119. Chapter 118 – The Warrior is Dead

Chapter 118 – The Warrior is Dead
Although the Silver Coronet Dragon was a pillar god of the Pillar of Mighty Dao, He also held some of the powers and traits that transcended the Dao.

Or rather, in the ancient times where there was no professional inheritance, it was reasonable for any transcendent to hold multiple pathway powers.

The nine dao paths originally represented nine human attitudes, nine worldviews, nine personalities, and nine tendencies.

No one path is absolutely correct, and few people can walk on only one path and never deviate from it.

After the professional system was born in the last two thousand years, which brought a more stable inheritance and promotion path to the transcendentalists, it also made people subconsciously follow the path and let their personality gradually purify.

In fact, however, advancing from one path does not mean that one has to give up the characteristics of other paths. Or, to put it the other way around – if someone does not conform to the other paths at all, it does not mean that they will necessarily be able to go very far from that path.

The ultimate goal of “purified thinking” is to concentrate more on one path in order to go faster and farther because one’s own talents are insufficient.

However, when some people realize that they can advance faster this way, they force others to purify their paths as well, otherwise it will be difficult for them to go further when they are young enough – after all, the level of their path at a young age directly determines their careers, their income, and the rest of their lives. Everyone wants a better life, and they are willing to change themselves for the better.

When the path of advancement became utilitarian, the average age of transcendentals at all levels of ability decreased year by year. However, there are still only so many people who can reach the fourth level and above. Because the higher one goes, the more difficult it becomes.

In less extreme cases, every Transcendent should have multiple dao paths adapted to them – not allowing themselves to adapt to the dao paths, but getting all the dao path powers adapted to them. So they should have many dao paths with low-energy abilities, but basically not many dao paths that can be promoted to high-level …… That’s what normal people are gifted with.

Hajna, as a modern transcendent, however, felt unable to understand this ancient concept of transcendence.

Hajna was even so shocked that she couldn’t even speak properly, ”Is the Silver Crowned Dragon, Lord of the Crown Wearer …… actually a Transcendent as well?

“Is it possible for a mortal …… to also, become a Pillar God?”

“Not a transcendent, but one with the trait of transcending the path,” Aiwas corrected calmly, “And there is actually no insurmountable gap in becoming a Pillar God. As we all know, mortals are capable of becoming Celestial Masters, and as long as they are Celestial Masters, it is theoretically possible for them to become Pillar Gods. Not becoming a Pillar God is simply because they aren’t strong enough and haven’t traveled far enough on the nine paths.

“It has been taught many times in school that the Nine Pillar Gods are not the managers of the Dao Paths, merely the forerunners of the Dao Paths …… But clearly you, senior sister, don’t understand the true meaning of this sentence. In the end, it is really just that this world has nine great powers that have no masters, as well as the corresponding nine supreme positions …… Regarding this, our seminary’s textbooks teach this kind of knowledge.

“The reason why the Nine Pillar Gods are the Nine Pillar Gods is because He is currently the furthest along this path, and that is why this path is named after their direction, and everyone else has to follow their principles.

“But as soon as the other Celestial Masters can go farther than the Pillar Gods, this pathway will change ownership and be renamed. It is not even necessary to kill a Pillar God – in the times since the existence of writing, there have been three times when Pillar Gods have changed their masters, [Cicada Molts], [Forbidden Fruit] and [Kingship]. What humans have experienced, recorded in human history, is only the third incident five hundred years ago. The first two were witnessed by dragons and elves respectively.”

“…… Aiwas, where did you all, all learn …… this kind of secret?”

Hajna couldn’t help but tremble all over.

She was clearly having trouble digesting this kind of forbidden knowledge.

She said indistinctly, “Grandpa Jacob also used to tell us the legends of those great warriors in ancient times …… I’ve also wondered why there are no warriors in modern times ……”

“Although the essence of strength and might are similar, the direction is different. Therefore after the Silver-crowned Dragon came to power, the old professions of ‘Warrior’, ‘Berserker’, and ‘Gladiator’ declined as a result.”

Instead of answering her first question, Aywas skipped over it to answer the next one, “The power they already have won’t go away, however they won’t become stronger through their original professions anymore. However, they can easily switch to the path of authority and won’t lose much power.

“Eventually, the ‘berserker’ becomes the bound, the ‘warrior’ the guardian, and the ‘swordsman’ the monitor, ‘Fighter’ becomes the Arrestor, and ‘Challenger’ becomes the ‘Squire’. Lawgiver was a brand new profession, and thus had no advancement. Of the professions from the Power Pathway five hundred years ago, only the Light Cavalry remained unchanged, but the original progression ‘Knight’ became ‘Air Cavalry’. And the Knight became a class of Avalon.”

Of these, Guardian, Bound, Arrestor, and Squire are not common professions in Avalon.

This is because if one learns knowledge of the Law and exercises both swordsmanship and horsemanship, one will definitely advance to Monitor; if one doesn’t learn horsemanship one is a Lawgiver, and if one doesn’t learn the Law one is a Light Cavalryman.

This is what Ivars was talking about, that mystical knowledge has the potential to contaminate a person. Many professions have a requirement for advancement that requires “not being able to hold a certain skill” in addition to holding a certain mystical skill.

Therefore, as long as a transcendent is of official origin, he or she can only become one of the three professions.

“What about advanced professions?”

Although Hajna was terrified to hear it, and even her entire body was shaking unceasingly, her curiosity grew stronger: “What about Inspector and Arbitrator?”

“You really want to hear?”

Ivars raised an eyebrow and casually replied, “If I remember correctly, the Inspector was once supposed to be called the ‘Inspector’ and the Arbitrator was the ‘Dictator’.”

Compared to the lower level professions, the higher level professions that were closer to the path had a very obvious change. It was like a knight on horseback becoming an air cavalryman on a griffin.

However, it is still possible to find the abilities of a vanished Transcendent Profession such as “Governor” or “Dictator” in the Book of Secrets. This is a typical example of a “lost art”. In fact, when Ivars first played the game, he had the same doubts as Hajna.

Although he didn’t like to play as a warrior, generally speaking, every game should have a “warrior” profession.

There are priests, monks and paladins in the path of devotion, mages in the path of wisdom, assassins and hunters in the path of adaptation, knights in the path of authority, and warlocks in the path of transcendence. ……

–But why is there no warrior?
And from various historical records and ancient legends, this world clearly had warriors before.

So Aiwas could only understand at that time that it was probably because the times had changed.

Nowadays, those transcendentalists of the Balanced Pathway have developed all sorts of new age inventions and discoveries – steam engines, diesel engines, generators, electric lights, telephones, microbes, the periodic table of the chemical elements, film, fountain pens, trains, bicycles, toilet paper ……

In this era of vibrant prosperity where anything is possible, the sword-dancing warrior may be out of fashion. The existence of transcendentalists would lead to the excessive intensity of wars between countries with close levels, and the great differences between individual transcendentalists would make the battle situation uncontrollable, instead leading to the birth of an era of peace from the side.

It was not until a long time later that Ivars realized that it was not the warriors who had been eliminated, but rather the disappearance of the transcendental profession of “warrior”.

The same is “strength”, but brute force and power are also different.

–After the age of authority, the warrior is dead.

From this point of view, Jacob is really something.

He may not have grasped the whole truth or understood the nature of the Way and the Pillar Gods, but he at least realized the existence of the Supreme Heaven. And in Avalon, the existence of the old Pillar Gods undoubtedly belonged to forbidden knowledge.

However, he had only escaped the Noble Red Conjunction after taking control of the Scaleless Hand from the Noble Red Conjunction.

Perhaps it was possible that Jacob had obtained these secrets from the Noble Red’s side.

Ivars’ words, while telling the secrets of the Path of Authority, contained knowledge that transcended the Path. He was able to inspire a high-ranking transcendent on the Path of Authority to twist directly into the Path of Transcendence, possibly even driving them directly insane; it was also possible that he could inspire someone who did not originally have the Path of Transcendence phase to enter the Path of Transcendence.

However, in Aywas’s opinion, this kind of thing was actually better said earlier than later.

It was probably for this reason that Jacob used fairy tales to tell it to children who had the nature of the transcendental path.

The longer and higher you go on the path of authority, the more you see it as the rule of your life and believe that it is absolutely right, the more likely it is that your worldview will collapse.

Who could have known that a Pillar God of the Path of Authority was promoted to Pillar God by relying on power beyond the Path?
To travel alone on a single pathway was to run this risk. No single Dao Path is wrong, but in fact no single Dao Path is absolutely right …… Even the Devotion Dao Path has black spots that belong to it.

These secret secrets, these words that Ivars has at his disposal are his incomparably sharp weapons.

Eventually Hajna drifted off into a trance for a while before slowing down. She eventually took the letter that Ivars had written to Sherlock and left Ivars’ quarters.

“…… But Hajna actually slowed down so quickly.”

He was a little surprised.

Ivas had thought she might just lose control and pass out, or have to lose consciousness and stay in her quarters for the night. He was all set to have Lily pack out a guest room for Hajna.

Did this mean that she was actually more gifted in the Transcendent Path than the Authoritarian Path?
She was only twenty-two years old, and she was already halfway through the third energy level of the Way of Might. This was already considered a genius without a doubt.

But now her talent for transcending the Dao path was probably even higher than the Mighty Dao path.

This aroused some interest in Ivars.

Would this kind of genius really die in a disaster of destruction just like that?
Or did she actually make an appearance in the game.

It’s just that she wasn’t called Hajna and wasn’t on the path of authority at that time, so that’s why Ivas didn’t recognize her?
The routine is basically correct, and the out-of-circle level is three! (cheering)

Went to bed at 10:00 yesterday, woke up at 5:30 today–

I’m a real human now.
-Cat Trooper. -Turned into a human!
So I can go out and get a haircut, I can’t go out in the spring because of my severe pollen allergies, and my routine is messed up after posting the book. I haven’t gotten a haircut in four months, and now my hair is almost as good as Yu Ishigami’s, very much an artist. ……

(End of chapter)

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