391.Chapter 383 Beware of Isabel!

Chapter 383 – Beware of Isabel!

–The real identity of “Demon Slayer” Ivars Moriarty is the mysterious Minister of Whatever!

–The “Miss Aleister” who saved Ivars’ life was actually a spy from Star Antimony, and attacked Minister Moriarty after her identity was discovered!

–The newly appointed Minister was assassinated by a Star Antimony man and died of his wounds!
–Shocking secret! The heir to the House of Moriarty imprisoned by his lover!
–How did the daughter of the Earl of Crowley, become an agent of the royal house of Avalon?

–The forbidden romance between the youngest Avalon minister and the daughter of a rebellious count, unaccepted by the world!
–An urgent secret report from the Hall of the Round Table that the Minister of the Navy has actually committed treason!
–The new Grand Arbiter is a silver dragon in human form?
The next morning, the front pages of all the major newspapers were basically talking about this big event that happened yesterday.

There were those who cut into the incident from various angles, and the degree of truth varied.

One of the most outrageous ones, said with great veracity that Aiwas was being rescued by the Bishop’s Joint Rescue with his tendons and bones broken, and was still not out of danger; there were also those who colorfully wrote out the story of how Aiwas and Aleister met coincidentally, got to know each other and fell in love with each other; and there were also those who said that Aleister was being tortured, and hadn’t yet spilled the beans about where exactly Aiwas was being locked up.

The contents of these news stories are even in conflict with each other.

Each has its own major illness, so to speak.

What the Glass Steeple is publishing is Aleister’s “speech” in front of reporters. Today’s magic picture, the GIF that comes with the Glass Steps, is of Ms. Aleister spreading her hands gracefully in an Empire-style dress.

It was not until today that people realized what the so-called “Miss Aleister” really looked like.

The noble and cool elegance and beauty was unforgettable at first sight. Along with this, the matter of Ai Hua Si being seduced by a foreign woman also seemed to become reasonable.

–You on you also confused.

Not to mention, that “I love him, I imprison him” attitude, attracting people’s imagination.

The low and tense atmosphere that pervaded the entire Glass Island because of Queen Sophia’s life-threatening condition was momentarily overshadowed by this shocking melons.

At the moment, because of the possibility of entering a period of national mourning at any moment, all kinds of entertainment activities had been stopped early. In this era, all kinds of activities and performances need to be advertised and organized a long time in advance.

If by then the activities are about to start, and it turns out that the mourning week is coming …… then there is no doubt that it will cause a huge economic loss. Therefore, various dance troupes, theater companies and circuses have now stopped their performances, and the number of concert halls has also been reduced to one-third. In a time of scarcity of entertainment, this has undoubtedly become a source of delightful laughter for the people of Avalon.

But the heat simply wasn’t going down.

It was only another day from then that the Great Guardian gave an interview to a reporter from the Glass Steps Gazette. He told a part of what “Ms. Aleister” had said during his interrogation of Aleister.

Especially about the information that Miss Aleister had been living with ordinary people, and that she had known Ivars for three years, which was not known to outsiders. There was also a part of the oath she made in the presence of the Lord of the Crown – mainly, “If there is a war, I will stand by Avalon”, “I love Avalanche as myself”, “I love Avalanche as myself”, and “I love Avalanche as myself”. “I love Ivars as myself”, and “I have never used human materials and never will”.

–The Great Guardian himself didn’t really want to say these things, it all came from Ligeia’s command.

Because he always felt that it involved Ms. Crowley’s privacy. Especially the fact that she once lived with a commoner, speaking about it might be detrimental to her reputation.

Ligeia, however, said that it had been authorized by Aleister himself – and that the remarks were necessary.

Its purpose was to strike back at the Star Antimony people.

Since they recognized “Aleister Crowley” as a non-existent person, they would have to bear the consequences for the Crowley family because of her actions and attitudes.

And this story is very much to the liking of the Iris people.

The forbidden, agonizing, mutually tormenting love of the young minister of Avalon and the daughter of the Earl of Star Antimony – a subject that I’m afraid would make a good play or novel. It simultaneously satisfies the Iris people’s thirst for romance, breaks the stereotype of the Avalonians as quaint and uninteresting …… and, most importantly, is able to blacken the hand of the Star Antimony people ruthlessly. Think it’s going to be a big seller.

When this gets to Star Antimony, it will put pressure on the Crowleys.

Especially the sentence “If there is a war between Star Antimony and Avalon, I will stand on the side of Avalon”. This attitude would undoubtedly make the people of Star Antimony unhappy. If Star Antimony really goes to war at this time, I’m afraid that many Star Antimony people will be surprised – they can’t see the deeper reasons, they can only see the most popular and hottest stories of the moment.

–This is, without a doubt, a ploy in the style of Ivars.

If it worked, it would disgust them; if it didn’t, there was no downside. Unlike Queen Sofia’s style, who preferred to lay out a detailed plan with a tightly knotted loop, Ivars loved to play this kind of “idle chess”. If you don’t have anything to do, you can dig a hole on the road, and if you dig too many holes, someone will always fall into them.

On the other hand, using the cover of the gossip craze that has arisen in Avalon. Aiwas their next plan has also been implemented.

The remaining two of the Grand Characters were in a neutral capacity that didn’t care about anything. In this case, the Grand Arbiter and the Grand Guardian have the same opinion, and in line with the Queen’s “life”, or the will of the sober …… they are not willing to interfere too much.

And they have long been the “Minister of the Navy to commit espionage, treason” news, mixed in a large pile of gossip sent out. Relying on the information spit out by the Minister of the Navy, Ligeia quickly locked those who have accepted the Star Antimony people’s recruitment of ministers.

She then went straight to the door for interrogation and trial. Throughout the entire process, Ivars, as the Minister of the Ministry of Whatever, didn’t show up, and it all came from the personal action of the Grand Arbiter.

Among them, there was also really the big man who was still in contact with the Star Antimony People and was ready to run away at any time – he was the Minister of Maritime Affairs, or the Minister of Naval Affairs.

He’s close to Dervish Ramos, and also very close to Drost, the former Trade Minister. And from this interrogation, Ligeia tortured out one of the reasons for the rapid defeat of the Avalon Navy in the Ten Day War. That is, the Minister of Maritime Affairs had betrayed the map of Avalon’s naval defense to the Star Antimony people.

Ligeia was furious and sentenced the other party to death on the spot.

The power of judgment from the Silver Crown of the Dragon allowed the royal family, with their authoritative ways, to execute disloyal and betraying officials at will.

–Only a huge, splendid and complicated silver colored lightsaber appeared in the afternoon sky in full view of everyone.

Because of that strange sight, the Glass Island was even slightly confused for a moment.

Only the old men of Avalon recognized what it was.

They were moved, and one by one, they walked out from the house, staring at the sky outside in a daze.

That was the [Death Penalty Technique].

The highest level of Law Spell. Once it was locked on, it could not be resisted, evaded, or recruited.

However, it was not usually used for combat, but for execution. A special power belonging to the Grand Arbiter.

The only time it is used is when a current minister or a direct member of the royal family needs to be sentenced to death.

Meg hadn’t used this power of the Grand Arbiter for a long, long time.

So much so that people had even forgotten that the Grand Arbiter had such a power, such a power.

Now this young dragon lady named “Ligeia”, her behavior is obviously much rougher than Meg …… This may also mean the attitude of the new king.

This makes those spies hiding in the glass island have to start to think, Isabel is as good and harmless as she appeared to be?
–Obviously, it was impossible.

Among those people she is close to, Ivars, Sherlock, Ligeia …… these people have one or the other, acting can be described as rough. It was completely different from the previous attitude during Sophia’s reign.

If there was no authorization from Isabel, the future new king, how did they dare to act like this?
Could they have silently overthrown the new king?
How could it be!

It was well known that the Hermes family and the Barton family that the Great Guardian was a part of were both hardcore royal factions. There was no way they would do such a thing.

Then there was only one explanation.

–Isabel’s previous attitude was nothing more than a disguise!
So these spies from Star Antimony and Iris solemnly wrote down what they had seen and heard in secret letters and sent them back home.

They issued very sharp and solemn warnings. It was a very reasonable inference, obtained after analyzing the intelligence.

Beware of Isabelle du Lac!

This young queen had a ruthless hand, very different from her appearance, with a very strong desire to attack!
It’s late, but today is a 7,000 word update meow!

I’m begging for votes at the beginning of the month.
Thank you to Su Rinten for feeding me an ally!

(End of chapter)

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