160.Chapter 158: Suspect Aleister

Chapter 158: Suspect Aleister

At around one o’clock in the morning in the middle of the night, gunshots and explosions rang out one after another. Immediately afterward, a large fire was lit.

Despite the large campus of the King’s Law University, the knights patrolling the area at night quickly noticed the commotion.

When he rushed to the scene and found that the lawn in front of 14 Ronin Street was dry and burning; corpses were strewn in front of the door, bloodstains fell on the doorway, and the lawn was covered with the trademark cloak of rotting flesh that remained after the death of a demonic dog, he immediately realized – this was no longer something that he, a second-capable level monitor, could deal with.

He didn’t hesitate to turn around and run. After about another twenty minutes or so, the Inspector arrived. And before that, the janitor had been called here to finish putting out the fire.

According to the Knight’s request, the scene was completely preserved, except for extinguishing the fire. There was no unnecessary movement.

Because the content of the phone call said it was serious, the scale of this inspectorate was quite large.

At two in the morning in the middle of the night, twelve inspectors arrived on griffins, heavily armed.

“These people should be Demon Scholars.”

From the first moment she saw the scene, a middle-aged woman in the lead, wearing a monocle, immediately made a judgment, “I see the aura of ritual spells.”

In her line of sight, the protective aura unique to ritual spells shone on two of these people.

She took a closer look and confirmed, “The ritual effect hasn’t ended yet, the battle should have happened not long ago.”

“Chief Téa, look here.”

A young male inspector crouched on the ground, wearing leather gloves, he pinched up a shimmering red dust, “This should be Inferno.”

“Hmm, I see it.”

The new female director nodded, “Judging from the traces, what killed them was the flames of the Devotion Pathway. The original flames shouldn’t have been that powerful, it should have been the use of Inferno Essence to increase the flames.”

“Director, there’s no one inside!”

And the inspection that went to the house to investigate also returned and reported the news, “But there are traces of things having been destroyed …… Maybe there was a battle inside!”

“I’ll go take a look.”

The Director nodded, and in passing, asked the janitor and knight at the side, “Who is the person living here? Is it any of the teachers?”

“It’s a student.”

The knight replied, “It’s Ivars Moriarty.”

At that, Téa froze for a moment and her expression became serious.

She confirmed, “It’s the ordained Ivars Moriarty?”

“How many more Moriarty could there be, Ms. Téa.” The knight responded.

“That’s bad ……”

Téa muttered, her brow furrowed, “Is it revenge?”

She greeted behind her, “Mr. Dawn, please backtrack here!”


A middle aged Lawgiver who was already in his fifties slowly walked over, “I can only retrace the actions of the deceased for an hour …… Are you sure this is the right place?”

In his hand he held a silver-white elven staff, the tip of which was the symbol of Avalon – a silver triangle with an emerald set in the center.

Upon receiving Téa’s affirmation, the old Lawgiver’s staff stuttered to the ground without hesitation.

Only silver-white runes coalesced into a spell formation, spreading out from the ground in an instant.

And soon enough, a silvery-white, transparent and blurred outline emerged on these corpses. It stood up like a time reversal, moving forward against the chronological order.


Suddenly, Téa said hastily.

In the next moment, the screen suddenly stopped.

Even though the outline was very blurry, she clearly saw it – this knight holding a huge sword had no lower body, yet it was able to float in the air. It was floating out of nowhere, but there was clearly no body there.

Her face changed slightly at once, “Blade Demon?”


Hearing this, the surrounding people were also taken aback and came over.

“This man is followed by the Blade Demon,” Téa looked down at the man with a visible scorch mark in the shape of a criss-cross on his face and chest, dressed like a lawyer, “Could he be the ‘Test Blade Demon’? ”

“Blade Demon” is a wanted criminal of the Lloyd District Inspectorate.

They said they were wanted criminals, but they didn’t even know what they looked like.

They can only be sure that the residual aura of the Blade Demon has been found at the scene of many victims’ brutal killings – it must be a certain demonic scholar who uses his supernatural power to kill innocents in order to summon and drive the Blade Demon.

The Blade Demon is a relatively rare demon, or at least the only one on Glass Island. So they named it the “Trial Blade Demon”.

However, there are too many facts in the Lloyd’s Inspectorate, and the other divisions are not willing to transfer to Lloyd’s.

Therefore, “Test Blade Demon” only exists as a name on the wanted list, and no one even knows what he looks like, whether he is a man or a woman, and how old he is.

“Can you see what the Demon was crushed by?”

“It was hit by something.”

Dawn pointed to the traces of it flying, “It should have been something of some kind with a huge impact. But there are traces of the demon dissipating here, so I think it should be that its owner was killed and then the Blade Demon was repatriated.”

“Huge impact?”

Director Téa wasn’t surprised by the latter part. To be able to kill a Blade Demon head-on, it would have to be at least fourth energy level. But the first half, the more she thought about it but the more puzzled she became.

There was only one thing that was certain – the bodies of the two Demon Dogs in front of the door had obviously been dispelled by the purification ability. The external armor was barely broken, and the rotting flesh inside was intact. It was just that the curse that manipulated the corpses had been dispelled …… At the time the curse had survived, the carrion should have been purple, but they were now the color of ordinary carrion.

“As far as I know, Ivars Moriarty is a priest. He once crushed the Monstrous Limb Demon with the help of Transcendent Items.”

A young female inspector recorded something in her book while answering in passing, “This should have been dispelled by him personally. He can do such things.”

Téa nodded and shook her head, “It is indeed possible. But the Blade Demon was certainly not defeated by him. He’s just a priest and still has limited mobility. Even with the bonus of Inferno Essence, it’s impossible to instantly blow up a Blade Demon. And the Blade Demon’s resistance is strong, so there should have been someone else at the scene-at least someone who could physically ram the Blade Demon, or even kill it somehow.”

“But there are no footprints, Chief.”

“He could have flown.”

Téa replied, “It’s also possible that some kind of spell …… spell could have done the same. But there are no traces of spells left over from the Wisdom Pathway …… but it’s possible that they were erased. It is possible for a skilled mage to cast spells without traces.”

“That means that there was a powerful mage who was with Ivars Moriarty and was attacked by four demon scholars.”

The inspector muttered while making notes in his book.

“Not necessarily a mage.”

Téa turned back and added, “It’s also possible that the person was a Devotion Pathway or a Transcendent Pathway – after all, only traces of those two powers were left at the scene. However, it can’t be ruled out that it was a powerful Adaptation Path Transcendent, and Adaptation Paths also have the ability to hide traces of the Path.”

With that, she headed towards the house. To carry out the next step of the investigation.

Under the manifestation of her monocle, red and purple traces remained everywhere on the floor.

Through these traces, she gradually retraced her steps.

It looked like Ivars should have won.

With the assistance of that unknown helper, he defeated a group of Demon Scholars who had sneaked up on him in the dead of night.

The fat man who had his head blown off by a bullet, that strange blast wound on his head looked very familiar to Téa – it was the very same special bullet that Aiwas had used when he had first killed that Demon Scholar at the Pelican Bar.

This was obviously someone Aiwas had killed with his own hands.

And other than the fat man, the other three died in flames. And two of them barely struggled or showed signs of having fought or powered through before they died, indicating that they were killed instantly.

The Inferno Essence scattered on the ground was the proof of his spell.

Thus, Tai Ya gradually realized …… that this should be a high level Devotion Pathway Transcendent.

This was a very simple assumption: if a person possessed enough power to take down a Blade Demon head-on, then he would have absolutely no need to use a weapon like a gun that emphasized on hitting, so those three people shouldn’t have been killed by Aiwas.

And if that helper was a mage, there was no reason for him to only use his flame ability.

“Collect the blood and take it to be analyzed.”

She pointed to the blood on the ground and instructed her subordinates.

Judging from the shape, it was blood that dripped naturally. Height-wise it should be an adult, not Ivars in a wheelchair.

So he was injured?
But the blood was only at the doorway, not toward the inside.

Then he should have been healed immediately after his injury.

This fits the “two priests” theory even better.

The wheelchair had marks from the doorway to the living room. The living room was slightly disorganized, the table had been knocked over. The candles were on the floor and had been broken. …… It seems that someone was trying to use the “sacrificial fire” when it was interrupted.

Did the two of them get into a fight?

But there’s no blood here, and no bodies. If there had been a fight here, then the only thing left behind would have been the bodies – the bodies at the door were not cleaned up, and things had been dumped all over the place. It didn’t make sense that only Ivars’ body was packed away.

Judging from this angle, Aiwas should at least not be dead!

Thinking of this, Director Téa was slightly relieved.

She had only just taken over as Commissioner Gordon, and it would be bad luck for her if the hero who had just received the Order of the Sacred Sword was killed in her precinct just a week afterward.

Soon, however, she noticed a slight shadow lingering in the corner.

“…… Hmm?”

She squatted down and scrutinized for a long time before her face finally changed greatly, “This is a …… Shadow Demon?!”

How could there be an upper level demon like a Shadow Demon on Glass Island!

This Shadow Demon clearly hadn’t attacked those Demon Scholars, they were in a group – that is to say, one of these Noble Red Association people had summoned a Shadow Demon!
When he saw that the four had been killed, he trailed the two and stalked into the room. There were still traces of shadow power left in the cracks of the door, and that was the proof.

And while the two of them were being healed, the Shadow Demon suddenly attacked, knocked them down and captured them. That should be the whole story.

-Involving an upper level demon like the Shadow Demon, it’s not something they can handle.

She didn’t dare to slack off, so she could only report this to the Inspector General’s Office.

And the first to receive the report was her old boss, Inspector Gordon.

When he heard the traces of the Shadow Demon, the first thing that came to his mind was a person.

“…… Aleister?”

Inspector Gordon murmured, “Is that you?”

On second thought, I’d better skip dinner for now and get back to it after the update!

Update over meow! Cat went to eat and came back to correct typos!

(End of chapter)

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