630. Chapter 628: 627 “Quiet” Transylvania

Chapter 628: 627. The “Quiet” Transylvania
Murphy in the Midnight Chamber of the Scarlet Fortress glanced at his character card, and after turning off the Otherworldly Summoning, the original full quota of [3000/3000] slipped to [1/3000] in an instant.

All players except Feng had been temporarily expelled from this world, and looking at the players lying around in the chamber, the feeling of a “god” who controlled everything with a single thought surfaced in Murphy’s mind once again.

If he really is a god, then these brave foreigners in front of him are his 3000 gods.
Well, let’s not talk about whether these guys are powerful enough or not, just say this number is not a tiger, right?

“Then, in the name of the Real Otherworld development team, I announce that the internal test version upgrade has officially begun!”

Murphy moved his shoulders and spoke softly to the midnight chamber full of people in front of him with a gesture of “full work ethic”, and then he was ready to happily go and touch the fish.

Well, it wasn’t really a game after all.

The so-called version upgrade was just a matter of driving players offline and then letting the NPCs under his command take the time to tweak certain things that had been arranged long ago, and there wasn’t really a problem of server updates and new data entry.

Murphy just needed to make another settlement, and by the way, he had already finished organizing the development log to make one last change, and then uploaded it to the forums and it was done.

If there is such a thing as a “dog planning ranking”, Murphy is probably the guy with the least amount of work pressure ever, after interpreting the entire Transylvania and even the continent as a 100% real game, all he needs to do is to continue to strengthen this impression and concept and ensure that players’ “gaming experience” is as good as possible. “gaming experience” as much as possible.

Of course, Murphy already knew that there are some players “small smart” may have figured out the truth, but he did not feel troubled by this, he selected the elite players will have to bear the risk of this “leak”.

There is no need to play everyone as a fool to make him feel happy.

As long as the majority of players feel that this is just a game and can harvest happiness and enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment from it, then this “Murphy’s Deception” can continue, and even if this matter is really exposed in the end, His Excellency the Governor also has nothing to worry about.

You say he’s a scammer, well, what has he scammed?
The Real World has never received a penny since it was launched, and there are no constraints requiring mandatory play, Murphy has given all the freedom of choice to the players, as long as they don’t touch that damn helmet, the vampire lords can’t manipulate the players’ daily lives in another world even if they are capable of doing a thousand things.

The logout button is there, he will not play similar to the SAO kind of deduct the logout button of the tart operation.

So in essence, players come to this game because they find it fun, which is the fundamental logic of the existence of all games.

If it’s not fun, then no one will buy it except the waterbenders.

“If I were to throw out a questionnaire right now, it’s estimated that the satisfaction rate would be above 95% anyways.”

Murphy rubbed his chin and left the Midnight Chamber, intending to take a spin around the city before returning to his office to take care of what came next.

Counting carefully, there were actually quite a lot of things that needed to be done by Murphy in these three days.

Four racial templates alone had to be opened.

The Shadow Elf’s blood from Velanthar’s followers, the Shield Dwarf’s blood from Tris’ bet with Lord Heather, and the Sanghai’s blood that Nefertari had given to Murphy a few days ago, as well as the Halfling’s blood that she had gotten from Captain Paula while she was drunk.

With these four templates taken care of, the player had more options in the beta stage, in fact, Murphy could even open the Jackal race template if he needed to.

But the problem lies in the fact that the Jackal kind of guys who are not beautiful enough to be chosen by players will really be chosen by players?

And so on!

I think I made an empirical mistake!
It’s up to the players whether or not they’ll pick them, they as the developers just need to list the option.

Isn’t Hogg’s side of the world in the midst of a “Deicide” campaign?

Isn’t this a good way to add a “racial strand” to the jackal race?
Moreover, I have two templates in my hand: the skinny jackal like Hogg and the tall jackal of the Dark Mountains, so I’m a bit sorry for my identity as a dog planner if I don’t play a trick.

Speaking of which, the career system of the jackal race is quite complete.

They have a variety of power transfer, and jackals as “Eden District ancestral security” identity, can also be very smooth lead to the creation of the clues, and then adapted for the players to a complete quest chain, and can even lead directly to the “Legacy of Creation” data sheet. The “Legacy of Creation” movie.

Well, that’s a great idea!

Murphy quickly finalized this inspirational idea, and intended to collect a little bit of jackal blood to give players a whole living, he also thought that he had accumulated a lot of “development materials”, it is appropriate to throw into the forums for players to see, the development team usually have to work very hard.

In addition, it seems that the third-party platform established by the players themselves will soon be online.

Maybe I should pick a little bit of heavy news and send it over as “inside information”? For example, the Sulphur Flywheel and the Steam Secret Puppet, or the mysteries of Xike City and the legend of the King of the Underworld, and so on.

With this kind of tedious dog planning type thinking, Murphy quickly came to the surface.

At a glance, he saw the Midnight Tower that was still under construction, the foremen of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons didn’t choose to touch the fish because of the temporary departure of the several leaders, and Old Chen Tou had specially asked Silver Dwarf Master Irich to help watch over the construction process before going offline.

This tower was not just a simple high-rise building, it was also the first large-scale mage tower in Transylvania itself, so the construction progress could not have been much faster, according to Old Chen Tou’s planning, the tower would not be topped out until at least two months later, and the interior decoration and spiritual energy convergence would require another month of busy work from Grandmaster Illich.

Murphy didn’t bother the workers, he opened his wings and flew into the air this evening, looking down at his city.

The departure of the players did not seem to disturb the city’s established order, people who hold positions in various parts of the city will go home from work, while the street stalls are still doing business, and the “snack street” formed in front of the residential area is bustling with activity, and there is also the sheriff’s carriage parked at one side.

Tonight there is a fight, so a lot of men are heading in twos and threes towards sewer entrance 7, where the fight club run by the Blood Rats has apparently become the hottest entertainment for the locals.

And in the town square outside the business district, Lord Portman was directing the militia in their daily training, which had been required twice a week since Miriam had declared Transylvania to be in a state of war, lest they be scrambled if they did have to go to war, and it was the same rule in the other villages.

The toughness of Transylvania’s people made this behavior not repulsive to the locals.

It is worth noting that a new bar called “Mejva’s Past” opened in the business district some time ago, said to be run by the Shadow Elves under the command of Velanthar, and is the first real “entertainment center” in Scarlet Fortress.

The opening of this store was strongly supported by Miriam, and it was clear that the Consul felt that his people needed something more “normal” than watching savage fights and organizing dangerous private tournaments.

The newly established “elven community” on the outskirts of the neighborhood was unassuming, but some of the half-elves who had already moved here chose to walk around the vampire city that had accepted them in the evening with a sense of strangeness and discomfort.

Murphy withdrew his gaze and looked towards the Temple District.

At this time it was the time of evening prayers, the bells in the Avalon Sanctuary echoed, there were also some believers gathering in the Eye of the Wolf God Monastery, the Berserker Temple in Vam had not yet been built, those barbarian priests who had various tattoos all over their bodies simply trained some believers in martial arts bare-chested in the cold winter.

Well, the players actually had a bit of an impact on the city after they left.

At least the adventurer’s guild was much cleaner than before, although there were also local mercenary groups coming in and out of there, but they obviously lacked the player’s kind of floor hot feet, do not walk properly hustle and bustle.

How can I put it?

The place was still the same, but it was like it was missing a little bit of soul.

After all, this was a city that had been shaped by the players bit by bit, and even though the number of players was at an absolute disadvantage compared to the number of people in Scarlet Fortress now, this city still couldn’t avoid being tainted with some of their unique colors.

For example, some of the locals who had a good relationship with the players were looking around at the entrance, wondering why that group of guys who always came to annoy people didn’t show up today. He himself was still planning to do a big cleanup of his house today.

Hey, without that group of free laborers, one would have to do it oneself.

Even Sister Marianne, who was leading the believers in prayer in the sanctuary, wondered why that annoying old Chen Tou didn’t come over today. Doesn’t he come every night to “pick the breeze”?

“Don’t worry, your otherworldly friend will be back in three days.”

Murphy grinned.

In the perception of the Desire Energy, he once again confirmed that his own territories had reached a perfect state of mutual adaptation with his own players.

This was exactly what Murphy wished to see.

“What’s going on? Smiling so strangely, like a villain who is devising a dangerous plan.”

Tris’s voice with a hint of dislike sounded from behind, and Murphy turned around to see His Excellency the Grand Duke flapping his dragon wing-like wings was holding a cup of wine spiked with blood and sizing him up.

The Archduke sneered very unmercifully:
“Is this because you feel that the players have left, so your heart is a bit lonely and cold? Do you want Lord Tris to give you a warm hug?”

“We are vampires, Tris, our hugs can never be warm.”

Murphy spat at the sight, then moved his arms and said:
“I just think that we should probably really put the construction of the ‘Hall of Valor’ on the agenda.

The locals are already using the term ‘Yingling’ to describe them now, when I first released this kind of tidbit of information, I didn’t expect it to spread so widely and be accepted by so many people, wouldn’t they think that such a title as Yingling is too much of an exaggeration?”

“Of course not.”

Tris said, shaking her head:
“The Transylvanians have been tormented by war for long enough, and although they are militant, they have actually been wishing for a great power to come down here to protect them so that they can live in peace and happiness and no longer have their lives taken away by those dangerous things at any time.

In this case, a group of warriors who would not die naturally fit the natives’ imagination of ‘great power’.

They would see the warriors as a symbol of those brave men who had died in the wars of the past centuries in this land, and who had been awakened by the great governor to come back to earth in these dangerous times!
The failures of the past forged strength to protect those in the present who can move into the future.

The Transylvanians are actually romantic.

But their romanticism also seems too savage to those elsewhere.

Hmm, maybe we should indeed mold the Hall of Valor for the warriors, though they don’t need to be resurrected through that building.

But perhaps with proper guidance, this belief will also become a new tradition, which will then become legends and myths and even beliefs in the future .
Murph, remember the advice I gave you earlier? Let the warriors spread the faith of the Holy Light.”


Murphy nodded and said:
“The knights of Fort Riptide are doing a good job, there are already thousands of holy light believers in that place, although most of them are from Marlowe Town, and are desiring to be empowered by the holy light out of hatred for the undead. Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?”

“Because there’s movement.”

Tris said softly as she took a sip of her wine:

“It’s not quite enough to form a powerful incarnation of beliefs like the Lord of the Hunt’s that can bestow power, but I made a trip to the Cathedral of the Holy Light in Fort Riptide last night, and I can tell you for sure that the bodies of consciousness brought together by people’s beliefs guided by the teachings have been making faint ripples in subspace.

If you know how Frederick shaped the form of the Lord of the Hunt through war back then, you should realize that it’s time for the Church of the Holy Light’s guidance to move to the next stage.

We must set the priesthood and domain for the Holy Light that has planted the ‘seed’ and reset the rituals of the Church of the Holy Light to strengthen the ripples of the Holy Light through some conceptual actions.

If all goes well, perhaps in a few years the Holy Light will be born in subspace as the Lord of the Hunt.

It is the convergence of all that is true and good and hope and light.

That was the true color that was deeply hidden in the character of every conscious being, which meant that once the Church of the Holy Light began to spread on a large scale, the speed at which it converged its faith would definitely be faster and fiercer than that of the evil gods of the foreign races.

But it also means that your warrior will enter the realm of faith
Avalon, Su and Vam, who are helping us now, will all become our competitors, at least His followers on earth won’t give up their parishes so easily, and a botched up one will have to start a faith war.”

“Come on then.”

Murphy pointed to the city below as he said:
“Let’s spread this faith in our territory first, let’s use the Black Plague as an opportunity to let it grow as quickly as possible to the point where it can grant power, as for the next step . We certainly won’t go to Nordtorf or Ice Bay to preach.

We go to the Kingdom of Goldfinch!
King Louis himself abolished the Church of Avalon, and now that the hearts of his people are as hungry as the wilderness for faith to nourish them, we will mold the blonde fool valkyries of the Holy Light that will take root in the hearts of the unloved when Bikki returns to the city of Nantes.

You know, Tris, I don’t actually advocate taking back what we have by means of war.

And I’ve known for a long time that in addition to military victories, there are options for cultural victories and victories of faith, and perhaps at some point in the future, even the high and mighty King Louis will have to call upon the name of the Holy Light to protect him and his people.

I am curious though, is there any way to speed up the process of the birth of the Holy Light?”

“There is!”

Tris whispered as she looked around:
“Modeled after the story of Vam’s birth, it is said that the Berserker was born from a portion of the remains of an ancient god that had fallen, and that ancient god originally had the domain of ‘battle’.

The Barbarians sought out the remains of that deity in the great land of Ice Bay at the beginning of the Era, which they regarded as their own divine manifestation, and continually worshipped the sacred object called the ‘Bone of the Berserker’.

It was the barbarians who molded their traditions and beliefs into the form of Vam, and as the Church of Avalon and the Church of the Winter Wolves fought for control of the faith in Ice Bay, the beliefs of the barbarians forced to unite to fend off their foreign enemies came together, ultimately allowing Vam to be born.

If you wish to hasten the birth of the Holy Light, then seek out a piece of the deity’s remains”

Saying this, Tris took a sip of her wine, but she kept signaling Murphy with her eyes, and the Governor understood what Tris was alluding to as he narrowed his eyes and nodded his head:
“Well, in that case, it seems that the Lord of the Hunt really already has a way of taking death. But the Lord of the Hunt’s three priesthoods of ‘hunting’, ‘war’, and ‘sadism’ don’t sound like the Holy Light, and it was molded in the image of a jackal! “

“Use your power, Murph!”

Tris leaned in close and voiced her wild thoughts in a whispering voice:
“The Lord of the Hunt is the God of Defilement, He’s tainted by subspace, and that purifying power of yours could wear away all its filth, and that would yield a piece of the purest remnant of the Godhead.

A piece of white paper!
Let us draw on it.

But this is something you must do covertly, once it is discovered that you can purify the deity, you will definitely become the ‘meat and potatoes’ in the eyes of many people now.

Trust me, that’s not a good thing.”

(End of chapter)

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