603.Chapter 601 600 Shameless Transylvanians Don’t Speak of Martial Virtue

Chapter 601 600.Shameless Transylvanians don’t preach martial virtues!
As Lady Tris appeared on the Blood Banner Heights with the Serenade Scepter in hand, not only did the tired players throughout the heights let out cheers, even the defenders in the Black Flame Mountain Pass began to cheer.

This was the day when the Deathmatch advanced to the tenth day.

Over the past ten days, the survival and war on this nameless plateau had attracted the attention of all the defenders on the entire position, and even the attention of the Blood Alliance Knights’ headquarters, which was far away in the vicinity of the Brass Fortress, and it was rumored that even Venerable Lord Paying, who was still tugging at the Kings in the Brass Fortress, had heard about what was going on here.

A place of heroes that could stand up to the siege of the Jackals and embellish the battlefield with the heads of Jackals was rightfully capable of boosting morale in the upcoming grueling battle!
Not to mention the fact that this match was also filled with enough attraction and fun.

The first rotation of the three warbands had come to an end, the first warband had held for three days, the second warband had held for three and a half days, and now the third warband had also come to the third day, this evenly matched situation allowed the smart ghosts on the position to see which warband could be absolutely ahead at the moment.

But it was this kind of scorching that could bring more attraction.

However, they were truly surprised that this group of Transylvanians actually had such a big face, clearly looking like cannon fodder, they could actually call out to the Blood Vulture Clan’s Archduke to assist in the defense for them.

But the news of Archduke Tris appearing and joining the battle was an unmitigated disaster for the other two warbands.

“Crap! This dog Stick is really throwing his weight around.”

Brother Woo Meow, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, almost lifted the table immediately after he saw Lady Cress appear as he cursed:

“Last night’s battle has left Stick’s warband not even being able to be described as wounded, this is already going into a desperate situation, if the jackals attack again, then Maxim, who’s already in a bad situation, will definitely have to retire.

That guy last night one person killed almost five hundred jackals, ignoring the defense of the darkness of the night claws with the blood thirst berserk, and that cool scarlet chopping is simply ruthless, that guy in the hands of the skull crusher war hammer can also be sprayed with fire and meat cutting, I last night to see him with a cracking slam once smashed to death seven jackals simply put the eyeballs are going to be staring out of the window.

The enigmatic combat prowess of these NPCs is killing me, Lord Murphy’s ‘monster’ is holding one side of the battlefield all by himself.

Once Maxim retreated, Stick was out of the game.

This dog is so lucky!

The last wave actually came together to summon the Lady Tris score, this time the jackals side as long as nothing happens, the third regiment will definitely be able to hold until five days.

The pressure is now on our side.

According to the worst-case scenario, if we want to lock up the victory early, we have to hold it for five days as well! The total number of guards gets eight days, not even one day short”

“That’s too hard, isn’t it?”

The dormitory sextet that was assigned to Brother Woo Meow’s side screamed:
“Now that the Jackals are starting to surround us on all sides, we can’t even summon powerful guys with the points we have in our hands, I estimate that we’ll have to retreat in two or three days at the most, and it’ll be hard for us to even make it a day if the snowball doesn’t roll.”

“That’s why it’s going to be a surprise move!”

Brother Woo Meow narrowed his eyes and said to the student party:
“Haven’t all of you psychics learned about astral ripping? Can you get a shot? With one hit, we’ll be able to snowball.”

“You’re dreaming!”

Good Dove spat:

“It’s true that we all know the Astral Rip spell, but without an energy source what are we going to do to break the barriers of the material world? It’s not like this is the kind of space structure in Transylvania that’s already been destroyed, it’s very difficult to unleash an Astral Rip here unless Lady Tris is willing to help, but people need 4000 points to make an appearance, and the next tier of Missy’s debut needs 2500 as well.

Where are we going to get that many points?

This is all your fault, Brother Woo Meow, the situation wasn’t critical when we went on in the first round, at that time, if you had used your scores properly, we definitely could have held on for five days.”

“Alright, alright, blame me, blame me, alright.”

Brother Woo Meow skimmed his mouth.

He admitted that the first wave’s failure to defend for five days did have something to do with his poor decision-making, but who let them come in first?

The price of enjoying the easy mode was that others could touch them across the river.

It couldn’t be helped.

“Something has to be done!”

Brother Woo Meow squinted his eyes at the topographical map of the Blood Flag Highlands, and after a few moments, he got up and picked up his Legendary Axe and said to the others:

“You guys watch here, I’m going back to Transylvania.”

“Huh? What are you going back for?”

Badger asked curiously, and Brother Woo Meow waved his hand and said:

“Don’t ask too many questions, secret, tell the brothers to get ready, Old Stick’s side has Mrs. Cui Si’s escort, it can definitely last until the end, we still have two or three days to practice preparations, you guys don’t touch the fish!
Take the munchkins to play copies to practice skills and brush equipment!

Don’t ask them to be more powerful, at least give me a guarantee that next time they go into battle they will have a set of veteran gauntlets and weapons in hand, and then go to the Blood Rat Gang’s duplicates to brush up on a few trinkets, or else there won’t be any advantage at all in the face of the Jackals.

By the way, go to the blacksmith store and get some awesome stuff.
Blanch, I was planning to use this to make a lot of money later, but I didn’t realize I’d have to take it out now.”

He sighed, and as several vampires watched in astonishment, Brother Woo Meow, who had taken out his bottom card, waved his finger, and Scorpio, the magical sword that belonged to him, flew out in a swish, and like the Necessary Evil in Lord Murphy’s hand, circled around Brother Woo Meow a few times and levitated beside him.

“Crap! A flying sword!”

Chewie was shocked.

He screamed:

“When did you get this kind of good stuff, Brother Woo Meow? You’re not decent, hiding this kind of good stuff, not brotherly enough!”

“Enough for you! I’ve invested all the money I have on hand into this bottomless pit, just counting on getting rich during the black plague.”

Woo Meow said waving his hand in a very irritated manner:

“Tell all the vampire brothers to go to the blacksmith store and find Master Broken Blade, tell him I sent you, and tell him to bring out the finished original embryos of the magic sword, one for each of you. This thing has been improved by Lady Tris, only vampire players can use it, it’s barely a racial benefit.

But I have the patent on the thing.

So you guys remember to give 3000 gold coins each when you go to pick it up!

Don’t frown, this is already the price I’m selling at a loss for the sake of my own brothers, you guys should know that the pricing I sell to NPCs is 5000 per person.”

“Shit, the capitalist who should hang streetlights is talking about you!”

The student party was filled with righteous indignation, obviously feeling that there was something wrong with this price, 3000 gold coins would be able to buy a good set of Dwarf leather armor in Black Flame Mountain Pass.

However, considering that this thing was really handsome and they had some money in their hands, they ran back to Transylvania as fast as they could to get this done.

As for Brother Woo Meow himself, he used a portal to return to Transylvania, he went straight to the Avalon Sanctuary, he was originally looking for Old Eugene, but in the doorway of the Sanctuary, he met Brother Woo Meow who was holding a scripture with a smile on his face as he gave a sermon to the NPCs.

This made Brother Woo Meow’s eyes roll back in his head, and a plan came to him.

He waited right next to it, and after ten minutes or so, after Brother Crow’s sermon ended and the NPCs dispersed, he came up and rubbed his hands together and said to Brother Crow:

“That, Counselor Wang, let’s discuss something.”

“Just call me Crow in the game.”

Brother Crow, who was already dressed like a real Avalon priest, asked with a smile:
“Shouldn’t you guys be at Blood Banner Heights preparing for your rotation? What’s the reason for coming back?”

“I need to procure a little bit of seeds.”

Brother Woo Meow didn’t hide it from the other, he said:
“The quantity is a bit much, so I want to walk you through it, no one else understands, but Mrs. Water and I know that you’ve already brushed Old Eugene’s and Sister Marianne’s reputation to worship, so help out.”

“Uh, I’m just friends with two highly respected clergymen who occasionally discern scripture together.”

Brother Crow was a little helpless and a little bored when he encountered this kind of relationship walking, he was not the kind of person who liked to engage in this kind of thing, so he said:

“And you’re also a high ranking monk of the church, it’s reasonable to say that you can go directly to Moorland Village to buy seeds, and there’s a discount, there’s nothing you can do to find me .”

“I want to buy seeds of Cannibal Giant Flower and Vampire Vine! And I want to buy them in large quantities, I know that old Eugene still has a few seeds of the War Thorn Beasts that he brought out from the Holy Land of Gramo in his hands, if it’s possible, I’ll take that stuff too!”

Brother Woo Meow singled out his intentions, which caused Raven’s brow to immediately furrow.

Although he hadn’t formally joined the Avalon Church yet, he already knew a lot of the secret secrets of the Natural Order these days through his research and assistance in transforming the Avalon Church system.

This would be when he heard Brother Woo Meow’s words, he would know the reason.

“This thing is also considered contraband in the church system! It’s truly a ‘plant biochemical weapon’ now.”

Raven reminded in a low voice:
“His Excellency Eugene has always wanted to destroy those dangerous seeds, he’s not even willing to let the witch hunters continue to learn the relevant forbidden knowledge, I don’t think he’ll give you these things that can get out of control if you’re not careful. You’ll have to come up with a reason that’s convincing enough for him to do so.”

“Destroying it, that is, helping to destroy it.”

Brother Woo Meow spread his hands and said:

“Instead of letting those seeds that were cultivated with secret methods be destroyed worthless, why don’t we take them to the Black Plague battlefield to deal with the Jackals well, I know it’s true that this stuff isn’t very humane, and it clashes with the positive image of Avalon’s bosses, but I’m a Reserve Red Knight, right?

I preach the avenging discipline of nature’s wrath, so it’s only fitting that I use this thing.

And I’m paying for it!

I really desperately need these to turn the tide of battle right now, Brother Raven, help me convince the somewhat pedantic old Eugene.”

“Emmm, we’re all player brothers, I’ll definitely help if I have a favor to do.”

Brother Crow pondered for a moment and said to Brother Woo Meow:
“But you also have to promise me a condition.”

“You name it, as long as brother I can do it.”

“You absolutely can, the church hierarchy is discussing about setting up a new diocese for the Phantom Valley side, they are having a headache with the bishop’s selection, I want you to support Mrs. Water to become the bishop over there, and then appoint me to be the preacher and administrator of the sanctuary over there.”


Brother Woo Meow were shocked, he whispered:
“But aren’t you not planning to join us? And what are you going to do? Don’t tell me you’re planning to really develop some damn faith in this world? Brother, it’s fine to fool others, but don’t fool yourself too!”

“Look at what you’re saying! People just don’t like to hear it.”

Brother Crow said, waving his hand:

“I just want to try practicing my theories, not that I’m really much interested in faith, I’m a materialist.

Don’t laugh, I really am.

Since there are gods in this world, it’s only right that we study the phenomenon instead of treating Him like He’s just a backdrop. As for what I intend to do in the new parish . Well, this won’t interest you even if I tell you, so I’ll leave it at that for now.”

Brother Raven moved his shoulders a little uncomfortably.

He knew that he couldn’t continue to stay in the Avalon Sanctuary of the Scarlet Fortress, recently the God of Nature seemed to have really noticed him, and he felt that if he stayed here to continue to “compel people’s hearts”, he might be in trouble; it was better for him to stay farther away from the Emperor, so that it would be more convenient for him to re-deconstruct the overly primitive theological system on this continent.

That’s right!

Crow’s goal is to remodel the system and doctrine of the Church of Avalon.

He wanted to reorganize this reborn, but still full of old-fashioned church according to his own ideas, and in the process, he would study what the hell is this kind of thing called “gods”!
Most importantly, what kind of strange connection exists between the gods and people in this world?

He was really curious about this.

The lethality of a Gold One sitting on the battlefield really wasn’t something to sneeze at!
On the afternoon of the same day that Lady Tress laid low and entered the Blood Banner Heights, the Tainted Claw Clan once again charged the Heights, the Tainted Claw Chief was very confident this time, last night’s battle had beaten the Heights’ defenses to their most empty stage after consuming the elites of the several smaller clans that were dependent on it.

It had enough confidence to destroy this damned roadblock in the first wave of today’s charge.

However, the 1500 elites of the Tainted Claw Clan didn’t see any obstruction from the defenders after surging onto the plateau from all sides, until they rushed underneath the plateau and were only one step away from the damned blood-colored battle flag, when a horrifying lightning storm crashed down on their heads without any warning.

Tris stirred the wind and clouds with her own strength, causing the climate overhead to change to a small degree.

Under the dark clouds and mists of the gloomy wind, the pulsating arcs of lightning swept across the entire battlefield like a dense net under the manipulation of the Spiritual Energy Master, and every attack of the arcs of lightning that kept falling from the high altitude would cause the opponent to enter into an irresistible electrocution paralysis as long as it came into contact with those jackals, and unlucky ones would even be directly pierced through the heavenly aura.

Although it is a bit strange that Tris, as a vampire’s spiritual energy master, is better at lightning spells than blood spiritual energy, but considering that Tris herself is not a vampire with common sense, no one dares to question Tris, who is manipulating the sky like a female god of thunder, on the battlefield.

This wave of lightning storm was just the beginning.

It was a means used by Tris to trap the jackals entering the battlefield, followed by the release of a black night curtain that blocked the jackals’ escape routes, and finally blew a corrosive wind that swept across the battlefield, mixed with Flame Strike and Dagger’s Cloud.

It was almost like a battlefield teaching of psychic spells, causing a group of psychic players to call out “Tris my god”.

In less than twenty minutes, the Tainted Claw elite was almost completely wiped out.

While Brother Stick, who had finally let go of his heart, proudly led the players with similarly high morale to go out and cut off heads on the battlefield, the Tainted Claw Chief, who was observing the battlefield from another place, had his heart turned cold.

It knew that it was impossible for it to take this damn high ground no matter what.

“Retreat retreat retreat!”

This gloomy chieftain subconsciously gripped a pendant on its chest, but it didn’t even dare to turn back to look at the tragic battlefield reflected in the crystal ball in front of it again, and it waved its paw breathlessly, causing the Popok beside it to stare with rounded eyes.

But then, a wave of stolen joy rose in Popok’s heart.

Governor Hurley scolded himself for losing his power and only sending warriors to their deaths, berating himself for being a disgrace to the Jackals, but guess what? The more powerful and elite Tainted Claw Clan was allowed to come over, and they didn’t take this position?

What does that tell you?

It shows that Lord Ben Popok is no waste at all!

If I’m a waste, then Chief Dirty Claw, who is praised by all, is also a waste.

Hey, the enemy is too strong to have anything to do with my command.

Good Lord.

Finally a reason to wash away my shame.

However, Popok was clearly overjoyed too soon.

Just as the Tainted Claw Clan was preparing to retreat, a jackal messenger riding a bipedal flying dragon landed on their position, bringing the chief of the Tainted Claw Clan an order from the Splintered Claw Master Mother.

That order was so simple that it was heartbreaking.

The army of the Splintered Claw Clan had advanced towards the Black Flame Pass, and when the Splintered Claw Lord Mother heard about the events on this side, she questioned the strength of the Tainted Claw Clan.

What the Sovereign Mother meant was that if this unknown Bloodflag Heights was still standing before she reached Blackflame Pass, then Chief Tainted Claw and his clan would have to think about continuing to live the rest of their lives in a more useful life form.

This order completely blocked the possibility of the Tainted Claw clan retreating.

Especially the angry Chief.

Precisely because it was dependent on the Split Claw Clan to develop and grow, it understood more about the violent character of the Split Claw Lord Mother, its own clan was finished, the past few decades of dependence on the Split Claw Clan had eaten its mouth full of oil, and now it was time to spit out all those goodies that had been eaten in.

Bobok also has a face of despair.

Tainted Claw Chief has no way to resist Split Claw Lord Mother, it a small defeated Governor in addition to dying here, it seems that there is really no second way to go.

But that Splintered Claw Master Mother didn’t have things to do, she promised the Tainted Claw Clan that she would send a spell casting force to aid in the battle three days later.

But that was useless!
The other party had a Golden One in attendance!
Unless Splintered Claw’s main mother comes over, this highland will be as stable as Mount Taishan, that said, this Transylvanian’s golden powerhouse really doesn’t have any cheek at all! What are you doing on the front line if you’re not in your own territory?
Is it fun to slaughter us rookie soldiers? Did your Mother Midnight give you all this power so that you can punch the kindergarten in the Dark Mountains? Why don’t you go do something great to save the world or destroy the world for your own pleasure?

Asshole! We Jackals aren’t going to block the entrance to your boot camp and massacre you.

You’re shameless.

The Jackals despise it.

However, fate was so magical, just after Chief Tainted Claw had spent two days in despair, it suddenly received a message that made the hairs on its entire body explode.

“What did you say?”

Tainted Claw Chief was full of surprise as he looked at Popok who ran to report the news in front of him, the latter also had an unbelievable look on his face, it wasn’t very sure about the secret information from Nash, but there was no other way at this point, so it could only harden its head and report to:
“That golden vampire psychic master retreated, she followed that remnant of the army, many clansmen saw it! The Transylvanians’ new warband rotated to Bloodflag Heights, and they’re all vulnerable commoners.

No golders or even silverers!
The priests under your command confirm this, they are asking for death!

Chieftain, now is the best time to take that place!

Charge, Chieftain!
It’s our only chance to win and wash away our shame before Lord Mother Splinterclaw arrives and we survive, so think of your people.”


Thank you to “Maple Leaf Real” for his reward, the extra reward will be put on next month.

(End of chapter)

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