Chapter 610 – Patriarch Jin and the Nine Specters Sect

Chapter 610 – Patriarch Jin and the Nine Specters Sect

“Master Dusty Edge is too merciless, when Master was young, he traveled around Da Xia with a fake ultimatum, he was caught by the officials and was almost arrested and imprisoned for the crime of possessing a forged official document, it was only when I stepped in to explain that the officials didn’t pursue you for the crime of possessing a forged official document.”

Daxia has strict requirements for the qualifications of monks and Taoist priests, no matter whether they are monks from the Buddhist Kingdom or disciples of the Hanging Temple, they are all treated equally, and need to go through exams and audits, and hold ultimatums in order to become monks recognized by the imperial court.

Only after the recognition can they make money and practice, otherwise it is against the law.

When Master Dusty Edge came to Daxia to promote Buddhism when he was young, the first thing he did was to obtain an ultimatum.

When this matter was brought up, Master Dusty Edge was even more unable to sit still: “If you hadn’t told me that I needed to obtain an ultimatum to come to Daxia to preach, and then sold me a fake certificate, how could I have been arrested by the government?”

The Great Elder was uplifted: “It was you who first approached me, saying that Daxia was living a life of poverty, the people were living in dire straits, and that you had come to Daxia in order to help the people get out of their predicament, and extradited to your Buddhist country to recite the Buddhist scriptures and disappear into the empty door.”

“I said that the people of Daxia live better than the Buddha’s country, you still do not believe, I want you to enter the prison to see.”

“The inmates in the big prison are not even living a bad life, how could the ordinary people be like what you say?”

“Later on, I saw that you resisted quite fiercely when you were caught by the officials, and that’s when I stepped in to explain the cause.”

The Grand Elder and Master Dusty Edge sat in the first row, and between the two was Ao Li of the East Sea Dragon Clan.

Ao Li listened to the two arguing to listen to the heart itchy, temporarily forget and the great elder’s grudge, subconsciously asked: “Then the official government put Dusty Edge master released?”

“That didn’t happen, although he didn’t know that he was holding a fake document, which doesn’t constitute the crime of holding a forged official document, but he didn’t understand the rules of Daxia, and ran directly from the border, which is considered as a stowaway, and was still arrested, and by the way, I was also arrested.”

“Why did you get arrested?” Ao Li didn’t react.

“Because I made false certificates.”

“Oh right.”

Grandmaster Dusty closed his eyes and stopped ignoring the Grand Elder.

The Grand Elder continued to look for acquaintances on the mat.

When he was out and about, in the absence of the Unspeaking Daoist, the Grand Elder’s speech and demeanor represented the face of the Questioning Sect, and on such occasions, it was all the more important for him to utilize his subjective initiative and do a good job of diplomacy for the Questioning Sect.

The Great Elder traveled around when he was young, and there were acquaintances of him in the East Sea Dragon Clan, the Buddhist Kingdom, the Demon Domain Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and the Poor Qi Clan …….

“Little Jin is not here?”

The Great Elder realized that the position of the Poor Qi Clan’s Clan Chief was empty and was a bit strange, the Demon Kingdom’s Founding Ceremony was such a big event that he didn’t come over?
“You know Clan Chief Jin?” Ao Li couldn’t help but ask again.

“Recognize, how not to recognize, when Xiao Jin mistakenly entered the Demon Sect, it was our Nine Sons of the Questioning Clan who made a timely move and fished him out of the Demon Sect.”

Ao Li became even more curious, “Which devil sect?”

“Qin old year you shut up!”

Exhausted and panting, Patriarch Jin arrived late and heard the Grand Elder talk about it and warned with his eyes.

Two nights ago, he had seen Jiang Lian Yi, and then flew back to the clan for an audience with the Little Ancestor, who had learned that Jiang Lian Yi had reappeared in the world, and sensed that there might be a change of heart at the Founding Ceremony, and had told him to hurry back to participate in the Founding Ceremony.

The Emperor River Clan and the Poor Qi Clan spanned half of the Demon Region, and it took the Golden Clan Chief’s exhausting efforts to just catch up.

Just after arriving, he heard the Grand Elder reveal his black history.

Patriarch Jin’s age was considered small amongst the leaders of the major powers, only over nine hundred years old.

Nine hundred years ago, he had just reached the YuanYing stage and felt that the Poor Clan’s interior was stagnant and rigid in its thinking, and that it would definitely become poorer and poorer in the long run.

In order to find a way out, he left his home village and smuggled himself to Daxia. Since he had no proper identity, he had been mingling in the black market for a long time, and by chance, he joined the Nine Specters Sect.

After working in the Nine Specters Cult for a while, he met a rich male.

The male son ate, drank, whored and gambled just like him, and often treated him, and the two soon became friends.

The cockney lived a life of drunkenness, but the money just couldn’t be spent, and he was very envious of the way he looked at it.

Once he tentatively asked the publican’s identity, which family was so rich.

He said that he was not a disciple of a family, and that the money he spent was not given by his family, but earned by himself.

This made Patriarch Jin even more curious, so he continued to pursue the male son’s brother to ask him what ways he had to make money, and whether he could participate as well.

At first, the male son did not agree, it was he who saddled up and worked as a cow for the male son, and wasted half a day’s effort to make the male son agree.

Brother Gongzi said he has a friend invented a life-extending formula, although the enhancement is not significant, but enough to make those near-life cultivators crazy, now to this industry to invest money can earn money, invested a hundred to earn a hundred and two, invested more to earn more.

The gold patriarch will be tentative to invest 20,000 spirit stones in it, a year past the son gave him 24,000 yuan.

That night the gold patriarch excited sleepless, think the opportunity to earn money.

However, he is not a reckless person, worried about this line of work is not stable, it is another two years of exploration.

For three consecutive years, there were high profits every year, and the male didn’t lie!
The road to riches is right in front of us!
Unfortunately, the sky was the limit, and this matter was discovered by Patriarch Jin’s superior, the helmsman of the Nine Specters Cult.

The helmsman squeezes out the Jin patriarch and starts negotiating with Brother Gongzi.

After some more time, the Golden Patriarch was hunted by the Nine Specters Cult, causing him to run and wonder about the cause.

Until he fled back to the Demon Region, he hadn’t even figured out why the Nine Specters Sect was chasing him.

Two hundred years ago when he was chatting with the Grand Elder, he unintentionally mentioned this matter, and he then realized that the male he knew at that time was the Eighth Elder.

The Nine Sons of the Questioning Sect had set up a scam for the Nine Specters Cult, tricking the Nine Specters Cult out of its blood, and he was the first one of the Nine Specters Cult members to be tricked.

Probably to vent his anger, the then master of the Nine Specters Sect ordered him to be killed, and he escaped.

More than a year ago, he discovered that three followers of the Nine Specters Sect had infiltrated the Demon Region, and when he thought of the days when he was being hunted down and killed, he was furious, and slapped the three followers to death with one claw.

Joining the Nine Septic Cult and being deceived by the Nine Sons of the Questioning Sect, this matter definitely couldn’t be allowed to be told by the Grand Elder, it was too humiliating.

His tiger’s eyes glared round and looked at the Grand Elder with hostility, who spread his hands and said that he would not tell this matter.

I just came to catch up on old times, there is no malice.

The Grand Elder still wanted to continue to find acquaintances to chat with, just at this moment, the sound of the bronze bell rang out, the sound of the bell was thick and heavy, as if it came from ten thousand years ago, echoing above the Heavenly Altar.

Clouds rose from the Heavenly Altar, and the huge figure of Emperor Jiang loomed in the clouds, very mysterious.

The white clouds in the sky changed and transformed into auspicious clouds.

The Founding Ceremony officially began.

Out of politeness, the Grand Elder could only temporarily suspend his intention to chat.

Second shift at eleven.

(End of chapter)

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