Chapter 22 Air Crash

Chapter 22 Air Crash
“Sir! That dragon in the southern foothills seems to have killed over, and is currently approaching our encirclement, do you need me to bring someone to take care of it?”

A few kilometers away, the Elf Adjutant stepped forward with a grave expression and asked for instructions.

Evgeni, who was the High Elf officer, asked with some bewilderment:
“Where are those Northland barbarians?”

The adjutant opened his mouth, but chose to report truthfully:
“. They were killed and routed by that dragon, and now they are completely out of control, and some of them have even rushed into our encirclement.

“Now it seems that our intelligence was mostly wrong, the dragon that nearly wiped out the Loxind clan hunting party half a month ago should have been this red dragon.”

Evgeni was filled with disbelief:
“I thought it was just a passing red young dragon?”

Then a bit of anger at being deceived welled up:
“No! Why didn’t that surviving Loxindian report such important information to us?”

Faced with this question, which had clearly lost some of its composure, the adjutant, somewhat embarrassed but wisely, chose to remain silent.

Evgeni’s face stuttered, and he had obviously realized the problem on his own as well.

That day, they had also chosen to give only partial information about Clan Rosinde for some reasons.

The Rohinder, who had already suffered heavy losses, naturally had the reason to make the same choice out of some kind of vengeance.

That is, to keep silent about the information that might cause trouble or even loss to the High Elves.

Thinking of this, Evgeni lightly covered her forehead that was slightly aching.

“These damned barbarians!”

For some reason, she had a vague not-so-good feeling in her heart.

This time, the plan that had risen and been drawn up the moment she saw that silver dragon out of greed seemed to be full of surprises from the very beginning.

And now, it seemed that the red dragon that appeared one after another at critical times was the source of the accidents.

“You say. Is there a possibility? That silver dragon is really related to the Crimson Calamity Pavla, and this red dragon is the minion used to manipulate her?”

“. That.” That question seemed to have stumped the adjutant as well.

Because that was the banner they had started with, the explanation they had given to the barbarians later, and even the subsequent statement they were prepared to give to the public.

But now that it was brought up, it felt as if there was a real possibility that it might be true!

After all, it was not unheard of in history for silver dragons to have ‘gone rogue’ and guarded evil for various reasons.

When an elf is unlucky, it’s possible to die from blood loss even after having an aunt.

If that was indeed the case, it would take a life.

Metal dragons they could not afford to mess with.

But they couldn’t afford to mess with the Red Scourge Pavla.

If the legendary red dragon knew that they were plotting to take away her ‘work’ and treasure.

God only knows if the Red Scourge disaster will happen again.

Nowadays that grumpy female red dragon might be even grumpier.

In case they were awakened from their sleep, there was no need to say whether it was possible or not for them to be at the edge of the other side’s territory.

Rather, they would definitely not be able to escape back to the New World!

Maybe the other party flew all the way and still thought that they hadn’t had enough fun killing them alone.

So they just follow the inertia to rush to the air above the Devon Sailor to the Elf King’s brain to put a fireworks are not impossible.

After all, that crazy batch of female dragons really start to crazy, really do this kind of thing.

The history of the devastation is proof of that.

Elf gods in the upper, do not be unlucky to this extent ah!

Just as the two fell into a face-to-face silence due to this, a High Elf came to report with some vigor:

“Sir! She has reappeared!

“Our men witnessed her coming out of hiding!

“But she was too fast for the brute or our men to catch up.

“The encirclement is currently being closed as planned, and in her current state, this time, she shouldn’t be able to escape.”

When the time comes, as long as they kill all those barbarians in front of that silver dragon as planned, and gain the trust of the silver dragon, they will be rich!

“Have the reserve Pegasus Knights move out, make sure to stop and so on!” Halfway through her sentence, Evgeni suddenly asked:

“Which direction did she flee in?”

The unidentified subordinate, who was still a bit smug, replied:

“Our side!”

“. Zenasania (Fark!)”

That’s it!

That damn red dragon is also heading their way!

The nightmare had come true!
Yevgeny only felt his scalp tingle, and with a fiery rush, he grabbed his sword and headed in the direction where David was:
“The original plan is on hold!”

“Everyone follow me.”

She decided to follow the example of a handful of her nemesis, the Drow Elves, that is:

“Make sure to rendezvous before they do…”

“before the plot is foiled.
“Concentrate on the red dragon!”

Do away with the witnesses!

It’s a last resort.

Do the victim too!

Because of the continuous super god all the way, ‘Mecha Bobby’ David, whose brain had once fallen into a red temperature, finally began to actively control his temperature after accidentally slapping a contraption that tried to sneak up on him but was on the brittle side of his hand and didn’t know what the contraption was.

He fixed his eyes on it.

After realizing that it was actually a white-skinned pointy-eared thing, he was also shocked:

“What’s a High Elf doing here too?”

First there was a Zor-Elf, and now there was a High Elf.

Have you stabbed an elf’s nest?
Wouldn’t a bunch of Goblins pop up later?


“Wait! Something’s not right.”

David’s brain suddenly jerked, a small but just enough sliver of sanity reoccupying the lava heights of his cranium, clearing his thoughts through the limited information available:

‘Five years ago that gang of Drell Elves could run over and steal dragon eggs, why can’t these High Elves?’

‘And half a month ago I exposed my trail while hunting in the valley attracting the covetousness of the barbarians resulting in my burial.’

”These barbarians saw that I was not to be messed with, so they simply sold the information to the High Elves?”

‘So right now, they are coming for me.’

“Groove! We can’t chase them, it’s a trap!!!”

Quite some ‘there are always unruly people want to plot against me’ suffocation and anger David immediately no longer hesitate, also do not care paralyzing agent is still rampant in the body forcibly take off will not lead to their own air crash, the whole body strength into the lower plate towards the bottom of the heavy stomp!
Boom a muffled sound, the ground under the feet immediately in this terrible impact in the subsidence of cracks, the snow layer is also wrapped by a strong wind like a snowplow car work in all directions blowing, the scene is like a blizzard.

And vigorously the same out of the miracle, in the case of the dragon wings are not fully involved in the start of the flight, David froze with Superman like a foot to send themselves up to the mid-air covered with branches and leaves.

Once the height was up, the view was farther away.

This look, dig trough, really see a group of high elves with their own in front of them into their elf king, like a swarm of hornets towards their own rushing, which is not extraordinary before the brute like a good hand.

“Hmph! Actually still want to Yin me.”


David, who was just about to come to terms with this group of High Elves, saw a horse’s face disliking him straight in the face at a speed of at least sixty yards.

There was a muffled bang.

David, who had just taken off and suffered a plane crash, was like an out-of-control Tesla that crashed into several pine trees one after another and heavily planted back on the ground.

When he shook his head that couldn’t stop buzzing in a somewhat confused manner, he vaguely saw an equally wretched High Elf staggering up from a Pegasus that had already died a violent death on the spot, drawing his sword and pointing it at him with a face full of indignation, saying:
“Kill it!”

To avenge her beloved horse!
(End of chapter)

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