281.Chapter 276 – Herlechin’s Attendants

Chapter 276 – Herlechin’s Attendants

…… Sister, do you know how many slots you have in that statement?

Ivars’ eyebrows involuntarily jumped, while Lily subconsciously didn’t believe that and couldn’t help but open her mouth to ask:
“Undead …… what?”


Hajna stomped in place somewhat nervously, wanting to run forward quickly, but not wanting to leave her friends to escape alone, “Try to run to a house with lights, and if you can’t do that …… remember to stay quiet and remain silent when they appear!
“Remember, you must stop at once, keep quiet and remain silent! Otherwise you might get caught!”

After hearing Hajna’s words, Aywas understood what was about to happen here.

–Night of the Wild Hunt.

It was a phenomenon that occasionally occurred in both Avalon and the neighboring countries.

It generally occurs where the line between life and death is weak. Those valiant warriors who die on the battlefield or the guillotine, but are not buried properly or have their funerals completed by priests, may be transformed into Night Riders.

Alone, the Night Rider is harmless.

People will occasionally see a white horse riding silently through on a cold winter night. They have no self-awareness, and will only dissipate on their own by rushing from the beginning to the end along the route of the last battle they were involved in during their lifetime.

This is considered one of the more common classes of ordinary phantom demons, a yellow-named unit – the night riders will even actively avoid pedestrians if they don’t actively attack them. Their strength fluctuates greatly, and they are usually a bit weaker than before they were born, ranging from the second to the fourth energy level.

However, it would be a different story if an upper level Phantom Demon called the “King of the Wild Hunt” was born in the neighborhood…

After hearing Hajna’s words, Ivars picked up Sherlock and followed Hajna to rush forward ……

But they were still a little late.

A piercing coldness came. Ivars’ footsteps suddenly lurched and he looked up.

It was a night scene that could be called a miracle-

Only a black mist steamed up under the cold moonlit night.

It was the black mist that slowly seeped out from the dirt road on the ground. Ivars clearly felt a piercing chill rising from the soles of his feet and spreading upward along his bones.

He felt as if his feet were frozen – to describe it, it was like walking on thick snow wearing cotton slippers with poor waterproofing properties.

The chill that felt like clutching ice quickly turned the cold into a mild but constant pain.

–If Aywas could see his bloodstain, I’m sure he would be able to see that it was now slowly but surely dropping section by section.

Those black mists rose like smoke, covering the entire street.

One by one, lights went out in the closed doors of the houses around them, as if engulfed in living darkness. But strictly speaking it wasn’t the lights that were extinguished, but the fact that they were in this unnatural darkness and could no longer see the lights outside at all.

The darkness looked like some kind of tiny mosquitoes – they were spreading like smoke in the form of particles.

Immediately afterward, countless pale-white cavalrymen surfaced in the air like monolithic shadows.

They looked as if they were growing out of the black mist – first they coalesced into a silvery-white blur of armor, followed by the silhouettes of spectral horses. Those black mists then disappeared into them, filling out their insides, gradually becoming delicate and sharpened.

When they fully emerged, they immediately took on life.

These cavalrymen shone with a pale light, and underneath the different styles of armor were pale skeletons. They held the standard skull-faced round shield in one hand, and the other hand held a different weapon.

Beneath them pure white ghost horses kicked uneasily, and noisy sounds came from all directions.

The knights’ rude laughter, raised calls, and the horses’ rhythmic cries rang out together.

It was clearly in the darkness of a deserted night, but it was as noisy as the scene of a festival.

Ivas reached out and quietly took Lily’s hand, giving her courage and telling her not to panic.

He gazed ahead in silence, trying not to move at all.

Everyone else followed Aiwas’ and Hajna’s example and stopped directly in place in the middle of the road to remain still.

Finally, as a bolt of lightning fell. Rumbling thunder accompanied by a long horn sounded, and the cacophonous voices of those knights gradually subsided and became dead silent. After another long while, a second bolt of lightning fell.

The low thunder accompanied by the sound of the horn sounded again. The undead knights excitedly banged their shields with the weapons in their hands, making violent noises. At the same time, they shouted at the top of their voices, making mournful sounds like ghostly cries.

As the third bolt of lightning fell – the knights finally began to move.

Amidst the rumbling thunder accompanied by the sound if a horn, these night knights dashed furiously towards the front.

They passed by Aiwarth’s group and spontaneously made way. Running wildly from both sides of Ivars, they passed by.

Intense coldness covered the body from the left and right sides.

But even so, Ayworth still felt their excited and malicious gazes very clearly.

Almost every Night Knight that passed by his or her way was very excited to intimidate them by banging their weapons hard against their shields and making loud noises as they approached Aywas.

Then there were the undead who, as if performing acrobatics, took a stance of almost falling off their own horses – rising from them, tilting their upper bodies closer to Aiwas and the others, waving their hands to swipe past Aiwas’s head and bring up gusts of cold wind.

Yet Ewas never made a move.

He just looked forward with a cold face and remained motionless the entire time.

Finally, all the Night Riders passed by them.

They wrapped themselves in black clouds and flew towards the night sky – towards somewhere outside.

Hajna was relieved as the temperature around her gradually rose and the lights in the streets and alleys came back on.

“Luckily, Sir Hellerchin isn’t here ……”


Aywas finally heard the familiar name.

It dawned on him – so it was that Ghost Knights!
After Aywas entered the Eagle Point Village, it was a double take. Because he hadn’t seen this copy in the game at all. Even the main quest didn’t run this way.

Perhaps it was some side quest, or perhaps the Eagle Point Village had disappeared or changed in some way by then.

But now that he heard the name Hellechin, Ivars knew where this was-

The “King of the Wild Hunt” Hellechin was a well-known World Boss.

Ivars couldn’t remember the exact node where the quest started. But he remembered that it should be a World Boss from one of the source material in 3.1 to 3.3, and it was an enemy after the Shadow of Avalon and before the Shadow Sky Division was crushed.

He was the second King of the Wild Hunt that players encountered. It was also the first 7th energy level undead that players encountered after the world level cap was raised to sixty.

This was because there was also a fifth energy level world boss before that, which was also the King of the Wild Hunt. That’s why Hellequin was also known as the “Great King” by the players.

The Night Knights would come out every night, but the King of the Wild Hunt would only come along on Saturday nights.

Every Saturday night he sets off on a wild hunt, appearing from a certain point, following a certain route, killing anyone who dares to move along the route, and hijacking their souls – meaning that those who die in battle cannot be resurrected, and must wait for the end of the Hunt to come back to life.

Players will then have to intercept early on the Wild Hunt’s routes and wear down the Night Riders that accompany them. Night Knights with the presence of the King of the Wild Hunt permanently carry an aura of darkness. This allows Illumination to be dramatically suppressed, as the range of Light is suppressed to a very low level.

Depending on the type of the King of the Wild Hunt, it will carry different effect auras such as “Fear Aura” and “Pestilence Aura”.

The one carried by Hellequin is “Aura of War” and “Aura of Fear”, which periodically terrorizes anyone who faces the Night Riders, and then the Riders are bound to strike hard at any enemy whose movement is impaired or who is caught in a crossfire.

The King of the Wild Hunt will halt his march until all the cavalry has been routed. He then stands his ground and fights the players – if he is knocked down, he leaves behind the “Reward of the Wild Hunt King” in laughter, releasing all the hijacked souls and dissipating them once more.

–The village of Eagle Point is the starting point for the Wild Hunt march of Hellerichin and his entourage!
Fuck, it’s a 7th power level boss!
Yesterday I had a fever, and this Shanghai cooling is too fierce ……

But after taking ibuprofen and sleeping, I got up and the fever had gone down, but I still felt a vague pain in my back and shoulder blades. Ibuprofen is still awesome!
Just woke up a little late today, chapter 2 will be a little late! No need to take a vacation!

(End of chapter)

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