324.Chapter 317 – The Stranger is Full of Expectations

Chapter 317 – Stranger is full of expectations
The Stranger was happy.

She didn’t know how her companions were doing now, but she was certainly happy now.

Because the guest she was receiving at the moment was completely out of her expectation-

“Yes, I also think that the Sage’s Stone is impossible to reach. It goes against one of the essences of the Balanced Pathway, ‘Equivalent Exchange’, and thus it is actually a wrong goal.”

The girl with long, curly, navy blue hair and a gentle appearance was currently sitting in a private room talking incessantly to the young man in front of her about something.

That young man was more of a boy than a man. Even though he no longer looked young, and might even be approaching or arriving at the age of thirty, yet there was a coy and shy aura about him.

He had short, messy black hair and wore black-framed glasses. That clean aura was more like that of a scholar than an aristocrat, a style at odds with the extravagance and depravity of this place.

“I think you’re right!”

The youth was very happy, with the leap of faith and excitement of finding a like-minded person, “Have you studied alchemy as well? What do you think about ‘technologizing’?”

“Technologizing” was a term used in alchemy. In the past it was usually pejorative.

This is because alchemy is actually a very complex doctrine – it encompasses a wide range of ways of perceiving the world, including various philosophical concepts and methodologies. Specific alchemical formulas are even more self-contained, and everyone’s perceptions are slightly different. …… In most cases, alchemists tend to follow the basic principles of deduction, or completely analyze and study other people’s formulas and then turn them into their own.

The “technicalization” refers to the teaching style of the alchemy instructors who, because of their mistakes and haste, let the students teach too many alchemy formulas to their apprentices without thoroughly grasping the basic theories of alchemy.

As a result, even though the apprentices held the recipes in their hands, they did not know the principles of the recipes, and were unable to effectively debug and improve the recipes.

Thus, alchemy has changed from a “doctrine of searching for truth” to a “technology of making alchemical products”, and therefore, in the mainstream thinking of alchemists, this behavior is undoubtedly harmful, utilitarian, and will destroy the inheritance.

If such behavior is extreme, it will eventually lead to the fact that only those “useful” formulas, even the “most useful” formulas, can be passed on, but perhaps a seemingly useless formula hides more mysteries and keys to the truth.

The Stranger, however, did not hesitate to say, “The core power of the Tao of Equilibrium comes from completely analyzing and transforming [Mystical Knowledge] into [Conventional Knowledge], and this process is what we call ‘dispelling the myths’. Replicating the various techniques and magical potions that only exist in myths and legends into reality is alchemy. It is the great doctrine of devouring and fusing the powers of other paths and ‘great unification’ of them.

“Undoubtedly, if only one pathway can exist in the future of this world, then it will also end up being the Equilibrium Pathway. And I believe that the essence of ‘technologizing’ is to further expunge alchemy and turn it into ‘alchemy technology’, or ‘alchemy’.

“This is indeed utilitarian, but it is not harmful. Because this is precisely one of the core concepts of the Balanced Dao Path, to cognize and transform the world with knowledge and methods, to unify that which is disordered into order-“

There was a brilliant and incomparable light in the Stranger’s eyes.

It was the light of knowledge and truth.

The youth sitting opposite her was also trembling with excitement, “You are right! My God, Hourglass is above – I didn’t expect that the first person to fully understand me would actually be in Arc Moon Manor …… No, I have to think of a way to take you away …… “

With that, he shouted outside, “Pomponazzi!”

“Coming, coming ……”

A handsome young man shook a wine glass full of blood and came smiling from outside, “How’s it going, Bashir, my friend? Is the girl I ordered still to your satisfaction?”

Once he got a good look at the neat clothes on the two men, he was a bit disappointed, “You guys just drank and drank for two hours and nothing happened as a result?”

“What are you talking about, you fool,” Basil Valentine was a little disconcerted, “This is a respectable young lady! She understands my ideas perfectly, and even some of them are more advanced than mine-

“I say, Pomponazzi …… how can I take her away? I think the ‘Twelve Keys’ need her!”

“You like her so much?”

The Son of the Moon, known as Pomponazzi, was a little surprised.

He looked at the Stranger and spoke, “What number are you?”

“I am number 23.”

The Stranger replied.

“23,” Valentine marveled, “an odd number, a prime number. As is your unique nature.”

He eyed his noble friend, and Pomponazzi had some teeth.

“All right, number 23 isn’t too expensive. I’ll buy it for you as a birthday present. If you don’t stay here for the night tonight, just take her away.” Peng Bo Naqi’s eyes gazed at the Stranger, his pupils turning bright red for a moment.

He sensed the emotions and thoughts in the Stranger’s heart, and raised the corners of his mouth in what could be considered satisfaction – he didn’t sense any element of intrigue or scheming from it, only intense reverence and excitement.

So he said casually, “It just so happens that it’s about time for you to start a family – if you don’t mind that she was once a blood servant.”

“I’ve told you, I only took her as a friend and confidant-“

Valentine yelled as his cheeks blushed a little, “I’m just trying to drag her into my ‘Twelve Keys’!”

The Stranger, on the other hand, had his eyes wide and focused on what was going on in front of him.

Compared to the promotion mission, being able to personally contact and chat face-to-face with the young Valentine I – she considered it a much more valuable and rare experience.

There wasn’t a single Star Antimony alchemist who wouldn’t venerate Valentine I.

It was his Twelve Keys organization that selflessly transformed the knowledge of alchemy from a lofty aristocratic knowledge into a so-called access to the truth that everyone could learn. It was also because of his belief in building a nation based on alchemy that the Kingdom of Star Antimony, which had only been given the smallest and least fertile piece of land after the Rift War, was able to annex its former neighbors, who were either powerful or rich.

Time has proven them right. And the man in front of them is the great man who brought them truth and victory.

–Anyone can become a god if they do it the right way.

That was the idea of Valentine I.

Even the exalted Divine Masters and Pillar Gods may not be irreplaceable.

There is nothing necessarily forbidden or impossible to do in this world, it’s all about taking a step forward. And then another step forward.

There is nothing in this world that human beings cannot do, and all human beings are like stars. When night falls, the stars illuminate the earth.

It is with this idea that the Star Antimony people have gathered under his banner.

It was a surprise to see their idol, and an even bigger surprise to have accomplished their mission so easily.

But at that moment, the Stranger suddenly remembered something–

It had to take two people to complete this mission.

So she subconsciously spoke, “However, I ……”

…… I have another friend, can I bring him or her along?
Just as such a thought appeared in her mind, she felt hesitant.

And Pangbornazi, who had a scarlet gaze, turned back, “Hm? What’s the matter?”

“…… No, nothing.”

The Stranger’s mind electrified with thoughts, giving up on convincing the Golden Master to buy his companion along with him.

That was a bit too much of an inch. Even if what was in front of her was just false, she didn’t want her idol Valentine I to think she was an insatiable person.

I’m sure they can work it out themselves, the Stranger thought to herself.

–If only I really lived in this time, how nice it would be to actually be able to join the Twelve Keys of Valentine I. She thought to herself.

She’d be better off exchanging more alchemy tips with each other than that.

Even if the other party grasped alchemy concepts that were several hundred years behind, and the alchemy science technology in the middle of these years had been developing rapidly every year …… But intelligent as he was, he thought that he would be able to be inspired by these new technologies and find some inspiration.

As it happened, there was still one technical hurdle that the armed gargoyles developed by Stranger hadn’t overcome – these gargoyles, which were capable of deflecting spells but had relatively fragile flesh, were themselves incapable of casting spells. So how were they supposed to deal effective damage from a safe enough distance?
It was to solve this problem that he had taken up the Equilibrium Pathway on the side and taught himself alchemy. But now that his alchemy was on the verge of moving into the third energy level, he still couldn’t solve this problem. The best strategy at the moment is still to throw various alchemical compounds …… But this consumption is really a bit big.

Perhaps this Star Antimony Kingdom’s founding monarch can bring some technical inspiration to today’s Star Antimony-

Stranger was full of expectations.

(End of chapter)

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