Chapter 32: Energy Rays

Chapter 32 – Energy Rays
Time passed slowly like this, and in the blink of an eye, it was already late September.

In order to find time to study magic, Richard tried his best to leave his military duties to Vice Squadron Leader Dida.

Dida was Richard’s comrade-in-arms in the Sixth Squadron and the squadron’s marksman.

When the two of them teamed up to kill the fifth-ranked Lionhead Wald, Dida made a battle merit, exchanged for the Breathing Method, and was promoted to a professional, becoming Richard’s second-in-command.

Because of this relationship, the two got along well, and with Dida’s help, Richard got rid of a lot of trivia, he practiced the breathing method in the morning, meditated in the evening, and exercised various skills in the afternoon.

Every day, every hour, every minute, was arranged clearly. This extremely strong self-discipline made the 7th Squadron soldiers’ jaws drop, and many of them secretly admired it.

At the age of Junior Muai, to be able to endure all sorts of temptations and guard the barracks to live a life like an ascetic, such a person was also very rare in the Morning Sun Continent.

Only those who were ambitious and aspired for power could endure such hardships for a long time.

Ordinary people with conditions like Richard’s, the most important thing to do every day was to communicate with one delicate and sexy noble lady. Exploring the meaning of life with each other was not much better than enduring the pain in the barracks every day.

So it was no wonder that Richard was young and had traveled to heights that many soldiers could not go to in their entire lives. In addition to being open-minded, Richard’s self-discipline, good learning, and endurance were all crucial factors.

Looking into the late fall, once the snow closed the mountains, the invading orc army was blocked in the southern foothills of the mountain range.

By the time the human kingdom increases reinforcements, the orc army stationed in the southern foothills of the Eagle Mountain Range loses its backup, and will inevitably be the end of the whole army. Therefore, since late August, the orc army has been withdrawing from the mountain road with the looted population and supplies.

As the orcs gradually withdrew, communication gradually began to be restored.

Richard finally received news from his father, William, and his second brother, Baron.

Father William and third uncle Bernie were all safe and sound, and sent handwritten letters reporting their safety.

Second brother Barron, however, sent a notice of death in action.

From the notice of death, Richard realized that Barron was killed in action near Fort Eagle.

The process of death in battle was also told clearly.

Barron was left behind with his brigade to break the back, it was a very brutal battle from which only a few escaped. Barron was not one of the lucky ones and died at the hands of the orcs as did most of the soldiers.

As Soaring Eagle Castle was still in the hands of the orc army for the time being, Barron did not even have anyone to collect his bones.

Many orc races have cannibalistic habits, and many of the human soldiers who died in the orc-controlled area didn’t even have bones.

Barron, like Ron, is the son of William’s first wife.

He was seven years older than Richard, and not having the same mother, he was not very close to each other.

By the time Richard was reborn into this world, brothers Ron and Barron had already entered the Knight Academy to study. There were also very few opportunities for the brothers to meet, and they could only get along for a few days each year when they were on vacation at the Goddess’ Birthday Festival.

But after all, they were blood brothers who came out from the same family, and when he heard the news of Barron’s death in battle, Richard’s heart was also very bad.

When Ron heard the news of his sibling’s death in battle, he couldn’t help but lose his voice and cry. They were from the same mother, had been together since childhood, had the same memories, and had the deepest relationship.

A month of hard study, Richard spent almost all of his free time learning magic, and finally inscribed the first complete rune in the spiritual space and learned the first spell in his life.

This spell was called Energy Ray, a precursor spell to the First Ring Magic Energy Missile. And the famous three ring magic fireball spell, the antecedent spell is energy missile.

If you want to learn the most cost-effective three-ringed magic fireball spell in the war, you must first learn the first-ringed magic energy missile.

To learn Energy Missile, one must learn Zero Ring Magic Energy Ray.

Generally, mages of the Plastic Energy Department would choose to learn Energy Ray. After learning Energy Ray, the attribute panel changed once again.

Richard Harland.

Strength: 10.7
Agility: 2.9
Physical Strength: 4, 2
Mental Strength: 11.5
Breath of the Wild Lion Legion: 5th Order (1201/20,000) Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: 4th Order (Extreme)

Archery: Fourth Order (860/10,000)

Horsemanship: Fourth Order (Extreme)

Northern Legion Fighting: 3rd Order (324/4000)

Highland Meditation: 2nd Order (230/2000)

Energy Ray: 1st Order (Extreme)

Experience: 1900
Unlike physical combat skills, a magician’s burning of magical runes into mental space is tantamount to full mastery of the spell.

A Legendary Magician and a Magical Apprentice, when using the magic of Energy Ray, there is no essential difference, both of them are investing their mental power and mobilizing their magic power to tickle the magic runes in the mental space.

The only difference was the timing of releasing the spell and the amount of spiritual power invested.

The timing of releasing the magic relies on the talent and experience of the magician, even the attribute panel cannot enhance this aspect.

After working hard for a month or so, he learned his first zero-ring magic and increased his mental power by 0.2 points.

But the experience of meditation, the increase was relatively small, according to Richard’s estimation, without adding the experience of killing, even if he promoted to Higher Magic Apprentice, it would take about a year’s effort.

Richard’s mental power was very strong, if one fifth of his mental power was invested in the magic of energy ray, the power of this magic would be greatly enhanced to the level of a first ring spell.

The killing power of this magic was not much different from Richard using a bow and arrow to kill an enemy.

However, using magic to kill is more stealthy, and it only takes three seconds of preparation to kill the opponent by surprise.

Moreover, after the arrows were consumed, Richard could still use magic to strike his opponent with a few energy rays.

The energy rays had a long range, reaching over a hundred meters. Although it was not as good as the enchanted bow that Richard used, the killing distance was enough.

Entering the middle of October, this half year long war finally came to an end. The orcs withdrew from the Eagle Mountain Range, and the snow landed and blocked the mountain roads.

The Wild Lion Legion also ended its mobilization, and the 8th Brigade was transferred back to station near the Flaming Fortress.

The legion headquarters issued medals for the soldiers who participated in the war, and Richard had three more medals on his chest, a Distinguished Officer’s Medal, a commemorative medal for the defensive battle of Platos, and a Silver Star Medal.

The Platos Defense Battle Commemorative Medal was given to every soldier who had participated in the defense battle.

The Distinguished Officer’s Medal was less common, and only half of the thirty or so squadron officers of the Eighth Brigade who had been awarded the Medium Merit Medal could get it.

It took accumulating a single major merit in a single war to get the Silver Star Medal.

With over a thousand officers and men in the 8th Brigade, only two of them had gotten the Silver Star Medal, except for Richard who was the Senior Captain Sharp.

After the war ended, Roland also sent in his application for retirement. Having lost a leg, it was impossible for Roland to keep his position in the military.

Barely able to stay in the army, he did nothing more than doing some work guarding warehouses.

If he couldn’t make any achievements, he naturally had no hope of becoming a nobleman.

After joining the army for many years, Roland was not short of gold coins, and seeing that there was no hope for him to be promoted to hereditary nobility, Roland was ready to return to his hometown, Wright’s Castle, to spend the rest of his life.

Roland came from a family of professionals, with three generations in the military before and after. His father died on the battlefield, and Roland was more talented and climbed higher in the government, but after all, it was difficult for him to cross this crucial step and lead his family to be promoted to hereditary nobility.

(End of chapter)

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