295.Chapter 289 – The Divine Entity of Avalon

Chapter 289 – Avalon’s Sacred Entity
The answer to this question was clear if it was based on Aiwas’ previous knowledge.

–He was Aiwas Moriarty. And also Aiwas Alexander. Counting the memories of his previous life, he was also a traveler from another world.

But nowadays, Ivars was a little less sure.

Why had he come to this world?
Why was he the only one who came to this world?
Why is he the only one who has awakened memories of his past life? And he also happens to be a player who has played this “game” and has insight into the future. ……

When Ivars was born, his grandfather had already arrived at Eagle Point Village to live in seclusion. Was his birth related to his grandfather’s research?

Originally, Ivars was only wary of his adoptive father – as a shadowy figure who didn’t know what he was up to, anything he did would be considered by Ivars to be some kind of long term plan.

— As it turns out, nowadays, Aiwas finds out that his own grandfather is actually a mad scientist after all!
This revelation made Ewas jittery in the back of his mind.

Could I be a swamp person too? Or am I a copy of someone?
I might even be Jacob, who has lost his memory!
And Jacob may not be dead.

…… Let’s leave aside the issue of “fake death”, which is a non-legacy technology in Avalon.

If his research is completed, then his merit is enough to be elevated and become an apostle.

And then, Ivars thought of another thing…


Or rather, players in the game setting.

There was no such place as Eagle Point Village in the game. But maybe it’s not that it doesn’t exist, but that the player can’t find it.

Each player has their own background setting when they create their character – they have to set their race, background, origin, and personal quests and goals and stuff like that. During plot conversations, these things can then become their exclusive dialog options; there are also some quests that can vary depending on the player’s origin.

Eventually, the player will come to the Glass Island and lose their wallet and identification – but until then, they can all be accounted for and someone who actually exists in the world.

But here’s the catch.

As players of the Serpent Father’s bloodline, if you look at their backgrounds ……, then all of them have parents and families, except for those who chose the “orphan” background. So why aren’t their family members of the Serpent Father’s bloodline?
Or why don’t the players ever go home?
From a gameplay point of view, it’s easy to explain. Because there are so many origins and backgrounds to choose from, designing individual quests and NPCs related to their past for each of them would add a lot of unnecessary work.

So players will always encounter all sorts of things to keep them from having a proper reason to run away and go home …… And then they get used to being shooed around, and then Avalon just goes out of business further down the line. Rounding it up is a broken home.

…… But.

If there is a player character who is the “formula protagonist”, i.e. the officially recognized protagonist ……, then that person should also be real. In other words, because the protagonist has his own origin and background, then this protagonist should also be real – and came to Glass Island in October.

But Aiwas double-checked that there really was no such person.

Aiwaas then had a scary but reasonable thought…

Could it be that the original “protagonists” were the swamp people created by Jacob?
That’s why they were supposed to be mortals, but became descendants of the snake father; that’s why no family members came to the door because of the long absence; that’s why the players could gain public experience through the transcendent act of killing powerful enemies; that’s why the players could be resurrected indefinitely after death but would lose experience; that’s why the players could not find the village of Eagle Point which was near; that’s why the players arrived at the scene just in the right moment and lost their experience when Eyvarth was in danger. arrive at just the right moment and save him ……

If that’s the case, then it all makes sense!
The “protagonist” controlled by the players is most likely a test subject created by Jacob using some kind of material related to the Snake Father!

But now that he has obtained the “system”, the person who can use the free experience is no longer the player, but himself ……

Looking at Ivars sitting on the sofa, head down into a long silence and thinking, the elder sighed and poured a cup of tea for Ivars.

“Don’t think too much, child.”

The Elder said calmly, “Jacob is in love with you.”

“I was just thinking ……”

Ivars hesitated, but opened his mouth to ask, “My grandfather …… is he really dead?”

Even nowadays Aiwas just recalling the incident …… of him and Jacob having a fever at the same time felt like it was full of intrigue.

As a high-ranking Spell Ceremony Mage – even most likely the highest-ranking Spell Ceremony Mage in Avalon at the time – it made no sense that he wouldn’t be able to discover that he had been cursed, much less be unable to counter the curses released by these weak cursers. Then his eventual death would seem very strange.

What was even more strange was that all the research notes around him disappeared after his death.

If the person who stole his research was Noble Red, then how did they arrive at the village of Eagle Point, which is sheltered by the Goblin Boundary?

If they did arrive at Hawk Point Village, why didn’t they silence the place?

Then if it wasn’t Noble Red’s people who stole them …… why didn’t Noble Red come to this neighborhood to look for them? And who took these things?
Ivars felt like he already knew a lot.

But what he didn’t know instead became more.

He truly felt that the old man he was associated with was not just his adoptive father, James – or rather, he was now simply a pawn in a game between two old men. And Ivars was just now realizing that there was another chess player.

Afterward, Ivars questioned the Elder again, and he couldn’t give any new valid information.

So Ivars could only politely say goodbye and leave.

The next target of questioning was the only priest in Eagle Point Village.

In this village shrouded by the power of dusk, this priest likewise might give Ivars more surprises.

And just then. Great Guardian George was at the moment using a soul searching spell to scrutinize the intelligence in the brain of one of the senior members of Noble Red that he had captured alive.

Because they all know that he has a soul searching spell, it is really too difficult for him to capture a person alive …… before being captured alive by him, the other party will commit suicide.

It was only until now that he finally caught one. The other party had been lurking on Glass Island for a long time, and suddenly decided to leave today. As a result, just as he was transferring, he was caught by the returning Great Guardian – by means of a sneak attack, he captured the first high-level living person he had obtained so far.

George decides that he must search his memories in detail before he can do so.

As it turned out, just as he started reading the memories, he encountered a problem – he wasn’t quite sure of the terminology the other party was using. This was because reading memories did not include transcendental knowledge, which was a kind of protection for the caster.

“…… Sacred Entity?”

The Great Guardian’s brow furrowed, “What is that ……”

His hand that clutched the other’s cheek used a few more points of force, while the other’s body convulsed even more intensely, large patches of white smoke seeped out from the other’s five senses and were slowly inhaled by the Grand Guardian.

He had gotten information he had never gotten before.

In his knowledge, these giants of Noble Red, their only demand should be to take revenge on Avalon, to become independent from Avalon or to seize Avalon’s land. And their most essential purpose was to enable Kumatenji to return to the Pillar God position once again.

In order to do this, they must cause a great deal of violence and chaos in the world, in order to shake the concept of authority.

Just listen to their names and declarations –

“–We are all Fists of Trauma, Hands of Clutching Blood, and Blades of Scalelessness.”

The Great Guardian knows that the organization known as Noble Red was formerly known as the Scaleless Hand.

It was a large armed organization made up of a transcendent who was not armored, nor loyal to the Dragon of the Silver Coronet. The essence of the organization was a volunteer army of Transcendents who rebelled against the former king, the tyrant Tudor III, the “Hanged King”.

After Queen Sophia took the throne and gradually pacified her people and solved the many problems left by Tudor III, the Scaleless Hand lost its core cohesion.

For while they hadn’t done much, or almost nothing, yet. But life has changed for the better on its own, and it will get better and better …… Then they can actually go back to their daily lives.

However, the power and legacy of this spontaneously coalesced Transcendentals volunteer army attracted the attention from the Star Antimony Kingdom. With the massive aid given by the Star Antimony Kingdom at no cost, the Noble Red, which was once again formed with the former Giant Prince at its core, was born.

They are richer and more powerful than the Scaleless Hands – without the need to spontaneously provide funds for their activities or carry out assassination missions in order to receive funds like the Scaleless Hands, they do not need to do anything for the organization to regularly pay out money, and they are an underground organization that is completely off the grid.

However greed could not be filled. Their connections on the antimony side of the star allowed them to easily initiate smuggling.

Eventually Avalon found them by tracing the smuggling.

Otherwise, a transcendent organization whose funds did not flow in from the country at all, which had a strict membership threshold and would also actively silence people, was basically invisible in this era where there was no big data, and where even bank data could not be interconnected in real time.

On the flip side, since they took money from the Star Antimony people …… then they are essentially working for the Star Antimony people.

Star Antimony Man’s purpose, that is naturally to disrupt Avalon.

…… But now, the Great Guardian has gotten an unexpected answer.

This Noble Red’s senior management, the memory in his head reveals …… that their “revenge” and “rebellion” against Avalon is only to cheat money and obtain support from Star Antimony. The “revenge” and “rebellion” against Avalon was only to cheat money and get support from Star Antimony.

The Noble Red is not a puppet of the Antimony people as they think. They also had their own plots, or their own demands.

Of course, the core claim did have to do with the Supreme Sky.

But they were not hoping for an armed takeover of power, much less intending to cause chaos – this was indeed behavior befitting a giant’s intellect and character, yet the Giant Prince was an unexpectedly wise and composed type.

They had gathered on Glass Island because Wolfram had received intelligence from the prophecy that there was a [Sacred Entity] that was on Glass Island at the moment. If it could be obtained, it would be extremely helpful for the reappearance of the Supreme Heaven.

But the prophecy did not mention what this divine entity was. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack to find it. The only clue that could be determined was that this Sacred Entity was related to the Serpent Father or the Ringed Heavenly Division, gods that transcended the path of the Dao.

And the reason why they would evacuate today was simple-

Because this morning, news came from the headquarters – that [divine entity] they were looking for was no longer on Glass Island today.

Friendly book push, also Amber Streams!
“No One Knows of Your Infamy

“The evil and deluded king of tyranny, the vile and shameless prophet, the source of evil that breeds intrigue, and the underhanded sage with supreme intellect …… These are the evil names bestowed upon you by the citizens.

“Everyone, in fear of your merits and character, will also abstain from these epithets, and all are more accustomed to address you as – That Lord.

“Of course, you have also reaped a certain amount of good fame, and many underground associations have bestowed upon you the title of Savior, except that these associations are currently wanted by the Empire.

“Do you have any thoughts on these matters?”

A reporter inquired to Logos.

“Slander! They’re slandering me! I only wanted a billion points of security in the beginning ……”

Without waiting for Logos to finish answering the question, several teenage girls kicked open the door of the interview room, and they rushed towards Logos as they shouted something about friendship, bond, future, or whatever.

(End of chapter)

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