585.Chapter 583 582 Black Plague Opening Practice! First Contact! For the “U

Chapter 583: 582. Black Plague Opening Practice! First contact! -For brother “Crow_13” [2430].

When Murphy was first reborn, he knew that teleportation spells had a bad reputation on the continent, except for the teleportation spells released by those psychics with spatial talent, which could still be called “safe”, the other teleportation spells had a high risk of getting lost.

Compared to the terrible risk of getting lost in the astral world, those who cherish their lives will always be willing to put up with the trouble of long-distance travel, and besides, there are actually quite a lot of means that can be used for fast travel on this continent, so they don’t necessarily have to gamble on their luck with teleportation spells.

There are only a few cases in history where teleportation has been used on a large scale, and none of them have been used in a critical situation where it would hurt the enemy a thousand times, but would only be used to harm the enemy eight hundred times.

However, this risk has been eliminated for Transylvania nowadays, Murphy’s star world guardian, Lord Mannis, is a rather peculiar star world demigod, thanks to the gift of the serpent of time that allows it to appear anywhere in the star world at any time, and in the “strange contract” Murphy signed with it, there is an important item that is Mannis is required to become the Transylvanian’s “Star World Traveling Defense Officer”.

Once the Transylvanians encountered a teleportation accident, Mannis must return them to the material world as quickly as possible.

The Endless does not resist this kind of work, anyway, with its current poor strength, it can not make trouble in the star world, idle is still sleeping, so it would be better to come out and move around.

But the contract also stipulates “special circumstances”.

For example, if the location of the unlucky person lost in the star world is close to other demigods’ nests or core territories, Lord Mannis will not take any risks.

Generally speaking, when the demigods of the Astral World encountered such people lost in the material world next to them, they wouldn’t hurt them too much, and sometimes they could even talk about it and make a deal or something to create a strange legend.

However, the Transylvanians should pray that this doesn’t happen to them, with Mannis’ “infamous” connections in the Astral Plane, if they get lost to other demigods… well, it probably won’t be good. Well, it probably wouldn’t be good.

Anyway, Murphy’s unlocking of the “Astral Guardian” made teleportation tactics one of Transylvania’s options for war, and allowed the psychics to do what they wanted to do.

Just ten minutes after the Black Flame Mountain Pass army fought with the incoming jackal vanguard clan at the foot of the mountain, a dozen scarlet teleporters appeared at the edge of the battlefield.

“What the hell is that?”

The commander of the Blood Alliance Sovereign Army, who had just completed a flanking harvest while riding on a warhorse and holding a spear gun, shouted:

“Is it enemy reinforcements?”

“No, Commander, the color of that psychic energy is a vampire teleportation spell, it could be the Lords sending support no! NOT! Those guys are charging out with strange battle flags, oh my god, their formation is so messed up!”

The female psychic next to the commander exclaimed, and the commander, who was riding on his horse, heard a noisy and ear-piercing roar as he looked back.

Good lord!
The wild dogs are out of their cages this is?
More than a hundred angry and belligerent maniacs rode out of the open portals wailing on a variety of carriers, and out of each portal rushed an improvised squad of 10 men, while their captains would identify themselves by raising the battle flags of Transylvania, Clan Bloodwing, & the People’s Army.

This scene not only made the Blood Alliance Squadron feel surprised, but also startled the Jackalese Little Inspector who was pressing on with his entire army in an attempt to eat this Squadron.

The vampires of the Black Flame Mountain Pass were so reckless?

The situation right now wasn’t critical, so why did they use something like teleportation that hurt both the enemy and us?

Even the jackals know that teleportation isn’t a good thing. You guys teleported over a hundred people at once, and conservatively, there are at least four or five to a dozen Lost Ones, right?

Is this level of unexpected loss actually bearable?

The Jackal Dude’s doubts were answered in the next second, and amidst ear-piercing screams, a full eight unlucky people lost in the Astral Realm were thrown back to the Material World along with their mounts amidst Mannis’s odd laughter.

And I don’t know if it was Mannis’ intention, but the landing point of these eight guys was obviously in the center of the battlefield.

Almost as soon as they landed, they entered the predicament of being surrounded, and at a glance, they had the talent to become paratroopers.


Landing on the ground, Master Qin grimaced and wiped a handful of blood from his face.

It wasn’t his blood, but his Hunting Demon War Colt had been killed by falling from a high place.

He hadn’t even started the battle yet, and he had lost his horse, damn it! He’d liked that horse, even if it was always bucking. Uh, on second thought, perhaps fate had inspired him to get a new horse for his old arms and legs.


The sound of a gunshot ringing out from beside him brought Master Qin back to his senses, and a precise waist shot from Old Curve sent searing deer bullets sweeping across his side, knocking back two jackal barbarians who had tried to sneak up on him.

Without saying a word, Master Qin drew the trench gun behind his back and loaded it, retreating backwards with the Groundhog Burning beside him while firing continuously at the lunging Jackals.

At this kind of distance, with Master Qin’s marksmanship it was simply a blazing sword and blazing fire, a blistering attack, and after retreating three steps he dry crushed the head of a barbarian soldier.

“Gather up! Defense formation! Hurry!”

Old Qin shouted, letting the other brothers rush to his side, the eight of them formed a circle formation with their backs to each other, some using guns and others using guns, melee and long-range collocation and collaboration, and it was very difficult to hold out until the subsequent madness charge launched by the brothers tore apart the Jackals’ flanks.

But the two sides a large-scale battle, Transylvanian warriors immediately realized, bad, bad!

These jackals are a bit of a handful!

They are all warriors who have come all the way from Transylvania’s novice village, and all of them have fought with the local jackals that are almost “extinct” in Transylvania, and basically all of them have swiped the Blood Claw Clan’s reputation.

But those one meter six or seven or so degraded jackals, and the general height of these jackals in front of the two meters two or three or so is not a “species” ah!

The impact of these guys riding huge black wolves was no less than that of facing human cavalry, and a number of players were knocked off their horses the moment the two sides collided. Their current carrier simply can not adapt to this level of violent collision, after all, the civilian horse and other professional cavalry horse or a little gap.

Moreover, the jackals that could be sent as vanguard scouts to do the provocation couldn’t possibly be rookies, this vanguard clan in front of them even had caster units like hunting priests and voodoo priests, although these 300 or so jackals weren’t as exaggerated as everyone’s elites, but just in terms of combat power and organization, this was definitely a true elite.

Master Qin and his buddies threw a dozen scouting spells at the nearby monsters and found one rare and one elite, and one fucking rare elite, and three special monsters out of the twenty jackals.

According to this ratio, the jackals in the Dark Mountain Range have an outrageous rate of success!

No wonder in the players killed into the battlefield before, Heather sent out to reconnoiter the escort army has been beaten back, not the escort army is not strong, is really these jackals really a little fierce.

However, the players’ flanking charge instead gave the Squires the possibility to regroup.

Although he didn’t understand where this group of lunatics who dared to charge directly at the Jackals’ main formation came from, the commander of the Sovereign Army wouldn’t let go of this good opportunity.

“Defense formation! Shieldbearers raise their shields, lancers move forward! Rangers fall back and prepare to parry and kill!”

This veteran commander roared from his warhorse and gave a series of orders, and those who were originally preparing to retreat immediately reorganized their formation in place, a heavy shield was set up along the engagement line, and the rear row of spear-wielding warriors stepped forward side by side to place their long-staffed stabbing spears on the shoulders of the shield guards in front of them, creating the effect of a forest of swords and spears in an instant.

A few dozen paces away from the rear position, the rangers also formed a square formation raising their war bows to the sky ready to complete the parry.

The psychic masters in the ranks continuously threw out retardation spells to slow down the speed and impact of the jackals charging formation, of course the jackal warriors of the vanguard clan were not afraid of charging, but their wolves would not be foolish enough to charge towards the spears in front of them, so in the face of this hedgehog-like position, the jackal vanguard quickly spread out to both sides intending to go around the back.

But just at this time, the first wave of parries from the rangers had already arrived.

The special arrows strengthened the weight of the head, so that when they fall along the parabola more lethal, hundreds of arrows flying into the air ringing the sound of the wind piercing and deadly, when they fall a wave took away more than a dozen unlucky people.

Against the jackals do not need to talk about what martial virtues, these arrows are poisoned, enough to ensure that if you are wounded, you will die.

The squire side always stood their ground, but the player side was in a bit of trouble.

Facing the ferocious jackal clusters, their destructive power is slightly insufficient, although basically participated in the swamp battle raid, but these players are not first-tier professionals, as can be seen from the Qin masters to participate in the battle, they are considered to enter the game batch backward, equipment and battle skills accumulation is still a bit insufficient.

After the first wave of flanking charge was blocked by the jackals, they fell into the dilemma of being surrounded, and the other party’s individual strength is obviously stronger than the players, need two or three players to cooperate together in order to have a good harvest in this chaos.

To put it politely, this is almost the first time that these players who have never experienced the “opening period of the game” encountered a strong and powerful counterattack, especially when the jackal hunting priests began to apply the bloodthirsty berserk spell, their pursuit of glory quickly turned into a desperate fight to save their lives.


Seeing that more than a hundred players who had killed their way into the battlefield had died and wounded one-fifth of them in less than ten minutes, Master Qin, who would have already gotten command of the battlefield, viciously exploded the head of the Jackal Savage Soldier in front of him, whose leg had been chopped off, with a single shot. His body was covered in blood stains as he looked back at the battlefield behind him.

The Jackals have completed their encirclement, and they are pressing over from all sides to slaughter the trapped players, the good news is that no one is running away, the bad news is that they can’t run away even if they want to.

The position they rushed to before was problematic, causing them to be trapped in the center of the battlefield, those NPC psychic masters who sent them over were all very cunning in the periphery of the hunt, but even if they wanted to save them, it would be very difficult for them to provide effective support now.


Master Qin shortened his body to dodge the flying axe that smashed beside him, and used the trench gun in his hand to return the favor to the jackal headhunter over there, and amidst the latter’s screams, Old Qin knew that he had to do something now, or else his morale would collapse.

For players who wouldn’t die, death wasn’t a problem, it was just an experience, but once something like morale collapsed, players would definitely be psychologically pressurized when they entered battle on a large scale afterwards.

By mistake, they became the first wave of players to go head-to-head with the Jackals, which was the first battle between Transylvania and the Black Plague.

This is the first battle! The symbolism is significant.

What does it mean to use me in the first battle, I will win? This is the reason, must come to a big win to give the brothers boost, but now this scene want to win has been impossible, so must use a little “outside the dish”.

“Everyone! Everyone who can still move! Listen to my order!”

Old Qin shouted in the merged team frame:

“We’ve been surrounded, you saw how fierce these wild monsters are, we only have a few healers, it’s impossible to get out alive now! Since we’re all going to die in the end, let’s behave decently!

Don’t be cowards when it comes to death, take out your dueling wine for me!
Then follow me and charge!”

This order stunned the other players, who were a bit hesitant and fell back on the idea that they could still be saved . However, in the next second, a prompt appeared on the interface of all the players involved in the battle who were still alive at the same time:
[The Transylvanian Advance Army has engaged in contact combat with the Dark Mountain Jackals, current battlefield trend assessment: not optimistic! General Maxim has decided to deploy the Transylvanian Specialty Unit – Xico Winged Cavalry X300, reinforcements are already in place!

Reinforcements in position: 3M!


Battle time allocation has been enabled! If this battle is won, even if a player is killed in action, the People’s Army Logistics Office will grant him or her the right to prioritize the selection of loot he or she deserves.


The defenders of the Black Flame Pass defense line are observing the battlefield, and the outcome of this battle will directly determine the amount of support the Transylvanian camp can receive in the early stages of the Black Plague War.


The honor system has been activated! The nickname “Deserter” is now online, and the special unit – People’s Army Court Martial is now online!

“Blanch! Now that’s Barbie Q.”

The three kilograms of groundnut burn beside Master Qin sighed as he glanced at the few blood-bath brothers beside him, shrugged his shoulders, pulled out the slender bottle stuck in his belt, and twisted it open.

A few art students clinking their glasses to each other in what would still be a very ceremonial manner, and then drinking a mouthful of the decisive wine from that bottle in a single gulp.

As soon as they drank the stuff it burned like a fire in their bodies, the blood bars on their character interface began to glow and burn while their character stats began to skyrocket, letting their power increase break through 40% in just a few seconds.

“Ah! I now feel like I can hack a cow to death with an axe!”

Groundhog Burn’s eyes were red as he gasped for air, and he pounced on a Jackal, and after firing three shots in a row from the trench gun in his hand, he simply swung the thing as a war hammer, and in three or two strokes, he knocked the Jackal Headhunter to the ground.

But he rushed too fast immediately was surrounded by the jackals stared at, a moment was stabbed several times, blood swish bottom, but this guy laughed and stuck a jackal in front of him into his stomach knife, hard to let the other side no way to pull out the knife.

The tall jackal carrying the clan’s war flag was dumbfounded.

It looked blankly at the Transylvanian who was about to die in front of it, and the latter gave it a subtle smile, then crushed the “last stand” spell in his hand.


The purple-black corrosive spiritual energy was like a firework that exploded, swirling the three surrounding jackals who couldn’t dodge in time, failing to kill any of them, but the corrosive power made these jackals scream in pain.

Then, they saw a group of red-eyed guys howling and pouncing like the madman just now.

The jackals who still had the advantage this instant were like a dam in a certain prestigious country that was collapsed in a single rush, and the encirclement that was so dominant just now became a deadly ambush in this instant.

Crazy players do not care about you this!
Drinking the decisive wine has entered the countdown of this life, they must pull a few more back before hanging, so it must be where there are more monsters to charge! And quite black humor is, arithmetic treasure pearl at this moment actually also opened a temporary function, used to record the number of kills in this conflict players.

So the last life-burning battle has logically evolved into a standard “death race”.

Those Transylvanian madmen’s fighting posture made the commander of the Blood Alliance’s Squadron, who had always been known for their courageousness, look dumbfounded, and the psychic lady beside him was even so surprised that her mouth was so wide open that she could have stuffed an egg into it.

Time lost its meaning in this instant, until the countdown to the arrival of reinforcements went to zero.

As ten large teleportation portals opened nearly a thousand meters from the edge of the battlefield, the bleak sound of trumpets spread throughout the battlefield in this instant, and at this moment, Lord Heather, who was observing the battle from high up in the sky on an armed griffin, looked to the ground.

She saw the legendary Xike Winged Cavalry entering the battlefield.

300 wing cavalrymen with tall horses, as tall as giants compared to dwarves, quickly adjusted their formation a thousand meters away, and they began to advance at a slow pace under the leadership of a tall knight with a scarlet warhammer, and then began to accelerate, with one stage of acceleration, a second stage of acceleration, and three stages of acceleration with their wings unfurled.

In the time that the Transylvanians bought with their lives, the continent’s first heavy cavalry finally turned into a blade of extinction to charge again from the wrong direction that the warriors chose to charge just now.

And this time, the Jackals’ position was easily torn apart like a child’s toy.

The fluttering battle flag and low trumpets with trampling iron hooves announced the destruction of this vanguard clan of jackals, who were buried here forever without even entering the outer perimeter of the Black Flame Pass.

But who would have thought that the Transylvanians, who had been passive in the first four Black Plagues, presided over the first battle when the fifth Black Plague arrived.

Even if it was only a small, surprise battle that wouldn’t be recorded, it seemed to announce some kind of unseen change was quietly taking place.

“Well? My warriors aren’t bad, are they?”

Murphy’s voice sounded quietly from her side as Lord Heather watched in silence, hovering under the beat of her wings, the governor of Transylvania admired from high above the second break in the battlefield that Happy Stick had so deftly commanded.

He said:

“Still think we Transylvanians are unworthy to fight alongside you now? Ms. Heather.”

“You have a bunch of crazies under your command!”

The Dwarven Vampire Lord chortled with a very stiff upper lip:

“I’ll admit that the victory was shocking, but you lost almost everyone from the first wave of the charge, so, Murphy, are you the type of madman who would trade the lives of your warriors for victory?”

“No, no, no, no, such an act would be an act of cruelty anywhere else, but Ms. Heather, for us Transylvanians this is an exception.”

Murphy said softly:
“If it is for victory, then the sacrifice is worth it, and no one under my command would begrudge giving their life, even me, if one death at a time would result in one victory.

This is how we Transylvanians fight, take your retinue back, the poor boys are actually frightened by the wild battle stance of their own people, they should have cooperated with the counterattack but they stayed where they were.

Sheesh, what a failure.

Also, this area is mine for the time being, I’m going to conduct a bait and switch to fight our Transylvanian fame here, and in the meantime, so I can ‘warm up’ my warriors.”

(End of chapter)

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