135.Chapter 134 A Version of Understanding Across Three Years

Chapter 134 A Version of Understanding Across Three Years

Hearing Barton’s words, Ivars raised his eyebrows with interest.

“…… Beyond the Way? Do you know what you’re talking about?”

The real identity of the “Knight” should be a reserve soldier of the Light Cavalry Brigade. Possibly a student of the Avalon Military Academy University.

He came from an orthodox knight family, and there were at least direct elders in his family who were armor bearers. He also said that he had the possibility of being promoted to an air cavalryman …… That is to say, he has only just set foot on the path of transcendence, has not yet completed the first promotion, and the griffin ration given to him is the pureblood griffin that has not been discounted.

In other words, his family’s situation was in the upper echelon within the kingdom of Avalon.

Even if he chose not to become a Transcendent, he would still be able to live out his life comfortably.

But such a person …… now told Ai Waas that he wanted to become a Transcendent Dao Way?
Aiwarth’s heart stirred as he asked rhetorically, “Do you know something?”

“I’m serious.”

“Mr. Knight” said with incomparable seriousness, “It’s not an impulse or a rebellious thought …… I’ve only just learned of some forbidden history with mysterious power… …Then I wondered if it could be that we are on the wrong path, and that the Way of Authority was meant to fit in with the Way of Transcendence?
“If the essence of the Way of Authority is similar to power, then the core of authority is actually power. Power comes from the top down, but power also changes hands, just as ministers go up and down in their positions. How can anyone who has no desire to move upward take his job seriously?
“- I think that top-down orders, bottom-up promotions, and the two together are ‘power’.”

…… Interesting.

Ivas raised an eyebrow.

The knight wasn’t really wrong, just a little too far ahead of his time.

Avalon perished in the last minor version of the first major version [Glass Steps].

In version 2.0, the player and his party solved the troubles of the Church Kingdom and gained the friendship and help of the Pope and the Holy Virgin; in version 3.0, Star Antimony died a death and began an unstoppable schism; and Isabel grew up after defeating the Fallen Divisions, gained high civil prestige, and with the help of the fledgling Church Kingdom, organized a team to take back Avalon.

After crushing the bandits, traitors, and rebellious ministers of the old kingdom, as well as someone who had been a puppet of the Star Antimony but was now independent and had summoned the Shadow Heavenly Division, Isabel defeated Iris’s conspiracy, reclaimed the land of Avalon, and completed the restoration of the kingdom.

At that time, a fire destroyed the decayed things, and the newborn “Avalon” was renamed Camelot, the Kingdom of Flowers.

Ivars still remembers the CG after killing the final boss of the 3.4 version of the high difficulty version of the Kagemusha, which was one of the few CGs he didn’t skip – of course, it was also because he was numb and tired after the fight, so he got down to take a rest.

The shadows that were controlled by Shadow Tianji corrupted the dead land, sprouting shoots, dead trees regained vitality, and the earth bloomed with flowers once again. The half-elf Isabelle, who still looks young, wears a white robe, a crown, and a scepter, just like her grandmother Queen Sofia, and delivers a speech in the middle of a city full of vitality, standing on a wooden platform entwined with vines.

As the founding father of the Kingdom of Camelot, Queen Isabel chose to voluntarily relinquish some of her royal power, transferring it to the Cabinet and Parliament. Transforming Camelot into a constitutional monarchy.

This resulted in the entire power system going through a complete change – the Knight Family would no longer be passed down from bloodline to bloodline and above all others, and the Knights would no longer be de facto armor-clad nobles. At the same time, this also means that since the establishment of Avalon, more than four hundred years of stability, the “law”, “the king’s power” as the core of the mainstream system of authority was broken, and the rest of the path of the ban and resistance was eliminated with it.

Until then, the transcendents of the authoritarian path realized …… that the authoritarian path and the transcendental path were actually not in conflict at all.

Even the Silver Coronation Dragon itself has the characteristics of the Transcendence Path; just as the Weizhe of the Wisdom Path and the Twin Mirrors of the Beauty Path also have some of the characteristics of the Equilibrium Path.

Since the exalted Nine Pillars of the Gods were not pure incarnations of the Dao Path, they also had their own willful tendencies. Mortals are naturally even more so.

Everyone has different experiences, personalities, and talents, and very few people are purely “apostles of Heaven’s destiny” walking on a particular path. Any two paths have a high probability of combining, and the combination of three paths is rare, but it exists.

–In the final analysis, transcendence, which seeks to change, progress, and to commit crimes against others, and authority, which emphasizes control of the will, power, and leadership of others, can actually be understood as two sides of “power”.

Its essence and core is still authoritarianism, and it still carries the element of devotion. It is only after a little bit of transcendence has been added that the system finally comes to life and is able to function properly instead of growing old and corrupt. It was only when authority, devotion, and transcendence went hand in hand that the three apexes of the Avalon Triangle were finally reached. And Isabel’s way of beauty is just outside the apex of this triangle, not interfering with any party …… like the royal family that withdraws from the core power, becoming the emerald green jewel in the center of the silver Avalon triangle.

This is probably why the silver-crowned dragon turned his back on the demise of Avalon.

For Him, Avalon was probably no longer the Kingdom of Knights that He originally wanted to build. This fire had reached the heart of the Silver Coronet’s Dragon.

Therefore, Barton’s understanding was completely correct. Put in three years later, this was the new common sense that everyone knew and everyone recognized.

But because his understanding is too far ahead, beyond the two big versions …… of his words now put out, it will only be said to be crazy and heretical.

And his ideas, in fact, have no basis for practice.

Nowadays, in the Transcendence Pathway, the new professions of the Great Sin Scholar and the Metamorphosis Ascension Warlock that can be perfectly compatible with the revamped Authoritarian Pathway have not yet been born. The most mainstream professions in the Transcendent Dao Way were still demonic scholars and their advanced demonic incarnations.

Even if you counted the Demon and Spell Ceremony Mages, they didn’t add up to many good things. Even if Aiwas himself was a Transcendent of the Beyond Pathway, he had to admit that the Beyond Pathway was the actual evil pathway.

If Mr. Knight, who was upright in character and not smart enough, were to come into contact with the Transcendent Way at this time, he was afraid that he would be eaten up and used by those people until he died.

But the fact that the knight was able to think of this, again showed that he was indeed a talented person – he would appear here nowadays, more or less wanting to compete for the Holy Lance. Even though he knew that he was absolutely unable to fight against Aleister, he didn’t want to sit around and wait for death; and after encountering Aleister, he didn’t beg for forgiveness or shiver, but simply wanted to ask one more question.

This kind of indomitable spirit, which dared to challenge the strong, precisely fit the promotion needs of the profession of “Transformation Warlock” in the Way of Transcendence. It is also a perfect match for the melee profession of the Way of Might.

However, the inauguration of this profession was very troublesome. Nowadays, the Heavenly Division that adapts to the Way has not yet been pulled down by the Ring of Tail Ceremony, and it is too difficult for humans to shed their skin.

Should …… himself give him a chance?

Aiwas thought carefully and decided that it would be better to save him, rather than destroy him.

He spoke seriously, ”In fact, when you asked this question, you already have half a foot on the transcendent path.

“There is nothing wrong with this. Humans are the sons of the Serpent Father and the Constant Self, a race that is naturally adapted to the Path of Transcendence and the Path of Love. Everyone is insatiable, wants better, and is always filled with desire; this is the nature of human progress.”

This was what the Shadow Demon had just told him, and Aiwas was now learning it now.

“But the real question is, have you come to your senses and embarked on this path? Have you thought about the profession you want to inaugurate, or ‘whatever is beyond the path’? Or have you simply begun to doubt the path of authority, but have not thought about the path you want to take next?
“Have you thought about what happens to transcendentalists who transcend the Way? Have you thought about your family, your clan? Have you thought about the conspiracies that those who are also Transcendents have started against you, the use of you, the persecution of your family?”

Aywas seriously admonished, “If not, my advice is – you can keep the idea, but don’t advance to the transcendent path for the time being.

“At least not for a few years. After you’ve really gotten your feet wet in your career, if you still have the idea, it’s not too late to switch again.

“There are very few Transcendents who can be compatible with three dao paths, and most Transcendents’ two dao paths are already the limit. And you are still very young today, now you want to turn transcendence, maybe in the future you want to turn devotion, after that there is still a possibility that you will turn adaptation, and when you are old you will want to turn twilight …… If you can leave some leeway for your future self, it is better not to set foot on a dual pathway as early as possible.”

It’s almost time anyway, Aiwas thought to himself. In a couple years, you’ll be ready to turn “metamorphosis warlock” when the Butterfly Heavenly Division is ripped off.

Right now, you haven’t even reached the second energy level of your first path, so why are you in such a hurry about the second path?
This is like playing online games, the newbie village are not out, began to consider the full level after the point with the problem of clothing – to say when the time comes to say when the matter well.

(End of chapter)

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