Chapter 121 – Glass Firing

Chapter 121 – Burning Glass
Feeling that Sophia might be pregnant, Richard felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and excitement inside.

In his previous life, Richard had a daughter, and when he had just crossed over, he missed her all the time.

Thinking that he would never be able to see his daughter again, sometimes he even wanted to die.

Hopefully, after death, you can travel back.

Inside the hurt Richard gritted his teeth and pushed through, time is the best medicine to heal the hurt.

After coming to this world for more than ten years, his daughter’s appearance seems to have become blurred, and the unspeakable pain of that year seems to have become an unforgettable memory.

Life continues, Richard has gotten married in the Morning Glory Continent, has a new family, and is about to usher in a new life.

As past events were recalled scene by scene, Richard suddenly remembered the faces of his family, and immediately felt his nose sour and his eyes filled with tears.

“Getting pregnant is getting pregnant, why are you crying.”

“Nothing, just too excited. Since you’re feeling tired, you should rest for a few days first, and let go of the matters at hand. If you’re really pregnant, you mustn’t work too hard, you’re still the first child, so take care of your body yourself.”

Since May, Richard had been busy with the formation of the Wraith Cavalry, from the soldiers’ barracks, the cavalry training ground, the training equipment, the living materials, and even the construction of the stables for the Wraith War Horses, all needed Richard’s attention.

In such a busy schedule, three months passed and it entered the middle of August.

This year’s fall harvest started again, but this time Richard did not need to keep an eye on it, the fall harvest work was handed over to his cousin Tang En, Richard just looked at the statistics, checked the granary, and knew how much food was harvested this year.

Three months time, Sophia gradually showed obvious signs of pregnancy, her stomach slowly getting bigger, her face also became more and more round with the arrival of pregnancy.

The two had been married for two years, and now they finally had a child of their own.

After confirming her pregnancy, Sophia stopped her magical research and returned to Sophia Castle to raise her baby.

The higher-ups of the territory also attached great importance to this child. They had sworn to Richard Sophia that they were willing to serve this unborn child.

Although William hadn’t openly talked about it, he would hand over the territory to Richard for succession.

But looking at his cultivation of Richard, it was obvious that he had taken Richard as his successor.

Even to establish Richard’s prestige, William rarely came to the territory.

Even though Richard was not yet the first heir of William’s territory, Ron and Hayden were ahead of him in the order of succession.

But the nobility’s title succession doesn’t just depend on the order of succession, it also depends on who is supported within the territory?

Without prestige and enough supporters within the territory, it is basically impossible to inherit the territory even if the order of succession is more advanced.

Because the territory will put pressure on you to give up your right to inheritance.

If you don’t know how to do it, they will even use drastic means, using assassinations and attacks to physically eliminate your opponents and support the people they support to get to the top.

Unless you have a strong force that can suppress the opposition.

For example, Ron, if he inherited the territory, members of the Harland family such as Powell and Bernie might not obey him.

When William was promoted to baron, Richard, Powell, and Bernie all contributed.

The three men’s war merits added up to more than four great merits, and this barony was not only William’s territory alone.

They had put in a lifetime of hard work and struggle to become hereditary nobles, and they all had a say in the choice of heir. They didn’t want the foundation they had fought for all their lives to be handed over to a more mediocre person.

What was even more troublesome was that the military forces of the territory would not easily follow Ron’s command either.

Even the civil affairs, agriculture, and industrial sectors, which had the weakest influence, were expected to fool him.

Relying on a name alone, it was by no means possible to inherit a complete territory.

If Richard had inherited the territory, there would have been no problem above.

His ability had long been affirmed by Bernie and Powell, and the army was formed by him, so there was no problem commanding the army, both in terms of ability and prestige.

Moreover, Richard also has deep feelings with some officers, emotionally they are not willing to Ron to inherit the territory.

The industrial sector was created by Richard himself, every backbone was promoted by him, to the bureaucrats in charge of industry and agriculture, Richard also has a very high influence.

Even if Ron was reluctant and had resentment in his heart, he had to give up his inheritance in this situation.

Hayden has already discussed with Richard, this year’s Goddess Birthday family meeting, he will give up the right to inheritance, take the initiative to provoke this problem.

Entering the month of August, the glass kiln was also successfully put into operation, producing the territory’s first furnace of glass.

Unfortunately, there were still quite a few air bubbles in the glass, and the color was not very pure, after the glassblower’s processing, this batch of glass was made into glass wine bottles, and handed over to the taverns of the Olafs.

The difficulty of firing glass is not low, need to select materials, melting, preparing molds, pouring, cooling, grinding six big processes.

Each process had quite a few details, and some even required the craftsman to be skillful.

Fortunately, there are already experienced kiln masters in Harland’s territory, even if they have never fired glass, they are already very sensitive to the temperature of the kiln mouth, and only then they have fired the first furnace of glass.

Richard is clear that the glass industry is the chemical industry predecessor industry, without the glass industry, it is difficult to develop the chemical industry.

Richard spent fifty gold coins to buy glass smiths with low level, all with experience. But by relying on these people, Harland territory did not take many detours and finally burned the glass.

Some times in industrial manufacturing, a small detail can be stuck for many years. Did not buy these glass artisans before, Harland territory burned a few years of glass are not successful, glass artisans came to a point, Richard suddenly found that burning glass is not difficult at all.

Through these people, Richard knew how to design the glass kiln, the formula of the glass, how high the temperature needs to be, how to remove air bubbles, how to fire the colorless or various colors of glass, how to blow the finished product?
After several failures, the artisans of the glass kiln learned from their experience and realized that the glass was impure because of too many impurities in the soda previously used.

Richard sent people to buy a batch of natural soda from Jonathan’s territory, and then mixed these with limestone and river sand and calcined them together.

The burnt glass paste was blown into various shapes of containers with a blowpipe after being well stirred to remove some of the air bubbles.

With the purchase of pure soda, the fired glass was immediately much better and had barely met Richard’s requirements.

Richard first had the glassblower blow a batch of measuring cups, test tubes, distillation flasks and other experimental vessels, and handed them over to Wendy and Adrian.

They both needed to do experiments and used a large amount of glassware every year.

Now that glass could be produced in the territory, Richard didn’t need to buy Viscount Romen’s glassware at a high price.

As for the large pieces of transparent glass that Richard needed, the glass kiln directly cast a batch of copper molds. By using the method of pouring, the large pieces of transparent glass that Richard needed were successfully manufactured.

The glass kiln was successfully put into production, and the industry of the territory was upgraded a little more.

(End of Chapter)

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