Chapter 443: Legendary Undead

Chapter 442 – Legendary Undead
Although the southern Philip Earl’s territory has experienced war, it still possesses 34,000 square kilometers of land and nearly more than 700,000 people, this territory has fertile land, moderate heat and cold, and four distinct seasons, it is a very good territory, although there is no big nobles who are willing to exchange, and the distance from the northern border is very far, it is not possible for Richard to give up this piece of fat meat and let it go to someone else.

Even if the enclave is not easy to manage for a long time, Richard can take it out, divide it among the other children, and expand the influence of the Harland family to the south. Since he is not willing to give up the Earl Philip’s territory, he can only leave the Wilde Legion with 10,000 auxiliary soldiers to garrison it, in order to deal with the Lane Kingdom’s Lion Overdrive Cavalry, Richard also left behind the bipedal flying dragons and the first brigade of magical airships, to ensure the air superiority, so that he can discover the enemy’s assembly in advance, and seize the danger to assemble and transfer the troops.

Now the Harland family, in addition to the northern border of a piece of territory, in the south also has two counts, two baronies, but these four territories are not in one place.

Count William’s territory is located in the southeast of the Grant Kingdom, Count Philip’s territory is located in the southwest of the Grant Kingdom, the two pieces of earldom are more than 800 kilometers away, even if they use bipedal flying dragons and lion overpowered knights to pass on the news, it will take forty hours of time, and there is almost no way to cooperate with the battle.

As for Baron George’s collar, it was located in the Isaac Province, which was now considered the south-central part of Grant Kingdom, and was already far away from the border.

The last piece of territory came from the third uncle Bernie, Bernie was promoted to the ninth rank last year, and took over the position of the head of the Wild Lion Legion in July this year, and after making meritorious achievements in the war, the new territory was sealed in the Kampa Province.

Because Bernie has a military position, this baronial territory is temporarily managed by Bernie’s fourth son, Charlie, and this territory is relatively close to Count Philip’s territory, so they can take care of each other.

After more than twenty years of development, two generations of hard work, especially Richard, William, Bernie three people operating, Harland family has become second only to the royal family of the great nobility. Not only had it struck a large territory, but its influence in the border army was also very deep now.

William, Bernie two brothers, successively served as the head of the border army corps, with the soldiers under his command participated in the Harland collar smuggling business, in the grizzly bear, the wild lion two legions operated under a large number of contacts, in fact, on the northern border of Richard to open up a great deal of help.

After repelling the orcs, Richard returned to Harland with the first legion, the demon hunter brigade, the elf archers, and the magical beast cavalry. Then he drew a group of civil officials and headed to the southern part of the Grant Kingdom under the leadership of Ihakir, responsible for managing the local government of Earl Philip’s territory.

Twenty years time, Harland collar from a small border baronial collar development into a behemoth, Ihakir also keep up with the development speed of Harland collar, grow into a qualified senior management personnel, for their own family development laid the foundation.

Before transferring to Count Philip’s territory, Ihakir had already served as the Wright County Sheriff of Harland’s territory.

In December of the 3275th year of the Morningside Calendar, the north and south arteries of Harland have all been opened, and from the northern station of Black River Fortress, one can easily enter the northern part of the Eagle Mountains through train transportation.

After Richard returned to the territory with his troops, the time was already around mid-November.

Hamilton was a bandit group leader, and Thumper had mastered a gang, both of them had heard the news of Rand’s knighting before they brought their brethren to the northern part of Prioran. Sure enough after about a year of struggle, Thumper and Hamilton were knighted and gained territory.

Ihakir was about seventy years old and still looked very fit and in great spirits.

This year, starting from April, Richard took the army on a campaign and only returned to the territory in November, and before he could rest for a few days, an urgent message arrived at Richard’s desk.

This old man twenty years ago was Baron Dillam’s fruit farmer, after the loss of Malt Castle fell into slavery, after the war was saved by Richard.

The intelligence came from the Prioran region, with Richard leading the army south, the undead in the north of Prioran are getting more and more, the pressure on the border aristocrats is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually some of them can’t stand it anymore.

In just one year after the new policy was formulated, Richard had regaled nine barons, relying on the power held by these nine barons, together with the fifth legion stationed in Prioran, he successfully blocked the undead from moving south.

Because he showed a bit of management talent in screening and managing slaves, and because he had experience in taking care of fruit trees, he was dispatched by Richard to take care of brown sugar trees, and then gradually became the manager of brown sugar industry.

This time Richard transferred Ihakir to the south, in addition to letting him manage the territory, he was also going to let him transplant brown sugar trees in Count Philip’s territory. Then develop a brown sugar industrial park nearby and sell a large amount of brown sugar to the south.

This entire year, the mercenary casualties had already added up to about four thousand people, and if it wasn’t for the constant replenishment of new blood, it was only barely able to plug the gap.

This time as Philip Earl Consul, for Ihakir is a crucial step, and then go up is the cabinet minister, province consul and governor.

After receiving a letter from the northern nobles of Priam asking for help, Richard was ready to go with a small number of elites to assist.

This time, the Border Baron’s urgent request for assistance was mainly because legendary undead creatures were found in the Bolton Forest.

Shortly after Richard returned to Fort William, he presided over the knighting ceremony for two more large mercenary group leaders. These two barons were both from the East Coast United Kingdom, and their identities had similarities with Rand, they were both medium nobles from the East Coast, the two barons, one named Hamilton and the other Thumper, were counted as characters who handled shady matters for the main vein.

After all, from the Eagle Mountains to the southern part of the Grant Kingdom, a distance of more than a thousand kilometers, the transportation cost is very high, compared with the honey produced in the south, the competitiveness is actually somewhat insufficient.

If the success of planting brown sugar trees in the south, transportation will be able to reduce the cost of a lot of smuggling channels do not need to let the border nobles handle, only need to let the foreign sales side to peel a layer of skin, Harland will get a large part of the trade income.

Although Ihakkil joined the Harland collar age is not small, but he is very good at learning, almost self-taught to learn the text, basic arithmetic. Also mastered the Harland territory legal provisions, can handle some political affairs.

For example, in the Kingdom of Delong St. Sith Castle, East Coast United Kingdom Kanas Castle, because the cost of transportation and smuggling is too high, the selling price of brown sugar is still slightly more than honey. Although the selling price is several times higher, the profit almost all fall in the transportation, smuggling, sales of the hand, Harland collar this brown sugar producer, in fact, did not earn too high income.

The railroad line even extended to the south bank of the Samba River, about eighty kilometers from Prioran.

Richard took the 1st brigade of Wraith Cavalry, Harland Collar Mage Corps, Demon Hunter Squadron, Elf Archers, 2nd brigade of Magic Airships and other troops, Lion Overpowered Cavalry, and first rode the train to the Samba River Station, and then crossed the Samba River which had already been frozen, and grabbed the Goddess’s Birthday Festival, and entered into the Castle of Pellegrini before it was over.

In this year’s war, although the Harland Lion Rush Cavalry had suffered some attrition, it had also captured and replenished a lot of them, and with the newly enlisted Lion Rush, it had expanded by more than a dozen.

Now the number of Lion Rashers had increased to one hundred and twenty. The adult Lion Rush Cavalry of the Grant Royal Family had also increased to around eighty.

Although the number of Lion Overwhelmed Cavalry in both countries had increased a bit, it was far inferior compared to the Kingdom of Lane. This year, despite the large number of battle losses in all directions, the Lane Kingdom’s Lion Overdrive Cavalry’s strength had not been reduced.

With the scale of the Lane Kingdom’s Lion Riders, forty adult Lion Riders could be bred in a year, and the reason why the scale was maintained at three hundred in the past was mainly to conserve resources, as three hundred Lion Riders were already enough to fight against the Orcs. Now with the Grant Kingdom as a rival, the Lane Kingdom has issued a decree banning the export of Lion Rash, to expand the Lion Rash cavalry to one thousand within fifteen years, to regain the air superiority, and completely annihilate the rivals in the air.

Harland’s Lion Rash Cavalry has only increased slightly, according to the current population size, at most they can breed more than ten Lion Rash in a year, and the number of bipedal Flying Dragons is even smaller, so they can only replenish three to five each year. If one wanted to quickly increase the number of flying soldiers, one could only rely on magic airships and magic hot air balloons.

In October of this year, the second magic airship brigade of Harland’s collar was completed, and this time it was considered the first time to participate in a combat mission.

With the Lion Rash Cavalry and the magic airships performing reconnaissance, the battlefield situation was quickly scrutinized.

Indeed, as the Prilan nobles said, a hundred thousand or so undead had appeared in the interior of the Borden Forest.

The Bolton Forest was a name from the Wizarding Age and had been around for a very long time.

Harland’s Collar had gotten hold of the ancient map of the Orfan region, and because of the Divine War of the Wizard Era, the ancient map already had a large error compared to modern geography.

The northern part of the prairie, and the southern part of the Northland Icefield still had large tracts of primitive forests.

According to Harland’s rough reconnaissance, this vast primitive forest, the area of at least one million square kilometers or more, than the area of the Duke of Harland’s territory is still slightly beyond.

Although Harland’s territory has pushed its sphere of influence across the Samba River, it actually only controls a few areas near Prioran, and there are large tracts of terra nullius in the east and west of the Prioran region. If the territory under actual control is pushed forward to the line of Prioran from the east to the west, the area can be increased by at least 600,000 square kilometers, and if it is pushed forward to the Bolton Forest, the area of the Dukedom of Harland’s territory will be enlarged to about two million square kilometers.

Within this area, Richard had already defeated the Orc’s eastern army and did not have any competitors in a short period of time. The only factor that limited the speed of Harland’s Territory’s expansion was the lack of population.

In this year’s war, Harland Collar had captured a large area of land and increased its population by about two million. But seven hundred thousand people were in the south, and the direct population of the northern border area, together with the orc captives that Richard had rescued from the Grand Duchy of Starnik, was only about nine and a quarter million, and counting the population controlled by the bannermen, it was just a little over ten million.

Although ten million people is not a small amount, Harland’s Domain controls more than one million square kilometers of land. The population of ten million is far from being developed and mature, there are still a lot of wastelands in the territory, and the east coast province in the coastal area is not even developed, not to mention the prairie in the northern part of the Eagle Mountain Range.

I’m afraid it will be a long time before the Harland Territory extends its tentacles to the Bolton Forest.

The undead creatures that came down from the Northland Ice Plains had all gone through years of control by the Intelligence Labyrinth and could only rely on their instincts to move, the undead number was high but because they didn’t have much intelligence, they weren’t actually that difficult to deal with.

The nine barons at the border couldn’t solve it, simply because there wasn’t enough power.

Now that Richard had personally come with reinforcements, and there was also Sylph, a legendary expert, it was enough to hold up against this legendary skeleton at a high level of battle.

Richard had the border baron army act as bait, constantly eliminating strands of undead creatures, and fought several beautiful battles in a row, killing over 100,000 undead creatures.

The undead professionals alone were decimated by tens of thousands by the Harland Lord army.

In these battles, several hundred soul crystals alone were found, including six high level soul crystals, equivalent to going to the Necromantic Realm to fight the undead lair three times, enough for Harland’s Collar to use for three to five years of effort.

Although the undead in the Necromantic Realm were all professionals and had a higher probability of producing soul crystals, the risk of going to the Necromantic Realm to hunt the undead was just as high because there were Undead Maharajahs and Legendary Witch Demons in the Necromantic Realm, and once they leaked their traces and exposed the dimensional passages, it would be a big trouble for the Morning Glory Realm.

As a last resort, Richard did not want to enter the Necropolis to hunt undead creatures. Compared to the power that Harland’s Collar had mastered, entering the Necromantic Realm to operate was still slightly insufficient.

Because of their low intelligence, the undead kept falling into the traps set by Harland’s Collar, the undead under the Legendary Skeleton’s command became less and less, and gradually only about 20,000 to 30,000 remained.

The last 20,000 to 30,000 undead were eaten by the Harland Collar in the east and the west, and soon the legendary undead were reduced to loners, dying from the joint efforts of Sylph, Sophia and Richard.

After killing the legendary undead, Harland’s Collar was once again able to refine the Legendary Styx Potion. Only this time, the contribution of the Mage Association magicians was not enough.

Richard’s mental strength reached sixty points, taking Styx Potion is of little use, Wendy, Sophia, Wendy’s mental strength is also more than forty points, the effect of taking Styx Potion is only about half of the effect, moreover, Wendy, Sophia has already taken a Legendary Styx Potion, and taking it again can only increase fifteen points of magical power, which is better than nothing.

In order for the Styx Potion to maximize its value, it can only be reserved for magicians with greater potential in the territory, but no matter if it’s Eve or Butler or Annie, their contribution to the Mage Association is far from enough, and it’s impossible for them to share this level of treasure.

Even if the Legendary Styx Potion was refined, the Harland Territory would still exchange treasures with the Grant Mage Association.

After killing the Legendary Undead creatures, which was considered to be a crisis lifted for the Prioran region, Richard returned to Fort William with a large amount of captures. With these captured undead materials, Harland Collar refined about fifteen hundred Undead Ray Guns. Together with a portion of the previously refined ones, the Harland Collar already possessed two thousand five hundred Undead Ray Guns, a quantity that exceeded even the Scorch Ray Guns by one step.

Nowadays, there were more than four thousand five hundred soldiers using magic guns.

More than twenty brigades, all equipped with magic guns. This led to a huge increase in the consumption of magic crystals, after all, a single magic crystal could only release more than ten spells.

And in a battle, the Harland Collar Magic Crystals would have to consume around several thousand of them.

Fortunately, this year’s exchange of territories, Harland’s collar added a medium-sized magic well dragon nest, and the number of magic crystals recharged increased once again, in order to support this kind of extravagant battle.

(End of chapter)

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