269. Chapter 264 – The Mithra Ceremony

Chapter 264 The Mithra Ceremony

Ivars led Sherlock to St. Guinevere’s Chapel.

–Yes, the place where he intended to take Sherlock to complete the ceremony was the ground floor of the Division Candle Chapel.

Although it looked a little bit not so good, about more or less jumping face ……, but according to Aiwas’s understanding of prayer studies, Szczeslaw should not care about this.

Because there was no Mithraic God in the first place, and this process of completing the ritual, again, belonged to the field of devotion.

Rounding up, this is also worshipping the Szczes.

“…… We had to come here can’t we?”

But Sherlock was clearly a little vain.

Or rather, Sherlock, who grew up in Avalon, actually did not understand from the bottom of his heart what a “false god” was. In his cognition, he still regarded Mithra as a real god, or a heretical god.

“Because we’re in town.”

Ivas explained, leading Sherlock down the dimly lit stairs deeper into the cellar, “This ritual normally requires a natural grotto. And the orientation of the grotto must be strictly chosen, it needs to be ‘from Taurus facing Aries’, it’s known as the ‘Place of the Nativity Coronation’.”

“Seems like a lot of trouble.” Sherlock commented.

“It is just troublesome. That’s why I need to use the Ritual Field to create a working ‘Place of the Nativity Coronation’ …… Then I need a place that is sacred enough, which needs to be as insulated as possible from the effects of the Way of Love, but at the same time, it must not be exposed to the light, and it must be underground, and it must be spacious enough. ”

Ivas turned back and spread his hands, “So tell me, where else can I go but here?”

This was the wine cellar that the church used to store sacrificial wine.

Last night Aiwas had already reported to Bishop Mathers …… the result that Bishop Mathers’ reaction was strange.

The bishop said, Anyway, the key is with you, you can go there if you want.

…… Strange, where did I get that much face?
Although Ivars was a little puzzled, he decided to finish Sherlock s ceremony first.

“Know that you are right.”

Sherlock gently pushed Aiwas who was blocking the way, “But don’t suddenly block the stairs. I almost bumped into you.”

“You can’t bump into me with your little body.”

Ivas scoffed.

Hey, if you say so then I’m going to try –

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, but chose to remain silent. After all, nowadays it was Ivars who was giving himself a hand, it wasn’t polite for him to argue with Ivars at this time.

Although he actually didn’t know whether this ceremony would work or not, but just Aiwas’ attitude was enough to move him.

And while they continued downward, Aiwas began to explain the occult principles of this ritual to Sherlock.

“Do you know about the age difference movement?”

“Kind of rings a bell.”

“Simply put, the sun is a tiny distance away from there every time it passes a year and returns to the time it was a year ago. That’s why the winter solstice moves westward every year …… It’s a small amount, but it does exist.

“The sun only returns to its true original position every 26,000 years, which is why 26,000 years is known astrologically as a great year. It is also for this reason that one twelfth of it …… which is about two thousand one hundred and sixty years or so, there is a new constellation on the vernal equinox where the sun appears.

“The history of mankind records only one Great Year. And before this Great Year began was the time of the elves.

“We are currently in the Pisces Era, which began about two thousand years ago. The Pisces Era is preceded by Aries, which is preceded by Taurus. Some astrologers believe that the history of mankind began with ‘The Lion’, while others believe it began with ‘Libra’. Personally, I tend to favor the latter – because this generation of the Sun was hatched by the Libra, which is a metaphor for the sand timepiece.”

Ivars said as he descended to the bottom of the cellar.

He snapped his fingers, and the cellar suddenly lit up – the

Twelve astrological symbols of different colors lit up in sequence from the walls of the cellar. The dimly lit “cave” was slightly illuminated.

These were the symbols that Ivars had drawn on the wall using the twelve metal gems that represented the twelve houses of the zodiac, and dipping them in the twelve plant oils that represented the twelve houses of the zodiac. He poured his mana into it and made it magical.

In order to get these essential oils, he specially knocked awake the king who was about to remain awake, and took the freshest and best goods from his side.

And along with it, a black bull was lit.

It was illuminated with a golden glow – the runes that were also illuminated by the mana infused by Ewas. On the black bull’s body were written verses praising the sun in seven different languages. Sherlock only recognized six of them; the remaining kind seemed to be in ancient Horus.

“…… You still know Horus?” Sherlock was a bit surprised. “I asked Mentor Bard to help translate it.”

Ivars replied honestly, “Transcribing it once I still know it.”

…… Well, that’s one way to do it.

But ……

“Does it have to be so urgent?”

When it came down to it, Sherlock was a little hesitant again, “Will we be bothering too many people?”

“The person you’re bothering the most is me.” Ivas glared back at him.

“I know.”

“If you know, shut up and don’t rest there depressed.”

Ivars said in a no-nonsense manner.

After a while, Aiwas sighed and explained, “This ritual has an invisible need, which is ‘I must do it immediately’. When you hear about this ritual, you have to do it immediately. Because the Aries are pioneers, warriors, teenagers, fearless and survivors …… so the success rate is much higher that way. Because ‘fearless pioneers are more likely to survive’ and all astrology with Aries as the main house has this need, the more reckless you are the luckier you will be.

“If one is hesitant and hesitant, how can one become a Sun, a Mithra?”

…… I am not, I am not.

Sherlock broke it up in his mind.

But he watched the scene in front of him intently, stunned by the ritual with its mystical feel.

Although Sherlock knew nothing about rituals, about sacrifice, or about astrology, he could also intuitively feel the sacredness of it.

“Go ahead and strip naked and kneel in that rack. There’s a narrow empty space under there that I’ve made just for you. You can curl up in it like a baby. …… Remember to curl up in a ball, but keep your hands off your head. Don’t be wary of your behind.”

Ivars commanded, “In a moment I’ll bring the cow over and have it parked above you. Then I will kill the cow and you will pray below. When the blood is on you and the ox is dead, the ceremony will be successful.”

“…… Won’t I be trampled to death by the cow? Or what if the cow knocks me out when it falls down?”

“It is indeed possible.”

Ivars said coldly, “That would be a failure of the ritual. But if you are fearless enough, then the ritual should succeed.”

“Then what should I pray for?” Sherlock was silent for a moment and then pressed on.

“Whatever,” Ivars replied, “because the key prayer is with me, so feel free on your end. It’s fine to recite whatever you want, whichever pillar god you want to nag, it doesn’t matter if you just pray to get yourself a wife.”


Sherlock shook his head back and forth.

But he still decided to trust Ivars.

So he obeyed Ivars and knelt down into the small hole.

Just as Ivars said, this was the “womb” that Ivars had created for him. It was just the right place for him to curl up in, without being cramped or spacey.

The boards at the top and bottom held the top of his head and his toes, while the sides made it necessary to curl his arms around his chest. Everything was just right.

…… Maybe, Ivars is really a pro.

The thought bubbled up in Sherlock’s mind.

And soon, he felt a blackness before his eyes.

Not blacked out, but the bull was being led over, blocking the light from the glowing symbols on the wall.

“What’s your birthday, Sherlock?”

“January 6th – you’re just asking me my birthday now?”

“That would be Capricorn. It’s okay, it’s not too late to ask, it’s just a matter of mentioning it.”

Ivars smirked, “Prepare for the ceremony, Junior.”

(End of chapter)

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