587. Chapter 585: 584 Death and Glory of the Berserkers for “Not Eating Fish

Chapter 585: Death and Glory’s Berserk Battle – For the “Little Lager Who Doesn’t Eat Fish” Brothers [2630].

“Good you Woo Meow King, how dare you say that this Governor is putting gold on his face by himself, you guy is really too arrogant, this Black Hand Clan of yours is also too arrogant, do you really think that having the Lucky Spell bestowed by Avalon will allow you to avoid the fate of the Black Hand?”

In the frontline command headquarters of the Black Flame Mountain Pass, Murphy gritted his teeth as he looked at the chat logs that were rapidly swiping the screen on the forum.

He realized that this oooh meow brother was really making a death wish, probably thinking that he could do whatever he wanted just because he was strong and had the current version of the Legendary Tomahawk in his hand that could be called invincible, very well, let’s just carry on like this, keep your pride and courage, if you can fucking open anything good in the Black Calamity, I’m going to write my name and Tris’ name upside down!

What a hell.

His Excellency the Governor was furious, but the group of “supporters” he had gathered around him were overjoyed.

Especially Ms. Becky, who is always full of energy.

When she saw that all the powerful people of Transylvania had been gathered, she knew that she had been accepted by this big group, and was deeply convinced that she had solved the “prestige problem” with her absolute strength, but she did not know at all that Murphy had added her to the team of supporters purely because the popularity of this stupid Little Peach in the players’ group was really frighteningly high.

She is a non-Transylvanian actually in the players voted “beautiful NPC” and the old “national wife” E sister fight on a par with the problem has been explained.

It’s probably because the classic blonde, violent, stupid knight persona reminds players of the King of Quilts.

Therefore, Murphy simply do a full set of drama, he really gave the little peach Biki equipped with a set of cloak exactly the same as the quilt king’s combat cloak, as for the armor do not have to prepare.

The combat armor produced by the Xavier family was renowned in the continent, and it was much better than the armor produced by the two-handed blacksmiths in Transylvania.

There were supporters like Becky who were happy to fight, and naturally, there were also people who were not so willing to participate in this matter.

For example, Andre’s loyal servant Vesta, this will be in a hard to persuade his highness not to risk his life, although the Earl of White Mountain in order to make a name for himself is also a fight, but his own family knows his own business.

Andrei’s fighting ability in this group of people assembled is really not excellent, the “support scores and lists” formulated by Tris has already fully explained the problem.

“Guys, guys! Listen to me.”

Murphy made a quick note in his little notebook before turning around and pressing down on his hands to quiet the support people in the command room.

He said aloud:

“I didn’t organize this deathmatch for my personal preference and interest, and Lord Heather didn’t fully support me because the Sovereigns on the position like to watch the fun, there is also a real strategic significance to this matter.

The Jackals are coming a bit earlier than Lord Heather expected, the last batch of support from the Knights of the Blood League has just departed at the moment, which includes artillery and ammunition for the Phantom Valley position as well as other supplies.

They needed a little time to get here.

And the last section of our Maginot defense line has just started, the shortest time given by the Brotherhood of Stonemasons will take 30 days to complete the construction of the main body of the defense line, not to mention that the war support from the Kingdom of Canary Blossom and Nordoff is still far from being in place, and the old, weak, women and children of the Valley of the Shadow have not yet begun to be transferred, and it will take even more time for the defense line over there to be flush with completeness.

All of this indicates that we need time!
Although the Black Flame Pass looks impregnable, we still need to create a little time for the final integration of this front, and in addition, this operation can effectively demonstrate the Transylvanians’ bravery and unyieldingness, allowing us to step onto the continent’s stage with an absolutely dominant image.

I think you guys also found out at the Black Flame Pass that although we Transians pride ourselves on our bravery, the experience of being overrun by four Black Plagues in a row has made many people on the continent think that we’re cowardly, which is a foolish idea!

It must be severely corrected by a glorious victory.

And our warriors need to practice, they need to truly understand the threat of the Black Plague.

In short, I would like you all to help my warriors hold on to the defense zone as long as possible once you are assigned to go to support.

Of course I also hope that you all realize that this deathmatch is also necessary for your personal prestige boost, especially for some of us .
I won’t name names.

But I’m sure you can understand what earning a good reputation in a war like this means to the followers behind you.”

Murphy’s gaze borderline lingered for a split second on Captain Bloody and his first mate, both of whom of course knew that Murphy’s last words were meant for them.

Although 200 years had passed since the “Blood Fear Armageddon”, not everyone had forgotten what their ancestors had done on the continent back then.

If they intend to return to their ancestral land near the Ice Bay, then without the support of a high reputation will make it difficult for them to move around there, and all the barbarians of Western Sahara will treat them as enemies.


Captain Pablo had never thought that he, a pirate who had crossed the sea, would actually need to use his reputation to stand up for himself one day, and that this fucking world was really unpredictable.

In the crowd like him contemplating there is also Count Andre.

Although Count White Mountain is young, but he does not lack the big picture, he knows that his White Mountain faction wants to rise quickly, in the Thorn Clan to occupy more discourse and more vampires to follow, this battle must be fought and also have to fight beautifully.

Most importantly, he had to let his sister, who was high above the throne, see his growth and change through the performance of this battle, and truly give himself equal trust, or at least not let her keep treating himself the way she treated her children.

“His Excellency the Governor!”

Just as everyone was whispering, the beautiful blonde knight raised her hand and shouted:
“I don’t want to be a supporter, I want to hold on top of that position with your warriors and fight from the first second of the battle until the end of the battle, I feel that this is the only way for me to truly uncover my missing knight’s heart in the heat of battle.

That’s what my grandfather told me, he said I lacked a will when I swung my sword.”


Murphy and Kudel spoke up at the same time to stop it.

Bikki’s identity was a bit special, and she herself was completely unaware of it.

Although she was temporarily appointed to the rank of Knight Major of the Golden Sparrow Vanguard in a few letters sent by Marshal Loren, Murphy knew that it was only because the Xavier family had gone through the connections to get a replacement status for Bickie.

This idiot knight completely disregarded her camp and identity, you a native, rooted Golden Sparrow people ran to Transylvania not to say anything, and now you have to hold Transylvania’s military flag to fight against the Jackals, if this matter spreads to the national parliament, your large family will be dragged down by you.

Kudel’s thoughts were even simpler.

He was the one who died in the Black Flame Mountain Pass back then, and he really didn’t want his granddaughter to suffer the same fate as himself.

But Biqi’s character was known to everyone, since she made this request it meant that she had already made up her mind, next to her, Li Wen covered her eyes helplessly, there was no way for her to persuade her bosom friend to let go of her belligerent heart.

But Lord Murphy, who was a dog planner, always had a way.

He rolled his eyes, coughed a few times, and said:
“Although you can’t be allowed to guard that bloody war flag, I can arrange another task for you, you have the identity of a reserve Grand Knight of the Riptide Knights on you don’t you?

I can allow you to hold the battle flag of the Riptide Knights in that capacity, go forward to the position at the end of each rotation for trophy collection, and help us guard those warriors’ hunts in the trophy preservation area divided for us in the Black Flame Pass, and give it out to the champions as a reward at the end of the day.

Just so you know, Becky, this is a very important part of the game.

You’ve been in contact with my warriors for a short time now, and you know how much they value their trophies, and that they will only give this matter to the people they trust the most to carry out, so my appointing you to be in charge of this matter also represents the Transylvanians’ trust in you!

This is an absolute chore!
It means you have to travel between the Death Arena and the Black Flame Pass, but I’m sure you’ll be able to accomplish this job.”

“Huh? I think you’re lying to me in the same way an old man lies to a child.”

Becky crossed her arms, tossed her hair, and said:
“But you do have a point, I could shoulder the duties of temporary quartermaster, but if I mean, if I get attacked by a jackal while I’m taking inventory of the loot…”

“Then you’re free to do so.”

Murphy shrugged and said:

“Provided it must be for your own protection, I don’t want to see your grandfather carrying a Griffin looking for me to fight, he really cares for you and loves you.

I’ll instruct my craftsmen to make you a beautiful Golden Glory Battle Banner, and I can embroider the family crest of House Xavier on it if need be, so that your valor on the battlefield can be transmitted back home to appease your father who is furious with you for recklessly backing out of the marriage.”

“Gee, that would be too good.”

Becky was instantly satisfied, and then took the helpless Raven Knight to “tour” various parts of the Black Flame Mountain Pass.

After they left, Kudel went up and said to Murphy:
“Thank you for your attention to her, and that discussion earlier, I’m sorry Murphy, I was a bit too excited earlier.”

“Everyone gets that worked up when it comes to issues of their position, that shows that you are a person with a clear stance, Hon. Kudel, I’m not going to be angry or ostracize you for that.”

Murphy shook his head:
“I just want you to understand that our personal friendship is one aspect, but in the face of a state of affairs like the Black Plague, each of us has to stand firm on our positions.

You still have time to think about it. But I hope that once the battle breaks out at the Maginot Line, you will fulfill your duty to Transylvania.”

The words made Kudel frown.

He looked around and asked with an onomatopoeic technique:
“You don’t think the Black Flame Pass can be defended? Not so much, they’ve completely fortified this place, it’s more than ten times better than that situation back in my day, holding off hundreds of thousands of jackals here is a breeze.”

“I wish it could hold back too, I wish the war could end outside of my territory.”

Murphy replied:
“But we’ve got to prepare for the worst, and truth be told, Kudel, some of the clues I’ve picked up on earlier in the day make me really not optimistic about the outcome of this Black Plague.

If you’re not too busy, come with me.

I’ll show you what I’ve discovered, and then you’ll know why I must force you to make that difficult decision.”

The deathmatch was decided, and a large number of vampires came out that night to “clean up” the battlefield.

At dawn the next day, when the Black Flame Pass squires were out on their regular patrols, a Dwarven Heavy Hammer on a goat led the way across the hills in front of the position, and then let out a cry of surprise.

“Look! There! The vampires got a tower!”

As soon as he shouted this broken voice, the entire rest of the group whipped their heads around to look, all of them startled by what stood before them in the dawn sunlight.

The heads of all the Jackal corpses on the battlefield were chopped off and piled up on a high ground in the center of the battlefield where the smell of blood was still lingering, several hundred heads were piled up in layers to form a tower, and in the middle of the “tower” made of human heads, the tattered battle flag of the Jackals was dropped, and there was also a towering blood-colored battle flag standing up.

On it was the tripartite emblem of Transylvania, the Blood Wyvern Clan, and the Kardman People’s Army, which was waving in the wind under the sun.

Those vampires chose a very clever location, so that this “fallen artwork” could not be hidden in the air, and its existence could be seen from several kilometers away.

“What an insane mockery!”

The Dwarf Heavy Hammer exclaimed:
“All the jackals in the neighborhood will go crazy, they will see this as a provocation to the Black Plague, and the governors of these small clans will come here to destroy the flag in order to save face.”

“But the Transylvanians will not allow them to pull down their flag.”

A halfling assassin beside the dwarf seemed to foresee the fate of this land afterward, and he scowled, somewhat fearfully:
“These Transylvanians are mad! They are going to fight the Jackals beyond their position, they are here to provoke the Jackals and draw them into battle here until both sides have fought to the last man still alive.


It’s crazy.”

“Crazy? No, a fight like this comes at the right time!”

That Dwarf Heavy Hammerhand excitedly drained the wine he was holding in one gulp as he slapped his goat and shouted:

“This is the scene that the Black Calamity should have! During the fourth Black Calamity we fought too much, that damned King of Biting Bones threw our faces and our traditions on the ground and stomped on them like crazy, all of us lost our dignity, and we had to have the help of those arrogant elves and Sanghai people to crush the jackals.

This cannot go on!
We should show our courage like the Transylvanians! We should learn from them! Bring us our banners too! Put our flag up too, right there on that high ground.

I admit I used to be prejudiced against the Transylvanians, I thought they were all a bunch of cowards, after all they were ravaged by the Black Plague four times.

But this time may be different.”

The Dwarf madly charged up the heights on his goat and planted the flag of their squire army next to it as well.

Of course, he knew the rules, the heads of those jackals were trophies of other people’s Transylvanians, and he had to have his own trophies if he wanted to set up his own flag.

So that flag was placed on the edge of the high ground.

This seems to have triggered some kind of strange “trend”, when the patrol returned in the afternoon, the vampires planted the flag on the high ground has been more than a dozen other flags, and fresh jackal heads were placed next to the tower of skulls and matched with those fluttering in the wind war flag.

Lord Heather did nothing at all to stop this spontaneous move by the Sovereigns, and even the artillery of the Brass Dwarves had planted their flags on the heights.

Only the aloof elven rangers did not participate in this provocation.

The warriors of the Black Flame Pass took courage from this act, and as they expected, the jackals also felt the malice, and although the concept of “face” is not in their tradition, as a governor he could not bear to see his clan members being used as a tool for others to show off their power.

The next morning, at the sound of the jackal’s long battle cry, a jackal vanguard of several hundred men once again appeared at the edge of the Arena of Death.

The news was immediately sent back to the Black Flame Pass, and the Transylvanians, who had already prepared for the event, strutted into the place they were to guard amidst the wailing cheers of the soldiers of the position.

This was the first warband!

The completely random disruption and reorganization had stopped this battle from being fought as a guild, but the dormitory sextet was still lucky enough to be grouped together, the commander of their battle group was Brother Woo Meow, Lady Water and her husband were also grouped together, and Brother Fuyi rode his own Scorpion Lion to hold the military flag of the First Battle Regiment, which had been crafted overnight, up in the air.

Right now, the number of players hadn’t reached the size of 3,000 yet, so each war regiment of 1,000 people couldn’t be full at all, and the first war regiment was only about 500 people right now.

But they were confident that they could hold the high ground, and not only would they have to hold it, but they would have to hold on to it for five days!
Well, at least they had to hold out for three days, or else they were going to be laughed to death on the forums.

“I do not understand why I, a casino owner, should also be shaken into such a battle.”

Riding a luxurious skeleton warhorse, accompanied by the vampire swordsman Miss Sinking Fish, who entered the battlefield, Live Whole Quite Well spat viciously:

“I haven’t fought in over a month, say, can’t I hire someone else to fight in my place? How many things must be delayed by guarding here for twenty days.”

“Just shut up!”

The nearby Sinking Fish couldn’t listen anymore, and she slapped Old Huo’s skeletal warhorse on its saddle and chided:
“This is a game! It’s for you to enjoy life, not for you to run around making money, you guy! Addicted to business right?”

“Hey, this is a blue ocean market.”

Old Huo whispered with some aggravation:

“Isn’t this for your ideal? You also have shares in the casino, as long as you earn enough, isn’t it .”

“The jackals are coming up! Get ready!”

The shouted warning from high in the sky from Brother Xiao Fu caused all the members of the First Battle Group, whether they were veteran players or newcomers, to quickly return to their senses, and they quickly formed up along the high ground under the command of Brother Woo Meow, who was wielding a giant axe.

Stable veteran players in the front, noisy newcomers in the back, have to let the veteran players to lead to avoid newcomers to be washed up and scattered, the previous battle so that these commanders have learned the lesson.

All the players with the profession of shield hand were drawn to the front line, while the hunters and psychic masters have already started to take aim, old Huo was not happy but he also raised his war scythe, with a call, more than five eerie vengeful spirits were summoned, looking at the degree of skill one can tell that this smack-talking guy must have not practiced a lot in his private life.

“They think they won’t be afraid, but we’ll show them they’re wrong!”

Brother Woo Meow began his pre-battle declaration.

He watched as the jackals running wildly with wolves in front of him got closer and closer, and the blood-killing power belonging to the Red Knights of War began to linger.

He threw the Bloodwood Tree Seed at his feet and roared at the top of his lungs:

“We will hold here! Today, brothers, today we are the gatekeepers of Hell, the mourners of the Underworld! We will make them remember this day forever! We’ll show them what it means to shed blood and to be scared!”

“Don’t you have any fucking lines of your own?”

Cinnabar Dragon, a newcomer who only entered the game yesterday, spat in a low voice:

“It’s too unlucky to say this now, you’re still holding an axe, don’t you want to rush up and get killed by the opposite Jackal Dude with a sword in order to be worthy of your line!”

“Shut up! Don’t bother me, this accumulating aura bars ready to decapitate it.”

Brother Woo Meow chortled:

“Although I’m an Avalon believer, I’m at least the No. 1 Berserker in the game at the moment, so I have to have some face.”


He said that he is a berserker, the result of the ears ringing if there is no hum, seems to have “people” to this kind of declaration of dissatisfaction, in this continent, the berserker is not you want to be a berserker can not be Oh~.
(End of chapter)

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