Chapter 5: Evil Fairy Tales

Chapter 5 Evil Fairy Tales
“If you already knew that the teacher had a problem, why didn’t you say so earlier?”

Wright pulled out his ears his eyes narrowed slightly, “Because it was too much trouble.”

“Proving he’s a murderer is troublesome?”

“It’s going through the process that’s a pain in the ass.”

A flash of impatience flashed in Wright’s eyes as he said this.

“Prove he’s a murderer, expose his crimes in plain sight, and nail him down completely with flawless logic and evidence.

Then, listen to a clip of his journey from a normal person to a criminal.

Finally, deliver a heartfelt closing argument, and turn him over to the Holy Church Tribunal, or the Imperial Guard.

Execute him in public on a beautiful autumn day to set the record straight!
For you, this is all logical.

But to me, it’s just a hiccup in the middle of the road, not worth the cost of my time and effort.”

Emily was a bit unconvinced, “So you’re doing the right thing?”

“Exorcism, to give the people an explanation. Holy water to give them back their courage to live.

After I fade out of everyone’s sight, take advantage of the killer letting his guard down, then quietly fold back and finish him off, disguised as an accident.

It’s quick, easy and less stressful than going through the process for a year and a half at every turn.”

Emily was a little dissatisfied with his tone of such certainty: “Arrogant what, the teacher is only suspected now, not yet convicted!”

“You are not still going through the process?”

“Then you can guarantee that you are right?”

“Before I lay my hands on the dead, I always have Lilith do it to read the other person’s memories, just to make sure. Oh, and Lilith is the little chimera that follows me around.”

Emily took several steps back in disgust, “You’re a paladin and you’re hanging out with demons! You ……”

Wright laughed disdainfully, “Have you ever heard of fallen angels? If the Demon God can make angels fall, then why can’t the Goddess of Holy Light make demons clean up their act?

Or do you think that the Goddess of Holy Light is inferior to the Demon God, nothing! Loser Dim Sum! An imbecilic god who can only move her mouth?”

“I’m not I’m not! Don’t you talk nonsense!”

Emily was so shocked that she lost her face and kept praying to the Goddess of Holy Light, asking for forgiveness.

And she was sure that the man’s words just now were mixed with a strong personal grudge in them.

Emily, who had finished praying, glared viciously at Wright: ”Hmph! I’ve heard that Phantoms each have a beautiful body and are unrivaled in beauty, and are the look that men desire the most.

That phantom beside you, skinny and small like a little girl …… Wow, you wouldn’t be a pervert with some kind of special fetish, right?”

Wright jumped up in a mischievous manner and stomped on Emily’s restless shadow, dancing around anxiously.

“Oi oi oi! Words can be eaten indiscriminately! Food can’t be messed with haha! You can insult my personality, but you can’t question my fetishes!
Of course I like sexy beautiful girls with big breasts and long legs, thin waist and good face!”

Emily narrowed her eyes, clearly not that convinced.

“Question your devotion to the Holy Light and you are indifferent. On this issue, yet you don’t budge an inch? Seriously, I can’t read you.”

“Nonsense! Cursing your boss is unemployment at best, but social death is a matter of earthly disqualification!”

Emily looked at the light hanging down from the skylight and spoke again after a long silence.

“…… teacher has not come back until now, is it already run away?”

Wright laughed at this, “Your teacher will definitely come back, most of the mages in the Tower of Truth are paranoid lunatics.

What’s more, this time he has been laying out his plans for ten years and consumed precious Holy Shackle Scrolls. Even if it’s to recoup his losses, there’s no way he can just run away with his tail between his legs.

I’m guessing that probably tonight he’ll make his move.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Because, the Punishment Black Riders from the Court of Judgment are coming.”

Wright closed the tome in his hand, “You guys know my identity, so you should have gotten someone to go to St. Grant’s Capitol Cathedral to verify it, right?
The Judgment Court, then, has probably gotten the news in synchronization. Right now, batches of Punishment Black Riders are riding on their way here.

The fact that they’re arresting me is nothing more than a struggle between factions within the Holy See. But when it comes to eliminating the remnants of the Tower of Truth, it’s a matter of not sharing the same fate.

If I fall into their hands, then the end …… tsk tsk tsk. So he will inevitably rush to do it before the Black Knight arrives.”

“You keep saying something about the Tower of Truth, what is that instead?”

Wright listened and showed the book in his hand, “Have you read this book?”

“A book of fairy tales and fables? Read it if I was a kid.”

“I just borrowed this from the jailer, he bought it as a gift for his own daughter.”

Wright clattered through the tome, “It’s not the same as the fairy tales and fables I read, but it mostly has things in common.

Like this one, The Toad Prince, and this one, Beauty and the Beast, and The Rapunzel.”

Emily interrupted impatiently, “What are you trying to say.”

“Don’t you think that these fairy tales are actually scary?”

Wright tossed the tome to Emily, “A prince of a country, who mocked a witch, caused himself to be turned into a toad.

When the king threw a full moon party for his daughter, he forgot to send an invitation to a certain witch, and as a result, his daughter was cursed to sleep for a long time, and the whole country was destroyed with it.

Perhaps the fairy tale has a happy ending, with the prince and princess living happily ever after.

But what about real life? Is there really a witch in reality, or is her character even more cold and harsh, and her methods even more cruel and crazy?

You are also a magician, I believe that in your magic learning career, will also produce such a feeling.

The workings of the world are clearly visible, and the development of all things is traceable.

The veil of mystery is being removed layer by layer, and humanity is being erased bit by bit.

In the end, all that remains in the mind is the search for truth and the thirst for power, with a corresponding loss of reverence.

Human beings, in your eyes, are nothing more than a pile of walking matter. A country is nothing more than a sandbox game that can be overturned at any time.

You can turn a person into a frog, a mouse, a toad by raising your hand, just because the other person gave you a blank stare, or just because it’s funny.

You can be reckless, and your reason for doing something may be simply because you can do it.”

Here, Wright paused and sighed quietly, “And the gathering place for such a group of lunatics is called the Tower of Truth.

The point of this thing’s existence is to facilitate this group of lunatics to exchange crazy ideas and techniques, and to cultivate more lunatics.

If you’re a person with exceptional talent, then you definitely want to be a member of these privileged classes. You can act recklessly without any constraints.

But the vast majority of ordinary people still wish to live in a world that is not so crazy.

That’s why they were wiped out, by the Holy Light Clergy, who united the human empire, the elf dynasty, the orc clans, the sharks, the dwarves, almost every race in the world, and completely wiped them out.

I see that you’ve been distracted, is it because you’re concerned about the ten-year teacher-student relationship between you and Moslem?

Seriously, there’s no need for that.

If he really is a remnant of the Tower of Truth, you and your father, as well as the people in the entire fiefdom, even the chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, and cats, may all be subjects of experimentation or tools to achieve a certain purpose.

Talking about emotions with them is no different from talking about moral conscience with some streetlight pendant.”

Emily clenched her silver teeth and snorted coldly, “Don’t look down on people, if Mr. Moslem is really a serial killer.

We, the Lawrence family, will definitely clean up our own house! It will never take sides, much less condone a traitor.”

“Miss! Miss!!!”

A guard outside the door ran in panicked, “A black fog has suddenly risen outside, surrounding the entire manor! Lord Earl, Lord Earl he’s missing.”

Wright raised his eyebrows at that, “Looks like your teacher has come to give you one last lesson.”

(End of chapter)

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