Chapter 439: Indecision

Chapter 438: Indecision
Although the Cloud Sea Slave Catcher Regiment was an elite all-professional force, it only numbered three to four thousand after all, and it simply didn’t dare to divide its forces after going deep into enemy territory.

After being defeated by the Harland Collar’s Magic Crystal Cannons, the possibility of stirring up and re-inventing the Harland Collar had been lost. After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Duke Maka, the head of the Slave Catcher Regiment, made the decision to withdraw his troops.

Although the Sith Kingdom had a grudge against the Harland Territory, and wanted to destroy the Harland Territory and then capture the elves in the territory of the Harland Territory and sell them to make money, the main force was too far away from the Grant Kingdom to mobilize a large army. They could only rely on the Sea of Clouds Slave Trappers.

The Cloud Sea Slave Trappers are not strong enough, and the risk of attacking through the Black River waterway is very high, in August the Snow Crystal Fish will enter the Black River to spawn, and at that time the lower reaches of the Black River will be impassable. When the snow crystal fish spawning is over, the Black River will soon freeze. Although the river was full of water, it was only navigable for more than five months a year.

Once the battle dragged on and the back roads were cut off, the losses of the Cloud Sea Slave Trappers were bound to be very heavy, with the risk of the entire army being wiped out.

There were deep sea magical beasts in the ocean of the Morning Glory Plane, as well as the fishman race, and it was simply impossible to navigate the sea without a magic ship.

Ordinary ships were very slow, and when they encountered danger, not only could they not avoid the enemy, they also had no way to defend against the underwater sea beasts.

Relying on a dozen or so magical ships alone, the Sith Kingdom was simply unable to send a large army to fight at sea.

To march on land, not only did they have to establish a supply route of 1,800 kilometers, but they also had to enter the hinterland of the United Kingdom on the East Coast.

Although the Morning Sun Plane did not have the allusion of a false way to destroy the United Kingdom, similar things had happened over the thousands of years of constant attacks and conquests by the kingdoms. Most of the nobles were relatively intelligent people with a tradition of documenting history, and of course it was impossible to let a foreign army penetrate deep into enemy territory and establish a supply depot.

Although the Duke of Makar with the Cloud Sea Slave Trappers, surprised and attacked the Castle of Isthmus against the current, causing the Duke of Jonathan to lead the army in a loss, a small number of sailors were completely wiped out, and the defenders of the Castle of Isthmus suffered more than a thousand casualties and scored a victory.

The Sith Kingdom magic fleet was blocked off from the river by the Duke Jonathan’s Lord army as it made its way to Easter Castle.

After the water battle of Isthmus, Duke Maka fled the waters of the Black River with the wretched soldiers of the Cloudsea Slave Trappers and returned to the Sith Kingdom to rest and recuperate.

The two dukes of the Grant Kingdom managed to annihilate more than a thousand of Duke Maka’s men despite their losses.

The Sith Kingdom’s army this way was basically ineffective. It did not hit the two Dukes of Grant Kingdom seriously.

When Duke Maka returned with his magical ships, Duke Jonathan naturally would not let them withdraw easily.

But the Cloudsea Slave Trappers had too few troops after all, and once Duke Jonathan led the army in a desperate attempt, they would have to withdraw from Castle Isthmus.

In this battle, Duke Jonathan’s collar lost 3,500 soldiers, and Harland’s collar army also lost more than 600 people.

Just when Duke Jonathan’s Collar was about to be unable to support it, Harland Collar’s navy appeared nearby.

Duke Maka wanted to retreat, but Duke Harland and Duke Jonathan were not willing to let him do so.

A fierce and bloody battle broke out between the two sides, and in the end, the Harland Clan’s magical ships put on a great show, relying on the magic crystal cannons to sink three magical ships, once again hitting the enemy hard.

And the Harland Collar army that remained behind numbered as high as 90,000 people. Although most of the professional elite soldiers went to the south, Harland’s collar still has more than 100,000 alchemy bombs and 60 magic crystal cannons to defend, relying on a few thousand professional troops, it is simply impossible to win.

The magic crystal cannons were once again powerful, continuously bombarding the enemy, and Harland’s magical hot air balloon troops, with a small number of magical airships, also appeared in the vicinity, restraining the enemy’s Lion Rash cavalry.

Although the Sith Kingdom was not weak, the force that it was able to put in the direction of Harland’s collar was not strong, at most there were only a dozen magic ships and a few thousand professional soldiers.

In the water battle at Castle Isthmus, the flying soldiers of the Harland Territory were not lightly killed or wounded, and in order to hold back the Lion Rash Cavalry under Duke Makar, the Harland Territory crashed more than eighty sets of magical hot-air balloons, and one magical dirigible.

The back road was cut off by Duke Jonathan’s collar, Duke Maka could only order the Cloud Sea Slave Trappers to desperately open the gap and break through the defense line.

After realizing that the situation was not good, Duke Maka immediately decided to withdraw his troops.

From the beginning of May after entering the Black River into the sea, the Cloud Sea Slave Trappers have repeatedly fought with Jonathan and Harland’s two dukes, although they caused more than 5,000 casualties to Jonathan’s dukes, and also made Harland’s dukes lose more than 3,000 soldiers. But they themselves also lost more than fifteen hundred soldiers, and four magic ships sank in the Black River.

After all, as a neighboring country, the East Coast and the Sith Kingdom had also had conflicts and wars, and the two countries also had grievances.

Duke Jonathan’s army not only built a water fort on the bank of the Black River, assembled a large number of heavy stone throwers, but also built pontoon bridges and arranged iron ropes on the river, relying on the water fort to hold off Duke Makar’s naval forces.

Although the cloud sea slave catcher regiment is less than four thousand people, after all, from the Sith Kingdom carefully selected elite, fighting force is very strong, in a hurry, once the desperation, and immediately hit the Duke Jonathan’s main force legion of successive defeats.

Despite being equipped with parachutes, the flying troopers also sacrificed more than three hundred people. But their sacrifices were not in vain, losing a brigade of magical hot air balloons, they managed to kill thirty-one Lion Rashers, captured seven Lion Rashers, and held off the enemy Lion Rashers Knights’ attack.

This great battle in the human kingdom even alarmed the orcs in the northern prairie.

Because the Lane Kingdom’s Lion Rash Knights were transferred south and were unable to suppress the Hawkmen of the Silver Wolf Mountain Range, the orcs quickly discovered the anomaly, and the Prairie Governor District Commander Melonra immediately ordered to strengthen the reconnaissance, and soon detected the unusual movement.

Immediately followed by the orcs in the eastern part of the Silver Wolf Mountain Range, they also discovered that the Grand Duchy of Starnik was caught in the middle of a war.

The eastern army received the latest information, found out that the Harland collar Lion Rash Knights, bipedal flying dragons have been transferred south, but through the reconnaissance they found that the Harland collar still stationed three legions of elite soldiers in the northern part of the Eagle Mountain Range.

In the battle of Prioran last year, the orc eastern army suffered heavy losses, the commander of the legendary jackal Troyer was killed in action, and more than seventy thousand soldiers were wiped out by Richard with his troops. The consecutive defeats have made the Eastern Front Orcs not dare to engage with the Harland Territory. After discovering that the human countries are in a big war, Melonella suppressed the orcs’ stupidity and prepared to let the human countries consume their strength first, and then launched an attack when the war was over.

Whether it is the kingdom of Ryan or Starnick Archduke, at this time are not aware of the orcs have been doing preparatory work, stockpiling food and fodder, establish a military station, ready to wait for the war to pick up the cheap.

When he received the war report from Soros, Richard had already attacked Lane Kingdom with an army of 100,000 men.

At this time, the south road army of Lane Kingdom had already rushed to the border of Delong Kingdom, preparing to follow the Mara River into the battlefield and defeat the Six Dukes of Grant Kingdom’s coalition army in one fell swoop.

Receiving the news that his country’s territory had been invaded by the Grant people, the commander of the South Road Army, Clomis, was immediately caught in a dilemma.

Kromis was a Legendary First Order Knight and an important member of the Lane royal family, he was the third uncle of King Thomas, although his career level was high and he was good at charging into battle, but as the commander of the army, he was not the most suitable person.

Because Clomis has a big flaw, that is, he can’t make strategic decisions.

Upon hearing that Duke Richard of Harland had appeared at his rear with his troops and had already attacked the Kingdom of Lane, the officers under Kromis’ command immediately fell into a quarrel. Some officers demanded to immediately return to help and fight with Duke Harland, while others demanded to continue marching according to the original plan and cooperate with the Delong Kingdom’s army to defeat the Six Dukes of Grant Kingdom’s coalition army.

Both the left and right sides were able to make a whole lot of sense, and the South Road Army unexpectedly delayed for three days without taking action.

Seeing that the Lord Commander was unable to make a decision, Duke Madison quietly came to the marquee.

Duke Madison is an important figure in the Kromis Front Army, he still has some in-laws with King Thomas, and their mothers are blood sisters, in addition, Duke Madison also mobilized a legion to join the South Road Army.

Because his own territory was on the eastern border of Lane Kingdom, very close to the war, Duke Madison was an important figure in the Return to Decisive Faction.

After all, in terms of self-interest, continue to follow the original plan, even if the battle is won the benefits of the big head is also Archduke Delong and the royal family of Lane, the rest of the edges before the turn of the Lane Kingdom nobles to divide. However, Richard led the troops to attack Lane Kingdom, but the scourge is the core territory of local nobles like Duke Madison. Even if Richard was eventually driven away, the loss of population and materials would be borne by the local nobles, and Duke Madison would lose money anyhow.

Because of the indecision of Cromis, the return to the decisive battle and the southward attacking faction quarreled, and now a rift has appeared.

Duke Madison entered the marquee and saw that Clomis still hadn’t made up his mind, so he advised, ”According to the intelligence sent from the rear, Duke Harland has already conquered Porta City.

Porta Castle is a major border defense town with over 18,000 defenders stationed there, and as a result, it didn’t support for a day before falling into the hands of the Harland Lord’s army.

The western part of Porta Castle is no longer defensible, and there are not many troops stationed there. If we don’t come back as soon as possible, according to Duke Harland’s speed of action, we will soon be able to penetrate Duke Madison’s territory. After penetrating the Duke of Madison’s territory, this dreadful army will appear near the royal capital, Castle Rheinland.

Although Rhine Castle still has 60,000 defenders, I don’t think it will last too long. Even if we go south and defeat the allied army of the six dukes of the Kingdom of Grant and help the Kingdom of Delong regain its lost territory, how much territory population will we get?
Why should we lose our own forces to help outsiders?”

“Porta Castle is built on a dangerous mountainside, and the fortifications are very complete, and there are 18,000 garrison troops in the castle, so why was it captured by the Harland Territory army in less than a day?”

Duke Madison pondered a little, organized his words and said, “I think there are three reasons. The first is that in the hands of Duke Richard of Harland, he possesses a powerful fourth-order magic prop that can release a powerful bomb from, with an explosion power equivalent to a Legendary fourth-order spell, and the killing power is exceptionally amazing. The Porta Castle defenders had no defense and were attacked by the fourth-order magic prop, killing and injuring two to three thousand people at once.

Secondly, Harland Collar possessed a special kind of magic props, which they called Magic Crystal Cannon, this kind of magic props could release many different kinds of shells, there were Alchemy Bombs that relied on shrapnel to kill and injure in a range attack, and there were also Magic Alloy Armor Piercing Bombs that attacked the solid fortifications. This kind of magic prop attack distance is very far, the accuracy is also relatively accurate, can easily hit the target in five kilometers away, destroy the sturdy castle. This time when Porta Castle fell, the magic crystal cannons also played an important role.

The third reason was that Harland Collar had powerful flying soldiers, after suffering two rounds of attacks from Starlight Bomb and Magic Crystal Cannon, the Harland Collar army started to attack the castle. When the city was caught in a fierce battle, the Harland Leader Lion Rash Cavalry and Bipedal Flying Dragons launched an onslaught from the air, and with the main force easily defeated us.”

Kromis, despite not being a man of many plans, was not reckless and stupid. Although he was good at charging into battle, his own character was cautious. It was because of this cautious character that caused him to have average decisiveness and was prone to delaying battle opportunities. Putting him in the position of army commander was actually somewhat irresponsible.

However, the Morning Sun Realm was a transcendent world, and Kromis was a legendary knight and King Thomas’s uncle, so not letting him be the commander of the army was a very difficult thing to do.

With Kromis’s strength, identity, he was the natural candidate for the commander-in-chief, unless the king of the Lane Kingdom was very capable and authoritative, and was able to violate the tradition and convince or suppress a large group of people who supported Kromis.

After listening to Duke Madison’s narration, Kromis was astonished, and he thought in his heart, “I had heard that Richard, Duke of Harland, had great achievements in battle, and I didn’t expect that not only did he have amazing luck in finding a fourth-order magical prop, but he also excelled in magical inventions.”

Suppressing the distractions in his mind, Kromis asked with a grave face, “Is your news accurate?”

“It’s the news told by McKellen himself, although I don’t like him much, I agree very much with his abilities. In the battle at Porta Castle, McKellen’s injuries were already more serious, and he braced himself to rush over to deliver the news, to tell us that we cannot take the enemy lightly, nor can we fight in a prodigal manner. Be careful against Duke Harland’s army this way.”

McKellen was Duke Madison’s brother-in-law, a Legendary 2nd rank warrior. Because of his high career level, he was a stronger threat to Duke Madison, his heart didn’t really like McKellen, but talent was rare, and he had to reuse it for this brother-in-law.

Lane Kingdom Legendary Professionals have a total of five people, is considered to be one of the neighboring countries with the most number of Legends in the Kingdom, in addition to the King Uncle Kromis, there is also McKellen of the Duke of Madison’s family, and Holtan of the Linus family. These two were both Legendary Second Order, of which Holdan was a Legendary Knight, with a combat power that was a bit stronger than McCallum.

In addition to the above three, Sammy Blanco, who was defending the Silver Wolf Mountain Range, and Wilson, the Lane Royal Guard, were likewise Legendary Professionals.

It was worth mentioning that Blanco was also a female Legendary Knight, and it was very rare for a female Knight to be promoted to Legendary in the Morning Glory Realm. Blanco is a Legendary Third Order Knight, comparable to House Grant’s Brenna, and rivals the current Archduke Jonathan.

Wilson, on the other hand, came from an ordinary background, married a woman from the Lane family, and was a Legendary Second Order warrior, bearing heavy responsibility in the King’s Capital Forbidden Guard Legion.

(End of chapter)

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