seeing that Stareno had no intention of talking with the Harland family, Richard stood up and immediately left the auditorium, returning to his home in Black River Castle.

In the sky, the silver moon was misty, and a few wisps of floating clouds floated in the deep blue sky.

It had been a few years since he had stayed in Black River Fort, but his room was still cleaned by the servants.

In the past few years since William was appointed as a hereditary baron, there was almost no change in the Black River Fort home.

The only change was that the servants had increased a bit.

The children of the Olafs were already eight or nine years old, just the right time for playfulness, and were still scampering around in the yard.

Seeing Richard return, he became a bit constrained, as if he didn’t recognize his brother.

After being ordained as a hereditary nobleman, Richard left Black River Castle and didn’t come back for almost four years.

After a few years in Grant Knight Academy, Richard only stayed home for a dozen days.

To several siblings, Richard seemed like a stranger.

In their young memories, there was no picture of Richard as a fourth brother at all.

Instead, Ron and Barron’s children were slightly younger than them, their youngest companions, and the uncles and nephews were more like family.

The Olafs were fond of feasts, with William not yet returned.

She had been reluctant to go to desolate Fort William for the past few years, and William had mentioned it a few times, and Lady Olaf always said it was safer to stay at Fort Black River.

It looked like she coveted the prosperity of Fort Black River and was not willing to live in Fort William.

After spending a long time in a prosperous place, going to live in a military castle like Fort William was very inconvenient and difficult to adapt to.

Instead, it was Wendy, who had already moved the family library to the Fort William baronial mansion to keep company with her second uncle Powell’s family.

Third Uncle Bernie still lived with William, and Bernie’s oldest child, Donn, was already eighteen years old and had not yet graduated from the Grant Knights Academy.

In recent years, the Harland family’s financial chain is very tight, there is no money left to provide tutors for the children, compared to hiring a tutor, going to the knight academy can save a sum of money.

Among the three children of Mrs. Ora’s people, George, the boldest one, stared at Richard and asked suspiciously, “Who are you and why did you come to the house?”

Richard was just about to open his mouth when a tall and very beautiful woman opened the door to Wendy’s room and asked somewhat suspiciously, “Is it Young Master Richard?”

There was a strange woman living in Wendy’s room, confusing Richard. Without waiting for him to speak, a familiar voice came.

“Is it Richard who has returned?”

The person who spoke similarly walked out from Wendy’s room, and it was none other than Third Uncle Bernie’s wife, Bertha.

Bertha had been married to Bernie for almost twenty years, and although she had seen very little of him over the years, she was still very familiar with Richard.

“Where’s Uncle Sam, he didn’t come back today?”

“I don’t know which wild woman’s house to fool around, I don’t even want to care about his business.”

(End of chapter)

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