Chapter 331 – The Peak Star Cang Qing Joint Auction.

Chapter 331 – Traditional Star – Cang Qing Joint Auction.

The two major chambers of commerce, Prosperous Star and Pale Green, were very powerful, and even though they couldn’t compare to the Harland family in the Grant Kingdom, they were still strong enough to talk to Richard about the conditions.

If he did not accept the goodwill of the multinational chambers and refused to make peace with the two chambers, a conflict would inevitably break out between the two sides. After Richard weighed the internal and external environment, he felt that the time to turn the tables was not ripe and decided to negotiate with the two major chambers of commerce.

If Richard agreed to the first condition, the two major chambers of commerce would give Harland’s territory an annual dividend of thirty thousand.

Because of the low price sales strategy, Harland territory fired porcelain profit less than thirty thousand a year, porcelain business profit is difficult to expand, take this dividend is very cost-effective.

But Richard fired porcelain, not only for the money, there is the intention to develop the ceramic industry and expand employment.

So Richard can only agree to the second condition.

However, at the extreme request of Richard, Harland Collar did not sign a strictly binding contract.

If Richard banned the sale of porcelain to neighboring countries, the two major chambers of commerce still maintain the strategy of selling porcelain at high prices, the difference between the price of porcelain between the Kingdom of Grant and the neighboring countries is too large, and there is bound to be room for smuggling activities to exist. If a strictly binding contract was signed, it would become very dangerous for Richard.

Although Harland Territory is unwilling to break out in conflict with the two major multinational chambers of commerce, but does not fear the multinational chambers of commerce, even if things are so bad that the legendary magician behind the prosperous star chamber of commerce rushes, Harland Territory also has the means to cope with it.

Even if things went to the extreme, Harland’s Domain would also have the means to deal with them.

Harland collar in the northern frontier war success, have tens of thousands of troops, killed the orc legend, the two chamber of commerce of the senior as long as not a fool, are clear about this, so decided to take out a part of the interests of the negotiation.

In the end, the two sides agreed that the porcelain burnt in Harland’s territory can only be sold in the Grant Kingdom for eight thousand pieces per year.

These eight thousand pieces of porcelain can only engage in retail, can not engage in wholesale, and can not be sold to foreign nobles, not in the commodity exposition exhibition, as much as possible to help the transnational chamber of commerce to combat smuggling, to prevent the Harland territory fired porcelain flow to the nearby countries.

Harland Territory’s remaining porcelain production capacity, prosperous star, Cang Qing Chamber of Commerce is responsible for underwriting, agreed 20,000 pieces per year.

In reality, it was equal to the Harland Territory replacing the Sacred Radiance Empire, becoming the porcelain supplier of the two multinational chambers of commerce.

As for the sales strategy of the two chambers of commerce, Richard will not care.

If you want to maintain the porcelain style, to maintain the sky-high sales strategy, the two multinational chambers of commerce is responsible for underwriting the porcelain at least to destroy ninety percent of the rare to sell on the high price. But this way there is bound to be smuggled porcelain competition, sky-high porcelain sales will become particularly troublesome, may not be able to maintain the force.

If the price is reduced sales, expand the market to the upper middle class, the price is reduced by ten times, maintained to a few gold coins a piece, so that smuggling becomes not much interest to speak of, 20,000 pieces of porcelain may also earn big money.

Making two or three gold coins a piece of porcelain adds up to more than a few tens of thousands.

Only selling 20,000 pieces of porcelain would require expanding the business channels and increasing the number of salespeople, and if there was a stagnant sales situation, it would become just as troublesome.

After negotiating the conditions with the two chambers of commerce, the auction was held as scheduled after six days.

This auction, two multinational chambers of commerce prepared in advance for half a year, to the nearby countries sent invitations to the great nobles, not only the Kingdom of Delong, the East Coast of the United Kingdom’s nobles, but also from the Kingdom of Lane, the Kingdom of the Heath, the Kingdom of Saxony, the Kingdom of Starks, the Kingdom of Maya, the members of the aristocracy.

In the eastern part of the middle continent of the Morning Glory Plane, except for the southernmost Parame Kingdom, the nobles of the remaining eight kingdoms were all present, and three of the five great duchies also came, and the three great duchies of Starnic, Cromia, and Larsson all had great nobles to support the event.

In fact, the eastern countries of the Middle Continent, combined, had more than a dozen transnational chambers of commerce active, and this kind of large-scale auction would be held every one or two years.

If they were too far away and didn’t need to buy scarce resources themselves, the great nobles generally wouldn’t send their representatives, spend their time, and participate in the large-scale auctions organized by the transnational chambers of commerce, the
More than ten countries, in addition to the Grant Kingdom, the representatives of great nobles above the level of counts had rushed to a total of thirty-seven of them, rushing about one-fifth of the great nobles.

Together with the Grant Kingdom’s native royal family, eight dukes, four marquises, and five counts, there were a total of fifty-five great nobles settled in the luxurious private rooms.

In addition to the great nobles who sent invitations, small and medium-sized nobles and merchants with financial resources who wanted to participate in the auction needed to check their capital in advance, and had to be able to come up with ten thousand Grant Kingdom gold coins.

The quality of gold coins varied from country to country, and the transnational chambers of commerce all had accurate exchange rates for conversion.

At the Saint’s Grand Theater of Nolan Castle, the much-anticipated Prosperous Star – Pale Green Joint Auction kicked off amidst everyone’s expectations.

The first set of goods in the auction was quite extraordinary, surprisingly, it was the Holy Radiant Empire’s famous magical beast, the Flaming Horse.

It was rumored that the Sacred Radiance Empire had a total of three Flame Horse Magical Beast Legions, and the number of Magical Beast Cavalry riding the Flame Horses exceeded thirty thousand.

Of course, the Sacred Radiant Empire’s legions had more than just one type of beast cavalry, besides the Flaming Horse cavalry legion, there were also the Lion Wasp Knights, Bipedal Flying Dragon Knights, Demon Crocodile Knights, Frost Wolf Knights, and so on, and in addition to that, there was also the Devil Statue Legion, with all kinds of high-level soldiers adding up to more than 100,000 soldiers.

The training requirements of the Sacred Glory Empire’s beast cavalry are much stronger than those of the eastern countries, and the number of professionals among the soldiers is more than 50%, and the army chief is even of the legendary rank.

Harland collar nine hundred beast cavalry, professional only one hundred and fifty-six people, professional accounted for no more than eighteen percent, Grant royal family, Archduke Jonathan under the banner of the beast cavalry quality is better, professional accounted for no more than thirty percent.

With the same number of soldiers and similar training, the Holy Radiant Empire’s beast cavalry is certainly stronger.

The strength of the beast cavalry is an important benchmark to measure the strength of the great nobles.

The temptation of the magical beast warhorse to the great nobles is very big, this time the auction of the flaming horse has six groups, each group of twenty-five horses, a group of bidding price of five thousand gold coins.

The Flaming Horses had a violent character and could not be mixed with other magical beast warhorses, but their life level was higher than the Iron Horned Horses, and their strength was also a bit stronger.

Generally speaking, adult Flaming Horses were sold for more than two hundred gold coins, and the price of a successfully trained stallion would be a bit higher, often reaching three to four hundred gold coins. A third-order stallion could be sold for more than a thousand gold coins. The selling price of a herd of Flame Horses, on the contrary, would be a bit higher.

For the big nobles with deep pockets, the selling price was not a big problem, only large scale magical beasts could play a role in the war. Buying a group of Flame Horses can only be used in small-scale wars.

Under the strong request of the great nobles, the two major chambers of commerce decided to sell the six groups of Flame Horses together, and the starting bidding price was also raised to 40,000 gold coins.

Although the starting price was set very high, the situation of too many monks and not enough porridge remained unchanged.

Most of the dozen or so countries in the eastern part of the country had organized Flame Horse cavalry. There were a total of twenty-three great nobles who were interested. One hundred and fifty Flame Horses could already organize a squadron and a half, forming a very considerable fighting force. Back then, Baron Harden had only one hundred magical beast cavalry under his command, and was already an important commander in the Gerda Province.

One hundred and fifty Flame Horses, even Richard was very hot, began to repeatedly raise his hand and fight with the crowd, the auction price was also quickly raised to sixty thousand.

After the auction price was raised to sixty thousand, many big nobles already felt uneconomical. After all, the Flame Horse has been successfully domesticated for many years, and is distributed in many countries, and is actually not scarce.

Although the scale of one hundred and fifty horses was not small, it would cost a lot of money to drive back from the Grant Kingdom, the price was too high and the cost was not economical.

In the end, it was Richard who was rich and generous, and took one hundred and fifty Flame Horses at a price of 62,000 gold coins.

The average price of a Flame Horse was four times that of an Iron Horn Horse, which was not cost effective in terms of resource utilization.

The combat power of four Iron Horned Horse Cavalry was far more than that of one Flaming Horse Cavalry.

At this price, it was already a twenty-five percent premium over the normal selling price, if it wasn’t for the fact that Richard was trying to expand the second beast cavalry brigade as soon as possible and expand the Flame Horse population, he wouldn’t have been the wrongdoer.

In fact, one of the big reasons why Richard was willing to pay the premium was to save time.

The major nobles of Grant Kingdom combined, had more than ten thousand magical beast cavalry, but the annual sale of magical beast warhorses did not add up to more than six hundred.

The stallions also had to be depopulated, and the mares were the crooked ones left over from other people’s picks.

If the Harland Territory didn’t guard the Eagle Mountain Range, it could constantly capture wild Iron Horn Horse resources and expand the Iron Horn Horse population, and it would be especially difficult to cultivate a scale of magic beast cavalry.

Now that the premium was paid, although it cost more money, it expanded the magical beast warhorse population, avoided other noble restrictions, and cultivated magical beast cavalry to save a lot of time.

The other great nobles were willing to bid for the price, all because of this reason.

The opening Magical Beast Warhorse caused a sensation in the auction, and the next auction items were all various precious resources, the Teng Hui Potion was auctioned in groups of one hundred, and eighteen groups were auctioned in a row. The Bloodline Enlightenment Potion was auctioned in groups of twelve and six groups were auctioned at once.

Because Richard had spare money in his hands, he raised his hand several times to auction off four groups of Teng Hui Potion, costing 13,000 gold coins, slightly higher than the normal selling price.

According to the market price of Grant Kingdom, Teng Hui Potion cost thirty gold coins a piece. But the market flow out of the source is particularly small, Grant Kingdom in addition to the Duke of the great nobles, only one of Nolan’s five-ringed magician out of the refining, down to two or three hundred a year.

Although the royal family’s production is high, it needs to supply eight main army corps, four second-line army corps, and also take out a part of the small and medium-sized nobles left to redeem with merit.

Because of Sophia, Harland’s collar mastered this basic potion a long time ago. Coupled with the location of the northern border, there is no lack of magical beast material resources, so the supply of this potion is not considered to be in short supply.

Last year, the apothecaries in the Harland Mage Association refined more than a thousand Teng Hui potions, helping the territory to cultivate more than a hundred warrior professionals.

This year, Richard is still expanding his army on a large scale, and there is a lack of professional backbones in the army, so this kind of basic potion is also in short supply in Harland’s territory.

Photographed four groups of potions, the next there are a variety of higher magic props, enchanted armor auction, Richard even saw four pieces of magic storage props, one of the storage space bag actually has forty cubic meters of space. Forty cubic meters of space volume is not less than a small warehouse, even if it is used in the war, a batch of supplies is also very critical, counting on the strategic level of resources.

The big nobles have accumulated many years, some domestic peace, good management of the big nobles are very rich, this space bag caused more than thirty big nobles to scramble, auctioned out fourteen hundred and eighty thousand gold coins of the sky price.

Saving six hundred thousand gold coins, Richard had thought that he was already very rich, placed in this kind of large-scale auction, surprisingly found that his value is very general.

The auction had just been held for one day, and the progress was only one third of the way through, Richard found that the auction sold for more than one million six hundred thousand.

After the auction ended, Richard completed the handover with the two major chambers of commerce. He paid seventy-five thousand gold coins and took away one hundred and fifty Flame Horses and four hundred Teng Hui Potions.

Shortly after the auction ended, Richard found Horn, an important member of the Grant royal family.

Horn was a distant branch of the Grant royal family, and although he was merely a court baron, he was responsible for managing many of the royal family’s properties.

The Wraith War Horse Breeding Farm was also within his management.

The reason why Richard was looking for Horn was because he wished to purchase a hundred Iron Horn Horses to form a third cavalry scouting brigade.

Buying Iron Horned Horses on a large scale could only be done by looking to the royal family and Duke Edward in Grant Kingdom.

After finding Horn, Richard mentioned the meaning once, but found that Horn was surprisingly very difficult.

“Your Excellency the Duke, after the domestic expansion of territories in the south last year, the Roger Kingdom is preparing to expand the ninth legion, and needs to form a brigade of three hundred Wraith Cavalry, the Wraith Cavalry of each legion needs to be filled up with soldiers, and in the last one or two years there will not be any obsolete Wraith War Horses for sale at all. I’m afraid that the Duke will have to wait three years if he wants to purchase a magical beast warhorse.”

Richard knew that Horn was telling the truth, so he did not make things difficult.

The news of the royal family’s army expansion had been spreading recently, after all, the Grant Kingdom was now fighting a two-front war, not only did it have to fend off the orc invasion, but it also had to fight against the army of the Delong Kingdom.

Once the royal family expanded their army, it would suck the capacity of the magical beast breeding base dry. This was the case in Harland Territory right now, although the scale of the Magical Beast Breeding Base was not small, and there was no intention at all to sell Magical Beast War Horses to the outside.

Although the Duke Edward’s collar doesn’t intend to expand its army, it is still selling warhorses to the outside world, however, the two dukes are both in the north, the competition is actually rather fierce, and in the previous few years, there were also some conflicts.

Richard sent someone to Duke Edward’s collar to buy Iron Horn Horses last winter, and it was rejected.

It was because of this kind of reason that Richard had to spend a high price, a premium to buy the Flame Horse, which was to buy time for the expansion of the army.

Purchasing the Iron Horned Horses from the royal family could not be done as he wished, Richard could only organize the fifty Flaming Horses into the Third Cavalry Scouting Brigade, and the remaining one hundred Flaming Horses into a squadron, which was organized into the Second Magical Beast Cavalry Brigade.

After replenishing the battle losses, the two beast cavalry brigades had a total of nine squadrons of beast cavalry, and the three scouting cavalry brigades had two hundred and fifty beast cavalry, so the number of beast cavalry in Harland’s territory would be more than one thousand.

(End of chapter)

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