442.Chapter 434 – Isabel’s Battle

Chapter 434 – Isabel’s Battle

Yulia-form Isabelle sat in the carriage in a quiet and well-behaved manner, and opposite her was the beautiful woman with long platinum blonde curls.

This carriage was not to cope with the other party’s accomplices, and it wasn’t even the kind of open carriage commonly seen on the roadside.

It was the carriage of a knight or merchant family, with fruits and exquisite decorations inside. The soft cushions underneath made riding in the carriage less torturous.

It had been casually stopped by the woman from the side of the road.

It was only a single glance and the other woman was in complete control.

Without asking her what she was going to do at all, the other person got out of her carriage in an incredibly smooth and natural manner, and let her have the car. By the time the people in the car bid her a warm goodbye and left, they didn’t feel anything wrong at all, and didn’t even look at Yulia the whole time.

When Yulia got into the car, the curtains of the carriage were closed by the other party. Therefore, from the outside, there was no way to see that “Yulia” was here.

In the darkened space, the woman’s pupils overflowed with a pink halo. In the confined space, that sweet smell also became more and more intense.

Isabel clearly felt that her consciousness was gradually becoming blurred again. Soon she would fall back into that compelled state.

–This will never do.

Such a thought popped up in Isabel’s mind.

Although she didn’t recognize who this woman really was, the other party was clearly here to trouble Yulia.

Even Bishop Mathers had been silently controlled by her, so she should be a fifth energy level Transcendent.

Then, there was a high probability that this person was that Countess Emma from Star Antimony.

If one exposes his true identity at such a time, it is indeed possible to terminate the other party s criminal behavior …… but the greater scenario is to fall into deeper trouble.

Whether it was to have herself completely controlled mentally and thus turned into a puppet; or to have her mind manipulated to harm Aiwas and Yulia, destroying her relationships; or simply to try to attack or assassinate herself in order to silence her …… Even if it was just to wash away her own memories, and then take her to find the real Yulia, that would be something that Isabel could never accept.

…… It was only yesterday that the drunken Ivars hugged herself, calling out for her mom while whimpering. And talking gibberish that was as illogical as dream talk.

At that time, Isabel knew for the first time, the original seems to be omniscient, omnipotent Aiwas also have such a vulnerable moment; she was also until then to deeply realize that she can never regard Aiwas as their own god, and Aiwas is by no means their own savior.

He was a mortal, with his own loves, hates, and pains. Although he always showed a relaxed and confident smile as if nothing had happened, he was just keeping the pressure silent in his heart.

Isabel must not throw all the responsibility and pressure on Ivars.

Ivars had saved her, and it was up to her to protect everything Ivars valued.

–That was only fair!
If she couldn’t even protect an innocent little girl like Yulia, how could she openly and confidently swear before the nation that she would protect Avalon?
And so Isabel began to lay out the means to wake herself up before she lost consciousness again.

Isabel instinctively realized that Countess Emma’s means of manipulating her spirit would be that aroma. It wasn’t something that would turn one into a puppet, but rather it would dissolve hostility and create a great sense of goodwill. It was as if it turned into a good friend who had been together for decades.

However, when the other party called one’s name wrongly, one would have a moment of clarity. If the other party did not continue to manipulate her after that, she was able to break free from the control.

Therefore, Isabel needed to make the other person pronounce the name “Yulia” after leaving the carriage.

In order to do so, she would have to take some risks.

–It was her fight.

After clarifying the purpose and risks, Isabelle raised her head and opened the curtains of the carriage and looked out the window in a relaxed position. Her movements surprised Emma a bit, but Emma didn’t do anything. She just looked at Isabel with interest and watched what she wanted to do.

“Where are we …… going?”

She made Yulia’s soft, timid voice, which wasn’t too hard for Isabel to play …… just a straight imitation of her past self.

A bit of resistance and timidity showed in her eyes as she gently pursed her own lips.

“Are you scared?”

Emma asked gently, reaching out her hand and gently pulling “Yulia’s” hand.

She gently rubbed the back of Yulia’s hand and asked as if nothing had happened, “Can you tell your sister what you think?”

Isabel felt a strong sense of vertigo rise from the bottom of her heart. It was like soaking in a hot bath after a hard and exhausting study session then shrinking into a warm comforter. It was as if she would simply fall asleep as soon as she relaxed.

She slightly closed her eyes to balance that sense of imbalance in her heart, trying to resist the relaxation of her heart, while making a reminiscent look, “My brother told me …… that the Lloyd’s District is very dangerous, and that he won’t let me wander around …… “

“It’s okay,” Emma smiled gently, reached out and hugged “Yulia” over to her, resting her forehead against hers, and said in a childlike soft tone, “Sister will protect you. ”

Isabel’s body didn’t dare to exert the slightest bit of force, and even more so, she didn’t dare to show the slightest bit of resistance.

She was distracted by the constant presence of Ivars face in her mind, trying to recall every word he had said. To cut down on the overwhelming, unnatural intimacy.

At the same time, Isabelle opened her eyes, looked at Emma with curious eyes, and asked as if nothing had happened, “If we go to the Lloyd District, are we going abroad for fun?”

“It will be afterward. But this time it’s to take you to recognize the road first.”

Emma laughed lightly and explained to her seriously, “Sister still has things to do in the next two days and can’t just take you along. You first memorize how to go …… to the Lloyd’s building and wait for the day after tomorrow when your brother goes to participate in the Round Table Hall meeting, you will sneak out again. Remember?”

She was a little less afraid to deal with Ivars these days.

Although Aiwas was only a weakling of the third energy level, that particular situation that could not be explained clearly last time had made her wary. As a chimera, Emma’s character was bound to favor caution. If she could, she hoped it would be best not to fight the entire time – not that she wasn’t good at fighting, but she didn’t like that.

She’d already dealt with Ivas before, in a sense revealing her abilities and part of her purpose. And now she had to stay here for a few more days. If she just killed Yulia and took her heart at this point, her corpse would easily give herself away.

It would be troublesome if they really fought on Glass Island.

And one heart might not be enough – maybe opening the seal would require more blood in addition to the heart. Bringing a living person and repeated treatments would ensure that there was enough blood, and it was certainly much better than just bringing the heart.

So although “father” said that it was okay to bring only the heart. But she didn’t want to let her father down……. If she could, it would be best to take Yulia away directly.

And with a hostage in hand, it will also be safer.

By the time the other side realized Yulia was missing, she had already arrived at Star Antimony. And while stalling and kicking the tires with Avalon’s side, they could take the opportunity to sacrifice her.

–Because of this, Emma needed to let Yulia “come to herself” at the right time.

At a time when the Eye of Avalon is definitely not working, at a time when Ivars is definitely not available. Don’t alert anyone. …… Only she can do this.

And now, she was just taking Yulia for a ride, casually strolling around and taking her back.

If the “Eye of Avalon” really caught her now, she can also explain, after all, she really did not do anything.

In fact, she had already implanted her own psychological hints into the heart of “Yulia”.

When the day after tomorrow when your brother goes to the Round Table Hall meeting, the hints planted in her heart will explode directly. At that time, she would come directly by her own will.


The moment she was actively interfered with by the “hint”, Isabelle’s wall of thought was completely melted.

She nodded seriously and replied from the bottom of her heart.

The last image that stayed in her mind was Ivars hugging himself and calling for his mother last night.

She jumped into Emma’s arms, arching her spine like a kitten, gently rubbing her head against the other woman’s soft chest, and letting out a delicate voice, “Oo~ So can I call you mommy?”

“Of course, good boy ……”

Emma smiled gently and helped Isabel straighten her messy hair, “Yulia you can call it whatever you want oh.”

The moment she heard those words, a strong feeling of disgust from the bottom of her heart suddenly surged up from Isabel’s heart.

It was as if the lover was sweetly cuddling with herself when the other party shouted another woman’s name out of her mouth – that loving filter that seemed to be completely immersed in the next moment was instantly shattered.

While feeling a strong sense of dislocation, Isabel’s pupils shrunk once again.

The rationality that had been submerged by “love” to the point of almost going out of control instantly returned.

This time, Isabel didn’t last too long, and immediately fell back into that sleepy state.

It was like being in a class, so sleepy that she couldn’t even open her eyes, and her head started nodding all the time. But she still tried hard to use her reason to open her eyes and stay awake. And when you nod your head like that, you suddenly wake up for a moment – not in a sleepy doze, but after having fallen asleep and woken up again.

And because of that, she was barely able to stay awake for a brief moment.

…… At least after verification it can be determined that this method does work.

Isabel confirmed that this control was not permanent. Therefore she slightly lowered her heart and thought quickly in her mind.

However, “Yulia” was a girl with very few words in terms of her characterization. It was impossible for her to keep pulling the other party into a conversation, as that would only make the other party suspicious. Therefore, he must enter a controlled state to build up his strength…….

Strongly enduring the fear and resistance to the unknown in her heart, Isabel took the initiative to sink herself into the state of being controlled.

When Isabel raised her head from Emma’s arms, an innocent and contented smile was already on her face, and she had become quiet once again.

After all, Moriarty Manor was right in the White Queen neighborhood, and Emma cautiously considered the possibility that perhaps someone in the vicinity of Yulia’s house might recognize her. So she kept the curtains closed, not wanting anyone who knew “Yulia” to see her.

It was only after the carriage had passed through the Red and White Queens, and officially entered Lloyd’s, that Emma finally drew back the curtains.

Because she was going to let “Yulia” recognize the way, she had to open the curtains. But obviously no one in the ghetto will recognize Yulia ……, and after they walk around here, they can take Yulia home.

The window was filled with a light white mist. The sirens of the harbor in the distance mingled with the shouts of the merchants.

“Yulia looked out the window of the carriage and carefully memorized the way she came.

At that moment Isabel suddenly saw a girl with a basket of wild flowers flitting past the window.

The girl was dirty. Even in winter she was still thinly clad, dry and thin, and shivering in the cold wind.

She even had blue and purple lips, which worried Isabel.

She couldn’t help but open the window and poked her head out to look behind her.

(End of chapter)

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