Chapter 692: 691 Escaping in the gray? Bah, you think we are

Chapter 692: 691… Escaping in ashes? Bah, who do you think we are!
When the “Treasure Seekers”, who had found the rat tunnels from the place where Vilanthar had buried Megawa’s treasure and sped all the way back to the Black Flame Pass, returned to their position, the place was already in a messy state of ruins.

The good news is that they were right.

The tunnels dug by the rats had indeed become the key to changing the war at Black Flame Pass.

The bad news is that they guessed right.

How’s this for going out and digging up a treasure, only to come back and not only have the heights been torn down, but even the crystals have been put in jeopardy.

Because the seismic spell unleashed by the Splintered Clawed Jackals had collapsed the first couple of heavy positions, making the area a fragmented area from the ridge, resulting in the treasure hunters led by the Big Bird Regiment and the Silvermoon Regiment being able to see even directly into the night sky from the shattered point of the underground rattler’s pits as they approached the Black Flame Pass.

“Crap! This is too miserable, isn’t it?”

Carrying a Dwarven Battle Axe, Brother Woo Meow saw the tragic state of the ruins of the positions of the Ratmen and Dogmen spread out in front of him, especially those corpses buried in the ruins, making his entire body numb, the veteran players were all dumbfounded and doubted whether they were walking in the wrong place, while the reaction of the newcomers was even more needless to say.

They entered the game time is still short, even Kardman City was torn by the astral world destroyed the big scene have not seen, at the moment the face of this apocalyptic chaotic situation is completely out of ideas.

“Half of the front positions are gone!
The jackals are still attacking, the defenders of the Black Flame Mountain Pass may have already withdrawn to the rear, we can go to support them, but we have to cross this ruin full of monsters first, I think, this may be a bit ‘difficult’ for our current situation.”

Transformed into an Avalon witch hunter, Yuan someone was carrying a heavy sword and grasping a war bow, with a face of egg on his face, he looked at the densely packed ratmen and dogheads in front of him, it was impossible to count the number of monsters that had been refreshed, just looking at the heads of the people made his scalp numb.

“This scene is set up in such a way that it’s obvious that it’s not for us to bury our heads and break through.”

At the critical moment it was still Lady Water who had the idea.

After having Smoke Sang enchant her with the Eagle Eye Technique, allowing her to hide at the exit of the pit and survey the situation, this White Knight who had made up her mind to switch turned back to the players behind her and said:
“Are your arithmetic pearls still usable?”

“No, after entering the position this thing showed that we are in a psionic complex area, it’s definitely the Jackals interfering with the communication.”

Orchid, who was carrying a sword and shield, shook her head as she said:

“But we can use the forum to contact the other players, Transylvania’s position is just ahead, right now this place is destroyed, if the other brothers and sisters are still alive, then they must have already evacuated.”

“You get on the forums and see what’s going on.”

Lady Water spoke to Orchid, then gave Brother Woo Meow a wink, and the two senior members of the Church of Avalon walked quickly over to President Natalie, who wanted to hear the opinion of this senior NPC who had followed them all the way back from the Pit.

Natalie would be leaning on her Watcher’s Greatsword, half-kneeling in a very classic stance and touching the ground.

As the players approached, she raised her head and spoke to Brother Whoop Meow and Lady Water:
“I can sense that the back of the position isn’t peaceful either, enemies of the forces of nature are raging there, perhaps undead, and it looks like the jackals have been messing around there as well. The forces of nature are constantly signaling that this place is becoming more and more dangerous.

I also sense soldiers pulling out of their positions and moving towards the Valley of the Shadows, it’s a very large scale retreat.

It seems that something quite horrible has happened to the position while we went forward to seek the treasure.

Governor Murphy’s prophecy has come true, Black Flame Pass will fall today.”

“This scouting ability of yours is a bit too outrageous, isn’t it?”

Brother Woo Meow spat:

“Is this the ability of a White Knight? It’s so coveted to see.”

“It’s nothing, the White Knight’s position in the Old Religion originally had part of the duty of hunting, and the power of nature grants us keen senses, wherever the power of nature exists, hidden dangers will be foreseen.”

Natalie stood up, shaking her head in a deep voice:

“Now is not the time to discuss this, I must rush back to the rear of the position, there may be room for the Watcher’s Sacred Blade to be put to use there, but my stealth with the help of the forces of nature will only allow me to travel quickly through the land alone, you will have to find a way to get out on your own.

Relying on your fighting strength to cross the current position is impossible, I suggest you retreat!

Since you can’t move forward, then go to another place.

Go to Fort Courage.

Old Eugene is guarding it with a group of devout Avalonians, and he will receive you and protect you, but I expect the Jackals have placed heavy forces there as well, and you will have to go through a battlefield if you want to enter Fort Courage as well.”

If there was still an arithmetic jewel in place, this would have triggered a plot choice, but alas, most of the jewel’s functionality was nullified in the chaotic psionic zone.

Just as Brother Woo Meow and Lady Water hesitated, Orchid Flower, who had run off to search for news on the forums, stood up and came over to the two:

“I found the post that Master Qin and the others made, the players in the front position suffered heavy losses, but they took advantage of some strange ritual being unleashed on the Jackal’s side to break out of the position, and they’ve now successfully reached Fortress of Courage under the reception of the Earth Priests over there, and they’ve also taken more than a thousand NPC warriors with them.

Master Qin was now planning a Jedi counterattack, and he was planning to summon psychics to cast Astral Tear on the Black Flame Pass as a means of completely burying the nearby Jackalese barbarians.

It had to be said that this plan was extreme, but it was also very energizing.

With this position now confirmed to be untenable, it’s not unlikely that we’ll be able to stage a brilliant counterattack if we go there and join up with them, and we might even be able to save the day.”

“Worthy of being Master Qin, I like this violent temper, I absolutely have to return the favor after taking a loss, revenge doesn’t last overnight, hehehe.”

Brother Woo Meow also appreciated this plan.

However, Old Qu from his team immediately raised a detail issue, holding the shotgun, Brother Qu fed fresh meat to the horned eagle battle pet on his shoulder while saying:

“Don’t be in a hurry guys, launching something like an Astral Realm Rip requires an energy carrier.

You guys still remember when we dueled the Andromeda Hills, even the Astral Realm Tear released by Lady Tris herself needed the core crystal of Serenade’s Boundary as a medium in order to accumulate spiritual energy to break down the barriers between the material world and the Astral Realm.

That was still in Transylvania, where our dimensional boundary had been shattered once by the cultists and was already weak.

But the dimensional boundary on this side of the Black Flame Pass was solid, and the energy and medium needed to unleash an astral world tear that covered the entire position must have been even more terrifying.

I know that Fort Courage has a Serenade Core that Lord Murphy sent before his assassination.

But one is simply not enough!”

“There were two other core crystals coming from position three before.”

The black silk brother next to him rubbed his chin and turned his head to Orchid:
“Now that this position is in such a miserable state, I guess the core crystals were either recycled or lost in these ruins as well, did Master Qin take that with him when they left?”

“No, right? They should have left in a hurry.”

Brother Woo Meow shook his head and said:

“You guys wait, I’ll go offline and call Old Stick to find out what’s going on.”

After saying that, this expect to see a big scene of the social people sat in place temporarily offline, and the big guys to go to Fort Courage to assist Old Qin to start the counterattack of the news was also quickly known by the budding newcomers, these guys strength in general but each is a lezzie people, and they are also in this position and the jackal raises the knife to open a piece of the past.

Although it can’t be said that they have much affection for the Black Flame Pass, but seeing the place where they once fought destroyed like this, the fellows who are more impatient can’t hold back the anger in their hearts.

There were also some nimble newcomers who, upon seeing the position in front of them destroyed like this, immediately realized that the main quest of the Black Plague was probably going to take a huge turn, and that this turn could probably be brought about by them, the players.
Wasn’t it said that the Black Calamity battle was a phase?
The results of the previous phase would directly affect the plot advancement of the later phases.

If they really do something big here, they might even get the nickname “Hero of Transylvania”, after all, who wouldn’t want a cool smelling chainsaw sword?

“Looks like you guys have made up your minds to go to Fort Courage, not sure how the counterattack you’ve been discussing is going to work, or maybe it’s just my poor imagination, but I’m guessing there’s nothing stopping you guys from doing it.”

Natalie heard the heated discussion among the players, and remembering the “NPC ethics” that she had been taught by Murphy, she removed the weapon case that she had been carrying behind her back and handed it to Lady Water, who was the most closely connected to the Church of Avalon in the group, before she left. She said in a hushed voice:

“My parishioner, Lady Water, in the past period of time, I have seen in my eyes all the efforts you have put in for the reconstruction of the Avalon Church.

In the past, you walked the path of healing, and the weapon in my hand was not a suitable choice for you, but upon hearing that you have changed your mind to embark on the path of the White Knight’s Guardian, I can finally be at peace with the fact that I will hand over the Holy Blade, which we have acquired together, to be wielded by you.

Take this emerald green gale!
May you make proper use of Avalon’s arrows and protect those things you have sworn to protect!”


Lady Water was taken aback by Natalie’s sudden generosity.

She was one of the two highest ranking players out of all the members of the Church of Avalon, and she knew the significance of these 150 Sacred Blades to the Church of Avalon better than ordinary players.

She knew that a complicated chain of quests would surely have to be arranged to confirm the final owner after this holy relic was recovered, but she really didn’t expect this wave of NPCs to be so dry.

The ever-confident Lady Water would be a little less confident this time instead.

She looked at the weapon box that was handed in front of her and said hesitantly:
“I won’t hide it from you, Ms. Natalie, I want to want to take the path of the White Knight not because I have found something in this world that I must guard, I’m just . I just got tired of being protected and wanted to try fighting.

I may not be cut out for it.”

“Then go find it!”

Natalie was in a hurry to return to the back of the position to help yet, seeing Mrs. Water push back so much, this Demon Hunter Hime who always did things dryly also lost her temper, shoving the weapon case into Mrs. Water’s hand, she said in a deep voice:
“If you can’t find the goal of guarding, go and search for it, if you don’t want to be protected then go and fight, I can tell you a lot of stories and aphorisms to illustrate to you that it’s all the will of Avalon, but I guess you won’t believe in these chicken soup for the soul.

So I’ll be blunt with you, Mrs. Water.

No one in the room but you has the qualifications or seniority to hold such a holy blade at this stage of power, you know what I mean?

We are a faith-based organization, after all.

Maybe you’re not the perfect owner for it, but look at what’s right in front of you, if you still want to fight, then you’re going to need a good weapon!

I’m entrusting it to you.

If it doesn’t work well, you can return it to the Church when the battle is over.”

After saying that, Natalie whistled and summoned her own warhorse, Maple Leaf, she put on her battle helmet and rolled onto her horse with her greatsword on her back, and waved to the player parishioners behind her, and then she pushed her horse forward.

The power of nature condensed into an emerald green cloud wrapped around her, allowing her to quickly disappear from view ahead.

“Ah, I never knew before that this Lady Natalie was actually so direct in her speech.”

Lady Water who was forced to stuff a powerful weapon was full of spitting desire that she couldn’t release, but Brother Firechild beside her was very happy, his own wife was just awesome, others who wanted something good had to do a quest, she was good, she was directly stuffed by an NPC with a powerful thing.

If it is not Ms. Natalie is a woman, the fire son brother would have to wonder if his wife is too much charm, the NPC are charmed?

“What kind of eyes are those?”

Lady Water quietly whacked her husband to keep him from imagining things, then opened the weapon box.

Holding that Nature Holy Blade – Emerald Green Blizzard in her hand under the envious and jealous gaze of the other players, this Grimmie style long battle bow had open flowers and fine vines wrapped around its body when she picked it up, making it look antique and absolutely extraordinary.

After the newcomers learned from the veteran players that there were more than a hundred of these powerful things in the backstory of the Church of Avalon, many of them were moved to think that perhaps it would be a good career plan to swear allegiance to the Avalon boss when they returned.

At this point in time, Brother Woo Meow also came back online.

He shook his neck and said:
“Things are a bit troublesome, Happy Stick’s side really didn’t take away the two Boundary Cores.

That thing is now in the ruins right in front of us, if we want to maximize the power of the Astral Boundary Rip on Fort Courage’s side, we have to take the risk of retrieving the Crystal Core and escorting it over there”

“Ding! Important Plot Choice-‘Hold back or strike back hard’ has been triggered!

Event Description:

The shameless Jackals, in collusion with their nasty cultist allies, have launched a fatal strike on the Black Flame Pass while the Transylvanians have let their guard down, and the situation of the position has gone to the worst possible end at the moment, but that doesn’t mean that there is nothing left for us to do.

Governor Murphy has returned to the battlefield!
He has heard of the pie-in-the-sky yet absolutely feasible counter-attacks of the warriors of the foreign nations, and he believes that this is perhaps the fiercest counter-attack that the suffering land of the Black Flame Pass can make, and he confirms that this final blow will cause the Jackals to ache.

The only problem now was that in order to unleash the Great Astral Tear at Fort Courage one would need to find the two Junction Cores that had been lost on the battlefield.

This is a very dangerous act and may even lead to the destruction of your entire army.

Governor Murphy never forces himself on his warriors, so he has left the choice up to you… Do you want justice for the dead of Black Flame Pass? Or will you flee to safety like old dogs with broken spines to the jeers of the jackals?

Please make your choice.


This plot choice will directly affect the ending of the Black Flame Pass Attack and Defense Battle! Therefore, all players who activate this choice should take it seriously!

Currently, the number of players who can accept this choice is 514, to complete the choice, you need more than two-thirds of the number of people who choose a certain option.


This choice quest is extremely difficult, so please be prepared for the worst.

Mission Reward:

When the three Serenade Junction Core Crystals have been delivered to Fort Courage, Governor Murphy, armed with important props, will personally travel there to preside over the Great Astral Realm Tearing Ceremony and teach the Splintered Claw Jackals a lesson they will never forget.

Mission Failure Conditions:

All players involved in the mission are killed in battle, the core crystal cannot be retrieved, and the Astral Boundary Rip at Fort Courage is too small in power to prevent the tragic end of Black Flame Pass.

Dev Team Tip!

This mission will not affect the main plot of the Black Plague, and will enter the second stage of the Tides of Darkness main quest regardless of whether it is completed or not, but if you are able to complete this mission, it will have a direct impact on the situation in the second stage.

The mission is extremely difficult and also has factors that will affect the outcome of a war, so completing the mission will open the third phase of the ‘Transylvania Hall of Fame’ selection, and the fifteen people who performed the best during the mission will be awarded the title of ‘Hero of Transylvania’ and enjoy the Hall of Fame benefits.”

“Fuck! Communication is back up on this thing?”

Brother Woo Meow was startled by the sudden beep.

He finished reading the Choice prompt and was about to turn back to save the others’ opinions, but as soon as he turned around, he saw the glowing eyes of five hundred people staring at him like pairs of light bulbs, almost as panic-inducing as walking at night and encountering a pack of wolves.

“I know what you want to ask! And don’t emphasize to me how difficult this mission is! I don’t care!”

Flying through the air, Viktorina shouted as she waved her Hammer Guard:

“All I know is that it will open the third installment of the Hall of Fame selection! You boys are already Hall of Famers, but we’re not! We want cool, awesome chainsaw swords too! I don’t care! I’ll take this Choice Quest!
For the Chainsaw Sword, let’s go!”

(End of chapter)

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