Chapter 780: Jackal and the Great Brothers, Come on, Live Fast for the

Chapter 778: 777. jackal and wolf brothers, come on, live happily ever after – for the “temporarily waiting for Lin Xian” plus more [1030].

“Gaia’s Wrath” operation began with the goal of “center blossom” raid, so 003 they dug out the trench target in the core area of the Jackal base camp, and even the tent of the Governor of the Xu Gesen are in the explosion range.

Of course, the God’s Chosen Grand Supervisor was not here at the moment, but this would not affect the cool results brought by this explosion.

Including the warehouse where the Jackals stored their ordnance and food as well as the area where their priests gathered and the temporary shrine of the Lord of the Hunt were all here, and according to the requirements of the Blood Scar Clan, all the Jackal soldiers who were not assigned to combat duties had to pray to the Lord of the Hunt under the shrine every day.

Thus when the explosion occurred, the number of Jackals sent up in a wave was much higher than expected, and among them were a very large number of Blood Scar Priests who were proclaiming the power of the Lord of the Hunt.

This wasn’t the only kill from the big explosion, in fact the shaking and shattering of the ground lasted a full three minutes before subsiding, which completely exceeded the destructive power that this underground explosion should have had, leaving the NPCs and players responsible for planting the explosives staring at each other in disbelief.

They couldn’t figure out which part of the process had gone wrong, causing the power of the explosion to actually increase by so much, quickly let me see where I went wrong, and then write it down, next time do it again!
But right now was not the time to think about that.

“Charge with me!”

As the vibrations from the explosion subsided a bit, Maxim rushed out ahead of the others with his own war hammer.

The Kadman People’s Army followed the commander-in-chief in a valiant and unparalleled effort to kill the ground, followed by their human escorts and the restless players, like a raging turbid stream coming out of the ground, holding back its strength to eat up everything on the ground.

They accelerated down the slanting upward pit, the exit protected by the earth’s psychic energy deformed but did not collapse, but beyond the original exit to the underground space was nothing but a tearing crack in the earth and a pillar of dust and smoke that rushed up to the sky.

It was like a class ten dust storm sweeping through, making it difficult for a Silver powerhouse like Maxim to accurately capture the details of the surroundings for a moment.

It wasn’t that Maxim’s silver power was watered down, but there was a strange force here that hadn’t dispersed yet that was interfering with his senses, Maxim wasn’t a mechanic or a blaster, but he could be sure that this was definitely not a leftover force caused by the explosion.

In fact, the vampire general had sensed a similar force in the Black Flame Pass.

He stood on the torn and wretched earth after rushing out of the pit, glancing at the shattered shrines buried in rubble at his feet, and he whispered:
“Gaia? Has the wrath of the gods also been unleashed through mortal hands?”

“Crap! This is the result of the battle made by our explosion? This is too much!”

The Medieval Evangelist who followed the NPCs at the back and rushed out of the pit was grasping the Blood Vulture Claw with both hands, but still couldn’t help but shout out after seeing the miserable explosion scene in front of him, it wasn’t his fault for reacting drastically, it was really the scene around him that was too gruesome.

A whole ring area in the ground was blown as a whole and sink like a rift valley, the residual tearing traces completely through several important buildings of the Jackals.

Many mutilated corpses could still be seen in the rubble, these guys were lucky because they were dead the moment the explosion occurred, those more miserable ones were still wailing and waiting for death, but for them, death would never come so easily.

The blast ended up causing a breach in the area about three times larger than the blasters had planned.

In other words, they had destroyed a fifth of the Jackals’ camp with one explosion .
“This is simply impossible! This doesn’t make sense either!”

Brother Nuke, who was scratching his head with both hands, exclaimed in puzzlement:
“To realize such a destructive effect, we’d have to have at least six times more charge! Even if the explosives were filled with a sufficient amount of gold, the ground’s ability to spread and absorb energy shouldn’t be this strong!”

“It’s Gaia!”

Ivankov, the commander of the Nords, crouched down and grabbed a handful of dirt and placed it under his nostrils to sniff lightly as he spoke in a deep voice:
“The Mother Goddess of the Earth added His wrath towards our explosion, this may be Gaia’s response and catharsis of anger towards the Black Flame Pass disaster, that explosion was just a trigger, the subsequent destruction was done by the Mother Goddess of Gaia herself.

There are gods with us in this night’s battle!

We shall prevail!”

The rough fellow jumped up, shouted at his soldiers in Norse, making the restless northerners even more agitated. They followed Ivankov like a group of mad bears, charging in the predetermined direction with a thunderous roar.

Mother Gaia was obviously a very manipulative deity.

She used the explosion caused by the mortals to inflict the wrath of the earth on the jackals, and never really showed up to retaliate, perfectly clearing the suspicion that she was a “careful” deity, and after the explosion was completed, she also raised smoke and dust to cover the entire camp, making the visibility rapidly decrease seemingly to stir up the battlefield, but this was actually focused on Weakening the Jackals.

These barbarians have a natural dark vision, the simple darkness of the night can not block their eyes and senses, however, this dust storm like a sandstorm like dust storm has put the jackals into a “blind” dilemma, but it is Maxim and the players composed of a raiding army more advantageous.

Because they do not need to distinguish the specific target, along the four directions to kill out, see the jackals to pull the knife and slash on the end of the matter.

And that’s exactly what they did.

The Otherworldly Warriors continued their style of daring to fight, taking charge of the assault in one direction alone, and the players commanded by Tatsuo Dragon, Teacher Li, and the Giant Shark were like packs of wolves hunting in a black storm, eagerly plunging headlong into the swirling sandstorm under the night.

003 was among the players, a little nervous for his first time on the battlefield, but when he saw how the newcomers around him, who were even “newer” than him, were grinning broadly, 003 convinced himself that he was at least a professional, so he couldn’t behave any worse than the enthusiasts, could he?
He led the way with a standard squad marching formation, holding an open trigger-locked Blood Wyvern claw and advancing at a low angle.

Suddenly he heard the hissing and howling of jackals as he crossed a crumbling tent, so 003 immediately raised his left hand, clenched into a fist, to signal his brothers to stop for the time being, but who could read this military gesture he was making?
The moment he stopped himself, the twenty munchkins behind him rushed up with their guns with a wail, and then they heard the bullets clattering and firing and the terrified roars of the jackals, a scene that made 003 cover his eyes in pain.

But he reacted quickly, a roll to kill the battlefield in front of him, the gun in his hand was raised and did not do precision shooting, pulling the trigger on the swaying silhouettes.

Not the newbie kind of a cradle to the end, but a very rhythmic hit semi-automatic effect, this garbage gun does not have a short point-blank shooting mode, so that the accuracy when picking up the enemy’s surprise attack drops terribly, but the good thing is that the number of players is large, relying on a round of sweeping by a storm of bullets to solve this group of jackals after more than ten seconds.

The scene was more like being pelted with bullets than being killed.

003’s eyes twitched as he looked at the five Jackals’ corpses with thousands of holes, and he couldn’t help but roar angrily at his teammates who were still bouncing off the walls:
“Save the bullets! Damn it, one person only has three magazines, we have to waste so much ammo when twenty-one of us kill five Jackals, how are we going to fight afterwards? Are we really going to use our guns as firesticks? Do you know how to shoot short and long?

Don’t go all the way to the end, asshole!

Still laughing!

It’s you!
I just saw it, you couldn’t keep the gun down so the bullets flew up in the air!”

“Don’t be annoyed, we have enough bullets in our psychic packs.”

The munchkin who was pointed at and scolded weakly retorted:

“Enough to finish the battle.”

“Good, then tell me, how are you going to press the scattered bullets in your bag into your magazines while surrounded by Jackals, do you think the Jackals will give you this chance and time? And how many brothers are you prepared to sacrifice to give you the time to reload your bullets?”

003 was really exasperated, and he said in a short, serious tone:
“In an operation like this, time is life, brothers, don’t do meaningless things moreover don’t just waste resources, imagine us as guerrillas behind enemy lines, how our forefathers fought hard, we have to come in the same way now.

All right!

Come with me next, on my command!
Whoever it is, pick up the clip you dropped! What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter with you?

He chided and flew into action with the admonished munchkin. After crossing the sandy area, they touched down near a group of jackals who were “gathering after the disaster”, from their position, they could clearly see the flames in the night sky a few kilometers away, which were the blood vultures bombing the chaotic jackal camps at high altitude.

That should be the battlefield of General Maxim’s People’s Army, let 003 can’t help but sigh, really this professional is different, their side is still integrating the team, other people’s side has already begun to do a big job.

“You five, one of you with two guns go around the back, crouch down and crawl over! Don’t startle the enemy, the rest of you follow me, when I blow the horn we’ll charge first, when the jackals lunge towards our side, the five people in the back will immediately open fire.

This time you can hold the trigger without spilling it. You must fire enough to cover us in the shortest possible time.

Does anyone know how to use a small barrel?”

003 asked again after arranging the tactics, and the two munchkins raised their hands, so two racks of small barrels and a bag of high-explosive grenades were distributed over to them, allowing them to assume a good position of fire farther down the line.

Once everything was ready, as the missiles from the small barrels streaked across the night sky and lodged themselves in the ground, the fire that rose up instantly engulfed several of the unlucky ones and knocked down as many of the jackals around them as they could, and amidst the wailing, 003 roared out, grasping his gun with both hands and rushed out.

Followed by more than a dozen like a tiger like a wolf new frontal charge, strong firepower a photo swept down in front of a row of jackals were bombed blind.

That little governor reacted extremely fast, immediately hissed and led the people to charge over to 003’s side, as soon as they started, the five brothers who were placed on the flanks opened fire frantically, putting these guys in a dilemma of being surrounded by enemies on their backs.

In an instant it was as if they were surrounded by people on all sides, and as far as the eye could see there were bullets and bursts of bullets fired by the Transylvanians, as well as flames ignited by incendiary bottles smashing on the ground.

The lurid light swayed, reflecting the chaotic battle around them, coupled with the wind and sand blowing to make it difficult to distinguish between the enemy and us, and the ear-piercing and shrill trumpet, that damn trumpet!
The little governor was a little confused.

It cut down a Transylvanian but the other man held his leg before he died and exploded, and in the fire and light of the impact it screamed and flew out and hit the ground hard.

Its left leg was gone.

But worse than the pain was the fear and despair.

It hadn’t participated in the attack and defense of the Black Flame Pass, but it had heard those Jackal veterans who had survived describe the scenes at that time, and there were also Jackal veterans who had experienced the Death Terrace and even the Blood Flag Argument describing for it in graphic colors the crazy scenes during the battle with the Transylvanians, as well as the shrill trumpet sound that always drove people crazy.

The Little Dude had thought it was cowardly exaggeration.

But it wasn’t until it was actually attacked by Transylvanian barbarians this night that it realized .
Instead of exaggerating, those veterans hid some even more horrifying details because of the fear hidden inside them, such as the fact that these madmen would not hesitate to detonate themselves and die with the enemy when they came to the end of their rope.

Another example was that although they were scorned as savages, they were really cunning.


A bullet flew in and hit the Little Dude squarely in the left arm, the full-power round tore through its skin and embedded itself in the bones of the hand, causing it to scream in pain, and then it saw that a Transylvanian with a gas mask was holding the strange gun that could be fired in bursts in one hand, and in the other hand, he was pulling out a sapper shovel from behind his back.

003 strides towards the downed Jackalese Little Dude in front of him, who struggles and grabs the knife at his side, and just as he’s about to raise it he’s given a few more shots by the munchkin behind 003.

The young staff officer didn’t talk nonsense with this guy, kicking it down and then swinging the shovel, which had become extremely sharp due to overuse, he lifted its neck with one shovel, followed by another shovel chopping at the same place, which barely sliced off the guy’s head.

“Not bad, Staff Officer.”

The munchkin behind him whistled and teased:
“Congrats on getting your first blood, and in the words of those old birds, welcome to being a true warrior.”

“I was a warrior long before they were, I’m just too lazy to explain.”

Experiencing the feeling of adrenaline slowly fading, 003 looked around and realized that the assembled squad of jackals had been completely broken up by the munchkins under his command, and the rest of them were still chasing down the scattered jackals in the wind and sand.

He crouched down and picked up the dog tags and psychic energy treasure beads of the brothers he had just sacrificed, and let out another long breath.

Well, his first battle in the real battlefield wasn’t perfect, but it was barely okay.


The staff officer stood up and waved his hand to the brothers around him.

They continued on in the set direction then luckily found a place where the jackals were hiding fresh meat, a dozen or so munchkins tied together a Molotov cocktail and explosive packets and lit them up and threw them in, making the place go up in flames a few seconds later.

In that fiery burning background, the excited new recruits shoulder to shoulder with their weapons were ready to continue their killing spree in this noisy night, but the burning fire here exposed their position, a bipedal flying dragon swooped down from a high altitude a dozen seconds later, and behind it a team of elite brutes and hunters jumped down to block the munchies in the wind and sand, and one of them, the hunting priest, dropped two long-range ineffective totems as soon as he hit the ground, letting the the munchkins’ deadliest weapons ineffective in an instant.

The barbarians forced their way up and took out seven of the munchkins in a matter of seconds, so fast that they couldn’t even detonate their explosive packs.

“Hey, looks like that’s it for tonight.”

The munchkin next to 003 sighed, tossed aside the emptied gun in his hand, drew out his decisive drink and peeled back the cork to raise his glass to 003, and said:

“Then, Staff Officer, I’ll see you in the Hall of Valor.”

“Well, let’s go together, the road won’t be lonely.”

003 joked, taking out the decisive wine and clinking it with a few munchkins around him, a few of them drank it down as the jackals surrounded them, and then each of them picked a target to pounce on.

The elites under Huegson’s command had all fought in the Black Flame Pass War, and they knew what these Transylvanians were up to.

So they darted back and let the hunters take care of the crazies, but 003 took a tube of disposable Improved Iron Fist from his psionic pack and slung it over his shoulder as he charged, taking a shot in the direction of the jackal shooters, the missiles streaking out and then causing explosions that made it impossible for the shooters to claim the enemy.

A dark mass of light-eating power exploded through the sand like a very rhythmic drumbeat, inspiring the young staff officer to pounce on his target like a hungry beast as well.

He could feel the jackal’s claws tearing into his own flesh and blood.

But he didn’t care!
He simply swung his engineer’s shovel with the last of his brute strength, and with a roar of fury hacked it into the neck of the brute soldier in front of him a second before it exploded, followed by the black light that appeared at first swirling everything around him.

Silence fell in the wind and sand.

All that was left was the still burning warehouse and the jackals who couldn’t find any more enemies, and without stopping they were planning to hunt them elsewhere, however high above, little Vikrama with her flight goggles was bulging her cheeks in anger as she stared down at the assholes below who had killed the munchkin right in front of her.

It’s the veteran player’s duty to protect the new munchkin, you arrogant bastards! Eat my high altitude bombardment!

Come on!

Let’s get high in the land of swapping homes, jackals!
Let’s see who’s going to make it to the end!
(End of chapter)

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