Chapter 65 Versions

Chapter 65 Versions
David was instantly happy.

Wasn’t the guy in front of him the same barbarian who had escaped from his own hands more than two months ago?

With a weak human body, he was actually able to cause injuries and threats to him at that time, and his bravery, likewise, left a more profound impression on David.

Just David originally thought that this barbarian wounded like that, not dead but also more than half disabled, the future is more than likely never see again.

But now actually by the green dragon Nymphadora to capture back, and will be used as a gift to their own.

Let even as a traveler David, also had to lament the fate of God strange.

Just, a small barbarian, why can be Nymphadora swore as a gift to himself, and is sure that it will be valuable to him and thus change his attitude towards her?
At this time the other party body permeated a familiar smell of blood, immediately let David instinctively sniff.

Then take a closer look at the other party that body that painted with the Qui Gong like blood-colored tattoos, immediately asked some strange:

“You kid damn my blood painted on the body to do what?”


Spinning around, he realized that this guy was not only not crippled, but could even be said to be alive and kicking, where he still could not see where the cat was out of the bag, and looked directly at the green dragon Nymphadora:

“Could it be that our dragon’s blood still has a healing function? Not right ah, I remember our five-colored dragon’s blood, all have strong elemental corrosion ah, how did it work?”

Just like the blood of the red dragon, for example, before it was alchemically processed by a professional caster, splashing the stuff on your body was almost no different from taking a shower with raw lime water.

It was a complete death wish.

Since the other party had already made it this far, most likely he had already interrogated and gotten the answer he wanted, so he might as well just ask for the correct answer.

Sure enough, he heard Nymphadora solemnly reply:

“The Ritual of the Favored One.”

“What did you say?!” David was greatly shocked.

Rather like being given his dragon’s blood to a minotaur and then being caught by a passing Auntie Green Dragon who caught the suspect coming to confront him face to face.

“To be exact, it’s the dragon familiars’ ascension ceremony that has been tampered with by the High Elves.”

“How is it related to elves again?” David was all a bit confused.

It was only after Nymphadora’s subsequent explanation that Davy realized what bizarre story had happened after his battle at the foot of Mount Katgana that day:

It turned out that the barbarian who escaped from his claws that day had lost too much blood, and after foreseeing his crippling fate for the rest of his life, he did something that was a big chunk of the dragon’s heart.

This originally was on these bossy high elves quite dissatisfied, in two consecutive encounters with two dragons after where still do not know that this gang of black hearted elves to their community to hide the key information.

This directly led to their Luo Xinde tribe elite killed in action, but also led to their several barbarian tribes nearly wiped out.

Lochind immediately put the old and new grudges on those long ears, and in the southern foothills of the battlefield, which had already been completely penetrated by David, began to look for trouble with the high elves.

Originally, this is almost a death seeking behavior, but there are too many elves who were killed and maimed by David’s mountain-turning dragon that day, which led to the fact that Loxinde’s serious injury actually managed to make up for it and pick up corpses along the way.

In preparation for the slaughter of a caster completely worth the trip back to the ticket price and then wipe his neck to go away honorably, that named the elf caster who tried to save his life, with words to seduce the barbarian Losinde and her to make a deal, that is:

Strengthen Lorcinde through their High Elf cracked favor ritual in exchange for a chance to live.

But how could the High Elves be so kind.

Although they had successfully cracked the dragon’s favor ascension ritual many years ago, they soon found out that without being personally presided over by the Lord of Dragon’s Blood, few elves were able to survive this torture comparable to a sulfuric acid bath.

Most of them either died directly during the ceremony, or had a mental breakdown directly afterward.

Even if they survived, they would face a serious aftermath of the body falling into a magical disorder that continued to attack and erode their bodies, and their life span would be shortened by half.

So that spell caster is naturally playing the same idea, even do not have to pay too much attention to the details of the ceremony, just fool that barbarian to soak the dragon blood pool can directly screw each other to death.

But how do you know that Loxind this has been to the high elves to fool the desensitized brute, actually directly proposed to let the other side together to carry out the dragon blood ceremony blackmail. In order to survive, that elf spell caster had to formulate the correct favor ceremony, and then use this to win a chance to live.

The result was also obvious.

That elf directly died violently in severe pain.

And Loxinde, the brute, survived.

Not only did he pull through, he was in unprecedentedly good shape.

Anyway, he was not as sensitive to magic as a high elf, and at most he could only feel the tingling that would continue to accompany the place that had been drenched in dragon’s blood.

But a little pain, what was it!
Lozinde didn’t know that he had picked up a treasure, and immediately took all the elven magic potion bottles he found and collected the smoking dragon’s blood he could see all over the battlefield.

And he picked up from the corpse of the elves, including “High Elf Battle Techniques”, “Sword Dancer’s Introduction”, “Magic Handbook” and other trophies back to the clan, and persuaded the Loxinde patriarch with all the clansmen moved away from the territory, to save from the possible retaliation from the dragons or the elves.

As a result, these barbarians had just moved their clan from the Katgana Mountains to the Dark Forest next door, when the Katgana Volcano erupted.

Even if the barbarians had no brains, they would have known that if they hadn’t listened to Loxinde’s advice, they would have been in mortal danger under the horrible natural disaster.

For a while, Lozinde, who had saved his tribe and brought the High Elves’ ‘Advanced Occupation System Ticket’ and ‘Dragon Blood Warrior Ceremony’ to the barbarians, saw his reputation skyrocket.

Even some barbarians secretly set up, ready to push Loxind to the position of chief patriarch, but was Loxind sternly refused down.

In his own words, the natural disaster has already come, before finding a way to let all the barbarians out of the desperate plight, he will never dabble in any power and love.

For a while, with countless such as ‘Alpine Chopping King’, ‘Scarlet Dragon Veiner’, ‘Elven Warfare Transmitter’, Loxind’s reputation was instantly unrivaled in the community.

With this success story of Loxind in place, where did a group of barbarians still not know where their way out was.

Immediately, they radiated out to the Dark Forest, looking for traces of the dragon everywhere.

This group of barbarians didn’t expect to be able to completely defeat or capture the dragon, as long as they could make the other party injured and bleeding like they did in the battle with David, they would have reached their desired goal.

In this way, in just two months time, Lozinde’s side has gathered a team of more than thirty ‘dragon blood warriors’, just like David at that time, the idea of the green dragon Nymphadora’s lair, hoping to directly steal a few dragon eggs or young dragons out of the foster, to reach the ‘dragon blood warriors’ continuity. ‘ sustained.

Then the collective overturned the whole army was wiped out, as the initiator of the Loxinde was also Nymphadora as a gift, brought to David the ‘bitter master’ in front of.

“How the hell can this work? Those High Elves have talent!”

David was greatly shaken after hearing this.

At the same time, there was an unspeakable sense of absurdity.

Yes, back then, after the dragons were ousted from the main stage of the era by the suddenly rising High Elves, they had sort of risen up for a period of time after knowing the shame.

After spending a long time, they finally cracked the highest masterpiece of the High Elves — [Magic Labyrinth].

[Magic Labyrinth Lock] was cracked.

However, in this era where times have changed, the dragons no longer have the mindset to forge ahead and regain their dominant position.

So after they cracked the [Magic Labyrinth Lock], they did not create something similar to the [Dragon Madness Labyrinth Lock] that was said to have caused the dragon madness disaster, but instead, one by one, they transformed it into the [Nest Guard] that was used to ‘suppress the house’, which was criticized and reviled by the High Elves who were the victims of the disaster for who knows how many years, and yet, they took them to a bunch of dragon rogues that were spread out over the various faces. The dragon rogues were really unable to do anything about it.

Now it seems that the tide has turned.
This group of long ears, also cracked the pirate to their giant dragon head up
Only the high elves for the magic is too sensitive to the physique is completely not applicable, pure chicken ribs.

But by chance, it was cheap for these mountain barbarians.

To a certain extent, equivalent to David a dragon because of traumatic injuries soared that point of blood, so that the entire Carter Ghana around the barbarians, directly ‘game version of the occupational system updated’.

A group of barbarians, in the old continent to endure humiliation by the elves bullying exploitation for thousands of years, finally ushered in their almost BUG ‘dragon blood warrior’ version.

Let David really some tears and laughter, looking at this barbarian, immediately also had a completely different mindset from the initial:
“You motherfucker.
“A talent too!”

(End of chapter)

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