175. Chapter 173 – You Betrayed Noble Red

Chapter 173 – You Betrayed Noble Red
Tommy didn’t stay in the interrogation room or go into the prison to step on the treadmill.

He was being held very discreetly in the underground chambers of the Ombudsman’s Office in the Red Queen’s neighborhood.

His hands were locked in glowing shackles and his bare back was branded with a seal that glowed with a silvery-white light. All he had on his body was a pair of shorts with no pockets, nothing else.

Tommy’s contracted superior demon had been chopped up by the Great Guardian in ten minutes. And he’d been searched after his imprisonment to make sure he didn’t have any trinkets or materials on him – even his mouth had been broken open to double-check that there weren’t any false teeth hidden inside.

As a Demon Scholar, he should be considered disarmed …… but even so, he was still firmly sealed by the Lawgivers, making the mana in his body unable to be mobilized. The same light attribute mana, in the hands of a priest could heal others and dispel darkness; but in the hands of a Lawgiver it would be transformed into bindings and seals.

Despite being in front of the Great Guardian at that time, Tommy did not hesitate to kneel down and surrender – in fact, the moment he saw the Great Guardian, he already knew that he could not run away.

At that time, if Tommy directly escaped, the odds were that he would be directly chased by the watching griffins. It was even possible that the Great Guardian riding a griffin would arrive in person.

–He couldn’t even defeat a great guardian without a griffin, let alone one with a griffin.

Even if he did escape …… then he would still be wanted as a fugitive.

After all, he is not a nobody, “Tommy Lloyd” in the entire Lloyd District is a big name. His size is also obviously not suitable for hiding.

Most importantly – he didn’t want to die like that.

The coldness and anger in the eyes of the Great Guardian scared him.

If he didn’t surrender in time, even if he wasn’t killed, but merely knocked down or wounded, he would be killed by Meg’s Spirit of Words. But the reason why he surrendered was not that he wanted to die a little …… drier, but that he did have the certainty of surviving.

–Because he held too many cards in his hand.

Tommy could confirm one hundred percent that Boca knew absolutely nothing as much as he did. Not even one tenth as much as he knew.

He had taken the most important part of the job to himself on weekdays, just for this moment.

He knew too much about too many people: at least two-thirds of the knights in the entire Hall of the Round Table had either directly or indirectly sought his financial support, and at least eighty percent of that evidence had been meticulously preserved by him.

He also knows the Noble Red’s strongholds and code names throughout Avalon; he knows where the spies who broke in are now and what they do. He also knew which knights or which people in the knight families had connections with the spies of Star Antimony or Iris, and which big names had committed big crimes …… All these evidences he also kept in different places respectively.

Taking a step back, he was at least a demonic scholar at the peak level of the fourth energy level.

All that was needed was to complete the advancement ceremony, and he could be promoted to the fifth energy level. He could bail out the designated person in the ceremony to advance to the fifth energy level – after all, a failed advancement at the fourth energy level would result in severe damage to the soul, and possibly even a life-threatening situation. There weren’t many fifth energy level powerhouses in all of Avalon.

But he was physically strong and could withstand the ritual backlash. It made sense to give birth to a large number of fifth energy level transcendents;it didn’t matter even if he advanced himself, after all, he was a Demon Scholar without a contracted demon, and harmless in a sense.

And whether or not he succeeded in his advancement, he could also be used as a living Beyond the Path detector. As long as the official sends the suspect over, he can say whether or not the other person has a level beyond the Dao Way.

–He was simply too useful, in every sense of the word.

And because of that, Tommy became tough after being locked up instead. Because he was sure that after he told all these things, the Inspectorate would have to consider them carefully. And in order for him to survive, they’d have Meg disarm the Speech.

Though Tommy had been sealed, he could at least kill himself and keep the Lawgiver from searching his memories – the last power of the Demon Scholar was to summon demons by offering himself as a sacrifice. Not to mention, he knows far too many secrets, even many of which Tommy himself can’t remember, and has to rely on the texts he has hidden in certain places combined with the codes to analyze them.

Searching his memories only allows him to see what he has seen and heard recently, but he cannot see what he thinks or what he is capable of doing. In other words, no one knows what his password is, and even if he gets the encrypted file, it’s not easy to solve the riddle.

This was Tommy’s preparation for the search of the Lawgiver’s memory.

–If he is killed, then these secrets will not see the light of day. He threatened so.

And so the situation came to a familiar part of Tommy’s life – gaming. Or bargaining.

If he didn’t cooperate, he’d be cursed by Meg; but if he died, then Avalon would lose a great deal of valuable clues, and Avalon wouldn’t be able to find a more valuable source of information than him.

And many secrets were known only to him, and a search of his memory would not find them all.

That said, Tommy’s death would be a situation that neither side wanted; but he ultimately had a bomb strapped to him that would kill him if he didn’t disarm it in three days, and the initiative in the matter was in the hands of the IG.

The two sides are caught in a game. The IG doesn’t want Tommy to die, but must threaten the other side to spit out more information; while Tommy knows that he is very useful, and also knows that the IG doesn’t want him to die, so he clenches his teeth and doesn’t let go, wanting to fight for more benefits.

And that brings us to Tommy’s comfort zone. What he’s best at is gaming.

Instead of asking to be released from his speech, Tommy asks for at least a reprieve first, lengthened to thirty days – and if the IG agrees, he’ll reveal three recent secrets, including the missing Ivars, as their first deal.

And as a gesture of good faith for both sides to work together, as well as to prove that what he said was true, he asked the Inspector General, who had come to interrogate him, if she had any knights she hated.

After the other party reported the names of three knights who were quite hostile to the Queen, Tommy didn’t hesitate to tell their crimes, and where the evidence was kept.

“This is the trial.”

Tommy’s eyes flashed with a cunning look, “You guys can try all you want to see if what I say is true or not.

“If you can, ask Lord Meg to loosen the noose around my neck a little …… I’ll be more valuable.”

And naturally, the Ombudsman’s Office was no slouch. They wanted more, then the initiative to cooperate could not fall into Tommy’s hands.

So they locked him up in the absolutely safe basement, intending to hang him out like this for the time being.

One day had already passed, and Tommy still had two days left to live. When his last day or half a day is left, even if he knows it in his heart, he will definitely be anxious. Don t look at Tommy’s current calmness and cunningness, when his blood pressure comes up, the giant bloodline will naturally rush his mind …… until then, it is not too late for them to talk about cooperation.

No food, no lights. Not even someone to talk to.

Tommy was just sealed in a small dark room with no light and no sound.

It’s a very effective torture technique.

Now that most of the day had passed, he no longer knew what time it was outside. It even felt like three days had long passed, or that it was almost time …… The fear in his heart made him hallucinate, and the memories of his childhood played like a slide show.

Those people he had seen and killed floated before his eyes like hallucinations. The sound of their voices talking, laughing, wailing before they died rang in his ears. And Tommy curled up in bed, eyes open but motionless.

Tommy was a hybrid giant after three generations.

And at the same time, he was likewise a half-elf.

The giant blood in him was only one-eighth, while the elf blood was one-fourth.

By all rights, he should just be a grumpy half-elf.

But when it came to his generation, the giant bloodline in his body suddenly returned to his ancestors and behaved abnormally active ……

Before he was born, his father disappeared; and his mother remarried after giving birth to him, and as a result, she also fell ill and died in less than two years.

When Tommy was three years old, his parents were no longer related to him. But even so, his father still raised him.

-Until he was five years old, when he broke his grandmother’s knee with a single kick because he couldn’t suppress the blood of rage in his body.

He was thus brutally beaten up by his unrelated stepfather and abandoned directly to the Lloyd District.

At that time, Noble Red hadn’t yet entered the Glass Island, so there weren’t that many Demon Scholars in the Lloyd District who were in desperate need of materials. So he at least wouldn’t disintegrate into a humanoid self-propelled material on the spot.

Although the heart, bone marrow, liver and kidneys of a hybrid giant could be used as rare alchemy materials, able to be used to make a Giant Strength Potion, Rage Magic Potion, Strong Foetus Preserving Potion, and Long-Acting Stimulant respectively. However, the five-year-old giant didn’t look too far removed from an ordinary human child, and no one would realize that he was a hybrid giant. However, the odds were that an adult with expensive items would be in danger if he was thrown into the Lloyd Zone; but a child would be safe when he arrived in the Lloyd Zone instead.

For here, children are a commodity, a material necessary for the training of assassins. Strong, smart and dexterous children are even more so.

At that time, Ms. Gray-Green was still only a senior assassin, and was not yet an administrator in this area. But her boss, ……, the “mom” who raised her, was.

Her “mom” picked up Tommy and gave him assassin training. However, Tommy lacks the talent for the ways of the world – the rage that rages within him makes it impossible for him to remain silent and still, much less stay in the dark and observe everything calmly.

And so Tommy was abandoned again. It just so happened that the last Lloyd needed more foster children at the time, and bought Tommy away from her.

Counting President Lloyd’s own wife, Tommy had a total of seven parents. Yet he never felt affection.

–No one knows that Tommy was not chosen by his adoptive father to carry on the Lloyd name.

It was Tommy’s sister who had the best hope of inheriting the Lloyd name.

Tommy was the fifth of seven brothers.

Rowetta, the fourth in line, had a well-balanced path, was smart, beautiful, and cool.

By the time she was fourteen or fifteen, she was making a fortune selling oceanic information. By the time she was eighteen, she had even befriended a prince, and had he not been killed by a curse, she would have had a chance to become a princess.

But even so, she used the prince’s identity to blend into the high-class circles of Avalon. With her generous physique and knowledge, she quickly became a favorite of the social circle. By that time, she was already the vice president of the Lloyd’s Club.

Tommy realized he couldn’t compete with her. And once the “Sons of the Serpent” ceremony was over, his path potential would be drained.

So he plotted and researched the ritual to accomplish a murder. He cursed his sister to become a zoophile, so that she would be accidentally discovered having intercourse with a bull. And she chose to commit suicide after that.

But she actually failed – Tommy disguised her body as another female corpse. He raped and sacrificed “Rowetta”, using her and her two brothers as sacrifices to summon the Labyrinth Demon.

His father did not realize that this was Tommy’s doing and gave him the name of Lloyd. To prevent him from reacting afterward, so Tommy dragged his father into the labyrinth and starved him alive as well.

The Monitor suspected him at the time, but couldn’t find any evidence at all.

It was because their bodies were either in the labyrinth of the Labyrinth Demon or had melted because they had stepped into the Dream Realm. Their corpses weren’t even in the Material Realm, and they didn’t even die in the Material Realm.

Immediately after, Tommy, who was only sixteen years old at the time, wisely realized that he needed to perfect the chain of evidence in order to clear himself of suspicion.

So he faked evidence that his two younger brothers had stolen the family fortune, purchased the boat tickets, and killed and seriously injured their older siblings. After Tommy is willing to pay the price of being shot six times in the body with a pistol, the disappearance of the two brothers makes perfect sense.

As for the slain siblings – that was, of course, by his own hand.

He didn’t think he was at fault anywhere.

The very ritual of the Sons of the Serpent allowed and even encouraged the killing of each other, what was not allowed was the law of Avalon. So he’d fulfilled the ritual and circumvented the law at the same time.

As for killing-

He wasn’t human anyway. Tommy was at peace with that.

He felt no discomfort, even excitement and thrill, the first time he killed someone – and he soothed himself with the thought that since those people saw him as a giant, there was nothing wrong with him killing.

It was because of this sense of excitement that he sometimes wandered into the night of the Lloyd District, hunting people who dared to roam the streets of the Lloyd District in the dead of night, and making them into ritual material …… before cursing himself to kill those he had tried to kill during the day. It wasn’t until he grew taller and taller than common human heights that he stopped wandering.

He was almost discovered at one point, but fortunately, there was a Jack the Ripper. He graciously took over the crimes he had committed.

Later, Tommy was targeted by the Noble Red Company.

Speaking of the Noble Red ……

Tommy suddenly frowned.

…… Speaking of which, did the Inspector General’s Office prepare a curse countermeasure for himself?

If he betrayed Noble Red, the other side was afraid that they would have to come and curse him. They could easily get their hands on his hair, and it was possible to curse him even if they didn’t know where he was.

In that case, his trade list would have to include “have a priest with him for protection”. If he’s cursed, he needs to be exorcized in time …… From that point of view, it might be better to ask for a female priest.

At that moment, he suddenly heard the faint sound of footsteps.

This made his stagnant thoughts come alive in a flash.

A second person had appeared in the small dark room, and his first reaction was one of elation – but immediately afterward, he felt instantly wary.

Why had the other man not turned on the light?
Why had he merely approached without saying a word?

So Tommy, too, closed his mouth warily and rolled over to sit up, the muscles in his body tensing. Although he couldn’t use his dodo powers, his torso was still healthy. He had surrendered just in time and wasn’t injured. Even if he was being swept by a firearm, he could survive by clamping the bullet with the strong muscles of a giant.

“–Honorable Tommy Lloyd.”

A low and hoarse voice rang out, “Yes?”

“…… It’s me.”

Tommy asked in a deep voice, “Who are you?”

The next moment, Tommy saw a flash of red light.

It was the ring he was familiar with, “Noble Red”.

Are they coming to save me?
…… No, no.

“You’ve come to kill me, haven’t you.”

Tommy sat up in bed and replied in the affirmative, “You’re Aleister – who the hell are you? If you’re going to kill me, at least let me hear your real voice.”

After a short silence, a soft and sweet, honey-like female voice sounded, “Yes, I’m going to kill you.

“-because you betrayed Noble Red.”

As her words fell, Tommy’s entire body was directly penetrated by the Shadow Demon. But he didn’t let out a hiss of pain because his neck was wrapped around something.

And while that was happening, he dabbed his own blood and wrote on the bed, “Aleister,” “Woman,” and “Noble Red.”

–I’m dead, and you’re not going to be any better.

Tommy thought with hatred.

Four thousand seven hundred words for a big chapter and another seven thousand word update today meow!

(End of chapter)

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