Chapter 162: Attack and Defense Changed (Request for Subscription)

Chapter 162 – Attacking and Defending (Request for Subscription)
Wright suddenly figured out a lot of things.

“We’ve always fallen into the misconception that the Lie Demon is constructing a huge lie by compiling one small lie after another and eventually constructing it.

And then through that lie, sinking the entire harbor city into a dream world.

But we’re all inertialized!
A lie, is not building a building!
Building a building requires foundations to be laid, and layer after layer needs to be added on, following a strict process!

But a lie doesn’t need to be!

A lie only needs to tell a big lie!
And then little by little it is perfected and rounded off with lie after lie.

It’s like me telling you that there’s a tall building here.

When you look at it from a distance, all I have to do is get a realistic painting and hang it here!
Unless you get really close to a certain distance, close enough to see that it’s not a tall building, just a painting before!

I’m all for not doing any building work at all!
As long as I can be sure to keep fooling people all the time!”

Lilith pondered, “That means that your capture of that murderous ghost today has touched the point of puncturing his huge lie?”

“He’s using this lie, to cover up another lie. If this lie is punctured, his other, or even a series of lies will be punctured!”

“But we …… don’t even know what the other lies he’s weaving are ah.”

Wright took a deep breath, “That’s what worries me the most, the lack of intelligence is too great.

That’s the one good thing about a lie, it doesn’t cost him anything until it’s poked and prodded.

Consume first, so to speak, and you can remain without payment until you’re exposed.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to deduce how many lies he has told and how large they are ……

For the time being, one could only continue to pursue the line of murderous ghosts and sea sacrifice sorcery to see if anything could be dug out.

And, continue to develop the Flesh and Blood God Cult and prepare to meet Alice.

These two are our biggest cards! One is used to suppress the bottom of the box, and the other can save the day.”

Emily nodded repeatedly, “Yes! We have to be more proactive! In order to puncture the enemy’s lies as much as possible!

Don’t worry Wright, I’ll be sure to ……”

“No, no need.”

Wright smiled and patted her shoulder, never before amiable, “You’re about to become stuffed.

Already, no need to make an effort.”

“Whoa! I was wrong I was wrong! Lilith, help me!”

Lilith spread her hands, “Forgive me for not being able to help, but Wright …… just now Emily almost mentioned the Mermaid Princess twice, and both times you interrupted.

What, do you mean, you won’t let the two of them meet for a while?”

“It is for the time being. If Unica decides to return to ordinary life tomorrow, then there’s no need for the two of them to know each other’s existence.

If she’s willing to join us, then we’ll also have to ask the mermaid princess first to see what her attitude is.

If she’s willing as well, then we’ll arrange for the two of them to meet.

It’s actually best that neither of them should be allowed to meet until we figure out why they’re both two copies of the same magical girl’s power.

But for now, it looks like Unika is going to be staying here permanently. It’s only a matter of time before they meet within a compound.”

Wright frowned, “Don’t digress! We are discussing now, how to punish this guy who corrupted my reputation!”

“My suggestion is to make the lies she told true.”

Lilith rubbed her hands together, “How about that, interested? Wright, Wright what happened to you?”

Wright suddenly froze in place, his eyes glazed over.

Lilith immediately turned to scare Emily, “It’s over, Emily, Wright’s seriously considering this!”

“Huh? No way! It can’t! But I’ve been running all day and I haven’t even showered yet!”

Wright snapped his hands together, then pulled Lilith in for a fierce kiss.

“Lilith! You’re such a genius! There’s another way to destroy a lie, besides poking it to the surface, and that’s to make it come true!

A lie that is realized is no longer a lie!
I’ve figured out how to deal with that kid!”

Lilith wiped the drool from her cheeks, “How are you going to do it? Help him finish refining the murderous blood sacrifice or not?”

“Hmph, no, I’m going to declare to the public that the Serial Killer has been killed!”

“Alas? But he ran away!”

“Yeah, that’s a lie!”

Wright raised his finger, “If we say that, then the murderous ghost and the demon of lies will just have to come and poke me.

Otherwise, my lie will come true!

Whatever the ultimate purpose of the murderous ghost’s lies will come to a screeching halt!

If they want to expose my lies, they have to let the residents of Harbor City know that the Serial Killer Ghosts are still at work!
Then, they will have to come out and commit the crime again!

And! Must! Follow the pattern of his previous crimes!”

Emily froze, “But! But didn’t you say that that pattern was wrong?”

Lilith clapped her hands together as well, “I see what you mean! It’s a situation that’s blocked at both ends!
Before, he had been striking out according to that law and used it to confuse the public.

Now, this law, in turn, has become his shackle!
If he doesn’t continue to strike out according to this law, then everyone will think that this isn’t the serial killer, but another newly emerged murderer.

If he doesn’t come out and commit the crime, then our lies will become reality and kill his lies! That’s one move! Sort of puts him to death!
Then his time, place and target will be narrowed down to a specific range.

Wright, we can make it possible to publicize the eligible targets and have it officially determined that only these two or three people are eligible!
As soon as the public creates this perception! Then the killer will have no choice but to come and kill them to complete the identification!
It’s called …… it’s called ……

What’s that word you call it back home?”

Wright grinned, “Invite the king in!”

Emily’s mind spun for half a day before she sort of spared it, “That’s a good idea! This way they’ll have to fight us head on.

That’s right! Why can only they make a mystery, make mysterious.

Let’s do the same, and make up something even more exaggerated than theirs! Then we’ll list the evidence and replace their lies with ours!”

Wright nodded slightly, by doing so, they jumped out of the awkward position of puzzle solvers and directly counteracted the enemy’s puzzles with theirs, directly accomplishing a change of type between offense and defense.

“So we, uh, go to the police station tomorrow?”

Lilith agreed with this approach, “We have to prepare things and make sure we can weave the lie a bit better. They’re in the dark now, there’s no way for them to jump out and expose us, and that’s our advantage.

But even if we go head-to-head, lie demons are still tricky.”

“Not bad, so we’re going to put the clock back a little. While we’re at it, I’m going to boost the power of the Flesh Evil God.”

Lilith also clenched her fists, “I’m also going to finish digesting and absorbing the power of blasphemy as soon as possible, so I can try to help you replenish your bottom card.

By the time the duel takes place, I believe Alice will have arrived as well.

That way, our grasp will be even greater.”

Emily craned her neck in excitement, “Suddenly there’s a feeling of a big showdown!”

Wright waved his hand, “Armageddon? It would be nice to really be able to do it all in one go!
That is a concept level enemy, want to kill him, not so simple.

But it’s a move that does have the effect of driving the Lie Demon into a corner.

The reason he had to make the move today, even at the risk of being exposed, was to protect another, bigger, unknown lie by preserving the lie of the murderous demon.

To be able to see through this time, to see exactly what lie he’s really preparing for, is to be considered a success in combat!”

“Good! Let’s just get some rest tonight! Nurture our energy! It’s getting late, I’ll go back to bed first!”

Emily said, turning around and jumping in the direction of her room, only to be pulled back by Wright.

“What do you …… you want to do? Are you really going to do what Lilith said?”

“I’ve noticed that you’re seriously inexperienced in battle today. It seems that you’ve been fighting brainless elemental elves for too long, and the realistic enemies you’ve encountered are still weak stragglers.

In order to strengthen you, I’ve decided to give you a refresher course.”

“You you you! What are you doing?”

“Throw you into the Mirage and hope you live to open your eyes tomorrow.”

Wright reached out and flicked his hand on Emily’s forehead and she instantly doubled over and passed out.

And with that, her will was banished to the Dream Gap, which was then swallowed up by the mirage that suddenly appeared.

Lilith winced at the sight, ”It was a bit heavy handed, wasn’t it? Can she cope with those Shadows of Battle inside the mirage?”

“It’s fine, the first three floors still can’t kill anyone.”

Leite’s mirage had a large number of battle shadows that he had fabricated, in addition to the various organ traps and spell formations.

Those were all training dummies based on the experts he had met and fought.

If there was an enemy in the mirage, it could also be used as part of a killing mechanism.

After coming to this world for five long years, those who could enter Wright’s eyes were all absolutely top-notch experts.

Moreover, in order to make Emily less reliant on magic, Wright had made special adjustments.

Most of the Shadows of Battle that left the factory today came from the barbarian clans in the bitter cold lands of the North.

For example, the best of the young generation, Barbarian Gu, Barbarian Gu’s patriarchal father, the old patriarchal grandfather, and the hunting captain’s second uncle, etc…….

“Lilith, please send Emily back to her room.”

“Are you sure you don’t need to just dig a hole and bury it?”

Lilith reached out and lifted Emily up, “However, how are you going to strengthen your Flesh and Blood Evil God in just three or four days?
I know you have the Immortal Source Material in your hands, but dealing with the Lying Demon requires the True Source Material.

That kind of thing, there’s no way to accumulate it in a short period of time, right?”

“It can.”


Wright tapped his head, “The whole sea-sacrifice voodoo thing inspired me, and we haven’t performed any sacrifices since our church was founded.

As long as the sacrifices offered are precious enough and have an extremely high resemblance to the true divine nature!
Then, it’s not impossible to complete the accumulation of true traits in a short period of time. It’s not even impossible to condense a divine body in one fell swoop and advance to the third stage of a cult deity!”

“But …… where are you going to get your so-called, sufficiently precious sacrifices that have an excellent resemblance to true divine qualities?

Without it, isn’t all of this still just an empty thought?”

“Lilith you really have spent too much time in the present world to even forget about this.”

Wright spread out his hand, revealing the nourishing flesh and blood in the center of his hand, “The Demon World, there’s no shortage of precious sacrifices.

As an Evil God, it makes sense to be in the same boat as the Demon World, doesn’t it?”

(End of chapter)

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