96. Chapter 96 – Bright Dreams (Request for Subscription)

Chapter 96 – Bright Dreams (Request for Subscription)
Wright clapped his hands, and a team of Saint New Army that had been arranged long ago rushed into the crowd, surrounding all of the several bosses who were causing trouble.

They also brought a few of the store’s staff and bookkeeper, as well as a thick pile of information.

Wright took out one of them and waved it in front of the other party’s terrified faces.

“You’re confused, but there’s too much.

It’s full of evidence of your deductions and bullying of fellows, hacking and ripping off customers, tax evasion, and substandard work.

People work in your store, they work hard, they don’t cheat, they don’t cheat.

They come to work early every day and work overtime every night!

You do not appreciate even if! Still nothing to find trouble, often looking for bones, either beating or scolding!
The most annoying thing is that you dare to deduct other people’s wages!
Deliberately bet on a few months, just do not give.

Workers looking for you, you deliberately difficult, forcing them to resign, and then put the money off?
Are you a human being?

I see that your store has a lot of water flow, and wages only account for how much of the expenses?

Do you think you’ll have a chance to spend the money you make without conscience?

Tell you what!
Holy Worker Town! Same people of God! One and the same subject to the light!

Anyone who dares to bully them!
Is against the Protestant Church! And against me, Wright!
Where the light shines! You will not be allowed to do as you please!
Not only you, but all of you, none of you will escape.

I was going to wait until after Saint’s Day, but I didn’t expect you to jump out today.

Well done!

Arrest them all for me and send them to the Red Clothes Sacred Hall to be slowly interrogated. Without my order, no one is allowed to be released.”

“Yes! Your Highness!”

The Sacred New Armies thundered out, immediately arresting all of these people and taking them all away, along with the human and material evidence.

Wright elbowed Flandre, who then reacted.

“The light lives on! Justice will prevail!”

As she shouted, the crowd of Holy Worker Town also began to shout.

“Light lives forever! Justice shall prevail!!!”

“Light lives forever! Justice will prevail!!!”

Wright took advantage of this moment as well, jumping onto a cart and facing everyone with open arms.

“Gentlemen! Please listen to me!”

The crowd present at the moment looked to Wright, and Lilith reached out to cover Emily’s ears.

“Gentlemen! I have always had a bright dream! That is to be able to make everyone, live a happy life.

Some people say that you can only be happy if you are rich and powerful, and that you can only be happy if you are rich and powerful!
In my opinion, it may not necessarily be so!
In my opinion! Happiness, can be something very specific.

Happiness can be drinking clean water every day!

Happiness can be breathing fresh, sweet air every day!
Happiness can be a spacious and smooth road home so that you can walk with your head held high without worrying about tripping over something inexplicable.

Happiness can be when people ask you where your family lives, you can say it with pride and honor!
Because it is located in a clean and tidy place, although it is not what inch of prime land, but the elderly and children can rest assured that the pastime play, do not have to worry about the safety of the place!

Happiness is small, but it is real!

As long as we make a little effort, we can hold it in our hands!
We work hard day in and day out, and our labor and injuries fill our entire lives.

But that doesn’t mean, we don’t deserve our own happiness!
Protestant teachings tell us that!

Light shines on everyone! Everyone is a favorite of the light!
You’re a hotel waiter, she’s a clothing store employee, he runs a stall on the snack street!
Everyone has a bright future!
Join the Protestant Church of the Holy Light! Follow your bright future!
The Protestant Church of the Holy Light! A sect dedicated to bringing you happiness!

Our holy workers, our own order!
Join now! You can still enjoy the special offer of two pounds of eggs per person! After Advent, there will be no more!”

The people of the Holy Worker Town on the scene immediately erupted with unprecedented enthusiasm, and all began to consult with Flandre about joining the new sect.

Wright, on the other hand, found a chance to jump down and found the waiting Grandmaster. “Boss!”

“Grundy, you just did a great job.”

“Serving the boss and going to remove the black sheep, this is all what I should do!”

Grandmaster came forward, “This is, for you, boss, to go out and do this evil, I am sincerely terrified in my heart.”

“It’s fine, if I’m the boss, I should sing the red face.

You are the president of the Chamber of Commerce, if you let them know that the Chamber of Commerce is checking on them behind their backs, even if the person arrested deserves it, people will be resistant and it will not be good for you to carry out your work in the future.

I’ve already instructed you to turn around and go to the Red Clothes Sacred Church to beg for mercy.

They have been sentenced according to the heaviest crimes, I have left you a lot of room for maneuver, this wave give me a hard harvest of big favors back.

I’ve heard that there are a few of them who are nobles of the various holy vassal states.

It’s just the right time to lay the foundation for our Chamber of Commerce to further broaden our trade routes!

Business is mainly about circulation.

Whether it’s goods or money, or customers, all in circulation.

Only circulation, business can live.

Sitting merchants in the Holy Capital has come to an end. The next step is to look at the world.

Speaking of which, I have a few big deals, so let’s talk about them together when Idros officially takes office later!”

Grundy was very excited, “The big business you’re talking about, boss, how big must it be! There are several more?”

“Just wait, a bright future awaits you!”

“Boss, what you said makes me want to join the Protestant Church!”

“If you want to get closer to the stall owners and the fellows, joining the Protestant Church is also a good choice.”

Wright’s smile gradually tightened as he looked at the Holy Worker Town residents who had enthusiastically joined the Protestant Church.

He had never believed in the idea of whoever was in the dark taking the initiative.

Since the enemy was in the shadows, he would light up his surroundings little by little, compressing their living space.

When they were intolerable, with nowhere to land and no way to escape, they would have to jump out.

The wall will be solid and clear!

This was the best and most effective way for Wright to deal with this group of people!
Sacred Worker Town used to be a place where dirt was hidden, and the situation was so messy that it would be extremely costly to catch their tails in here.

Then turn it around and make St. Work’s Town completely your own territory!
The big light shines! Let everyone be a light of their own!

All the hidden corners are illuminated! Clean as a whistle!
Let these bastards have nothing to hide here, and the snakes, rats, and ants can only run away from the wind!

At this moment, Lilith came over, “It’s time. Over at the Pope’s Palace, they’re waiting for you to hold a rendezvous for the Holy Tax Audit Council.”

“It looks like here, it’ll have to wait for a while before it’s done.”

“It’s fine, I’ll just be in charge of protecting the two of them here.”

Wright nodded slightly, “This time, it’s been hard on you.”

“Ugh~ Who made me sell out to you?”

“You didn’t suffer either, my Lilith-sama.”

Wright rubbed Lilith’s head and turned in the direction of the Pope’s Palace.

Day Ten Thousand! Ask for subscriptions! Ask for monthly tickets!
A fellow bookworm was right yesterday, you don’t have to care about splitting chapters if you post them together!
I’ll just try to do 10,000 words a day from now on, at 9:30am! Three chapters in a row!

(End of chapter)

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