101. Chapter 101 – Magic Mountain

Chapter 101 – The Devil Mountain
Mi Night.

A hook moon.

In the deserted village’s broken courtyard, the Crow God Servant, who was completely wrapped in a dense black aura, stood silently twenty meters away from Lu Yuan.

Under the moonlight, the black aura on its body violently churned.

It suddenly extended and shot towards Lu Yuan like a tentacle.


Lu Yuan violently pressed the “pause button”.

The image in front of him suddenly stood still, and everything was frozen.

With a thought, Lu Yuan’s consciousness immediately entered the body of the Crow God Servant.


A strange yet powerful feeling came over him.

His vocal cords felt like they had been slashed, and there was a mouthful of old phlegm stuck at his throat that he couldn’t cough up.

All of his limbs were deformed, with bones twisting and growing in multiple parts of his body, the experience was terrible.

Lu Yuan endured the discomfort and slowly released the “pause button”.

Of course, he still kept the “slow play”.

He carefully experienced the feeling that this body brought to him when the black qi surged.

The raging dead aura seemed to emerge from the depths of his body’s flesh, blood, and bones.

There existed a single knot in these parts where the dead qi was gushing out.

While releasing dead qi, they were also constantly absorbing dead qi from the surroundings.


A word popped up in Lu Yuan’s head.

Then the whole person was instantly enlightened.

His consciousness quickly returned to his main body, and after fixating on the Crow God Servant, he directly attempted to unleash [Death Qi Entanglement].

Wisps of black Qi converged into the center of Lu Yuan’s hand.

Part of it originated from his own output, yet more of it appeared out of nowhere.

“The dead qi that I unleash my skill is summoned basically comes from the natural residual dead qi of my surroundings, which is fundamentally different from between a Crow God Servant.”

Lu Yuan’s mind spun as he quickly analyzed.

The Crow God Squire stored dead qi in its body and directly extracted it when used.

He, on the other hand, invoked it temporarily.

The body did not need to remain in contact with the dead qi all the time for a long period of time, and naturally avoided the possibility of being infested with the dead qi and having his flesh deformed.

“It’s equivalent to the Profession Panel taking out the side effects of this Transcendent Power.

The price is that the efficiency of mobilizing dead qi becomes slightly slower”

Lu Yuan took a long leap, approaching the fixed Crow God Servant and took a deep breath.

The lv3 [Absolute Concentration], lv1 [Special Power Generation] and the must-kill technique [Crane Shadow Levitation] were launched at the same time.

In a split second, his arm became stronger and thicker, and his veins bulged out like the head of a giant python.

Unlike in the past, this time the green and black python was also entangled with strands of black death aura.


The punch landed solidly on the Crow Divine Servant’s chest, the entire fist sinking deep into it.

Unfortunately, the Crow God Squire was immobilized and was as unresponsive as a stake, only for his body to violently fall backward by a distance of several meters.

When Lu Yuan pressed down the momentum of this punch, he looked at the Crow God Squire again.

He found that the thick death qi at the Crow God Squire’s chest had already been punched by himself with a bowl-sized gap, and the flesh and blood inside was sunken into a piece, so it was estimated that a lot of bones must have been broken.

“My death qi can counteract other people’s death qi, finally I was able to hurt him.”

A smile appeared on Lu Yuan’s face, satisfied with the power of this punch.

He didn’t even need how fast the dead qi pooled because his fundamental reliance was still his own martial strength.

The dead qi could only be considered as an extra layer of enchantment.

It added some “corrosive” and “defense-breaking” effects to his attacks.

“Just now, when I threw that punch [Crane Shadow Floating], the Crane Shadow Vision in my head seemed to have changed a bit.”

Lu Yuan suddenly thought of a point and began to recall it.

When he had just thrown the punch, while the Crane Shadow Floating Vision was naturally born in his mind, the image of that Crow Dream that he had experienced before seemed to have flashed along with it.

The [Crane Shadow Floating] punch then produced a slight subtle change.

It couldn’t be said, but it did exist.

“Could it be that this path of mine . It’s really the right path?”

Lu Yuan pondered, standing still and quietly savoring the experience.

“For the time being, it won’t be used.”

Lu Yuan carefully removed the last cat’s eye surveillance camera installed underneath his house and stuffed it into his backpack rather emotionally.

A few stray cats circled around his feet, and Lu Yuan smiled, taking out a few ham sausages from his backpack that he was originally going to use to feed the crows, and tearing open the package to feed them.

Having personally ended the second Crypt Rat Monster, Lu Yuan’s entire mood instantly relaxed quite a bit.

The big stone that had been weighing on his heart was gone, and it seemed that even his breathing became smoother.

“Gu Gu – Gu Gu Gu -“

The sound of someone feeding pigeons came from the road outside the front yard door, Lu Yuan now had outstanding ear power and instantly heard that it was his old mom Zheng Qiuling.

His complexion moved slightly, and he carried his backpack towards the outside of the courtyard.

Just walked to the road, a glance to see standing in front of the store’s mother is grasping a handful of millet, mouth “coo coo coo” feeding a few blackened
“Mom, do you know what kind of bird this is?”

Lu Yuan walked up and pointed at the crows pecking at the rice in front of him with an odd expression on his face.

Zheng Qiuling glanced at him, “Crows chant, think your mom is stupid?”

“Don’t mind the bad luck.”

“Losing your young age, you are still a high school bully, why are you as superstitious as an old lady.”

Zheng Qiuling clapped her hands and shook the rice grains in her fingers clean, then mysteriously waved towards Lu Yuan.

“Come, you come over.”

Lu Yuan curiously went forward, but was dragged into the store by his mom.

And then quietly opened a drawer inside the counter.

Lu Yuan took a look, several kinds of shiny gold jewelry, and a big old diamond ring.


“All of them are from their mouths.”

“These days I often find things at the door as soon as I open it.

At first it’s broken glass, pieces of iron, and then gold, diamond rings.
I checked the security cameras, and guess what, it’s all these little guys.

It’s not a crow, it’s a black bird of honor!”

Zheng Qiuling smiled.

Lu Yuan froze at the sound of her voice before she reacted.

Yes, crows love to collect shiny things.

With a bunch of crows under his hand, it would be great to mobilize them to look for gold in the sewer gutter crevices.

A great way to make money.

Why didn’t I think of it before, these 14 points of intelligence were really added for nothing.

Lu Yuan was both emotional and happy in his heart.

He made up his mind to let the crows bring some valuable things to his mom every now and then.

It is also considered to be a disguised improvement of family conditions.

It can only pick up, can not steal, this principle Lu Yuan still have.

“. But you’re right, it’s really not good for so many crows to gather at the door every day, we don’t mind, others might mind.

Back to affect business.

Either think of a way to lure them to the back?”

Lu Yuan looked at his mom’s “both wanting and wanting” look and felt amused.

He reached into the drawer and took out the diamond ring, pinching it between his fingers and rubbing it gently, immediately rubbing it into a small handful of transparent slag.

“Fake, glass, worthless.”

Lu Yuan made a point of explaining to Zheng Qiuling and turned to inquire, “Where’s my dad?”

“Went to the police station.”

“To the police station for what?”

Lu Yuan subconsciously flinched, but he heard Zheng Qiuling say, “Good things.

Your father called the police last time and helped the police provide clues to solve a big case.

They said that the city is going to give your dad an award!”

There’s such a thing .
Lu Yuan blinked, thinking of something at once. But couldn’t confirm it.

Lu Yuan talked to his mom for a while, and when a customer came to buy cigarettes, he carried his backpack and prepared to go upstairs.

Remove these surveillance cameras he intends to turn back to find time to give a discount return.

Can’t return on the second-hand sale.

It is estimated that the future is not used.

Just as he was thinking, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

It was the sound of someone initiating a video call to him.

Lu Yuan took out his cell phone to check.

When he saw the name of the caller contact displayed on the screen, the whole person was slightly stunned.

Older sister Lu Jing?


The blinds were slightly closed, and the air conditioner above the bed whistled cold air, bringing a burst of coolness.

Lu Yuan sat in front of the desk with his cell phone in his right hand, looking intently at the screen.

The connected video screen showed Lu Jing’s face.


Wrapped tightly in a dark green hunting outfit, Lu Jing’s eyes widened and an exaggerated exclamation escaped her mouth.

“Little Yuan you how did you become like this?
Put on too much weight too!”

Lu Yuan grunted, moved his cell phone up slightly to cover his strong and developed pecs, and said in a nonchalant manner, “What do you mean by fat, I call this strong!

Let’s not talk about me first, haven’t you also become impersonal?”

This next should be a sibling dislike dialog as usual.

But to Lu Yuan’s surprise, after Lu Jing heard this, the expression on her face froze for a moment.

She didn’t even say a word, and her entire body suddenly quieted down.

“What’s wrong? Sister.”

Lu Yuan noticed the sudden change in Lu Jing’s mood and couldn’t help but ask after her.


Lu Jing shook her head and answered with a soft voice that was almost muffled by the sound of the surrounding wind and sand.

Lu Yuan couldn’t help but frown.

In fact, when the video was connected, he wanted to say it, but just kept holding back.

Compared to the last time the video was on, Lu Jing had changed too much.

The whole person appeared dark and thin, her hair was withered and yellow, her face was haggard, and her skin didn’t have any half luster.

It was as if she had stayed up for several days and nights without sleeping.

There was an indescribable trepidation in their complexion, and the slightest breeze could startle them into jumping up like a rabbit.

Lu Jing’s state was, well, terrible!
“Lu Jing.”

Lu Yuan took a light breath and called Lu Jing’s full name in a deep voice.

“What exactly happened, you tell me.”

“It’s really nothing, Far.”

Lu Jing smiled a little, and could tell that she was eager to act normal in front of Lu Yuan.

Her eyes, however, kept unconsciously glancing around to the left and right, as if she was wary of something.

The cell phone screen was only the size of a palm, so Lu Yuan couldn’t see the scene around Lu Jing.

He could only pay attention to the slight image that was revealed behind her – it seemed to be a board.

It seemed to be a board, with various photos plastered all over it, as well as some scribbled words of unknown meaning.

As Lu Yuan watched, he suddenly heard Lu Jing say, “I’ll be back in a while.”


Lu Yuan was stunned and his gaze refocused on Lu Jing.

“Didn’t you say that this project will take a long time, at least half a year, or even a year?”

“It ended early, and there’s just a little bit of finishing work left to do.

The professor on the project team saw that I’m a girl, so he let us back in early.”

Lu Jing pretended to be relaxed, her eyes kept flickering.

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and inquired, “What about what you said last time, the follow-up on the dead people under the temple? I want to know.”

“This can’t be told to you.”

Lu Jing shook his head, “This belongs to the project’s confidentiality now, so you mustn’t tell anyone else about it either.”

Lu Yuan couldn’t help but frown, but quickly calmed down.

Calmly, he inquired, “When exactly will you be back?”

“Next month. I’ll be with a few friends by then, so just remember to pick me up at the airport.”


Lu Yuan nodded and wanted to ask something else.

Suddenly, a loud bang came from the cell phone screen.

The screen instantly blacked out, as if the phone had collapsed.

The sound of someone screaming could be heard from a distance.

“Lu Jing! Lu Jing! Are you there?!”

Lu Yuan grabbed his cell phone and stood up quickly from the table, his entire body following the tension all of a sudden.

Damn that kind of dog blood plot don’t happen to me ah!
Anxious Lu Yuan couldn’t hold back the surge of emotions within his heart, and violently slammed his fist on the wall, “bang” sound on the wall in front of the desk smashed out a small crater, white wallpaper clattered down.

“Xiao Yuan!”

Grandpa Lu Yue Ping’s questioning shout came from outside the room.

Lu Yuan’s eyes flickered for a moment as he raised his hand and grabbed the anime poster that was pasted on the upper side of the wall, ripping it off with a “wow” to cover the small pit that he had smashed out.

“It’s fine, Grandpa, the chair tipped over.”

Lu Yuan replied calmly.

“Ohhh, be careful.”

The footsteps that made it to the bedroom door dropped off and faded away again.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and picked up his cell phone .
Eyes relaxed momentarily.


Once again, Lu Jing’s figure appeared in the screen.

This time she seemed to stand up, her back leaning against the wooden board at the back, and the photos and words on the board fell clearly in Lu Yuan’s line of sight.

“No it’s fine, it’s just that a cave pit suddenly collapsed and scared everyone.

Luckily there were no casualties…”

Lu Jing explained to Lu Yuan, looking as if she was still maintaining her composure.

Lu Yuan, however, saw that her lips were bitten white.

“Alright, alright, I won’t talk to you anymore, I still have work over here, hang up first.”

Without waiting for Lu Yuan to ask, “Do you want to video with Grandpa for a while?”, the call on Lu Jing’s side was already hung up.

The air conditioner hummed, and the small room fell into an inexplicable silence.

Lu Yuan stared at Lu Jing’s chat avatar on his cell phone screen for a while without saying anything.


He put down his cell phone and sat down again in front of the table.

Then he opened his computer and did a quick search online.

Occasionally, he would reach over and pull out the books resting in his hand to flip through them.

Thinking, meditating, taking screenshots, writing and drawing
Twenty minutes later.

All the work in Lu Yuan’s hands stopped.

His gaze fell to the notes spread out in front of him.

On the clean and flat surface of the paper, a bizarre elephant-shaped pattern was sketched out in pure black simple pen.

And underneath this pattern was a line of scribbled and odd words.

Underneath the text was written the Italian translation of Lu Yuan’s neat handwriting –

“The black earth of eternal disintegration, He will use blood to paint every stone and gravel of the Demon Mountain.”

These symbols and words.
They were what Lu Yuan had just glimpsed behind Lu Jing’s back. The secret.

Fourth shift, almost eighteen thousand total words for the update.

I haven’t slept much since last night, so let me adjust for a couple days before I set a time for regular daily updates.

Lastly, I’m begging for monthly votes and full subscriptions! (Bang Bang Bang!)

(End of chapter)

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