184.Chapter 181 – A Hunch of Destruction

Chapter 181 – A Hunch of Destruction

The Minister of Trade suddenly surrendered to the police-

This startled the Inspectorate.

But they soon found traces of the Speech Spirit’s control.

And there are only a few people who can manipulate Minister Drost …… for safety, they then also locked up the Trade Minister in the basement. The same basement that held President Lloyd before.

In any case, this is not a matter for them, the little inspectors who have only just reached the second energy level ……

Let’s leave it there for now.

Drost regained his free will after being locked up in the basement.

He was unexpectedly quiet at the moment, for he knew that someone would surely save him. Even if the Avalonians didn’t come, the Star Antimony or Noble Red would.

So he simply opened his eyes and stared into the darkness in front of him, lost in long thought.

I see, Meg is dying ah ……

That’s why she was in such a hurry. Suddenly arresting both President Lloyd and Vice President …… Nowadays, the merchants have already begun to panic. And I’m afraid that being arrested herself will further intensify this panic.

Before this, Meg because she didn’t know anything, so she chose not to care about anything, focusing on staying in the school to teach the students.

Unless she was asked to do something by the Arbitration Office, or ordered by Her Majesty herself, she would just leave everything to the Arbitration Office. She was also asked about it at the time, and Meg’s personal statement was, “I don’t want to screw anything up because of me, so I choose to just do what’s right, and I have the ability to do what’s right.”

— In complete contrast to her big-hearted demeanor, Meg is unexpectedly somewhat thoughtful.

A long time ago, the Arbitration Hall was the complete apex of power. They were the Round Table Hall of Round Table Halls, which was basically made up of the Founders’ Families. Together, they were nominally equal to the king.

And later on, many of the Founding Families withdrew from the Arbitration Hall one after another. In order to fill the vacancies, some of the top ministers were added……. At that time, the “Minister of Trade” was also able to join the Arbitration Hall.

However, there was an incident at that time, which directly led to the ministers not being allowed to join the Arbitration Office and the Inspectorate. Those who had already joined the Arbitration Office and the Inspectorate were also not allowed to inherit the family estate.

Nowadays, those who are able to join the Arbitration Hall are geniuses who arrived at the fourth energy level before the age of forty, and whose souls are basically intact and have the potential to advance to the fifth energy level.

All of them were blessed by the Silver Coronet Dragon, and a new Fifth Energy Level could be born at any time. In normal times, they are basically isolated from the world, and are only responsible for helping the king or the queen to decide on the highest level of affairs – such as the execution of a minister, the abolition of a certain department, the waging of war, the execution or deposition of a member of the royal family.

This is where Avalon’s true heritage lies.

From this perspective, Avalon can also be said to be a theocracy indirectly ruled by the Silver-crowned Dragon.

However, according to the records of the Droste family, during the first hundred years of Avalon’s founding, the Silver Coronet Dragon actually appeared frequently. It could manifest itself once or twice, two or three times a year, often seeking out the then Arbitration Hall to inquire about the situation and grant some orders and favors.

But after that, He appeared less and less …… also because He rarely appeared, so the original founding families thought they had done something wrong and withdrew from the Arbitration Hall one after another.

And in the last hundred years, He had not appeared once. Although it would still answer prayers steadily, yet it was no longer manifested from the material realm.

It’s probably because He’s gotten tired of it, either that or He’s just disappointed. Minister Drost thought to himself.

After all, Avalon was no longer the knight kingdom it was when it was first founded.

It’s just that they still wear armor and call themselves knights. But how were they different from the nobles of other countries?

But really, according to Drost’s thoughts, it would be better to say that Avalon was changing too little.

Because the other nations, however, had changed more.

The Star Antimony people have invented machine guns, combined with demon scholars and alchemists, and are developing their “Star Antimony Alchemy”, and the level of science and technology can be said to be rapidly changing; the dwarves, who were forced by the elves to the mountains in the Northland, have invented flying machines and mining machines, and live with the wise Northland giants, and have established a number of clusters.

The goblins built troll plantations in the southern continent and sold a large number of trolls that had finished domestication as cheap labor to other countries. It was an extremely sought after commodity. The lifespan of trolls was comparable to that of humans, with long fangs, low intelligence, and laziness. But they are extremely tall, full of stamina and strength, and they are also proficient in rituals and curses……. Whether they are used as guards, laborers, or as curse masters and ritualists, they all have enough value.

Trained trolls are highly capable of opening up the field, with strange regenerative abilities, immunity to most toxins, and the ability to prevent regeneration except by fire and acid. Thorns, swords, guns, and bullets are useless against them.

Relying on these trolls, the Kingdom of Iris had reclaimed a large area of land in the south. The large amount of goods that returned increased the amount of export trade significantly.

To this day, the merchant ships of the Goblins had connected goods from all over the world. Even the unchanging lizardmen of the desert region were changing their way of life, opening schools and teaching all students equally. Even the elves of the Church Kingdom have recently been preparing to teach the other races the Higher Divine Arts.

-Everyone was changing, except for Avalon who was not moving at all.

Objectively speaking, it can’t be said to be motionless …… At least at the moment, many of those who have inherited the knighthood can’t even wear the armor passed down from their father’s or grandfather’s generation. They will also ask the craftsmen to modify the armor and hollow it out to reduce weight and heat dissipation.

Today, Avalon still doesn’t even allow races other than humans and elves to set foot on their lands, let alone allow goblins to do business.

This outdated rule has left the Avalonians too far behind. Those goblin merchant ships that brought large quantities of goods from the east and south couldn’t disembark in Avalon, so they had to go to Star Antimony, the Church Kingdom, and Iris.

As a result, the Avalonians still have to raise their prices to buy the same things from these humans, which they consider to be tradition.

It was because Drost was the Minister of Trade that he could understand these things.

He was also the one who had done his duty for Avalon before the Noble Red Society contacted him – and it was precisely because he had done his duty well enough that he had seen so many pitfalls and crises, that he had thought it was time for Avalon to end.

Even if Queen Sofia was enlightened enough, she still didn’t open up the right of foreigners to operate considering that the Avalonians hadn’t seen a foreigner for hundreds of years, considering the opinions and reactions of the people, and considering the opposition of the knights.

With Sophia’s reputation not being able to pass it, with her enlightenment not wanting to change it, was there any hope for the future of Avalon?
Drost thought there was none.

Might as well sell Avalon for a good price then, while it was still a threat in the eyes of others – the Griffins were still the strongest air force on this continent, and Meg was the top of the heap. Together, the two items make even the Star Antimony people wary of them. But on the flip side, the Star Antimony people would pay enough value for that information.

Although Drost himself had never been to Star Antimony, he already had his own four manors, and a piece of the Viscounty in Star Antimony. He had been granted a hereditary viscountship by the current generation of kings, which was truly his own land, and even allowed him to recruit his own soldiers!

These things were what he had gotten in exchange for selling information about Avalon.

Because the top echelons of power in Avalon were all authoritarian pathways who had sworn allegiance to the Queen, the spies they planted never reached the top. Because of this, neither the Star Antimony people nor the Iris people knew the reality of Avalon.

After all, the griffins were indeed extremely threatening …… with intelligence beyond that of humans, strength approaching the fifth energy level, the ability to blend into the wind, silent haste, and a long elf-like lifespan. With the friendship of the griffins, it would be difficult for Avalon to defend itself if it wanted to attack other countries.

Then there’s Meg.

And now, Meg was dying?
How much money could he make if he sold this information to the Star Antimony people …… himself?
Drost narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly had a premonition – a premonition that Avalon was about to break.

Most Avalonians couldn’t anticipate Meg’s death, but if the Star Antimony people could prepare in advance …… then it would be a surprise attack. The Avalonians wouldn’t have had time to resist and would have been crushed outright.

On the flip side, if such important information as Meg’s impending death couldn’t be reported, then he would lose the value of his existence as a spy.

In other words, today’s Drost had reached a moment of choice.

Help Avalon, or help Star Antimony?

“Heh ……”

He smiled.

Well, was it even a choice?

He didn’t have a choice anymore.

Update complete!

(End of chapter)

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