Chapter 483: The Rite of New Life

Chapter 473 – The Rite of New Life
As the Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame transformed into a Flame Butterfly and flew back to Ivars’ shoulder, the glow in Diomedes’ pupils gradually dissipated.

The immensely dim room became bright once again as the afternoon sunlight dipped back into the Queen’s bedroom through the glass windows.

“Brother …… No, elder brother.”

The Butterfly of the Paradoxical Flame purposely adopted a different name from Yulia’s, and that lazy and gentle, like a soft whisper in the ear before bedtime voice, resounded in the heart of Aiwas, “I remembered that you gave the Night Demon a name ……”

“That was originally her own name ……”

Aiwas was somewhat helpless.

“I also had a name.”

The Butterfly of the Paradoxical Flame was adamant, “It was called Yulia Moriarty.”

Hearing that, Ivars understood what she was thinking.

The little butterfly thought that Aiwas’s feelings for her came from his empathy for Yulia …… Or rather, she already knew that it wasn’t the case, but still wanted a proof.

Ivas could certainly be patient and explain to her what he thought of her, but then I’m afraid she wouldn’t be happy.

“Let’s just give you a gift ……”

Aiwas made up his mind, “As a blessing for the moment of new life.”

He could feel that the little butterfly felt exceptionally satisfied with the matter of killing Drost. She even disregarded her own image and forgot to split two punches for Aiwas as well …… It wasn’t until she completely destroyed Drost that she finally calmed down.

For her, this was exactly the moment of rebirth worth celebrating and engraving.

After all, …… after all, one did not give the little butterfly an official name, and it was indeed a bit unjustifiable. Before, Little Butterfly didn’t have a full personality, and even speaking was a bit of a struggle. But now that her thinking and intellect had been no different from that of a normal human being, then it had to be honored.

However ……

“For the record, I’m really not very good at names ……”

Aiwas mused for a moment, then suddenly spoke, “You do remember, what I like to call Yulia, don’t you?”

“Yulie,” the Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame replied immediately, “I remember that nickname. I could hear it even then.”

“Then is it okay if I …… call you Leah?”

Ivars explained, “Like Yuli, as the other half of the being ‘Yulia’ …… you are not her shadow, nor are you a remnant of her. Since the feelings I once had for Yulia can be clearly perceived by both of you; and you can hear and perceive every word I say and every thing I do, it means that the Yulia I know has a part of you as well.”

In Ivars’ perception, the Butterfly of the Paradoxical Flame’s animosity toward Yulia came from about this.

Most likely, she wasn’t a reincarnated Illusionist, but a “newborn species” or “first generation” Illusionist.

In other words, the beginning of her life was when she was awakened from Yulia’s body. Yulia had no relatives, and the first person she came into contact with was Ivars.

If Ivars is Yulia’s older brother,……, then to the Paradoxical Flame Butterfly, who has no parents, Ivars is closer to her parents.

But Aiwas doesn’t know that she is conscious and can sense the outside world. Every time the Butterfly of the Paradox Flame lost control of her emotions, causing a fever in Yulia’s body due to a rise in the power of the phantom magic, and Ivars was by Yulia’s side, she thought she was a “villain”, a “germ”, a “curse”, and a “curse”. A curse.”

It is because of her existence that Yulia suffers. The fact that Ivars focuses on Yulia’s suffering means that he judges her for her crimes.

If she tries to take over Yulia’s identity, or seize the control of her body to fake Yulia’s life with Ivars, perhaps the brand of the great sin she can get will be “jealousy”.

But she didn’t.

When she realized that Ivars love was for Yulia, she sadly chose to seal herself.

More than the “medicine that puts the phantom demon to sleep” that her adoptive father had obtained, the passive will of the Butterfly of the Flame itself was probably the main reason why Yulia was able to survive until now.

After all, she was born as a superior Illusionist. Even if that medicine can suppress the egg of the phantom demon, I’m afraid that it may not be able to suppress a superior phantom demon that has a strong desire to break free.

“It is precisely because you don’t want me to be saddened by Yulia’s death, and don’t want the relationship between you and I to change from relatives to enemies …… that you choose to maintain the status quo.”

Obviously able to do something, but chose to wait and see.

Perhaps some risks could have been taken to make things better as well, but in the end, they chose to do nothing. Indulging in tenderness, forgetting and even abandoning their innate mission – to take the host’s life force, develop it fully and break the belly.

That is why she bears the great sin of idleness.

–until it was realized that her own procrastination had made everything irreparable. Yulia dies, loses control of herself and nearly kills Ivars. Receiving the memories of the Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame on the other worldline, she realizes how happy she is.

Her emotions spiral out of control precisely because of this.

And because of that.

“I named you Leia. You are also part of the Yulia I know, another being equal to Yuri. A …… loved one who also loves me and is loved by me.”

Aiwas paused suddenly as he spoke. Something touched his heart.

After a moment of silence, he replied, “I’m sorry, but I won’t let you use self-destruct again after that.”

It was only when he realized the strong feelings that the Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame-or Leah-had for him that he finally realized what he had done before.

Perhaps it was because when he sealed the Butterfly of the Paradox Flame, she had used Yulia’s image to call out to himself as a brother and ask Aiwas to spare her …… This had caused Aiwas to develop a strong aversion to being deceived. Because to Ivars, who didn’t know all this at that time, she was the culprit of Yulia’s suffering, and she was using Yulia’s image to prevent herself from saving Yulia.

After that, although Ivas didn’t continue to be hostile towards her, he more or less saw her as a tool or a weapon.

…… It could also be because the Shadow Demon would always chat with herself, while the underdeveloped Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame was not good with words. Instead, Aiwas trusted Shadow Demon more than Paradox Flame Butterfly, who had been sealed as a great beast.

Now, the Paradox Flame Butterfly’s loss of control has made Ivars truly understand her feelings. He also realized his own mistake.

The Butterfly of Paradox Flame did have the skill of self-destructing, and she did not feel pain because of it.

But “self-destruction” is the core embodiment of the Way of Devotion – to give one’s entire self for others. As a boss, the fact that the Butterfly of Paradox Flame possessed this skill was indicative of her inner pain and desire for self-destruction.

…… What have I done?

Thinking about it, Ivars was still a bit depressed.

But the Flame Butterfly flew to Aiwas’ eyes at that moment.

It fluttered gently around Ivars’ face, its warm butterfly wings flapping on Ivars’ face. It was as if it was caressing and touching his cheeks with its hands.

“I really like the name Leia.”

That lazy and gentle voice resounded in Aiwas’s heart, words with delight and at the same time with a faint echo, “But it is too much like Yuri …… In order to make a difference with her, I ask for a change in the name of my elder brother …… or master. Is that okay?”

“Of course. You can call me whatever you want, and it’s fine to address me directly as Ivars. Or you can call me brother, call me brother, whatever you want.”

Aiwas let his heart drop slightly and laughed out softly, “Or you can follow that Sherlock guy and call me Fox, or anything else like that I’m okay with. Or …… if you feel that our relationship is not that close yet, you can also call me Moriarty.”

Anyway, as long as it wasn’t the last one, it was all acceptable.

Aiwas thought so.

If the butterfly of the paradoxical flame really called him “Mr. Moriarty”, he would probably be a little hurt.

However, Leah’s words were completely out of Aiwass’s expectation— “I want to call you mom because you’re like a mom.

“I want to call you mom, because you are as gentle as a mom …… growing up with me.”

“…… Is it okay for dad?”

Aiwas’ expression was a bit odd: “Of course …… mom is okay.”

“That’s okay too.”

Leah’s bone-crunching, languidly breathy voice that was like a quiet whisper in her ear, “So, dad ……

“–First time.”

(End of chapter)

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