215. Chapter 215: A Vast Enemy in the Hinterland

Chapter 215 – Enemy in the Hinterland
This time David did not wait long outside the fortress, the mountains once again sounded a horn with a very different tone from the previous one.

With the sound of this horn, many of the first time to see so many dragons piled up still a little nervous dwarves only then all breathe a sigh of relief, put down the guard and weapons, turn to line up in front of the fortress in a ceremonial style.

David only then fluttered wings slowly landed in the eight peaks of the main peak of the Ruon Rock Peak, the first towards the Lone Mountain Fortress slowly opened the iron gate and stepped into.

Perhaps the group of dragons are basically all injured, for this sudden meeting more or less a little anxious, especially into the old nest of the dwarves.

Especially the black dragon Alphonse, who was hit by a crossbow arrow in his lungs, relied on Tania’s healing magic to hang on, and then lying on Viola’s back, he looked around and saw that he was the one who was the most injured, and the weakest white dragon, Mephile, who had half of his tail broken off was actually still alive, and was immediately filled with the bad luck of ‘why is it always me’.

After the flight landed on the cliff, Murphylle held the tip of his tail in his mouth and took a smooth step all the way, just like a cat with a pacifier in its mouth, he sneaked close to the side of the red dragon, Liz Lit, and spit out a quiet question:
“Big sister, this fortress clearly has a tough opponent ah we go, it will not be to ‘Hongmen Banquet’ right?”

Relying on David the red dragon lord up to several decades of unconscious ‘cultural invasion’ and even the dragon sister Tania this social cow widely spread, and even now this camp Murphylle one of the three fools of the white dragon can ‘quote from the classics’.

On the contrary, the same as one of the three fools, Lizzie Lit can actually catch the ‘canon’, and then rolled her eyes and flung her flippers with a face full of disgust and said:
“What do you mean by going to the banquet? You don’t take a piss and look at yourself, look at this bunch of Scannish dwarves invited you? They invited David Yutos, we are just incidental, every day so afraid of death why don’t you just stay outside the fortress.”

“Hey, this is not beaten afraid, think just in case, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.” Murphylle looked at the partners are twisted head contemptuous look to his gaze, instantly heart weakly hang down his head.

Where still dare to say that he is actually ‘away from home’ too long has not returned, some want to hurry back to see Craytian ‘mom’.

He missed the touch of his ‘mom’ that caressed his scales, missed his ‘mom’ farting for him, and missed the warmth of his ‘mom’ riding on his back from his hips.

Only ‘mom’ even beat him when it is the most gentle and considerate, even a little bit cool after a slight pain, where is like the gang of hungry goods in the hell of Batou, all are really fucking him to death to beat ah, but also his Murphylle learned the [carving of the skin of the dragon] thick skin and flesh, but also good long to see the wind helmsman, change other dragons early death of a hundred and eighty times.

I don’t know how many years have passed since then, ‘mom’ still remembers him as the most well-behaved dragon child, hey.

In the Murphy Le follow David a group of dragons behind the ass long pouting and sighing immersed in their own silent thoughts, the front of the dragon suddenly stopped, but also thanks to his brakes in time, or else hit Lizzie Lit big sister’s buttocks on the root of the other side of the high and low have to give him to tear layers of scales down.

No! Even after stopping at least ten centimeters away, he was still given a ”ha” by Lizlette with her head turned and her teeth bared, scaring him so much that his scales exploded.

In his heart, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit aggrieved, we are at least dragons who have been together for decades, but the irony is that Lizlette, Shadera, and Viora, these female dragons never look at him with a straight face.

He was also a white dragon who was about to become a young man!

Sometimes suddenly really envy the monogamy of the gold and silver dragons, where as they are like the five-colored dragons, with the lions, the most able to fight the most charismatic dragons in the group can easily capture the attention and favor of all the female dragons, as long as the existence of the boss of the David Yutos one day, it is destined to be impossible to have a female dragon to look at him.

And that was bad news.

But the good news was that the vile black dragon of Alvons was surely in the same treatment as himself.

Hey! But he had a caring and loving sister wow!
Mephile felt sour all of a sudden!

In a bad mood, Murfleur felt like he missed his ‘mom’ again.

‘ ‘Huh.’ Just as soon as he remembered the equally slender and seductive figure of his ‘mom’, an idea suddenly popped into Murphylle’s brain:
”No, I’m a dragon, so why must I limit my choice of spouse to a dragon? Wouldn’t it work with other races? For example. It’s not impossible to find a Zorro like ‘mom’!
‘Wait, I can’t, Zolls are generally too smart, what if they don’t get it right and run off with their treasure?’

This question could put Murphylle in a difficult position, and then he remembered the strange relationship between his boss and the Zorro Hiatt, and the corner of his mouth instantly widened in a lewd grin:
”I can also save up to buy a [Magical Slave Contract] from my boss, and then go buy a Zor-El Slave!”

As soon as this thought process and sexual fetish opened up, Murphylle instantly felt that his originally bleak gray dragon life destined to end up alone had a hope:
”Hehehe, I’ll go back and find ‘mom’ to ‘introduce’ me to a Zorro girl.”

”Mom loves Mephile the most, and will definitely praise our wit!”

Just as Mephile was immersed in his own beautiful dreams during the day, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere had become a bit abnormal, especially Lizlette who was not far in front of him, seemed to be a bit . Nervous?

Before he could raise his head, he heard the distinctive and low voice of a dwarf coming from the front:

“Welcome to the Lone Peak Iron Plateau of the Eight Peaks Mountain, Son of the Crimson Calamity, Dragon of Burning Steel, Daviyutos, and the visiting dragons, for a thousand years, I, Taimur Negative Oathbearer, am honored to receive you in the capacity of the third Supreme King of the Lone Peak Iron Plateau, which should be considered as the . After the ‘Battle of the Long Peak’, this is still the first time we have dealt with each other so close and face to face, right? If I remember correctly.”

Without looking, Murphylle almost didn’t slink out of the fortress gate in place, Legendary Powerhouse! There was more than one!
To be exact, from left to right, one, two, three nine? Nine?
If thirty-two years ago, he might not recognize the mountain, but through the bloody battle, following the Seder Ponga group of dragons to fight in more than ten realms, if even this eyesight has not been exercised, it is expected to have long been the legend of the powerful to tear off the head and take it as a glass of wine.

But when did legends become so worthless? According to the bardic biographies he had read over the years in Batou Hell, it was only after the protagonist reached a certain level that enemies of a certain level grew up like bitter vegetables in the ground!

He hadn’t even been able to take any of them to the Claw Impact Sanctuary Masters until now! Even the strongest boss didn’t have a legend ah.

Under this kind of distance, as long as the other party is hostile to them to start an attack, one-on-one can not swing, they may not be able to escape one!

Obviously, the group of dragons all had this kind of consensus, and even though they were already heavily injured, they still braced themselves and tried to arch around David.

But compared to the group of dragons of apprehension and caution, David is like nothing dragon like people stand up, raised his head, slightly narrowed the pupils of the eyes, looking around the dwarven legends, to humanoid creatures of etiquette gently lifted up the paw on the chest and said aloud:
“It is an honor, King Taimur, and I thank you all for your patronage, and for allowing us travelling dragons who have just returned from the evil-scaled fortresses of Batoh to rest in this way, despite the ambushes and pursuits of the elves.

“I am sorry to say, however, that while Skannis of Elarria is indeed the land of my birth, my mother, Pavla, was a red dragon from Toril, so the Dragon’s Legacy is not very well informed about the situation and history of Skannis a thousand years ago.”

The implication was, if your ancestors have any grudges against our five-colored dragons, it would be best to go to the ‘right place for the wrong’, I won’t take the blame for this.

However, this time, they were able to escape from the High Elf’s siege so smoothly, this group of Dwarves at the end of the portal did play a sufficient deterrent role, even if it did not come from this group of Dwarves’ own will.

Otherwise, ‘two’ legend pursued, their group of dragons just out of the portal may have to be sent to the God of War to the Kingdom of God.
He, David, had always made a clear distinction between grudges, and since this group of dwarves had done him a favor, he wasn’t shy about giving something back, and at the same time, for the sake of some kind of potential cooperation, he immediately dumped a lot of goods out of his [Portable Cave]:

“Some ‘local specialties’ brought back from Bato Hell, no honor.” Including dozens of barrels of Purgatory Wine brewed from the Hell of Dis, and a ton of Frigid Thoth Green Steel gleaned from the Dragonborn Lust Demon Yolanda.

If that Purgatory Wine still only made the dwarves obviously a little greedy, when they saw that batch of Fregsoth Green Steel that had been poured into ingots by the devil the entire eyes followed the green.

Dwarves who have stayed in the Ella Rhea realm all their lives may have heard of this special mineral produced from the fourth layer of the Bato Hell, but where have they seen this stuff ah, the eyes are just like a teddy in heat who sees a hole.

If not for the presence of dragons, in order to maintain the most basic decency, would like to gather up now to study the characteristics of this rare metal.

At the same time, as David expected, if his ‘innocent life’ has become the group of legendary stubborn abnormal dwarves put down the heart of the icebreaker, then he brought this ‘gift’ is undoubtedly become the meeting of the knocking brick.

Of course, the dwarves also need to give themselves another step.

Taimur asked, rubbing his beard in his hands, which was adorned with rings of secret silver, feigning curiosity:
“Can you show me that arrow on your chest?”

Davy lowered his head, then remembered that he had also been hit by an arrow, and instantly yanked it off with a curl of his tail:
“Sure.” Handing it to a dwarven crier who came to receive the arrow.

With the arrow in his hand, Supreme King Taimur furrowed his brows and brushed over the magical inscription engraved on the arrow before an uncontrollable anger continued to well up.

Then crunching that completely by the metal forging fast with him the height of the arrow straight broken, holding up the broken arrow looked around the seemingly the same associated with all the dwarves in recent years encountered everything, almost spitting spittle said:
“See, the magical inscription of the Moon Elf God!”

For a moment, the Dwarves held their breath, so much so that, with the exception of a puzzled Davy, the dragons were a little confused as to what the Dwarves were up to.
“The elven gods’ favorites have set foot on this land under our feet!

“Lords of Ironseeker of the Copperbeard, and my people, put away your flukes and delusions.

“The greedy gazes of the elven gods have fallen back here because of the promotion of the Eralia Plane and because of the revival of the Scanis Continent.

“They look not only at the continent of Scannis, but also at the pastures of the mountains and the minerals beneath them.

“Don’t be so naive as to think that they will stop here, they are no longer the same group of elves who fought with us against the orcs a thousand years ago and eventually reneged on their covenant, but a group of elves from the outer realms who are 10,000 times more despicable and shameless than this group of Dwensel elves!

“Can we allow such an existence to encroach on our homeland step by step, and ultimately turn us, and our children, into rats that can only survive in the cracks of the earth?”

“Hoo!” The dwarves present finally stood up in unison with righteous indignation, beating their fists against their chests to show their indignation.

After seeing the crowd of Iron Plug Lords initially build up a consensus of resistance to the war after seeing the tangible ‘evidence’, instead of being caught up in endless bickering like they had always been in these past years, this Supreme King finally pursed his lips and nodded in satisfaction, then held up the broken arrow and looked towards Davy and said:
“Davy Eutos, thank fate for bringing us Dwarves and the Five-Colored Dragon together again in this way, and thank you for bringing this gift, which has opened my people’s eyes to the harsh realities of the world, and next, accept the hospitality from our Lonely Mountain Dwarves as well.”

Said this Dwarf King clapping his hands.

“Feast!” Along with the Dwarf Commander’s call, the Dwarves who had prepared for the feast entered the room and placed the food served in metal bell pots in front of the dragons.

The dragons who had consumed too much energy because of the encounter with the elves felt that the dwarves were not as closed and withdrawn as they were said to be, but were still quite hospitable, and even felt that they might be the first generation of the five-colored dragons in Ella Rhea to eat the food cooked by the dwarves.

Murphylle only feel in front of the bell food smells strange, immediately eat up, Lizlette is the second, completely do not know what they eat, until some cleanliness of the green dragon Shadera with the tip of the tail picked up a little bit in front of the eyes and exclaimed:

“Worms?” If it weren’t for basic etiquette, she almost didn’t fling it right out of her face.

But the dragons who heard the exclamation had mixed reactions.

“Worms?” Lizlette, who had never eaten volcano worms before, almost vomited on the spot, while Viora, who was a black dragon, dove in as if she had smelled the ‘smell of her mother when she was a child’.

Murphylle looked at Lizlette’s reaction comparable to ‘pregnancy vomit’, instinctively also wanted to follow the vomit, only to see Violla eat more flavorful appetite again.

David, on the other hand, rolled up some of it and stuffed it into his mouth as if he were savoring street food, narrowing his eyes slightly:

“Mmm, chicken flavor, good quality protein.”

It wasn’t just the bugs, but also some smoked dried mushrooms, potato-like roots and spices for flavor.

Immediately Davy, who possessed a whopping 41 perceptions, saw what appeared to be prying eyes in the darkness behind him, and craning his head, he instantly saw a couple of Dwarven children covered in mineral dust staring with eager and envious faces at the worms curled around his tail.

David hung his head and looked at the feast of worms in front of him in a bell jar, and then looked at the children, immediately knew that, in the elves step by step to eat the surrounding broad field pasture and even woodland, dwarves can only be reduced to eating these days, and in order to decently give them seven dragons to prepare food that can satiate the stomach, I’m afraid that it is really from all the dwarves of the teeth out of it.

I don’t know what I remembered, then this red dragon, which in the subconscious impression of the dwarves can only be linked to brutality, evil, chaos, and dominance, actually utilized the [Mage’s Claw] to grab a large handful of worms and passed them over towards the group of children, piling them up into a small mountain.

A group of dwarven children immediately grabbed and stuffed them into their mouths as if they were starving, not forgetting to reveal a pleasing and purely grateful smile to David.

This scene immediately let the dwarves present tasteless, doubly ashamed.

The dwarves who originally wanted to stop this group of children who had drilled out of the cracks of the tunnels were stopped by Supreme King Taimur, while saying to Davy:
“I apologize for letting you see such a scene, now that we are surrounded by enemies, we only have this kind of unseemly food to entertain you.”

However, Dwarf King Taimur’s words caused Davy as well as the group of dragons to freeze.

“Enemy in the back?

Besides the Moon Elves, there was another force?
(End of chapter)

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