218.Chapter 214 – Iris: Why are you suddenly fighting back?

Chapter 214: Iris: Why are you suddenly fighting back?
With the Air Cavalry Brigade stationed on Glass Island, Iris was now finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and settle down to study.

Because Meg was transformed into Ligeia, now Avalon doesn’t need to rush to resurrect Lancelot to protect the country anymore. Therefore the Queen also doesn’t need to die for the time being, which also disguisedly postpones the crisis of the Shadow Sky Division.

Today’s Queen Sophia would undoubtedly prefer to be alive.

Soon, Avalon and Star Antimony will have a battle. And Queen Sophia’s thoughts are similar to those of Aiwas and Ligeia …… As long as it is handled well, this war is instead an opportunity for Avalon.

But that comes with a prerequisite. That is to make sure that Avalon doesn’t get into a big mess.

Although those old men and mongrels were all iron wastes, they were ultimately people who held power. The still tender Isabelle might not really be able to suppress them now, and she didn’t have a sufficiently poisonous eye to select those younger generation talents.

However it was fine for Queen Sophia to come herself.

And during this time, she will be able to take the opportunity to teach Isabel some things …… and let Ivars bring Isabel around.

I’m afraid that the reason why she hasn’t taught Isabel how to rule the country is different from what Isabel herself thinks, “I’m not fit to inherit Avalon”—because if that were true, she wouldn’t have been able to ask Master Yannis to protect Isabel and teach her Transcendent Arts! If that were the case, she could not have begged Master Janice to protect Isabel and teach her extraordinary arts.

The curse had already begun to spread, and instead of letting Janice protect herself and track down the curser, Queen Sofia asked her to protect a young girl who was so far down the line of succession that she didn’t even have the aptitude for the path of power?
“-So it seems that what Queen Sophia has really been doing all these years is hiding wood in the forest.”

After listening to Ivars’ narration, Sherlock pondered for a long time before he spoke thus and replied.

Sherlock is now “dead but not resurrected”, missed a lot of interesting things. So Ivars made a special trip back to the Bishop’s house to synchronize the information to Sherlock.

Except for not mentioning that he had been appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of Whatever, Ivars told Sherlock all the rest of the things – even the transfer of Aleister to his subordinates. Of course, this was so that Sherlock wouldn’t have nothing to do but investigate blindly and pick himself clean.

“Go on, I’m listening.”

Ivars sat on the sofa, sipping his sherry and smiling as he listened to Sherlock begin his analysis.

After Old Meg brought this wine over earlier, Aiwas unexpectedly found it quite tasty. Now he had bought some to give to Mr. Bishop – nominally for the Bishop, but actually he would drink a little himself if he was fine.

Think of it as hosting. Just a bit of hosting loss now and then.

One thing was for sure, Meg did have good taste. The wines she pushes still make a bit of a statement.

Then the reason she usually liked fried chicken and fish was probably indeed because there really wasn’t much to eat in Avalon ……

Sherlock didn’t drink, he just rattled on with an unlit cigar in his mouth and his hands flying up and down in a very rich body language, ”Your Majesty probably guessed a long time ago that the source of the curse wasn’t one, which is why the members of the royal family’s deaths were of different causes. It is because there was originally more than one party to the curse …… the noble red of the Star Antimony people, the spies and assassins of the Iris people, and Lloyd’s may not have been known to her, but the first two would have been enough.

“That’s why she never named the Cursed Ones – with the Eye of Avalon, and Master Janice, it’s still fairly simple for her to investigate if she really wanted to. But that answer was more than the Avalonians could bear. So she had to pretend she didn’t know.

“If one is fighting against one country, it might still be able to galvanize the Avalonians. But if one is hostile to two enemies at the same time, there is no possibility of winning at all.”

“There are only four countries in total around Avalon. Apart from the Church Kingdom in the West, and those barbarians in the Northern Wolf Kingdom, there are only Star Antimony and Iris left today. And those barbarians were already on bad terms with us, plus the prodigal Iris people and the shady Star Antimony people, we can be said to be enemies of the world.”

Sherlock was undoubtedly a queen blowhard.

But he was probably right to blow this time.

Because looking back now, after confirming that Avalon couldn’t easily lift the curse or prevent herself from being cursed, Sophia very calmly made several preparations:

She first began to spread the word about Isabel’s hidden adaptations to the Way of Beauty, so that she would stay away from the royal socializing and power centers and maintain her purity without coming into contact with her siblings; then she began to prepare for the Shadow of Avalon ceremony, and to plot a protector for Avalon; and she found Janice, a protector and mentor, to make sure that Isabel would be able to grow up healthily.

Isabel’s talent in the arts, while quite outstanding, was not enough to move Janice’s heart – so keeping Janice, who loved to travel the world, in Avalon for so long could only be because of the Queen’s request.

From that point of view, arranging Isabel to the King’s Law University to come into contact with those outstanding talents of her age, the future pillars of the country; giving preferential treatment to Sherlock, who was loyal to the royal family; and even giving Aiwaas whatever ministerial position he was given, all of these were for Isabel’s sake. It was all paving the way for her future rule.

As Isabel had said, her relationship with her grandmother had always been good. But Sophia’s love for her was not one of intimacy, pampering and gifting, but rather, it existed in a more sensible, long-term posture.

That’s so nice. Ivas sighed.

The only thing Her Majesty had miscalculated was probably that Isabel had been pressured into autism.

After all, a socialite who often slipped out of the Temple of Silver and Tin in makeup to run out to the theater when she was a teenager, who impersonated schoolgirls in her college girl’s clothes to sneak around the university when she was still in middle school, and who was even able to easily play with a world-renowned painter she met for the first time and made Yanis actively want to paint for her …… probably really couldn’t understand Why Isabel is so easily self-absorbed.

“I’m afraid that from the very beginning, Her Highness Isabel is the most suitable person to inherit His Majesty’s philosophy of ruling the country.”

Sherlock replied affirmatively, “Nowadays, Avalon desperately needs to conduct an opening to accept transcendents from other paths.

“Her Majesty has done everything she can against the resistance of reform. She is a very distinguished and brilliant monarch, but she still lacks time.

“By my calculations, there is still at least a generation to go before we can truly see the results of the reforms and allow Avalon’s technology to catch up to the international level. If we choose to stop or even go backwards at this time, we’re going to miss the final window.”


Ivas nodded, surprised at Sherlock’s acumen.

Once the Duchy of Narcissus completes its independence …… that technological nation that consists entirely of mages that make up the entire ruling tier, the technological underpinnings that have been stored up for a whole hundred years are going to start to take off. And as soon as the Star Antimony disintegrates, the three great Jedi brothers, the Demon Scholar, the Alchemist, and the Necromancer, who have lost their constraints on each other, are about to live a whole big life.

Queen Sophia didn’t foresee the matter of the Fallen Heaven Division, but her political eyes could easily see through the instability of the Duchy of Narcissus, as well as the crisis within Star Antimony.

–Under these circumstances, any monarch who couldn’t stand firm against the political resistance from all sides and continue to complete the reforms as fast as possible was actually eliminating Avalon’s last hope. But the only person Sophia could trust was Isabel. Because all the other heirs could betray her, but only Isabel could not. After all, Isabel herself was the holder of the Unlawful Pathway.

The Way of Beauty, which is controlled by the Kingdom of Iris, and can be used to spy on people through “artistic vision”, and can even be used to teleport easily, is undoubtedly limited in Avalon. The old-fashioned knights hated – or rather, feared – such fancy abilities.

Now that the other heirs have been ruled out, the cursed one from Iris was caught red-handed while “assassinating the minister”, Meg’s longevity has been resolved, and Isabel has two right-hand men in Ivars and Sherlock at her side,……, the multiple dead ends have been destroyed by Ivars’ discord and the fact that the two of them are stuck with each other in Avalon. After the multiple dead ends were revitalized by Ivars, the Queen immediately stopped acting.

She manifested the iron fist that had ruled Avalon for years – the

The Queen showed Ligeia in a high-profile manner, claiming that she is closely related to Meg, and is a Divine Favored One blessed by the Silver-crowned Dragon, and also possesses Meg’s Dragon’s Blood Laws – therefore, she will replace Meg, who is “not in good health”, as the successor to the position of the Grand Arbiter.

Although Ligeia looked very young, she had already reached adulthood. It was only because of the power of the gods that she was able to maintain such a young body.

And all these words of the Queen passed the approval of the church. The executives here could also sense that Sophia was telling the truth.

Immediately after that, Avalon began to put pressure on Iris.

They brought out concrete evidence that Dean Lars Graham, as the leader of Iris High School, had “abused students”, “desecrated corpses”, and “assassinated ministers”! –Not a word about the curse.

However, the Queen made it a point to say that when the Great Guardian had stopped attacking and said that he would be treated favorably if he surrendered, not only did he not surrender, but he intended to use his spells to attack innocent people. Had they not been interrupted on the spot, civilian deaths and injuries would have exceeded at least a thousand.

–So it was clear that something as humiliating as Aiwas being attacked three or four times in a row seemed to have turned into a great achievement.

Immediately after that, the assassin who had attacked Aiwas before was also raked over the coals – her transfer to the King’s Law University at that time was handled by Master Lars Graham. And as they were using the same technique, it was highly likely that they came from the same spy organization.

Because of Avalon s sudden outburst, coupled with the fact that these testimonies could all be sworn to the Nine Pillars of God in public to ensure authenticity …… In this situation, Iris was suddenly put in an extremely wretched and troubled situation.

They were repeatedly caught in a passive position in recent days in negotiations on other matters, and Iris’s newspaper was like a fly that had smelled blood, traveling directly to Avalon by boat to conduct interviews in person.

By the time they returned to Iris, it was feared that this matter would fester further.

Relying on Lars Graham to take the blame, there was also an explanation for Minister Drost’s assassination in the prison: a high-ranking member of the Inspection Bureau who wished to remain anonymous presented strong evidence that Minister Drost had come into contact with transcendentalists of the Way of Iris in the prison before he was assassinated.

As we all know, the mainstream paths of the Iris Kingdom are the Way of Love and the Way of Beauty.

Avalon, who had been pinned down, suddenly began to fight back, and completely ignored the Star Antimony people who were actually attacking them, and instead turned on Iris, who was secretly stirring up trouble, with all her might – which threw both Star Antimony and Iris for a loop.

It was the first suggestion Iris had made to the Queen since she had become Minister of Whatever.

–It’s like a one-on-one man-on-man battle on the upper road, you’ve got the fielder coming, I can switch, then I’ll kill the one who came to help first.

And Star Antimony and Iris themselves were hostile. They were also happy to see this situation.

Star Antimony was also being burnt out because of the internal chaos, and seeing that Avalon suddenly fought with Iris …… in order not to burn the fire to himself, he directly contracted the action, letting the nails inside Avalon remain latent.

They planned to just watch Avalon and Iris fight. They even planned to add some firewood to make their fight more lively.

Unbeknownst to them, it was a play put on by the Queen.

In this way, Avalon had room to breathe.

Because they were cut off from aid from Star Antimony, the Noble Red Conjunction faced the prying eyes of the Eye of Avalon, as well as the strikes of the regular army, and directly lost the ability to disrupt the Glass Island.

This operation was named “Bear Hunt”. The operation was named “Bear Hunt”, which was nominally a campaign to eliminate “the giant forces that intended to overthrow the rule of Avalon, and the illegal transcendent organization that had committed many massacres of innocent people in villages and towns”, and the support from Star Antimony was not mentioned at all.

Since the fire didn’t burn on themselves, the Star Antimony people didn’t agree to help Noble Red at this time.

As a result, within three days of the operation, thirty of Noble Red’s strongholds were destroyed by the thunderbolts led by the griffins.

And the Queen was interviewed by the Glass Steps Gazette.

She did not indicate that this was a counterattack she had been building up for a long time. Instead, she played dumb, claiming that these actions were strongly advised by the new Minister of Whatever, and that she was “surprised” by them.

Her Majesty, however, has chosen to keep his true identity a secret, respecting the Minister for Whatever’s personal wishes.

For a while, all of Avalon was in a state of curiosity and speculation about the Minister of Whatever.

“–So, Ivars.”

After bragging about the Queen’s brilliance, Sherlock pointed at the newspaper and opened his mouth to ask, “Who do you think this minister is?”

Four thousand words for the first chapter, the second chapter still has to wait until about two o’clock meow.

The nose has become more snotty, it feels as if it is a cold complicated by rhinitis, or it may be a cold induced rhinitis …… compared to previous years is that there is more than one fine branch, this is the aftermath left by the new crown last year.

Anyway no heavy sun is good ……

(End of chapter)

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