Chapter 791: The Jackals and the Transylvanians are working together.

Chapter 789: 788: Life is short, the Jackals and Transians are working together – New Year’s Day [2130

(New Year’s Extra Shift ~ Happy New Year to you all~)

“That’s the way it is, Grand Inspector, that old Manson bastard has seized my command, and it’s ready to do something I can’t understand, but it’s certainly dangerous.

But this is war!

It’s not like we’re the Transylvanians with all our cards out who can only fight like trapped animals, the initiative is on our side, we can obviously win this one without any problems, so why should we hope for those unreliable and evil things?”

In the Valley of the Shadow, riding a bipedal flying dragon and rushing back to this place, the Hass Supervisor is “slandering” Xu Gesen.

The battle-hardened Blood Scar Clan’s old supervisor was obviously quite dissatisfied with Old Manson’s behavior of depriving him of his command, and was also very worried about the next development of the battle, so he was hoping that Xu Gesen, the Hunting God’s Choice, could make Old Manson pull back from the brink of a precipice.

However, Xu Gerson had no interest in such matters.

It just sat on the throne of the King of Biting Bones, staring at Inspector Haas without saying a word, and it wasn’t until a hint of uneasiness rose in the old inspector’s heart that Xu Gerson slowly opened his mouth and said:

“Manson is dead.”


Inspector Haas’ eyes rounded as he looked incredulously at Xu Gerson, and he heard the other party say in a muffled voice:

“That was a warning from the Lord of the Hunt; twenty minutes before you arrived, I saw in a dream that old Manson had been foolish enough to step into a trap against it and us. A band of villains hidden in the darkness had taken advantage of old Manson’s pathetic eagerness to achieve victory, and had lured him into becoming a victim of some sacrificial ritual.

The Lord of the Hunt granted it power in order to save it, however that blessing was a one-time thing, and once that damned subspace gap was sealed, Manson died a miserable death as a result of losing his divine favor.

Counting the time, it should be about the same now.

However there is no need to fear for its death, this matter will not involve you, I will personally write an explanation and send it to Moss Valley to explain the situation here for Chief Amot.

It was Manson who was to blame, and this is just what it deserved.

You did well, Haas, you led the soldiers out of that already dangerous area watched by subspace, and prevented our precious soldiers from falling victim to a conspiracy along with Manson.”


Haas was an old-fashioned Governor, and although it was not a psychic, it had stayed in this hellish place of the Dark Mountain Range for a long time, so naturally it had heard many dangerous stories related to subspace.

Don’t mistake the fact that the jackals worshiped the evil gods for a sense of belonging to subspace, in fact any intelligent creature on the continent should know to stay away from subspace, and that anything related to it was not a blessing.

Even in some vague oracles sent down by the Lord of the Hunt, they warn their dependents not to get involved with subspace.

See, even the soon-to-be-awakened Evil God felt that those god-headed goods of Subspace were too extreme.

The psychics of the Splintered Claw Clan seldom dealt with the forbidden knowledge related to subspace, and the goatmen, who were black and evil by nature, seldom dabbled in this field, and playing around with astral psychic energy was the limit of their evil spells.

Thus upon hearing that old Manson was involved in subspace-related developments, Hass was genuinely taken aback, but then the wily old jackal savored a hint of ominousness in Hügesen’s words.

It whispered:

“Did you just say that old Manson was being used?”

“Not just it!
Many of the big men in the Mossy Valley have been used, even my foster mother, Chief Potana, whom I have followed, and I know that she has deep connections with the hidey-holes, and that old Manson is working with those guys more deeply than my mother ever did.

But look what happened to both of them.”

Huegson showed carnal disgust and contempt as it said:

“Even this black plague, which shouldn’t be happening at this time of year, has the deep involvement of those apocalyptic-worshipping lunatics behind it.

I can’t be sure how many people in the five clans are connected to that organization called ‘Twilight’, but I’ve had enough of what happens to us when we bleed and die for our gods on the front lines, only to have to be sacrificed by the conspirators.

Old Manson’s death was a warning!
Anyone who deals with subspace will not end well, so I have decided to hold off on attacking Transylvania.

I’m going to do something within us.

And you’re the best help I’ve got, Hass, you’ve proved your commanding prowess and your nose for war in this battle, and more importantly, you didn’t blindly follow Old Manson’s majesty, which proves that you’re not blinded by something dangerous.

That’s what I need from you!
I will appoint you to be the Governor Commander in charge of the frontline military affairs, and you will cooperate with me to reintegrate the elites of the Blood Scar Clan and Splintered Claw Clan, our current establishment is chaotic, there are too many contradictions between the two clans resulting in us not being able to put into play a thorough fighting force, and I’m sure there are still Dusk’s lapdogs in our command hierarchy”

The Chosen Governor said to Hath with a cold glint in his eye:
“Sniff them out and get rid of them! I couldn’t care less about the jackals of the other clans, but under my command, I won’t allow bad guys hiding behind us ready to pick the peach.”


Inspector Haas was a little hesitant.

It was actually heartened by this suggestion because it had fought battles for its entire life and was well aware of how deadly the situation described by Grand Inspector Hügsun was for war.

However, it also knew that if those Dusk lapdogs really existed, then most of them were bound to be Priests, as ordinary Jackals were not good at thinking or disguising themselves, and it was thought that an organization like Dusk that was trying to exterminate the world wouldn’t have recruited those brainless fellows into it.

But it was priests!
Whether it was the Voodoo Priests or the Blood Scar Priests, they all belonged to extremely high-status guys in the civilization system of the Jackals, and clearing them out at this point in time wouldn’t be likely to trigger a wave of chaos.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Inspector Haas opened his mouth and suggested to Xu Gerson:

“We don’t have to do it ourselves, Grand Inspector. We’ll find them and send them to the front lines, and those tiger-like Transylvanians will help us out, but the biggest difficulty right now is, how do we tell the cultists that are hiding amongst us?”

“Oh, simple.”

Huegson stood up as it walked up to Haas and towered over the old jackal:
“I will erect an idol of the Lord of the Hunt in the Valley of the Shadow, and have every Jackal come and kneel in prayer.

I will personally monitor the process, and as a Chosen of the Gods I can easily tell which guys claim to be pious but aren’t willing to put their faith in my god, and of course, given the state of old Manson, there are some bastards out there who both worship my god but are also involved with the Twilight.

So we may be hurting innocents with this one, but it’s necessary!

Anyone who is suspected is sent to the front lines!

Let them prove their purity in desperate battles, I know what you’re worried about, but I’ll tell you, the full complement of Clan Splinterclaw is on its way.

There is no need to worry about wasting time, we must make the command layer pure before my clan arrives, and then, you and I, we will wage a ‘true black plague’ with our own hands!
Not for any other nobler contraption, but simply the most instinctive revolt in pursuit of the right to live!
Like the war waged by my ancestor, the King of Bone Biters.
Lord Frederick’s deeds proved that there is no need for any bullshit Twilight assistance at all, we Jackals can build just as well, so I’ll ask you, Hath.

Would you like to be a part of my plan?”

“Of course, Grand Inspector, I’m absolutely willing!”

With a jolt, Haas immediately straightened his back and shouted:

“I’ve had enough of the self-righteous faces of those stupid priests!
They always associate war with sacrifices, but this act of using our own blood to awaken our god is too stupid.

I suppose if the Lord of the Hunt desires his own people more than the blood of his enemies, then it is not . Ah, hell! I shouldn’t be saying this in front of you.”

“No harm done.”

Huegson gave a subtle smile as it patted Haas on the shoulder and finished its next words for it:
“If the birth of the Lord of the Hunt does not mean that our people will be protected, if He thirsts for slaughter without distinguishing between enemy and friend only wishing to taste death, if He cannot bring us victory and prosperity .
. then He should not have been born!
Though I am a god’s chosen, I am not stupid, much less a blind follower, Hath, I follow a neutral course, gods have their battlefields, and men have their struggles! It’s better for both of us if the two sides don’t cross paths that deeply most of the time. What do you think?”

Inspector Haas’s heart thumped.

It felt that Xu Gerson must have gone crazy!
Is it really okay for you, a Hunting God Chosen, to say such blasphemous words with such a big grin?
However, the fact that Xu Gerson had made his thoughts known so frankly made Inspector Hass feel a strange trace of peace of mind while he was frightened.


The Jackals had fought the Black Plague four times without the Lord of the Hunt, and even though they hadn’t succeeded, the King of Biting Bones had proved the Jackals’ potential for war.

They didn’t need a god to win, and while it was better to have one, if the Lord of the Hunt couldn’t shelter his people and only wanted to see his own bleed, then what would an evil god like that be doing here?

“Go on, do it!”

Huegson said with a wave of his paw:

“I’ll give you ten days to get this done, and I’ll need ten days to remake a weapon for me . A weapon that will allow me to face Murphy head on!”

“The Nord position is finished, Baphomet Canyon is no longer defensible, we must now retreat to the Tainted Swamp for the next phase of the battle.”

On the Transylvanians’ side, Old Qin summoned the presidents and officials of various guilds offline for a large video conference, and the presidents of all the guilds in the current play house had been invited; this was clearly a meeting that would determine Transylvanian’s next strategy.

Old Qin, as the initiator, elaborated in a brief tone:
“But we can’t just retreat at will, the pits molded by the Silver Dwarves in Baphomet Canyon can still be used, so I’ve decided to activate Plan B.”

“Huh? We have a plan B?”

Good Dove, who had come over on behalf of the student party, said in surprise:
“Is this something you guys set up from the beginning?”

“Pretty much, when making a plan you always have to plan for the worst, the current situation isn’t the worst, we’ve held off the Jackals for at least twenty-five days, and with the current situation, it will take a few days for the Jackals to mobilize for a renewed pursuit.

As long as we delay three to four days in Baphomet Canyon, then the previously set goal of thirty days of guarding time will be counted as reached.”

With a hint of regret, Old Qin said:
“And the so-called Plan B can’t really be considered a battle plan, it’s more of a choice.

There are a total of thirteen pits molded by the Silver Dwarves in Baphomet Canyon, nine of which have their final drop points in the Baphomet Palace, leaving four that lead directly to the Filthy Swamp, and our people retreated through those four pits, destroying them as the retreat was completed.

The rest of us began to lure in combat!
By all means introduce the Hunting Chosen and Voodoo Army elites who are still active in the pits into the Great Earth Palace, provoking them into confrontation with the Baphomet Cultists as much as possible.

The opponents would not necessarily fall for it, but as long as the jackals remained active in the Earth Palace, the cultists’ territory would be threatened for a day.

The Baphomet Cultists were also a large organization, and there was a limit to their patience.

Once the two sides start exchanging fire, the Jackals’ march will be further delayed, and it’s unrealistic to expect the Cultists to be able to stop the Jackal army, but just like our setup at the Black Flame Pass, with the terrain of the Baphomet Canyon, as long as the Cultists are still active, the Jackal’s lines of communication will be greatly threatened.”

“Thanks to Ms. Winnie of the Red Devil’s Hall being active in the Great Earth Palace, we already have a complete map of the upper half of the Great Earth Palace in our hands, and with the Cultists cowering in the lower levels, it won’t be easy to bring the two sides together, so we’ll have to think of a way to carry out a scourge.”

Five to Wheel, who was the chief of staff, added:

“We don’t have a good plan for that yet, so this is an invitation to brainstorm.”

“That’s easy!”

As soon as he heard that he was going to do something bad, the newly promoted Red Knight, Brother Woo Meow, immediately became interested, and he spoke with gusto:
“We just need to grab something from the Jackals that they can’t give up and throw it into the cultists’ territory.”

“That’s so cliché!”

Before the sociopath could finish his words, he was interrupted by another voice.

The video was of a bearded, middle-aged man who was participating in this “offline group building” for the first time, but he didn’t have stage fright.

The guy with the ID “Crazy Wolf Under the Moon” scoffed at Brother Woo Meow’s idea, saying:

“Fake is fake, jackals and cultists are not fools, you can only have a temporary effect, if you want to make the hatred between the two sides intensify, you have to get real! I say brothers, have you forgotten that there is still a group of us in the play house?
We are the real Jackals!

This kind of thing that messes up the relationship has to be done by us, once the real Jackals start to madly attack the Baphomet cultists’ territories, as long as this kind of attack continues, Grand Inspector Xu Gesen won’t be able to say anything with his eight mouths.”

“But aren’t your Pale Wolf armies following the Sage Wolf Hogg on a root-searching trip, and have almost reached the Broken Tooth Clan’s territory?”

Lady Water, the representative of the Silver Moon Clan, said suspiciously:
“There’s no way for you guys to teleport over ah, it’s hard for someone to pick up from such a long distance.”

“Yes, the Pale Wolf Army is too far away from the main battlefield, but we still have a unit of Jackalese players in the Soul Stealing Valley, which is the territory of the Plague Clan.”

Wild Wolf Under the Moon waved his hand and said:

“The ones staying over there are small perverts who aspire to walk the route of Priests and Necromancers, the number isn’t much but just sixty or so, but each of them is a talented person who is skilled in their own way, and having learned to harness the undead from the Plague Clan, they’re in no way afraid of group battles, so they’re just the right people to do this kind of muddling around thing.

They are only two hundred kilometers away from the Black Flame Pass, and will soon reach the Desolate Mountains if they have a pickup, so I mean, you guys just retreat! Leave the task of baiting the enemy to our Jackal camp, and we promise to open everyone’s eyes!

We are all players, we all have to find a way to get victory for our camp in something like the Black Plague, and as a member of the Jackal camp, watching the Sons of Creation fall into disaster is also a very painful thing for us, Sage Wolf is bent on pulling the crookedly-traveled Jackals back onto the right track.

It’s only natural for us followers of the Sage Wolf to contribute.”


Old Qin’s eyes lit up and he clapped his hands on the spot, saying:
“Then it’s up to you to carry out this mission, I’ll arrange for a psychic master to receive our Jackalwolf brothers, and if you need any help from our side, just ask, and we’ll definitely do our best to fulfill it.”

“Protective gear and battle flags for the soldiers under Xu Gerson’s command and the Blood Scar Priests, and it would be best to prepare some captives for the convenience of disguising their identities after my people have gone over.”

Mad Wolf Under the Moon thought about it and said:
“Don’t worry about the rest, we’ll take care of it ourselves.

Oh yeah, let the brothers set a code word, when they meet each other use the code word to communicate, lest someone kills red-eye can’t help but their own people, this will hurt the peace if it leads to a bloody conflict.

In addition, you seized those ‘jackals limited’ equipment and weapons for us to leave some good, anyway, you can not use, we can use the seat of the wolf cubs and dark mountain range specialties in exchange, I see that the Bafengt labyrinth is very good, is very suitable to be a place for both sides to trade.

That, I remember a brother said he wanted to catch a mighty blood vulture as a pet?

We have a few Blood Wyvern eggs here, this is the real specialty of the Dark Mountain Range, in order to get it, several brothers have fallen off the cliff and died.

Anyway, if you need them, please reserve them in advance.

It’s expensive, so don’t come if you’re poor.”

“Me me me! Leave me two! Money is not a problem, I can pay offline!”

Little Potato Reed’s name immediately jumped out, eliciting a burst of laughter.

The Qing Dynasty veteran also spoke up:

“The battle flag symbol of the Kardman People’s Army is a blood vulture ah, I think you guys might as well offer this as a gift to Lord Murphy, I think he’ll like it. Even though you guys are jackals, you still need to brush up on your mainline NPC’s reputation.”

“Licking NPCs right? Hey, we’re good at that, now that Ms. Nanak has started recruiting her own foreign wolves, that Fury guy is almost becoming Ms. Nanak’s personal bodyguard. Shame on you.”

(End of chapter)

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