621.Chapter 619 618 Transylvania’s War Technology Tree New Link

Chapter 619: 618. Transylvania’s War Technology Tree New Link “Spy Technology” Lighting Up
The old driver, Pink Pear, flipped the car.

Well, that’s the high-intelligence way of saying it, the low-intelligence way of saying it is that the first test vehicle of the Transylvanian Winter Wind Vehicle crashed into a mountain at the highest speed, resulting in the destruction of the vehicle and the deaths of the people.

And because of the use of gold-burning catalysts, when the steam engine blew up, it caused a violent explosion that even overturned the villagers of the Lost Island who were watching.

The tragic picture of the scene was soon put up on the forum by the traveling scholars’ brothers, and quickly became the hot post of the day.

Those bastards also gave this “terrible accident” a very long name, called “Transylvania’s first traffic accident two fugitives are still at large, it is said to have absconded to the other world, please see the people immediately report”.

Under this level of explosion, vomit mud sauce this manufacturing personnel certainly can not survive, even the pink pear this just participated in the death competition, also changed the berserker profession of the black iron warrior can not survive.

Worse still, all of his personal equipment was blown up.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Master Qin had ordered new equipment for them at Xavier’s Workshop, Pink Pear would probably have lost money this time.

The two guys who were sent offline by a traffic accident would still be tearing each other apart on the forums this time, triggering a large group of players and new-unwanted parties to gather around.

Facts have proved that vomit mud sauce such professional engineers still want face, he was mercilessly spat on after quickly admitted his own mistakes, and that Transylvania side of the gold-fired steam engine is really only suitable for the kind of steam train on the large-scale carrier with a fixed track, want to develop a more flexible vehicle or have to light up the internal combustion engine technology tree first.

Fortunately, like the guys who build weapons, Vomit Sauce does have drawings of all kinds of internal combustion engines in his hands, and just needs to wait for the various machinery from Chardonnay Harbor to be put in place before he and his buddies can try to get started on rubbing out the first generation of internal combustion engines.

And once the problem of the internal combustion engine was solved, things like building vehicles could be put on the right track immediately.

However, Vomit Sauce’s vehicle experiment was not a complete failure, at least it did pull in the first order for Vomit Sauce’s vehicle factory, the traveling scholar brothers from the Lost Island invited these vehicle experts to build a short distance railroad between the Lost Island and Scarlet Fortress, and to make a small steam train for them to haul coal.

The village on Lost Island was located at the foot of a mountain, and even with the help of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons, the road conditions were very complicated, so the brothers decided to build a Bharat-style railroad.

Although the vomit mud sauce rubbed out of the car exploded, but the facts prove that this guy does have two brushes.

Received the first order of vomit mud sauce ecstatic, he quickly found new business opportunities, such as the continent’s steam train technology are monopolized by the halflings, Nordoff Kingdom of the Wolf Woman from the time of her father began to repair the Great Wilderness railroad, repair for more than a dozen years have not seen the completion of the project.

Some members of the Blood Rat Gang have even done hard labor on the construction site in the Great Wilderness.

Although this does have the Great Wilderness environment is poor resulting in the project can not be successfully advanced factors, but those black hearted halfling engineers for this railroad to ask for the price is really high to terrible, if his vehicle car can be in Transylvania to deal with this small railroad, then the future orders and so on is not a constant flow?
Vomit Mud Sauce seems to see a big shiny vault beckoning to him, he can’t wait to be resurrected now to rush into Transylvania and start working with the fellows immediately.

But three days of Internet cut off makes him very painful, and now the city is closed, he is trapped in the apartment also has no place to go, to the old mother and father called to say hello, the guy simply in the apartment to open the computer, began to be excited about the order for the design of new steam locomotives and a variety of parameters.

This drawing and painting, another idea in the vomit mud sauce heart jumped out.

He opened the map of Transylvania drawn by the players on his computer, and used the drawing software to make a few more strokes on the map, especially in the area where Transylvania and the Kavhoka region met.

The more Vomit Mud Jam drew, the clearer the idea became in his mind.

Until after ten minutes of thought, he rose with a flourish and exclaimed:
“Ha, the railroad! The lifeline of the new age! And steam trains! Oh yes, how could I have forgotten that! Armored trains, well! We can test this kind of awesome weapon in the name of building a railroad, and when Lord Murphy starts a war against Nordtorf afterwards, we can use the railroad plus armored train path to quickly capture Kahovka, and take this grain-producing region in our own hands.

When the time comes, continue to build the railroad along the border of Kahovka and Nordtorf, and build it a dozen or so of the energetic armored trains to cruise back and forth.

I don’t believe it, those Yankees have the guts to charge with men?

The only people on the continent who have steam train technology right now are the Halflings, and the Halflings won’t use their technology to fight a war, but I’ve got a full set of drawings for an armored train.

Ha, what a great plan.

It just so happens that the Golden Bird Kingdom also has a large number of railroads, so let’s get the parameters of their side of the tracks first.

Once we start fighting, we’ll just merge the tracks!
We’ll use our invincible armored trains to blast the damn King Louis and his feudal dynasty into the sky!

We’ll enter Misty City and take the Queen alive!
Heh heh heh heh, my great Transylvania is invincible!”

The more this guy thought about it, the more excited he got, and he didn’t eat his meal or take a lunch break, powering up a document, and opening the forum to submit this document to the administrator, Alpha.

He said:

“Fat, the development team after there is no such similar ideas ah? If not, take this document as a reference.”

Alpha: [Let me see what your document has done for me first]

A few minutes later.

Alpha: [! Did you come up with such a heartless military plan all by yourself? Surely, all of you mechanical and engineering people are monsters, aren’t you?

Vomit Mud Sauce: [Hey, hey, hey, fallacious, Fat, I just thought out of the blue, the so-called reforms of the Golden Canary Kingdom are just using railroads and trains as means of transportation to increase efficiency, they haven’t yet discovered the fatal use of railroad transportation lines in war, after all, it’s a new thing to the Golden Canary people.

But I suspect with the AI intelligence in the game, in a few years those guys will come around.

We in Transylvania should capitalize on that time lag and take down the other side before they learn to use this weapon!

I’m already working on the drawings for the armored train, I’m going to load cannons onto the train and make a real ‘land cruiser’, when it comes time to park it outside of the cities in the Canary Kingdom, one round of artillery will bring down their walls.

But this plan will require Brother Loyalty’s arsenal to light up the ‘Giant Cannon’ technology first, alas, I don’t know when and how I’ll be able to see this weapon of war debut with my own eyes ah].

Alpha: [Emmmm, it’s true that the development team didn’t think about this, probably because we didn’t expect you to want to play so big? Well, I’ll submit this to the strategy group to take a look.

If it’s possible, we’ll open up the ‘War Vehicle’ branch in the War Mode afterward.

Of course, it’s best to show this plan to the commanders in the players, and if you can, explain your strategic thinking to General Maxim, and maybe you can mix a staff rank with him or something.

I’m still busy here, I’ll talk afterward.

Also, this thing burns a lot of money at first glance, so you’ll have to find a way to pull investment in the game].

Vomit Mud Sauce: [Uh-huh, I know, I know, I’ll figure it out after I’m resurrected].

His Excellency the Administrator who ended the chat with Vomit Sauce was in a compound in the Scarlet Castle’s business district, Murphy was staring at the set of documents on the Operational Bead, and he couldn’t help but start to think about the wild image of Transylvania’s War Beast killing the Golden Flower Kingdom’s hinterland with an irresistible stance, traveling thousands of miles in one night, and destroying the city.

“These guys are so criminal.”

Murphy let out a similar sentiment for the millionth time.

But he guessed that the enterprising King Louis probably couldn’t have imagined that at some point in the future, the railroad network planning that he had painstakingly carried out for his country would be used as a weapon of war by a group of belligerent and crazy foreigners to fight back against his kingship.

But it had to be said that this war strategy of Vomit Sauce was really radical!
Murphy could anticipate that once Transylvania took the lead in incorporating steam trains into the war sequence, the Kingdom of Canary Flower would definitely follow soon after.

That country had too many resources at its disposal, and King Louis’ angry counterattack would definitely be vicious and deadly, after all, the armored train thing could be copied by even the worst engineers just by taking a look at the physical object.

Therefore, this strategy could only be used at critical moments. But on the other hand, the Nordtorf Kingdom’s side wouldn’t have to worry about the Transylvanians attacking them with such brutal weapons, after all, in the vast country under the Wolf Woman’s command, there is only a section of the railroad between the North Wind Castle and Borisgrad, and the one that runs through the Great Wilderness hasn’t even been finished yet even after more than ten years of construction.

For the people there, the thing called a train was still a rarity.

“Besides trains, there are also airships.”

Murphy raised his head in this courtyard, and he could see the halfling airships docked high in the sky outside the city of Scarlet Fortress.

That thing was very large! It was like a destroyer suspended in the air.

This thing has been parked in Scarlet Castle for several days, but Murphy has never been able to find the time to go up and take a look, now the inspiration he got from the vomit sauce made him think a little, and he suddenly felt that he should take the time to go and “comfort” the halfling employees on the airship, after all, they are guests who have come from afar.

However, there was still business at hand.

Murphy retracted his gaze and looked at the courtyard in front of him, this is an ordinary courtyard in the business district, but there is a sign with a silver moon emblem erected at the entrance, which represents that this is the “Silver Moon’s Pride Corps” in the Scarlet Fortress.

The girls’ team didn’t enter the Hall of Fame, so naturally they didn’t get the deed to the compound, and they rented it at a high price, but they weren’t short on money anyway.

Murphy didn’t come here today to play with his female players, but received a special invitation.

A few hours ago, the physicist named “Moe Haha” submitted a funding application for “special communication device research” to Miriam in a very formal text format in the Operational Treasure Pearl newsletter, and Miriam transferred it to Murphy, and His Lordship is the substitute. He came over to check out the new work that the players had done.

He could actually guess what Moe Haha had come up with, but his cultivation as a mainline NPC made him look puzzled, especially when he saw the large and peculiar instrument standing in the room.

“What is this?”

Murphy asked in a puzzled tone as he pointed at the silly big thing.

Moe Haha thought for a moment and explained in simple language:
“It’s a communication device similar to a communication jewel! But it doesn’t rely on the spiritual energy factor in the air to take effect, it’s an encrypted means of communication on our side.

Of course, the one I took out is just the simplest Morse Telegraph prototype, and the sending end and receiving end need to be connected with a halfling’s wire, but precisely because it is hardwired, it can completely ensure that normal communication can be realized in areas with disturbed psychic energies, and it can also allow certain important information under your command to not be unidirectionally transparent in the eyes of the enemy.

Our current long-distance information exchange relies entirely on the connection of the arithmetic beads, and not to mention whether this is safe enough or not, just a distance limitation is enough to put us in a very dangerous situation.

If you and the Scarlet Consul can grant me a sufficient amount of research funds, then I am certain that I will be able to produce a finished product that can be mass-produced within two months.”

“That sounds like a lot, but this is so bulky.”

Murphy pretended that he knew nothing about Morse code and telegraphic devices as he circled around this prototype a few times.

He said to himself, “This Moongha looks honest, how come he’s so treacherous when he wants a budget? With the poor craftsmanship of this thing, it was highly likely that this physicist had spent hours saving up to cheat on funding.

He had a mind to card it and said:
“Can you show me how it works?”


Moeha grinned and stepped forward to activate the thing, cranking it a few times with the handle, which presumably came with an improvised battery, and in any case, after the gas bulb next to the machine lit up, Moeha had the decency to reach up and beep and press on the electric buttons for a while.

A dozen seconds later, in the room at the other end of the courtyard, little Vikrama came running up with a piece of paper with long and short lines drawn on it.

Moe Haha took the piece of paper and shook it at Murphy, saying:
“This is the cryptographic system called Morse code, all I need to do now is decode it to translate the message I just sent, you see, in today’s Transylvania, this stuff is multiple encryption!

And not to mention if anyone can intercept the telegram, even if they hear it, there’s no way for them to translate it.

Please believe me, this project is definitely worth every penny, especially Mrs. Adele’s Phantom Intelligence Bureau will love this thing, don’t look at it as huge now, as long as I find a way to deal with the electronic tubes and transistors, it will be small and compact in no time.

And the fact that halfling engineering tech can make a gas bulb means that the electron tubes aren’t too hard either.”

“But it needs that wire between the receiver and the transmitter, right?”

Murphy rubbed his chin and made a somewhat skeptical “I’m an amateur” face:
“Do I have to run wires all over Transylvania before I can use this thing?”

“Well, it’s not really necessary, as I said before, I can make a radio transmitter as soon as I nail the tube process.”

Moe Haha was about to explain the principle more carefully, but the little blinking, wide-eyed Viktorina next to her bumped her arm, and the physicist reacted immediately.

What was she doing?
Was this an attempt to teach high school physics to an otherworlder?
“Uh, I can assure you I can make a version that doesn’t require wires.”

Moeha said succinctly:
“While radio can also be interfered with by bursts of energy, there’s not much urban terrain on this continent to impede signal propagation, so it’s effective distance would be very exaggerated, in the extreme case of the signal you sent out in Transylvania.

It can even be received on the Misty Sea.

Of course, it’s also my first time to come into contact with psychic energy, so I can’t confirm whether psychic energy will have an effect on electromagnetic signals, and I can’t vouch for you.

But if this thing really comes out, we can at least get rid of the arithmetic treasure beads in military intelligence transmission.

You see, this thing was invented by Halflings, right?

Although the Halflings assured that they have integrity, how can you confirm that the Halflings won’t secretly listen in? Isn’t the Thieves Guild, the best intelligence organization on the continent, under the jurisdiction of the Halfling Steam Lords?

We always have to keep an eye out, don’t we?
What I’ve come up with is one of those things that might not be much of a showstopper normally, but once you need to isolate yourself from the halfling factor to safely pass on a message, you’ll realize what a blessing it is to have one of my machines.”

“Well, you’ve convinced me, my warrior.”

Murphy nodded, glancing at the goofy machine next to him as he said:

“I will instruct Miriam to give you a sum of money.”


Moeha excitedly waved his fist, but in the next second, Murphy made a face and handed the paper in his hand to Moeha, saying:
“This thing didn’t actually turn on at all just now, you and badass little Vikramana put on a show in front of me, and there’s no way for this thing to function properly now, is there?
I’m a vampire.

I can sense that this thing is an empty shell with nothing complicated inside.”


Moeha shrugged and said:

“It’s not shabby to cheat on funding, but I assure you on my honor as a physicist that the theories I just stated are true.

The physical laws of electromagnetic conversion have been verified here by me to be equally valid, so within two months I will definitely be able to come up with something that will satisfy you! If I can’t produce it, you can expel me from this world at any time!”

(End of chapter)

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