Chapter 754: Jackal made an empirical mistake

Chapter 752 751.The Jackal made an empirical mistake

“That’s a well-dug trench!”

The brothers of the Big Bird Regiment were advancing quickly through the pit tunnels more than ten meters below the ground, which were said to be pits, but were actually similar to tunnels, and in some places where the height and width were sufficient, they were even allowed to advance on horseback.

Sanwu Dou reached out and patted the walls of the tunnel that had been molded into a tube shape, turning back to Brother Woo Meow:
“Dwarves are really good at digging pits, look at others, not only have they dug pits and even leveled the walls, they are just short of scraping putty.”

“Are you stupid or not, this is the earth priests whole work, people use spiritual energy to dig.”

Next to him, Ring Chong spat:

“If you really use a shovel to dig, you’ll have to dig until the monkey’s age. Hey, there’s a vent in front of us, do you want to climb up and take a look?”

He pointed to a corner in front of him, where there was a row of rough steps that had been molded to form just the right shaft to the ground.

Brother Woo Meow was going to tell his brothers to keep their hands to themselves, completing the penetration mission on time was the main thing right now, but after looking at the time and realizing that they were traveling at a fast pace, they would definitely be able to arrive at point A within the allotted time, so he nodded his head.

After walking for more than an hour in this seven twisted pits, even he was a bit depressed and oppressed.

A few minutes later, they passed through the shaft to the surface, and found that it opened right next to a boulder, and made quite a subtle ground camouflage, quietly removing the earth-covered planks, and Qu poked his head out of the four-square entrance to the shaft just like a groundhog probe.

It didn’t matter what he saw, it almost made him fall down in fear.

“Hush hush hush! There’s a group of jackals a hundred meters away!”

Qu gestured frantically to the bottom, signaling everyone to go down first, and with his heart pounding he carefully re-covered that cover before he went down the shaft and said to the others:
“That would be a scouting cavalry of jackals, and I saw a large group of jackals marching in the distance! They are under the banner of Clan Splitpaw, I can’t be wrong, we are moving at the feet of the Jackals right now.”

Qu said with some excitement for a moment as he clutched his gun:
“Just charge out from here, maybe we can block a Governor or two or something, holy shit, I’m starting to like this thing, it’s perfect for a sniper! One shot and you’re in a different place.”

“Don’t be impulsive, the mission is important.”

Brother Woo Meow moved his fingers and gestured to the team’s scoutmaster, Smoke Sang, who hemmed and hawed as he climbed up the shaft and threw a scouting spell out.

A few minutes later, Smoke Sang got precise information, and he said in the team channel:
“There are around two thousand jackals nearby, their main force is still four kilometers away, this should be a partial division, their advance is over to the village of New Mejewa, the local Huma River has a puddle there, I reckon they’re going to take over the water flow.

The main force of the Jackals is a lot of people, just what I’ve seen so far is conservatively estimated to be at least 30,000 or more, and they’ve brought lots and lots of dog-heads with them.

Their forward direction is the Valley of the Shadow.

I saw the Jackals’ marquee!

It’s that guy who attacked the Black Flame Pass before, that Split Claw Clan’s Grand Governor, Blanched! Are they here for revenge?”

“Nonsense, we’ve fucked so many of them, if this isn’t revenge, this Jackalmen would be too bloodless.”

Black Silk asked in a small voice:
“Is there more besides these?”

“I can only see so far, it’s not like I can’t see any farther, but I’m just afraid that the psychic energy vibrations will startle the Jackal scouts roaming around, but these are enough.”

Smoke Sang climbed down from the shaft as he spoke to Brother Woo Meow:

“Should we report back?”

“It’s reasonable to say that the command side has assigned specialized people to do reconnaissance, surely a movement of this scale can’t be hidden from them.”

Brother Woo Meow frowned and said:
“But to be conservative, I’d better send a message.”

After saying that, he took the initiative to activate the communication band with Domestic 007 and sent over the information his squad had gathered, and a moment later, the other side simply replied back to say that the message was received, and instructed that they weren’t a specialized scouting squad, so don’t do such dangerous things.

In this current mode of operation that had just begun combat, once the Jackals discovered the entrance to the pit shaft it would be very troublesome, and although they had made plans in advance, retaining stealth was still the number one priority.

“Let’s go, keep moving.”

Brother Woo Meow was not annoyed, grinning he led his brothers to continue forward along the pit shaft and reached point A after forty minutes.

This was a lower underground area, the intersection of six tunnels, so it was a three-dimensional underground structure similar to a “safe house”, and a group of KPA vampire soldiers were organizing their equipment here when Brother Meow arrived.

One of them got up and saluted Brother Meow and reported:
“First Lieutenant Woo Meow! Your resting point is in the second room on the left, where your supplies and explosives are stored, as well as the Commander’s Emergency Resupply Kit, which is dedicated to you, and which will be your recuperation area for the next while.

Also, you have a Captain Hunter in your party, correct?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

Old Quatre chewed on his oddly flavored hard candy and immodestly placed his finger on his forehead in a salute, and the vampire captain across the room laughed before removing an exaggeratedly shaped heavy firearm and handing it to Old Quatre.

Qu was shocked the moment he saw this thing.

“An anti-tank gun? No way!”

As a professional shooter in the game, he instantly recognized the prototype of this thing, and he took the black “rifle” with both hands, the weight of which almost made him hit his feet.

There was not much to say about the shape of this thing, it was very similar to an ordinary Mosin-Nagant rifle enlarged three times, standing up taller than the old song, the firing method was also very traditional bolt-action, the problem was the exaggerated bullet type of this thing.

That obviously added gold-fired pointed bullet diameter has exceeded the old song’s thumb, holding in the hand heavy, very texture.

“This thing was just distributed from the arsenal to the frontline, and the brothers over there named it ‘Ogre’s Hammer’.”

That vampire captain introduced it:

“This special firearm is specially made for sharpshooters, using it to hunt ordinary jackals is obviously too big to use, according to the mechanic who sent it over, they have done tests, in the case of a full hit from a special gold-burning bullet, even silver-ranked jackals can achieve a one-hit kill when hit in the fatal vitals.

The problem with this thing is that it’s too heavy.

And because the firing pin and barrel had fine enchantments that strengthened the bullet’s power and corrected its trajectory, it caused it to be difficult to be put into a normal psychic bag, so it could only be used under special circumstances.

Lady Tris’s Alchemy Hut inscribed it with a silencing enchantment, but it still emits pyrotechnics when activated, and its optimal firing range is 300-600 meters, and it can be used for over-range shooting with the addition of scopes and the replacement of special ammo, so it can only be dispensed for use by highly decorated high-ranking hunters such as yourself.

If you’re sure you want to use it, you’ll also have to fill out a professional trial report after multiple uses as a weapons tester for the arsenal.”

“No problem! I love this thing!”

Qu whistled and carried the giant 17 kilogram weapon behind his back, it was still a bit of a struggle to move, but Qu felt sure that once he passed the Silver Trial, he would be able to casually carry this lethal thing around on his back.

It was simply perfect!
However, it was certain that a small potato like Little Vikrama would never be able to use this kind of exaggerated weapon, it was fine if she had to use it, but she would have to find an apprentice to help her move around with this thing on her back.

It would be a funny and strange scene to think about.

“Woo meow brother, Tepal brought a team of people over from pit 6, they were directly scolded by Master Qin on the way because they accidentally exposed the entrance to the pit shaft, and they also carried a disciplinary action, hahaha, laughed me to death.”

Just as Old Qu was familiarizing himself with the new “Anti-Jackal” firearms treasure, Little Hand brought news that made everyone burst out laughing.

A few minutes later, the smelly Tepal also came over to chat with everyone.

The very chivalrous RP party spat viciously:

“I knew the Knights still didn’t have enough professionalism training, damn Marcus! He was clearly told not to touch that shaft, but he just couldn’t keep his hands off of it and wanted to go in when he saw a hole. Even though we killed off the few jackals nearby, the scene was still spotted by the ‘eyes’ of the command cruising high above. Ah, I’ll have to fight harder to wash away my shame as a commander, hell of a punishment! Five on my back and I’ll have to walk in a court martial, a rank demotion at the very least.

It’s like a desecration of honor.”

“The Desolation Mountain region is undefended, and the only place the Transylvanians can choose to fight us is in the Valley of the Shadow!”

In Huegson’s war wagon, several Grand Inspectors from the Split Claw Clan and the Blood Scar Clan were here to discuss their next strategy, and they quickly came to a unified conclusion.

In terms of this straight forward terrain of the Barren Mountains, anyone with a little bit of war experience would know that this place could not be defended at all, although the terrain of the Valley of Shadows occupied by the Transylvanians was indeed quite exquisite, stuck in a marching route that the Jackals couldn’t bypass, to be honest with you just this little bit of stronghold would not be able to do anything to hold back the Jackal’s army at all.

If necessary, they don’t even need to bother with the Valley of Shadows at all, forcing their way through would only result in the loss of a few more Dog Head Servants.

“The bipedal flying dragon cavalry have sent back scouting news, God’s Chosen Coronet.”

Haas, the Blood Scar Clan’s governor, said to Hügson:
“Those Transylvanian cowards are cowering in their valley, which is full of barracks, but that valley itself isn’t very big, and the most they can station there is 10,000 men is the limit.

We also found a barracks over in Baffent Canyon with the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Nordtorf on it, and they probably intend to block our entry into the Filthy Swamp there.

But it’s still the same thing!

There’s no way this damn place can be defended, as long as our army rushes through, that pathetically thin line of defense won’t last a day!
So now the question is simple.

Should we take the time to knock out the Valley of the Shadow?

Or do we leave a portion of our men behind to lay siege to that place, and you continue forward with your army to break through all the way into the Tainted Swamp?
Personally, I suggest you choose the second one.”

This Blood Scar Dude who was blind in one eye and at the same time very tough and brave explained in a clear and organized manner:
“The swamp terrain is our favorite terrain for the Jackals, our suitability in it is much better than in other races, no one can defeat the Jackals in the swamp, this is a truth that has been shaped over the past thousand years.

Once we reach that place, we will have accomplished half of our great goal of invading Transylvania, there is no need to waste your precious time in the Valley of Shadows.

The Transylvanians in this place can’t turn the tide.”

Xu Gerson nodded.

Although it was young, it was by no means Potana’s relationship that allowed it to sit in the position of Grand Inspector of the Splintered Claw Clan, and as a blood descendant of the King of Biting Bones, it had an innate sensitivity to battles and wars.

It had to admit that Inspector Hass’s summary was perfect, and from the surface situation, the Valley of Shadows was indeed not a terrain that could stop the march of an army, however, its enemy was the Transylvanians, and the lesson of the Black Flame Pass and Fortress of Courage’s lightness of heart was enough once, and it had to take the battle that was close at hand seriously.

“Can’t go around.”

Huegson stared at the bestiary map in front of it as it said:

“Let’s take it and use it as a base camp for our follow up troops, the Transylvania War Imperium is a headache, but they are so few in number that there’s no way they can play a decisive role in a battle.

One true Transylvanian dead is one less, that place has just gone through a grueling ten-year war, there won’t be too many soldiers, we made the mistake of venturing in before, it’s time to fix that regret next.

Attack the place while killing Transylvanian warriors and their reinforcements until their losses are too great to put together a new defense.

We fight the kind of dumbest battles, which is the mode of combat the Transylvanians fear the most, have you noticed?
All their victories in the past have been surprise attacks”

“There is new news from the front! The governors!”

A high-ranking jackal hunter in scout battle armor panted as he delivered a battle report into the war wagon, and Inspector Haas took a look at it and changed his face.

This caused Xu Gerson to immediately split his hand and snatch that war report, which contained only a few very simple sentences.

The tethered flying dragon cavalrymen had found the marquee of Transylvanian Governor Murphy in the Valley of the Shadow, which meant that the vampire lord who had killed Chief Potana was in the Valley of the Shadow at that moment.


Xu Gerson instantly waved his claws as it exclaimed:
“We attack there! Form an army at once and prepare for battle!”

“Coronet, calm down! It’s obviously a decoy!”

Inspector Haas couldn’t help but remind:

“Just at this time that damned vampire lord suddenly struck his own marquee, he’s obviously using this to lure your attention, we can’t fall for it! One more day we delay here, and Transylvania’s defenses will thicken by one point.

I’ll stay here!

I swear I will breach that valley, and you must storm it with your army”


Huegson’s paw rested on Inspector Haas’s shoulder, those bloodshot eyes staring back at it, causing the bristles on Haas’s neck to fall back.

“You have a point! So, I’ll give you a third of my army, and you take them onward! But the Valley of the Shadow and Murphy are mine. Understood?”

It was a question, but it was clear that Huegson didn’t need an answer from Haas.

The Blood Scar Inspector was a bit reluctant, but considering that Xugerson could still maintain his sanity and hand over a third of his army to it in such a fit of rage, it already showed that this War God Chosen was a bit of a gatekeeper.

It wanted to fight a little more but realized that Lord Manson was winking at it from the side, so Inspector Haas no longer objected.

The plan was settled, the Jackal army that was originally advancing at a normal speed immediately accelerated towards the Valley of the Shadow, and the Jackal psychics were also scattered, they were ordered to monitor and reinforce the space system around the Valley of the Shadow to prevent the vampires from adopting a portal to support or evacuate.

This would have been difficult to do in the past, but the priests of the Blood Scar Clan were able to mobilize the divine power of the Lord of the Hunt to set this place up as the “Hunting Ground of the Lord of the Hunt”.

This is also a domain divine art, the effect is quite single, but its spatial blocking effect is outstandingly good, once it is successfully released, it means that Murphy will be trapped in the Valley of Shadows.

There was no other way but to have a fight to the death with the angry Xu Gerson.

“It’s almost like putting me in the same octagonal cage as an angry golden lion, I feel like I must have been drunk to agree to Old Qin’s plan of asking me to set up a marshal flag to be used for baiting the enemy.”

In the Valley of the Shadow, Murphy, who sensed the slow fall of the Evil God’s power, spat at Maxim beside him:

“Then, O mighty Silver Vampire General, I’m counting on you for my safety.”

“I can probably hold a God’s Chosen Golden One at full strength head-on for about fifteen seconds, master.”

Maxim clutched his battle helmet and said in a serious manner:
“You can take three seconds to think of a eulogy for me, and then another twelve seconds to avenge me by killing that raging jackal with your invincible power of purification.”

“Gee whiz, I don’t want to have to explain to sniveling Leonia that her lover somehow died in battle.”

Murphy grunted and said:
“So you’d better stay here honestly and take command, when it comes over I’m going to meet it, you know, before that, I’m definitely not a match for Xugerson, after all, he’s a gold.

But now.
The Lord of the Hunt has blessed it, promoted it to be His representative in the material world, and bestowed it with endless divine power, so instead I think I have a good chance of winning.

There were obviously so many ways to kill me in this world, but Xu Gesen chose the stupidest one.

What a pity.”

(End of chapter)

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