221. Chapter 221 – Governor Warrens

Chapter 221 – Governor of Volunz
When David brought the five-colored group of dragons to descend into the port of Warrenz in the Walden Duchy, what greeted them was a silent urban area.

The streets were neat and spotless, and the sunlight poured down on them, even with reflections, similar to the 4K picture quality of Old Roller V played with full mods.

This makes the original have been ready to also do a fight David extra comfort, after all, from Batou Hell to Ailarea all the way to travel, who do not want to arrive at the destination of the street full of happy colors, smelly is not.

Of course, there is no rejection, naturally, can not expect the local residents will be grateful to greet, so there is no flowers floating in the sky, there is no cheering.

After all, he is a red dragon that can be called a mobile plague, was not scared by the dragon’s power to incontinence on the spot has been very face.

The only people in the harbor were the half-blood Zorro Aliana who had already been here to greet him and the thirty to forty barbarian sailors of the Rohind clan under her command, in addition to that, there were actually a dozen or so Zorros who had defected to Aliana’s command to make a living behind him, and their gazes at him at this moment were even more filled with a little bit of fervor:

“Welcome, Your Highness!”

How can I put it?
David felt that the eyes of this group of Zhuoer looking at him were more like a gambler looking at the ‘trump card’ that finally arrived on the table, rather than a lord he was meeting for the first time.

These Drow felt they had won their bet.
David looked at Aliana, who was swaying with excitement, and then looked sideways at Nymphadora, who was hanging her head without saying a word, how could he not understand that this was arranged in advance by his own ‘Green Dragon Secretary’, just to make himself a little bit more comfortable when he was driving here.

Just look at the lonely and empty harbor neighborhood. And then linked to the extreme style of these Zhuoer to do things, can not help but heart lying:
This group of Zhuoer wouldn’t have a brain fart and slaughtered the entire city in advance just to make room for their group of dragons, right?

That would be a big game, just because of this ‘genocide’ hat, all the countries in Middle Earth are afraid that they will have to enlist the allied forces in the name of ‘divine salvation’ to expel the evil dragons and restore the light of mankind.

This is the political correctness of this world.

It was still Nymphadora, who knew David best, who opened her mouth and asked:
“Where are the inhabitants of the harbor? Why didn’t anyone come out?”

Arianna instantly gave Nymphadora a grateful look:
“Lord Nymphadora doesn’t know, in a lower city like Port Warrens, the actual control is almost always in the hands of a group of various gangs.

“They make the rules, sell psychedelic drugs, give out usurious loans, collect protection money, and do everything that involves the gray industry, and some of them are even inextricably linked to that Goddess of Abuse.

“If we wait until His Highness Daviyutos arrives, they will surely hide themselves as fast as they can, and then ‘change their faces’ to reintegrate, they are like a group of bugs that can’t stop sucking blood to grow up, and if they are allowed to continue to exist, it will surely be detrimental to His Highness’s harbor revenue.

“So I have the courage to lead some manpower in advance before your highness came, will be these ‘garbage’ temporarily cleaned up first, but there are still a lot of overnight fled out of the port of Warrens, the movement may be a little big, so that the harbor residents all hide in their homes closed doors. ”

As David’s senses spread out, he indeed ‘saw’ quite a few residents secretly hiding in the windows and peeping towards this side.

Only do not know whether hundreds of colorful dragons coiled in the harbor picture is really too beautiful, many people tend to look at the trouser pockets will directly explode, fainted on the spot, this kind of person is too much, so David did not feel the first time what ‘vitality’.

“Well, good job.” Davey casually complimented.

Even though he was a five-colored dragon with a bit of a twitchy head from time to time, he still preferred a ‘newbie village’ that was better shaped by changes in accordance with his own will to a pandemonium-ridden city of sin than a ‘newbie village’ that was better shaped by a pandemonium-ridden city of sin.

It was the same as playing a territory building hegemony game from scratch.

Besides, who says that the Chaos camp necessarily prefers to hang out with groups of chaotic evildoers?

You don’t see even in the most chaotic bottomless abyss, the various demons also look at who are not good, so that in addition to the blood war over there, all day long to fight the most is the civil war.

Which has this kind of side are submissive people, can only see their own crazy and then submit to the cool ah!

“What about the governor of the harbor at Warrens?” David asked.

“Ran away.” Arianna answered truthfully.

“Ran away?” David felt pity at once, as if a duck cooked in a pot had flown.

The governor of a large harbor, at least one noble with an earldom, that was a fat sheep.

Especially in this kind of urgent need for various supplies, David was also prepared to go ashore the first sword, first behead the ‘intended victim’, and then explode some gold coins and food out of it.

But Aliana seemed to have prepared for this as well, saying:
“But he just drove away by himself with his whole family and guards, the car and the goods were stopped by us, even the governor’s wife and a few children were left behind together.”

David was instantly happy, this is afraid that this is not Liu Bang’s homunculus in this magic world, right?
Oh no, others Liu Bang at least took his wife with him and left his children behind, and was picked up by his subordinates several times.

This one is even more ruthless, not even wanting his wife.

But for David, it doesn’t matter, just don’t run away with your belongings and supplies.

As for that Run away port governor then lobbying around promising to bring other nobles allies to kill back again?

This kind of good thing David can’t wait to have more, it is said that some noble knights are quite valuable, as a hostage to sell back is a large sum of money.

However, David was a bit confused when he heard Arianna’s next words: “And the most important thing is that the governor’s wife has the royal bloodline of Luwalden, and is also the real power of Luwalden’s count. As long as you, Your Highness Daviyutos, issue a proclamation in the name of this Lady Fremea, you can be the legitimate governor of the Port of Volenz in the Duchy of Lewaldon.”

“.” David instantly felt that the gaze his sister Tania behind him was looking at him became not quite right.

Groove, what do you mean by making an announcement in the name of this Lady Fremea? This ill-intentioned Drow was actually encouraging himself to take down this Countess and then take over in her name?

Although this was indeed the unspoken rule and gameplay between the nobles of this world, was he David such a casual dragon? Huh?
“Tania, change for me.” David immediately flicked his tail and picked up the silver dragon sister beside him right in front of everyone’s eyes.

Tania, who had a tacit understanding with David, immediately turned into a silver-haired noble girl in fancy clothes, and was placed on her head by David as if she was a mascot, then looked around at the group of dragons and their dependents:

“Here, from today onwards, our silver dragon lady, Your Highness Tania, is the new governor of the Port of Volenz in the Duchy of Lewaldon, so Your Highness Tania, do you have the confidence to be a good governor and give all the bannermen as well as the people a peaceful and beautiful life?”

“Then of course!” Tania immediately replied with a tilt of her neck full of confidence amidst the laughter of the group of dragons.

This somewhat childish-looking arrangement was David’s decision after a pat on the head.

In David’s plans, the Duchy of Lewaldon had never been more than a springboard in his plans, and a bridgehead to march eastward into the Elven Kingdom.

So it didn’t matter who was the ruler in name.

What mattered was, who would be the apparent ruler would be more easily accepted by the local people and would run the government more efficiently.

Theoretically, of course, it is the easiest and most effective way to support Mrs. Fremea, who is a powerful count, or according to Arianna’s secret suggestion:

Directly take the governor’s wife, in its name to support his red dragon to become the governor.

Because both of these are in line with the rules of human kingship politics, no matter how absurd, but still the most easy to be accepted by the nobles. But the question is, as a red dragon why must he need to be accepted by a group of nobles?
Whoever dares to disobey, just fuck him!
For David, these five-colored dragons of his own, as long as they could be accepted by a larger number of people in the lower class, then through the dependent bloodline bestowal ceremony, they would be able to establish a set of knights and nobles similar to the human kingdom’s system out of thin air, and raise an army that could at least be used to fill up the battle lines.

Only that the human kingdom used the power to enshrine, while he was more practical, directly enshrining with the power given by the five-colored dragon, and using the bloodline to transform them into his own dependents and bannermen.

Put next door to the Blue Star, it is equivalent to give ordinary people a choice: whether to be a customs employee, or to be a ‘captain’ with the real power of employees and super warrior power?
Anyone with a little bit of that would know how to choose, right?

In a way, this is really using their own bloodline to color the world red.

The only problem is that the Pentachrome Dragon has given the world the stereotype of ‘destruction and calamity’ too much, and there is no doubt that there is a lot of fear and uneasiness under its own rule.

In this regard, the metal dragons do much better, giving people the impression that most of the gold dragons are the iron face of the Judge of the wilderness, the silver dragon can be called a socialite is a lot of human dreams of casting spells.

A red dragon governor and a silver dragon governor, almost do not even need to choose, everyone will directly vote with their feet.

Even if the silver dragon governor under the command of a vote of colorful dragons, Drow elves, dwarves, barbarians and even ogres.

But sometimes human beings are like this, as long as they are given an explicit reason, they will hold on to this thought and hope to madly give themselves PUA, and P themselves into a submissive until.

“Lead the way to our Governor’s Mansion.” David instantly ordered.

The most important thing was to inventory the belongings.

This was the most pleasing thing for every dragon after grabbing a place.

Meanwhile, just as David, who was preparing to depart, was considering how to settle the group of dragons behind him who had nothing to do and were having a tendency to ‘demolish their homes’ and the gang of dwarves who were about to vomit from hunger, a humanoid creature shrouded in linen robes rushed over with great strides.

With a ‘Hanging’ sound, the barbarian Loxinde and the skin-changing ogre Monado, who always stood not far from David’s side, drew their Exile Blades and Choppers respectively to stop him:


That person, however, in the watchful and puzzled attention of Lozinde and the others, pulled down his linen robe, immediately revealing his unusual dragon scales and horns.

A dragon descendant?
Dragon descent Rod looked at Lozinde, who also had ‘dragon descent characteristics’ on his body, with a face full of fervor, thinking that the other party was of the same kind as himself.

He also didn’t dare to look directly at the red dragon in the distance, and pleaded with a poof of his head like he was almost throwing himself on the ground:

“Your Highness Davyutos! Dragon Descendant Rhodes, who has always admired the mighty name of your Burning Steel Dragon, begs to be able to join your command, become your dependent, and serve you.”

David, who had just opened his wings and was about to take off and fly to the Governor’s Mansion in the Upper City, suddenly gave a start to his movements, narrowed his pupils slightly and looked at this humble little guy like a minion, and asked with interest:
“Oh, what have you heard of my reputation?” David even he did not know when he had made a name for himself in Middle Earth.

Rod stuttered, seemingly also did not expect the legendary son of the crimson plague ‘so good to talk to’, in his original thought, it was a matter of betting on either being taken under the banner or being sent to hell by a mouthful of dragon’s breath because of the offending act.

Immediately, he stuttered a bit and organized his words, and began to elaborate on the legendary deeds he had heard about Davy’s past experiences, most of which were still from the time of Skanis.

The Drell on the side immediately coughed lightly twice and said:

“This boy has been carrying goods with us in the harbor all these years, and under the influence of those barbarians, he has also heard of some of your fame, and has always aspired to bring his fellow dragonborn to settle in Scannis, so I gave him a chance .”

David then realized that the cleanliness of the urban area in front of him, which was like an elven city, had a share of credit for this child.

Immediately asked again:

“Then why do you have to become my dependent again?”

Rod opened his mouth and suddenly spoke what he had been saying for so many years:
“I just want to live with a little more dignity, to live like a human being . To be able to let my, friend, live, I thought that perhaps becoming your favored one would be able to achieve all of that.”

“A very simple wish.”

David nodded, commandingly:

“Since what you want, is to live with dignity, then, at the outset, you must abide by your dignity, instead of just prostrating yourself on the ground and begging for alms, as you are doing now, stand up.”

“. Yes.” Rod got up somewhat bewildered, still thinking that his attempt had failed.

Then he saw a crimson tail reach over and rest against his chest, “I hear you were in charge of leading the cleanup of this neighborhood? Good job, at least it made my mood a little happier.”

Speaking of which, the tip of David’s tail was like a carving knife carving a mark on the scales of Rod’s chest, the pain of the magic erosion immediately made his body tremble, but he didn’t dodge or utter a word.

“Not bad, to be able to carry the engraving of the [Dragon of Carved Skin], at least the willpower is qualified.”

The tip of David’s tail patted the dragonborn teenager’s shoulder:
“In the future, you will be in charge of the cleanup of this urban area, including the ‘garbage’ cleanup as well, you still have five more years before you reach adulthood, right? If you’re still alive after five years, come to report to my barracks, at that time, I will grant you the favor ceremony and officially become a member of my favor.

“You have been strengthened, go.”

With that, he rushed up into the sky with a spread of his wings and flew towards the Upper City with his head on his own personally-appointed ‘Governor’ of Tania.

“Aye! Thank you, Your Highness, for your bestowal! I will definitely fulfill the mission you gave me and then survive!”

Rod clearly felt as if his skin and even his scales had become so much harder, as if he was wearing a layer of leather, and somewhat clumsily followed those human guards with a salute before running after the group of dragons with a face full of excitement.

He wanted to tell his partners!

He had found a way to let the dragon descendants live with dignity!

Perhaps the human residents found that the group of dragons did not show the slightest sign of destruction, especially the red dragon’s head was topped with a ‘human girl’, and immediately thought that it was a noble bloodline aristocrat returning with the group of dragons, and immediately breathed a long sigh of relief, and then did what they had to do.

So in the front foot just stepped into the neighborhood, the second floor attic window was pushed open by a woman, and then a pot of night pot mixed with blood color splashed down towards the street, on the spot poured Rod head full of face.

In an instant, the street, which had just been cleared, was covered with dirt.

Rod wiped his face, then looked up to the sky and roared:
“In the future, whoever dares to pour the night jugs indiscriminately again, I’ll stuff up whoever’s bottom!”

Meanwhile his head, which had often listened to barbarian sailors kibitzing, popped up with one of the words he had heard:
“Perhaps, I should organize manpower and build a batch of ‘public toilets’ first?”

(End of chapter)

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