Chapter 172 – Rainy Night Surprise Attack II

Chapter 172 – Rainy Night Surprise Attack II

Zachary took a deep breath of cold air and shook off the raindrops on his armor. His armor was glowing with white light, and it was quite well made, using quite a lot of precious secret silver and fine gold, the price of just this one piece of armor was over three thousand gold coins.

Rainwater flowed down Zachary’s thin cheeks, his hand gripping the enchanted longsword, slightly pale from nervousness.

“Are the orcs on guard, has the battle started yet?”

Seeing one of the scouts jumping down from his warhorse with gusto, Zachary asked eagerly.

“The orcs are indeed poorly defended, and the Raber brigadier general has already attacked with his cavalry.”

“Send an order to Brigadier William to speed up and get into the battle as soon as possible, don’t let the orcs get a reprieve.”

Watching the messenger leave in a hurry, Zachary’s eyes gleamed as he led his soldiers to hurry while staring into the distance.

As the commander of a legion, Zachary’s pressure was very heavy.

He had the safety of a province on his shoulders, and every decision would concern countless lives.

If this battle was lost, the Black River Fortress was lost, and the gateway to the best of Gerda Province was wide open.

If the orc legions were allowed to enter the rich Dragon Canyon and loot it, the royal family would lose a great deal of the best territories in the northern border region.

King Charles had known him well, and if things really came to that, Zachary could only take the initiative to die on the battlefield to thank him for his sins.

Zachary walked while waiting for information from the frontline.

The dark rainy night was the best cover for a cavalry raid, and the sound of falling rain covered the roaring hoofbeats.

The water mist formed after the rainfall also obscured the sight of the orcs, allowing the cavalry to launch their raids closer together.

In the dark rainy night, the commander of the Wraith Cavalry Brigade, Raber, rode on a Fire Dragon Colt, his body bent to form a straight line with the horse’s back, although it was bone-chillingly cold, Raber felt the restlessness in his blood.

As the commander of the cavalry for this battle, Raber could feel the blood boiling in his body.

“In this battle, Raber’s name is bound to resound through the northern border and establish merit for the Grant Kingdom.”

Raber fiercely urged his magical beast warhorse and shouted, “Everyone charge with me, let’s advance against the blade and open the door to victory.”

Raber was a seventh-ranked Silver Knight, the commander of the Wraith Cavalry, who also held the position of deputy legionary, and in the Northern Legion, his position was even more important than William.

The warhorse on his crotch was also a Sixth Order Magical Beast Fire Dragon Colt.

This kind of warhorse has dragon blood, and its character is violent and hard to be subdued, but once the knight gets the approval of the warhorse, the fire dragon colt tends to be very loyal to its master.

The intelligence of the fire dragon pony was already very high, close to that of an adult human, and after a long period of training, it could even understand human language.

Raber rode the fire dragon colt and cleaved through the gate of the orc camp with a single stroke of his blade, killing the sentry with ease.

The orc camp was suddenly attacked and blew up at once.

Even the orc commander, Derensi, never expected that the Northern Legion would attack in such ghostly weather.

Delunsi immediately decided to bring his personal soldiers to block the Wraith cavalry.

Delunsi had just stepped out of the tent and summoned his personal soldiers, when he saw the orc camp in disarray, a lot of people panicked wearing armor, densely packed into a group.

In the dark rainy night, once the establishment was lost, even a Legendary Professional, surrounded by a Wraith horde, was no match at all.

“Form up, raise your shields, and put your lances up. Say it again, form up immediately, everyone put up their lances.”

Delunsi hissed with all his strength, his voice spread throughout the orc camp, surprisingly suppressing the thunder. Derensi was a ninth ranked Lionman, and had a very high prestige among the orc legions, his voice instantly caused the orcs to suppress their fear, and slowly form up under the command of the grassroots officers.

Outside the orc camp, the auxiliary soldiers of the Northern Legion who fought in conjunction with the Wraith Cavalry had thrown out rope hooks with force and hooked onto the thick wooden fence, and the warhorses let out a neigh, immediately pulling the thick wooden fence apart.

The Knight Academy cavalry regiment immediately rushed towards this gap and into the orc camp.

Although the three cavalries, namely the Beast Cavalry Brigade, the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment, and the Legion Scout Brigade, were both strong and weak, they were all equally brave and good at fighting, and they seemed to be three long dragons, stirring up the orc camp into a state of flux.

The unorganized orc soldiers, as if they were lambs to be slaughtered, easily died under the cavalry’s sabers.

In just ten minutes, the orcs’ deaths and injuries exceeded two thousand.

Derenci led the organized orc army and surrounded the cavalry that rushed into the camp. William arrived at the battlefield with the second echelon as well, and immediately threw himself into the fray.

Although the second echelon was only two brigades, it was the most powerful infantry of the Northern Legion’s fighting force.

These two brigades, many of the soldiers were veterans who had joined the army for ten years, not only were they experienced in battle, the number of professionals was also high, and the grassroots officers were wearing enchanted armor.

These elite infantrymen, some of the squadrons within them were a few points more powerful than the first squadron under Richard’s command.

These two infantry brigades, were the two pillars of the Northern Legion, the officers leading the brigades were all Major General ranked, high ranked Professionals, the same as Raber were the top brass of the Northern Legion.

The second echelon was thrown into the battle, undoing Derensi’s efforts.

The orc soldiers that had just been organized were once again dispersed, and by the time Zachary led the third echelon into battle, the orc army was already defeated.

With no choice but to withdraw with the organized orcs, Derensi ordered the scattered orcs to scatter and break out.

In the rainy night, the orc routed soldiers were driven to flee in all directions, screams and hisses intertwined.

This night attack battle, the Northern Legion fought quite successfully.

On the second day, the results of the battle were tallied, the Northern Legion suffered less than three thousand casualties and killed more than fourteen thousand orcs.

The orc army commanded by Derensi had suffered more than fifty percent casualties.

After the defeat, Derensi hurriedly joined up with Gunderson’s department, and the orc army withdrew in the night and fled back to Greyfusen Castle to recuperate.

The battle situation in the Gerda Province had fundamentally changed, and Derensi and Gunderson hurriedly dispatched the Hawkman to send a letter to request reinforcements from their superior, the legendary dog-headed man Kiram.

The upper limit of the dog-head bloodline was very low, and very few dog-heads advanced to intermediate level professionals.

Dogheads that could advance to Legendary were rare to see in a few hundred years.

Because of Kiram, the status of dog-headed people in the Orc Empire has slightly increased in recent years.

Legendary dog-headed man Kiram was the supreme commander of the orcs who invaded the three provinces in the North, and this time he had reinforced a total of two orc legions under his command, for a total of eight orc legions.

But the war had progressed to the extent that the soldiers under Kiram’s command had suffered quite a few casualties, adding up to more than thirty thousand.

And the battle results achieved by the orcs, counting the defenders under Baron Martins’ command, were less than ten thousand.

Having fought to this point, the orc army’s strength advantage had diminished by a few points.

After Kiram received the letter of request for help, his face was gloomy, and he immediately scolded Derensi for being a waste.

(End of chapter)

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