179. Chapter 177 – This is also a kind of netizen face base

Chapter 177: This Is Kind of a Netizen Face Base

Going home with the Great Guardian had at least one advantage – that was that there wasn’t much delay on the way.

Griffins had a great weight-bearing capacity. Even if they were heavily armed and heavily armored knights, they could still carry them at supersonic speeds and charge, and even have the spare capacity to protect the knights from being harmed by the wind.

The Grand Guardian’s griffin Philip carried the three of them on his back, carrying Aiwas wheelchair …… in the meantime didn’t even have to fly at full power, and in a short while, he flew them to their home.

Aiwas, who was riding a griffin for the first time, couldn’t help but sigh, “Griffins are indeed strong ……”

It felt like racing at full speed – and it was still the kind where you didn’t have to worry about getting into a car accident.

No wonder Hajna was chanting about her griffin that hadn’t been sent yet every day.

George had invited Ivars on a whim, and because of that, David didn’t know Ivars was coming. He didn’t even know that Aiwas had already returned …… so when he saw Aiwas, he even froze for a moment.

“Dad, did you get Mr. Moriarty back?”

David’s voice was filled with worry.

The Great Guardian raised an eyebrow at that.

–You kid, you’re not even pretending anymore, are you?

If I really got Ivars back, then who are you worried about here?

“No, I escaped on my own. Or rather, she spared me.”

Ivas said mildly, climbing off the griffin and walking over to the wheelchair himself.


David froze for a moment, “Are you actually able to walk ……?”


Feeling that his son was being a bit rude, George instantly frowned and chided.

“It’s okay, His Excellency the Grand Guardian.”

Aywas gently and patiently explained, “Before I was attacked, there was someone who helped me provide healing, the same person who helped me repel those assassins. I’ve recovered almost as well, it’s just that I still have some weak legs and I can’t walk very well …… I should be able to regain my health after recovering for a while longer.

“Before that, she also gave me this ……”

Said Ivars, lifting his finger up.

The Flame Butterfly on his shoulder automatically flew up and rested on his finger.

Seeing such a beautiful little thing, David’s eyes widened at once.

He curiously came over and stared earnestly.

He carefully asked, “Mr. Aywas …… can I touch it?”

“You may.”

Ivars replied dryly.

This was, after all, just the disguised shell of the Paradox Flame Butterfly, a sort of camera for her. It was essentially just a Flame Butterfly with a slightly higher IQ, and there was no aggressiveness, and that flame had no temperature at all.

“Thank you, Mr. Ivars!”

David was amused, but a little timid.

He carefully touched the butterfly wings that were leaping with flames, but unexpectedly found that it wasn’t hot. Instead, there was a gush of warmth pouring into his body …… like drinking hot water.

“Is this also what Aleister gave you?”

The Great Guardian on the side opened his mouth and asked.

Aywas shook his head, “No. This is from another lady …… Her name is Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame.”

This was sort of a layout for Aiwas.

There was one thing to say, and those people were indeed burned to death by the Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame, and Aiwas wasn’t lying. The little butterfly did call herself a lady, too – though shouting so would more or less shout her up.

But in this way, Aiwas could explain why he was able to walk and escape …… Likewise, he could also explain where exactly he had learned this sudden appearance of the powerful devotion skill of summoning the Butterfly of Flame.

Unlike Aleister, who was nowhere to be found, the “Butterfly of the Paradoxical Flame” has proof of its existence. In the case of the warehouse explosion, Yulia had left behind the Flame Essence – it was proof of the existence of the Phantom Demon Egg.

Now that Yulia is no longer a Phantom Egg, this is an additional set of evidence for no reason at all. The Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame could very well be a Devotee capable of harnessing the power of Phantom Demons and resembling a Demon.

Although there was no such profession today, it was hard to say which secret book had a similar legacy. In this world, anything is possible.

That way Yulia wouldn’t be suspected of being an Illusion Demon’s Egg at all, and Aiwas wouldn’t be suspected of being able to extract Illusion Demon’s power. After all, the warehouse explosion case and the attack on Aiwas were originally connected, so even if it was said afterward that she was in conflict with the Noble Red Junction, it was completely reasonable.

After all, if there was one more Aleister alone, the Noble Red’s internal affairs might be able to get to the bottom of it very quickly; but if there was one more Paradoxical Flame Butterfly, the situation was going to become complicated. At least it would serve as a delay.

“The other lady ……”

Hearing this, David suddenly associated it with what Ivars had just said, “She spared me.”

He blurted out, “Is Aleister a lady …… or a young lady?”

At that, Ivars didn’t move: “If the lady who took me away is Aleister …… I think, yes. And it should still be a great lady, and it looks like it might be an Iris.”

By this point, he had already determined in his heart – this child should be the “knight” he had met in his dream.

In fact, when he heard that the other party’s real name had “Barton” in it, Ivars had wondered if the other party was the child of the Great Guardian.

After all, if he could get a griffin as a gift when he was a child, he must be at least a middle-class officer’s family.

But there were really quite a lot of people named Barton, and a lot of people with the last name Barton. It really wasn’t particularly such a rare name. But there is only one person who knows Aleister and thinks that Aleister is a “Mr.” ……. Now it seems that Barton was actually a son of St. George!

So it’s a kind of cyber-face, but it’s a one-way street – Ivars knows who the other guy is and what he’s doing, but he doesn’t know who he is at all.

Although Ivars doesn’t know the family of the Great Guardian St. George, he does know that the entire family of the Great Guardian died in the future. In other words, the future “knight” little brother also died in the war of extermination.

Thinking about this, Ivars suddenly felt a little weak.

Speaking of which, isn’t it not good for him to popularize the basic principles of the Transcendent Path and the way to start to the son of the Great Guardian ……?

But after thinking about it, Aiwas chose to forgive himself again – This has nothing to do with me anyway.

At that time, I had advised him to “keep the idea, but not to advance to the Transcendent Way for the time being”! The one who really lied to him was that werewolf of Iris ……

Speaking of which, I think that werewolf said he was coming to Avalon.

Shouldn’t he be here soon?
When Mr. “Knight” heard this, he was full of confusion and repeated, “Aleister is a young lady? Or is she an Iris?”

“That’s right then,” the Grand Guardian nodded, “Aleister is indeed the surname of the Iris People.”

“…… So Aleister is a family name.”

David fell into deep thought and murmured, “But she said she was an Avalonian. She said she was still a cleric’s child ……”

…… Huh, he’s pretty impressed with me.

Can’t stop thinking about it ah this is.

Ivars raised an eyebrow.

–Might it be that my iron pot stewing my own valor is too handsome?
So Aiwas pursued with interest, “You know Ms. Aleister?”

“Ah, actually we’ve only met in a dream.”

David said with some urgency, “She helped me complete my advancement …… I’m very grateful to her. But she also said that she was from Noble Red, so …… I didn’t really trust her at that time.”

“That’s not necessarily true.”

Aiwas shook his head and said softly, “I have a feeling that she doesn’t consider herself a person of Noble Red.”

–He more or less had to backtrack a bit, words couldn’t die. In case he really found out that she wasn’t a person of Noble Red, then he could also say that this was a deception disguised as a person of Noble Red.

“Surprisingly so! That means she might have joined Noble Red for some purpose-“

When David heard this, his eyes first lit up, then his face became bitter: “So it’s all a lie? ……”

Upon hearing this, the Great Guardian suddenly showed displeasure.

Previously, when David mentioned Aleister, he didn’t say anything. However, when David condescendingly said something like “how did she lie to me”, he suddenly became stern:

“In the promotion ceremony, any lie is allowed and justified. That is supposed to be the place for mutual deception and attack. Your own failure to disguise your identity is your fault – and you can accuse others of lying about it?
“The ceremony afterward is not this kind of housekeeping; it is a real death and a killing.

“If you’re not comfortable with it, it’s best if you don’t go any further, David. You’re only hurting yourself and others.”

“…… Yes. I’ll remember that, Dad.”

Apparently George rarely got angry. His sudden reprimand startled David, who immediately behaved himself.

In order to help the knight change the subject and soothe the stiff and silent atmosphere, Ivars spoke up and asked, “Did she say she was a gentleman?”

“That’s …… true no.”

David shook his head honestly and said, “Because I arrived late. I saw everyone before me say that, so I went along with it ……”

It was mostly antlers.

David had just come in at the time and saw Antler talking to Aleister. He didn’t dare to interrupt, so he could only listen from the side. Then he wrote down Aleister’s name and personal information.

But David more or less kept his hand in.

Because he didn’t say that Aleister’s whole body was wrapped in shadow demons, and “her” voice was rough and low, so he “misidentified the other side”.

As a result, now, he could not tell how much of what Aleister had said was true and how much was false. ……

“By the way, I haven’t introduced myself to you yet!”

The teenager, who was at most fourteen or fifteen years old this year, suddenly reacted, apologized and then stood up straight and saluted, saying seriously, “I’m David Barton. Good afternoon, Mr. Moriarty.”

“You can just call me Ivars’, David.”

Ivars nodded mildly and smiled.

“Yes, Mr. Ivars ……”

David hesitated in place for a moment, but still opened his mouth and asked, “May I ask what Ms. Aleister …… looks like?”

…… Hmm?

Ewers froze for a moment.

What do you care so much about what Aleister looks like?

Even if Aleister taught you what transcendence is and also stopped you from stepping into the way of transcendence …… that is at most a one sided master and disciple relationship.

Do you want to know what she looks like, or do you want to know if she’s good looking?
Or, you don’t really want to have sex with Aleister online, right?
How dare you?
Aren’t you afraid that she’s a noble redneck badass who’s going to cut you up and take you away?
Hey guys, do you guys prefer to do one shift at 12:00, two or three shifts at 3:00, or is it better if I take a day off and move both shifts to 3:00? Or do you think it would be better if I took a day off work and moved my routine directly back ……

(End of chapter)

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