72. Chapter 72 – God’s Limitations

Chapter 72 – God’s Limitations

“I want to succeed! I want to succeed! I will succeed!”

After ten minutes of enlightenment, Idros was now blushing red with exuberance and hissing with clenched fists.

Wright clapped his hands together, “Very well! Idros, tell me! What is success to you?”

“Success is the inevitable outcome! It is the goal to strive for! Success is my constant belief in this life!

I come for success! I live for success! My life is a journey of success!”

“Idros! Who are you!”

“I am the eagle that soars between heaven and earth! I will roll over that blue sky and white clouds! Let the world hear my story!
I am the Chosen! And the One!”

“Go! Eagle! Go prepare your inaugural speech! In three days! Take off! Fly hard!”

“Yes! Sir!”

Idros turned away with his head held high, and Grundy, who had witnessed the whole thing, frantically wiped his cold sweat.

He was not within the scope of his boss’s teachings just now, but just being rubbed a little bit made him feel his heart pounding.

At that time, he only felt his blood boiling, and he couldn’t wait to immediately rush to the street and find a criminal to die with.

Now that I’ve calmed down, I can’t help but feel a gush of fear when I think back to the feeling of being dominated by my emotions just now.

“Thinking about what?”

“Huh? Oh! Boss, I don’t quite understand why we have to wait until three days later.

You have a special papal order, so you can absolutely hold the ceremony tonight and just finish the election.

Wouldn’t that be a clean sweep?”

Wright shook his finger, “You have to consider the purpose separately from the result. Three days is not reserved for Vanessa, it is reserved for the person behind Vanessa.

They have to strike at me before then, or else the Hunting Light Battle Armor they went through so much trouble to get will be ineffective.

The reason why I left it for three days was for their sake.

If time is too tight, they might not be ready in time to launch their attack.

If the time was too loose, it would be hard for them to have a sense of urgency again, and they might procrastinate.

That’s what’s so annoying, the power must be smart, too much or too little can go wrong.”

Grundy sighed repeatedly, “Boss, you’re really working hard for your boss’s wife!

If it were according to your previous violent temper ……”

As Grundy said this, he seemed to be remembering the Scarlet Holy Advent Ceremony three years ago, and couldn’t help but shiver.

The figure that the goddess herself could not stop even if she descended, had always been the lingering nightmare in the hearts of many people who held themselves to be honorable.

When you deserve to die, he will come to kill you. Those so-called identities! Status! Wealth! Bloodline!
All that usual arrogance, all those things you can use to do whatever you want.

It’s useless.

Also since then, no matter which side, everyone suddenly became much more disciplined.

“Don’t talk so much, do your own thing! Do you want to succeed a little too?”

“Boss don’t worry, the encouragement you gave me last time, I still remember it in my heart even now!”

“Let’s go!”

Wright said goodbye to Gramps and left the Chamber of Commerce in the direction of his home.

As a result, he didn’t go far before he saw the Cardinal Archbishop walking over in a hurry.

“Leite! I can finally find you!”

“Bishop Delman? What are you ……”

“It’s crowded here, let’s talk over here.”

Delman reached out and laid down a Bright Boundary after pulling Wright to turn into a side alley.

“What is it, so mysterious?”

Bishop Delman took out a pile of information, “Our Holy Church, we’ve found out about the Holy Dragon of Light!”

Wright looked at him calmly, turned around and walked towards the outside of the boundary, being stopped by Delman in a hurry.

“What are you walking for?”

“Archbishop, tell me the truth. Did you sign up for the auditions for the Triennial Debt Competition?
You have to understand that even if the two of us are acquaintances, there’s no way I’m going to accompany you here to practice your segments!

Now you’ve found out? Still need you to check?!” The Cardinal Archbishop waved his hand, “Oops, you take a look first ……”

Wright took the intelligence report in disgust, and just after reading a page, his entire being became bad.

“What the hell! That’s not the Bright Holy Dragon! That’s a …… Chimera? What the hell is playing ……”

Wright felt self-conscious that after three long years of traveling around the surrounding country areas, he could already pat himself on the back and say what outrageous things he hadn’t seen before.

However, after seeing this information, it was still a heartfelt sigh of relief that such an outrageous thing was something he had never seen before.

According to the investigation report, the First Empire had once unearthed an ancient battlefield within the country’s borders and found the remains of the Bright Holy Dragon from it.

Subsequently, this matter was kept strictly confidential, but then the empire began to secretly collect all sorts of exotic beasts, with the light attribute being the majority.

There was even a period of time when the First Empire had offered a high price for the Blood of Phoenix, but in the end, it was not settled.

I don’t know if we really found it ……

“We looked up a large number of ancient books and conducted a detailed re-mapping of the Light Holy Dragon. The final conclusion is that the one Vanessa is following around is still slightly different in appearance.

Moreover, it’s a mutation that is unlikely to occur with normal growth.

It’s been too long since we’ve seen a true Bright Sacred Dragon, and it’s rare to see even pureblood dragons.

That’s why last time, they were blindsided.

She’s more like a stitched beast, or chimera, that’s been cobbled together from scratch, using the Bright Holy Dragon as the main body of her construction.

We even wondered if she actually belonged to the creature. Or is it some sort of alchemical life form like the flask villain.”

Wright’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Typical of the Tower of Truth ……”


“You can do it Archbishop, last time you didn’t get any news at all, but this time you managed to get such pungent information?

Your Red Clothes Holy Church has also downsized and increased efficiency?”

Delman was very dissatisfied, “How long are you going to talk about this? This time is different, we locked the target of the query and then centered around this one focus, naturally we can search for it.”

Wright nodded slightly in agreement, it was like a person going to a video site and browsing randomly, they might not find anything.

But if he was given a keyword or the name of the main actor, then he would be able to search with precision and not miss a single one!
The Cardinal Archbishop drew the information back, ”Now that the evidence is overwhelming, as long as we truthfully report to Lord Goddess, we can ask the Goddess to directly classify her as an apostate! Retract the holy light bestowal on her!
With the loss of the bestowal of blessing, she will not be able to use her Holy Radiance Fighting Qi, and she will become a mortal!

No matter what she does, she won’t be able to make waves!”

Wright was somewhat speechless, “You went through all this effort just to make her unable to use the Holy Light, right?

It’s useless ……

Do you think the Goddess of Holy Light can ban me?”

The cardinal bristled, “You’re a special case, I don’t believe Vanessa can do it too!”

“Archbishop, it’s just the two of us here, so I’ll say something blasphemous.

Aphra, she’s just a Law God, there are many things she can’t do. She can also only obey the Laws of Holy Light, and what the Laws haven’t granted, she can’t do anything about.

The most she can do is make it impossible for Vanessa to use the divine spells and fighting techniques in the Holy Light system!

As well as making her Holy Radiance Fighting Qi lose the divinity attached to it, causing its power to be greatly reduced.

Or just go down and shoot her to death, that’s all!

According to the records, when the Tower of Truth was annihilated back then, there were several light magicians among the enemies! Very tricky!

Why didn’t you ask Aphra to forbid them from using light elements or the Laws of Light?
She couldn’t do it! Even if she completed her ascension and became a Rule God and was able to make rules, it would still be difficult for her to do so.

She was a light deity, but not the possessor of light.

Despite the doctrinal bragging about being all-powerful ……

But the reality is that being a god, and following your heart are two different things.

And I think that since the Tower of Truth Remnant can even pinch out the Holy Dragon of Light, I’m afraid this is something they’ve already thought of.

The Holy Dragon of Light herself possesses no small amount of authority over the Laws of Holy Light, and with her by Vanessa’s side. I’m only afraid that the sanction of the Holy Light Goddess won’t have much effect.”

The Cardinal Archbishop was unwilling, “Then how …… do we get so much information with great difficulty, and it will be …… wasted?”

“It’s not in vain …… You go and organize the information and send it to Dragon Island.

To the First Empire, find something to do.”

(End of chapter)

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