582.Chapter 580 579 The Blood Vulture Clan’s new faction is really a big deal to

Chapter 580 579.The Blood Vulture Clan’s new faction is truly eye-opening -Additional [2130

(For brother “Raven_13” [1/5])
Murphy with a group of ogres, bear goblins and goatmen strange combination of waving like in the dawn of the next day in the morning light, appeared in front of the position of the Black Flame mountain pass.

These alien monster army caused an unnecessary commotion, and was rightfully stopped by the Blood League Squad, but after hearing Murphy say that these strange creatures were the newly established “Transylvanian Foreign Corps”, even the knowledgeable captains of the Blood League Squad were stunned.

There is nothing wrong with this explanation, but as the Governor of Transylvania, do you want to hear what vampire jokes you are making?
Did you know that during the previous Black Plagues, the Jackal and Wolf armies had a notable number of ogres and bear goblins working for them? Good guy, you really want to enhance their own power has been a bit unscrupulous and desperate to get a doctor.

I suggest you take a look at your brain, folks.

According to the rules of the Black Flame Pass, these dangerous creatures of the Dark Mountains are not allowed to pass through, but because Lord Murphy’s “connections” are really hard enough, after the matter was reported, there was soon a warrant from Lord Heather to give these guys the green light.

Of course, the price for going through the back door is that the wise and powerful Governor Murphy was called to Lord Heather’s office, and under the command of his ear, he wrote a 500-word review with a heavy heart, and swore in the name of the Blood Vulture Clan that he would no longer use those damned words that would hurt the “feelings of the dwarves”.

But if you expect vampires to comply with such an oath that is simply a joke, vampires do not have the benefit of the gods at this time on the embodiment of the benefits of this kind of oath for them is just like wiping paper, no binding.

Murphy could make sure he didn’t say those two words in front of Lord Heather, but it was time to say them in front of that asshole Loren.

Anyway, although it took a little bit of time, Murphy and his “foreign regiment” still crossed the Black Flame Pass without any danger under the “escort” of a large group of Blood League escorts, and the defense strength here was obviously a little bit tighter than two days ago. Lord Heather has also discovered the Jackal scouts that are roaming more and more frequently in the area around the Black Flame Pass.

This was a sign of danger!
Their appearance meant that the Black Plague had officially taken shape, and it wouldn’t be long before the first wave of impacts arrived.

At the same time when Murphy crossed the Black Flame Pass, the news from Lord Heather was also sent to the headquarters of the Blood Alliance Knights that were defending near the Brass Fortress, and Venerable Lord Paying brought several “mysterious people” that were escorted by Rose Knight Palano to the Brass Fortress on that day.

According to gossip, His Holiness was going to hold a high-level commanders’ meeting there to discuss the topic of dealing with the Black Plague.

However, the situation of these big names has nothing to do with Murphy, at least for now, His Excellency the Governor of Transylvania is not qualified to talk and laugh with those guys.

After commanding the “foreign corps” into the barren mountain area, Murphy did not immediately go to the Shadow Valley, but chose another road on the way down the mountain, according to the map given by Adele all the way to the mountainous area, and arrived at the village called “New Mejiawa” after an hour. and arrived at the village called “New Megawatt” an hour later.

This is the place where the Shadow Elves who fled here are temporarily staying, and it is also the area where Velanthir used to deal with the “attendant affairs” in the past few days.


When he saw the outline of the village built at the foot of the mountain, Murphy gave his ogre fighters an order to rest here for a while.

The stupid and lazy ogres had long been tired of walking, and they couldn’t wait to take a rest.

So under the leadership of the big and strong governor, they strung the carcasses of the seat wolves on their backs with tree branches and built a fire to start a pleasant barbecue, while the bear goblins seized the time to rest, but the goat people who did not look like a good person were gathered on the side and started whispering.

“Something terrible must have happened in that village!”

An old goatman scholar with a cane said to the rest of his companions:
“The smell of blood is all over the changing psychic energies around here, and it’s not even blood from a massacre, it should be some kind of blood-related ritual…”

“Considering the status quo, it would be better if you just said First Embrace.”

Julia shook her head:

“That must be some kind of operation that the Blood Vulture Clan is carrying out here, and considering our current delicate relationship with them, I think it’s better for us to pretend we didn’t notice.”

The group of old silver coin goatmen nodded their heads at once.

The goatmen as a group were small in number and disunited, often engaging in internal divisions yet they were still able to muddle through in the Dark Mountain Range, the paradise of Darwinism, relying on this kind of carefulness and their frighteningly high IQ compared to other races.

After this topic was tacitly skipped over, the old goatman with the cane looked around and whispered to Julia:
“You made a deal with that vampire governor? Julia, you know that you a second level scholar doesn’t have the authority to represent the Dark Roots, and the elders will be furious for that.”

“Then let them be angry, the black plague has already occurred they have no way to summon me back, and in the face of our post’s plea for help that side just ignored it, the promised support was delayed before yesterday’s tragedy occurred.

I have good reason to think that you and I have been abandoned, and what’s more, I’ve found the Honorary Elder, Lady Tris, and after the death of my mentor, I have a new backer!”

The goat woman was indeed not a good person as Murphy had expected, blinking her peculiar cross pupils and speaking in a somber tone to the old goat man:
“The situation in Abyssal City is getting worse and worse, those monsters that appear frequently in our mountainous region are simply not something we can deal with, and the elders are all discussing moving away from that increasingly unsettling place.

They just don’t talk about it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t detect it.

After all, even the Abyssal Treasure Trove has begun to migrate, haven’t they?

Old Finley, I don’t believe you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, everyone living in the Abyssal City can still barely maintain the surface unity, however, once we move out of there, the second great split of the goat people will be close at hand.

You know better than I do what our people are like, and if you don’t want to follow the pedantic elders down the same path, you’ll have to look for a way out in advance.

You see, everyone wants more options at hand, and we’ve got an invitation from the Governor of Transylvania.

If that place survives this Black Plague, perhaps Dark Roots can take root in Transylvania, we were born in the Dark Mountains yes, but who wants to live in this hell all the time if they have a choice?

We could pledge our allegiance to Lady Tris!
You survived that era, don’t tell me you haven’t heard of the ‘Scarlet Witch’! With her patronage, we can grow and expand quickly, and the Transylvanian heritage of Trickster has been recognized by Governor Murphy.

This means that we can operate there openly and honestly, and even form our own spellcaster faction.

Gee, what a good thing, the elders, but if they’re not senile yet, they know I’m making the right choice! If they have a conscience, they should leave the waning Dark Roots to me.”

In the face of Julia’s statement, the old goatman Finlay, who had seen a lot of big waves, was silent, and after a few moments, it suggested:
“Take a step and see, Julia, you are too young and impulsive to understand the disastrous consequences that a wrong step can bring, my advice is not to rush your allegiance yet! See with your eyes first, and of course if Lady Tris is willing to accept us ‘old friends’ and give us power, then I will fully assist you in convincing the Elders to send the ‘Spell Corps’.

And hey, you’re right, instead of letting all those centuries of accumulated power be used in a civil war with our compatriots, why don’t you use it to win us a future.”

On the other hand, the lone Murphy walked in the dead village, this New-Mejva village should have more than three hundred Shadow Elves before, but right now it was as dead as hell.

Murphy didn’t even need to activate his vampire senses to know what had happened here, the strong smell of blood in the air already said everything.

“These damn degenerate lunatics.”

He cursed, and then went forward and kicked the door of the village barn, and in the wood chips flying across the sky, there was a group of “intertwined” Shadow Elves in front of his eyes, although the conditions here were really limited, this group of ceremonial guys actually tried their best to collect some food, and then lighted candles to create a party atmosphere.

I’m not invited to a YP, am I?

Murphy cursed, what really made him feel disgusted was not the depravity and debauchery of these newly born Shadow Elf vampires, but the blood in the cups that they put in their hands to “help”.

There were no other races in the vicinity of the village, which meant that the blood came from their own people.
Former compatriots!
“Where is Velanthar?”

Murphy chortled with a frown:
“Make her come to me!”

Although these Shadow Elf vampires were not Murphy’s heirs, their honorary elders were all Vilanthar, and Vilanthar was Murphy’s servant, so this kind of hierarchical relationship allowed Murphy to have a certain degree of “deterrence” towards these guys.

In his roar, a naked shadow elf immediately climbed up and ran to inform, but the rest of the people actually still in the “entertainment”, perhaps under the despair of self-abandonment, perhaps after finding a new hope of indulgence, in short, this is too open posture to make Murphy simply do not have the eyes to see.

Adele’s disdain for Shadow Elves is really justified, Murphy immediately regretted letting these guys into the Blood Vulture Clan, once these guys go to the Scarlet Fortress, they will definitely make the steadily improving clan into a mess again.

In the future, there will be no more Shadow Elf vampires, of course, there is no problem to leave the players as an optional race.

He turned around and walked out, waiting for his servant to come over in one of the houses.

A few minutes later, the human form of Velancer appeared in front of Murphy’s eyes, this guy did not grow the blood wings of the Blood Vulture Clan because of Ms. Spider’s divine power modification that made her grow the blood wings of the Blood Vulture Clan, but those of her servants inherited the blood of the Sin Descendants intact, so it could only be said that this thing called divine power was truly magical.

“Had enough fun?”

Murphy, who was sitting on a chair, said in a cold tone as he looked at Villanther in front of him, who had specifically changed his clothes and displayed a submissive and humble posture:

“I don’t remember giving you orders like this, do I? Just how many have you killed?”

“Well, O great master, are you angry because of those dead?”

How clever Velanthar was. She immediately captured the source of Murphy’s anger and carefully explained:
“Your humble servants are only doing things according to your orders, I came back here to announce that I had brought the gift of the blood of the sinful descendants, and as a result, there were many people on the spot who were planning to fish to death, obviously! This counterattack itself meant that they were all eyes of the dusk!
So I killed them all as you ordered, after all, my heirs need a full dose of blood to soothe their precarious minds as well.

But I can assure you that the one hundred and thirty that survived are loyal! They will be the craziest Shadowblades of Clan Bloodwyvern, ready to fulfill any of your commands.”

“Will the initial embrace of one hundred and thirty people at once take a toll on your strength?”

Murphy asked, and Villanther was relieved to hear that her master was no longer dwelling on the question she had just asked, which allowed her to keenly feel Murphy’s bottom line.

As long as it was something related to dusk, her own master, who was slightly sensitive at heart, would immediately become cold and ruthless.


That’s the basic talent to be able to do great things.

And in the face of Murphy’s inquiry, the life-weaving maiden revealed a sweet smile, she approached Murphy and handed over the roster, saying in a warm voice:
“I am at least a golden ranked being, my master, you don’t have to worry about me, Ms. Spider’s divine power shelters my body and mind.

I am also aware of some of the pitfalls of the whole blood bond thing, vampires can’t use their heirs as cannon fodder because they would be harmed by their heir’s death, but you needn’t worry at all about that problem with my faction.

I will not become weakened by the death of an heir because the source of my power is not the blood of a sinful descendant, I mean, you can use my heirs to your heart’s content.

Send them to the most dangerous places, send them on the most horrific missions, they live only for blood now, and the Blood of the Sinful Descendants is truly a marvelous thing, it almost immediately corrected the shadows in the minds of those of my people for the destruction of the city of Medjevar.

They no longer cared at all about the death of their homeland, but reveled in the new power that the blood brought.

What a great sword to use!
The best part is that you don’t need to feel any psychological burden in abandoning them, and besides, I’ve sent several of my inner circle back to the area of the Eternal Rift to retrieve the Sacred Blade of Avalon that I’ve hidden there.

With their wings, they can leap over the previously impassable Black Flame Pass, in addition to the lost treasures of the city of Megawa.”

“Those will come later!”

Murphy waved his hand to interrupt Villanther’s reply, he took a look at the Shadow Elf Blood Essence that Villanther had collected according to his request, and nodded with satisfaction, this thing was brought back for himself to drink soon he would be able to get the complete Shadow Elf racial template.

He put the roster and elf blood away and said:

“About that Avalon Sacred Blade you go talk to the members of the Church of Avalon still in the Valley of the Shadow, they will devise a quest chain to drive the warriors to retrieve it and package it as a miracle.

I’m going to give you another quest.

As you can see, I have an additional group of goatmen under my command, but I do not trust them because they are cunning, their leader will go to Transylvania and the rest of them will stay in the Valley of Shadows as our spell casting force, you and your heirs will watch over them for me.

If they intend to do evil .”

“I understand, master, we’re familiar with doing this sort of thing, leave it to me.”

Veranthir said softly:

“I will be your eyes and blade in the darkness of the night, and I will only use my powers for you alone. By the way, master, last night I made a prophecy for you.”


Murphy looked over at Villancer, he had already experienced the prophetic powers of the Fate Weaver girl first hand, and this would come to be of interest.

Villanther didn’t sell out either, she said:

“I saw you standing majestically amidst a sea of corpses and blood in the prophecy, and I also saw that an indescribably terrible and drastic change would take place in the Cato region, and the glorious sun that shrouded the Golden Bird Flower would be dimmed as a result, but that change would undoubtedly stretch out to create even more ripples.

I am unable to decipher those more complex relationships, and any prophecies pertaining to you would become quite obscure, but I can confirm that this event will affect the development of your territory, and you should perhaps prepare for it in advance.

Also, I have divined love for you in passing.

Perhaps I should congratulate you on the fact that you will have at least two confidants in addition to Lady Tris, and to my dismay, I don’t figure among them, but that’s not a bad thing, it means that I don’t have to make the difficult choice of choosing between my sincere beliefs and my wholehearted devotion to you.

Your life will not be alone!
Bless you, my handsome Lord.”

Murphy, who had been hesitant because of Vilanthar’s iffy war prophecy, suddenly grimaced upon hearing Vilanthar’s love prophecy, and fished a silver coin out of his pocket and placed it in her palm as a rightful expense for the prophecy.

He said:

“Good prophecy, next time don’t prophesy! Grab your people and come with me, the Valley of the Shadow needs you.”

“Fuck! The Legendary Weapon is right in front of me, but I can’t get it!”

Outside the hunting guards’ graveyard cave in the swampy forbidden land, the gray-faced Happy Stick and Tiger Leopard Rider brothers were hanging their heads in shame, just a moment ago, their newly formed “Treasure Hunting Troupe” conducted an armed reconnaissance of the cave, and in the end, they were almost woken up by those “awakened” hunting guards. The result was that they were almost eaten alive by those “awakened” hunting guards.

The reason for this was because when they saw the legendary weapon of the King of Bone Biting, the overly excited Tiger Leopard Rider-Soldier reached out and touched it, which immediately triggered a hidden trap, turning the entire cave strewn with corpses into a deadly place.

Rod and his own brothers had killed their way out almost all the way, and it was also fortunate that they ran fast, or else the fate of being blocked by these more than 500 hunting forbidden guards in the narrow terrain of the cave would be absolutely horrifying.

“How can we fight this!”

Little Reed Name, who was flying around above the swamp, covered his eyes and wailed sadly:
“Even the pawns are super elite, the squad leaders are all silver ranked, and there’s a near gold ranked Undead Seatwolf Lord inside, so all 40 of us would have to go to hell even if we threw ourselves in there. This unfortunate terrain has no way to start the queue, so charging in can only be killed by others as a pig.”

“That’s why we need to play a bit more obscenely.”

Lin Bei dog paddled to the left and right and turned back to Cat who was frowning behind him and suggested:

“How about trying to kite? Pull out and kill them one by one?”

“No way! The hate is interlocked.”

Old Qu touched the wound on his waist, it hurt so much that he bared his teeth as he said:

“I just tried, one shot can trigger chaos in the cave, luckily I escaped in time by entering natural concealment, these monsters won’t leave the cave, so you can’t kite them, you can only kill them by force.”

“F*ck! Fuck on incendiary bombs.”

Brother Woo Meow shouted as he waved his fist:

“Burn all these undead to death and we’ll go back in and pick up the legendary weapons, this is the first loop of the legendary quest, it’d be a shame if we get stuck here.”

“No, don’t think about trickery.”

Mrs. Water, who hadn’t said anything, reached out and stopped the others from going all the way in the crooked path, she said seriously:
“If you guys read the quest text carefully, you’ll know that this cave in front of us is a trial given to us by Hogg, and it clearly says that it needs to ensure that we must have top-notch fighting skills before the operation begins in order to accomplish the feat of deicide.

Perhaps this is some sort of hint from the development team.

We can’t keep up with the advancement of the version anymore, so maybe it’s time to go back to steady combat, refining our skills and developing our potential bars by constantly fighting strong enemies.

It’s like when we went through the Black Iron Trial before, maybe the reason why no one has triggered the Silver Trial so far is that, the environment in Transylvania isn’t challenging for us anymore, so not getting the heavy pressure makes it impossible to improve our combat skills any further.”

“That’s right, everyone’s potential release bars improved in the Battle of the Swamp, right?”

Garnet moved her fists and looked at the cave covered in corpses in front of her as she said:

“Wisdom and shortcuts can solve a lot of things, but the path of power has always been difficult, and it’s time to use true power and hearth and home skills to decide the winner. For now at least, gentlemen, let our wits rest for a while.”

(End of chapter)

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