143. Chapter 142 – The Great Sin Ceremony of Sealing the Illusory Demon

Chapter 142 – The Great Sin Ceremony to Seal the Illusory Demon

“What should I do?”

Yulia asked in a good-natured, soft voice.

Even after hearing that Ivars was going to draw out the Illusion Demon in her body, she didn’t think that it was Ivars’ attempt to kill her – even if, as far as current technological common sense was concerned, the Illusion Demon couldn’t be drawn out without guaranteeing the safety of the host.

It wasn’t that Yulia believed that Aiwas did hold such technology.

Rather, it was that Yulia believed from the bottom of her heart that Aiwas would not harm her in any way.

They had grown up together, had depended on each other during the most difficult and lonely moments, and had never left each other afterward. Though not related by blood, there was a trust in each other that was even better than the trust within the vast majority of families.

“Bring out that amulet, Yuri.”

Aiwas took the still warm amulet and asked Yulia with a smile, “Isn’t it quite curious what’s inside?”

“I think it might be the Inferno Spirit.”

Yulia seriously analyzed, “Judging from the thickness of the amulet, the stability of its temperature, and its degree of heat accumulation, its main material should be Inferno Essence that has been impregnated with fire-attribute mana.

“It vaguely gives a sense of pungency, and the sustaining material might also have ginger or vermilion; but it doesn’t give a rolling sensation after it accumulates heat, so it should have ruby or amber as stabilizing materials, and it’s possible that sapphire was added for a calming effect.”

The girl’s voice was soft as a fairy tale, but her words seemed calm and rational.

“You’re a genius, Yuri.”

Aywas didn’t mince words in his praise.

Just by touching it, she was able to roughly deduce the material she was using.

Aiwarth was not surprised. Because he knew that Yulia was originally such a rational and mature girl.

Although she always made a soft appearance in front of herself, that was actually just being petulant.

He had seen Yulia reading. She would carefully write down dense reading notes with different colored pens, in proper and clear handwriting.

And Yulia was always very serious when she asked her adoptive father for some advice. She would seriously discuss the professional direction of the problem, the delicate little face is always board, the pen in the hand to record the almost non-stop.

Yulia’s bedroom contained few toys.

Dollhouses were very popular among girls in this era, and they liked to play with those exquisite dolls. But Yulia’s only toy was her strange bear doll that looked like it had been cut in half by a knife and sewn up with thread.

And Yulia’s bedroom, aside from tons of books and reading notes, was something that even boys her age might not be interested in.

In addition to a full set of the finest alchemy implements, her bedroom also contained astronomical telescopes, a large number of circuit components, and some tools for woodworking. Yulia’s bookshelves were all turned out by herself, with elaborate designs carved into them.

Earlier she was also interested in bicycles. It was just that her body didn’t support her to ride a bike or go out. Moreover, her status as a young lady didn’t allow her to play with an indecent emerging toy like a bicycle.

So Yulia made a model of an elf-style bicycle out of wood and chains after researching it herself. The wheels that were set up could even turn if you cranked the pedals by hand.

“After today, you’ll be able to get rid of this body.”

Ewas said seriously, pulling out two tarot cards from the amulet whose fronts were glued together and thus appeared to be blank.

He held the card between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand and clasped the thumb on his side – keeping the inverted Hanged Man in positive position above and the Sun in negative position below. And he signaled Yulia to similarly press the other side with her right thumb and forefinger.

To begin.

Ivars took a deep breath. He couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

This matter was related to Yulia’s safety after all. She, on the contrary, completely trusted Aiwarth, and thus was in a calm mood. On the contrary, it was Ayworth who was slightly apprehensive.

But he knew he had to remain calm.

So he began to steadily inject his mana.

After Ivars’ mana injection exceeded ten points, the entire card became scorching and hot. It emitted a red shimmering light, like a red-hot iron.

And as Aywas continued to inject fire-attribute mana, the still-mundane tarot card was directly scorched by the flames.

But even so, it was still like there was an invisible rope pulling between Aiwass and Yulia. They were pinching something in the void while a golden-red stream of light flowed repeatedly and swayed from side to side between the two.

As Aywas injected further mana, he began to chant in a low voice, “I pay my respects to the Candlemaster, the God of the Sacred Numbers of Three, the God of the Sinful Thorns Binding the Body, and the God of the Burning Body Exhausting the Darkness.

“-I solemnly call upon you!

“Watch over the fire of my heart as over a candle in a corner.”

And Ivars’ chanting did not end there.

“I honor the Fallen Division.”

Without pause, Ivars immediately and abruptly raised his voice and solemnly proclaimed, “The Celestial Division of Great Sin, the Celestial Division of the Fallen-

“I have made my sin clear, and I will bear the brand of idleness!”

When Aywas performed two prayers that pointed to completely different goals at the same time, the prayer ritual collapsed right out of the conflict.

The odds are that a Great Sinner Scholar will not be a priest, and thus they do not hold the Prayer.

Because the moment the ritual was constructed and completed, there was already a breath picking up – and because the ritual collapsed directly when it was linked, it wouldn’t disturb the Nine Pillars of God or the Fallen Heaven Division.

It was like a phone call that had just been dialed, but was hung up on before it got through.

At the moment the prayer collapsed, two very different auras from the failed prayer surged into his deck.

In theory, that was a punishment.

But punishment itself was also a power. The –Great Sin Ceremony was a ceremony that simultaneously borrowed the power of the Nine Pillar Gods to suppress the Phantom Demon and the power of the Great Sin to seal the Phantom Demon!
The brilliant and burning breath of Si Candle flowed into his body from the top down, from Aiwas’s eyes. His eyes suddenly ruptured and bled, and two lines of bloody tears slowly slid down.

The crimson breath used Ivars as a medium, and as he guided it, it flowed into the top of the illusory bond between Ivars and Yulia.

The cold, pitch-black breath of the Fallen Division, on the other hand, slowly floated up and was guided by Ivas to the bottom of the bond. It was transformed into a tray.

The black and red auras entwined together, constantly tuning in. An increasingly violent storm of searing heat roared in all directions, and Lily couldn’t help but back away, shielding her cheeks with her hands.

And with the continued slow infusion of Ivars’ mana into the void, the phantom demon inside Yulia finally woke up.

Her pupils, which were originally red, suddenly became bright, and her expression changed, “What are you doing?”

The Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame felt a strong threat.

A powerful suction came from the void where their fingertips were facing each other, it was an incomparably familiar, yet incredibly warm feeling.

“Yulia looked like she was about to glare fiercely at Ivas, but she didn’t look fierce at the moment.

And Ivas just stared at it expressionlessly.

Soon, “Yulia’s” expression became pitiful again, “Save me, brother, I’m going to die–“

“You won’t die. Neither you nor Yulia.”

Ivars replied softly.

Immediately afterward, he called out the name of the Phantom Demon, the Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame!
“I call upon your name at this moment, and give you the Brand of Idleness!
“My life is your life, my destiny is your destiny-

“- Obey me, Phantom Demon of the Way of Devotion!”

Aiwas’ voice rumbled, majestic as a god.

The breath of the Fallen Division moved slowly from between the two, pushing toward Yulia.

It was just a bridge built by a bit of dark attribute mana, but it was enough to communicate with each other’s minds.

A crimson illusory chain emerged from Ivars heart and flew to pierce into Yulia’s body.

It was a chain constructed by Ivars’ “soul” and “destiny”, an extremely fragile thing condensed from the entire life that Ivars had experienced so far.

This is the only thing …… that can resonate with the phantom demon after it is inserted into its body.

In that instant, Ivars’ eyes went black.

It was as if he had a hallucination, and as if he had gotten part of Yulia’s memories.

Or rather, it was the memories left behind by the “Butterfly of Paradox Flame” when it manipulated Yulia’s body…

Most of the memories were of Yulia gasping for air, cowering in a corner and coughing. Her clothes and quilts were gradually scorched to black, and her whole body was steaming with white smoke.

Others were of her whole body bursting into flames uncontrollably, with a vague stream of flame forming butterfly wings behind her.

Ivars also saw the familiar “warehouse”.

That was the warehouse where the explosion had occurred.

Yulia staggered forward, her body cracked like cracked porcelain, coughing violently from time to time, coughing up large clouds of dark red powder.

The powder floated in the air like the scales of a butterfly or ruby fragments.

Like the red stars that covered the night sky, it looked very beautiful in the dark warehouse.

And they kept sucking in the streams of flame that burst out of the cracks in Yulia’s body, becoming brighter and brighter.

When the density and brightness reached a certain level, it exploded!

Yulia was sent flying by the wave of air and fell to the ground.

Her back was hit hard, and she curled up on the ground in pain, coughing violently. But she couldn’t cough up any blood, all she could cough up was red powder, and the flames that flickered from time to time.

Yulia’s coughs, which she did her best to keep down, filled Ivas’ ears.

“I want to …… become healthy ……”

Her voice whispered with an accent, “I want to live ……”

And the next moment, Ivars’ vision went into darkness.

In the midst of complete darkness, Yulia slept unclothed and curled up in a deep red crystal.

The crystal shell seemed to be filled with blood, but at the moment it was covered with cracks. There were silver-white runes on it, which were attached to the crystal like duct tape barely holding on to a broken vessel.

Yulia floated in the crystal with her eyes closed. Her entire body was covered in hideous wounds, and the blood seemed to be flowing out of them, as well as to extinguish the flames gushing out of them.

So she was in such pain ……

“I’ve come to save you.”

Aiwas heart throbbed a little and murmured in a low voice, “I caught up with …… Yuri.

“You will live. I swear.”

Floating in the void, Aiwas slowly raised his illusory hand and gently pressed it on top of the red crystal.

(End of chapter)

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