Chapter 58 58 Witch Hunters? Why are there witch hunters? This time also

Chapter 58 58. witch hunters? Why are there witch hunters? This time it was a real case of the wrong people!
“Mr. Portman, you said three workers who were out logging went missing last night?”

On the fifth day of the special event in Cadman City, Miriam received bad news early in the morning.

Holding a cup of odd-tasting but refreshing tea, she looked at the captain of the camp guards in front of her, the latter in his forties had been a constable in the outer city of Cadman City and was now appointed to command a total of 30 camp guards.

The fat, somewhat balding man was wiping the sweat from his eyes before Miriam’s eyes.

Although Miriam was old enough to be his daughter, but right now his life and his new position were all at the other party’s whim, which was enough to make him feel in awe of Miriam.

This emotion was also keenly captured by the redhead.

Not hating the feeling of being treated with respect, she took the stance of the administrators she remembered seeing and slowed her tone to ask:

“Could there have been an error in the records? It’s the first time many of the guards in the camp have done this professionally, have you been to see it?”

“I’ve personally visited the shacks where those three workers were assigned, and I’ve asked around, Lord Superintendent.”

The fat captain said seriously:

“It can be confirmed that they are truly missing! They didn’t go to work today either, and the squad leader who counts labor points hasn’t seen the three of them since last night.”

“Could they have escaped?”

Miriam’s assistant, a smart and clever maid from a rich merchant’s family, couldn’t help but ask when she saw the Lord in Charge fall into thought:
“Although most of the people in the camp have accepted the management, there are some stubborn people who are dissatisfied in their hearts with the order that Lord Murphy has brought in, we all know this.”

“No, it is not.”

Guard Captain Portman explained:

“Those three lumberjacks, all young men rescued by Lord Maxim, have done very hard work in the last two days when assigned work, and two of them have family in the camp.

Those who know them say that these three guys are honest and decent, they have no reason or ability to run away at this time of the year, and how far can they run without even bringing food or clothes?

My guess, from years of experience in casework, is that they were probably carried off by wild animals while walking around the campground after work, and that forest in the neighborhood has been active with coyotes since long ago.”

“I don’t feel right about this.”

Miriam shook her head and said to Mr. Portman:
“You go ahead and take your men and look around, keep it quiet so as not to make a scene, I need to report this to Lord Murphy. It’s a good thing the curfew has been enforced for two days or this wouldn’t have been so easily discovered.”

A few minutes later, Murphy learned about the “missing worker incident” in the survivor camp through the link of the Computing Pearl, he was still preparing for the “Great Burning Plan” to recover the ruins of the city and couldn’t be separated from it, but when he raised his head, he happened to see two small players When he looked up, he saw two small players walking out of the city carrying their weapons while talking and laughing.

He remembered that they seemed to be Niu Niu’s two elementary school students?
Two sports students!
Just in time to be sent to run an errand.

Murphy’s eyes rolled, coughed, and said to the two moody little players:
“My warriors, come over here, I have an important task for you.”

The two small players glanced at each other and instantly ran over with excitement, and made a decent local salute to Murphy, which they had learned from the others.

“We are willing to offer our loyalty to you, Lord Murphy.”

The two guys expressed their loyalty.

But just by looking at them, one could tell that they were definitely planning to brush up on their goodwill.

Murphy ignored the two little players’ fiery expressions with the steadiness an NPC should have, and he said in a low tone:

“Something has happened in the survivor camp, the three hardworking and reliable workers that were under our protection disappeared last night, although it is possible that it is because of the wild beasts, we can’t take it lightly.

I would like you two to go and scout around and help Miss Miriam with the trouble she is in.”


The quest triggered, and the two young players immediately looked at their player interface:
[Random Event – “Trouble at the Camp” has been triggered.
Mission Description: A disturbing change has occurred in the survivor camp, and with the current shortage of manpower, Lord Murphy has decided to send his most loyal and reliable warriors to eliminate all potential hidden dangers.

Mission Objective: Thoroughly search the surroundings of the camp and look for clues to the missing workers.

Reward: Unknown, additional rewards will be given for eradicating hidden dangers.

Time Limit: Before dusk today.


Random events are different from quests in that they often have a time limit and random rewards, so please complete the event within the time limit].

“Charge charge charge! After this wave of quests, seeing our strong and reliable Murphy-sama’s favorability will definitely swish up.”

The two young players received the quest and rushed without looking back to the stables at the edge of the defense line, where there were docile old horses that could be rented to facilitate traveling between the camp and the defense line.

However, they had obviously never ridden a horse before, and had to climb onto the back of the horse with difficulty with the help of an old handler who had been assigned to look after the horse, moving towards the quest objective at tortoise speed.

This whole process was a pain in Murphy’s ass to watch, especially the terrible gesture of the two students lying on their horses and still smug.

He felt that he really needed to train the small players in carrier skills, after all, in this current continent full of swords and magic, as an adventurer identity out of you, if you can’t even ride a horse is really a bit of a stretch.

But this small matter was quickly put behind Murphy, he quickly went back into the depths of the ruins of the outer city to look for those beasts of the astral realm to be eradicated.

Although he was unable to complete the trial of strength for the time being and the Blood Wyvern Sword Technique was already at the Master level, the Catacomb Sword Guard Sword Technique and the Shadow Elf Secret Sword Technique still had to be practiced, and the improvement of these two advanced sword techniques was not that easy.

Tris is also training him in the use of various psychic skills, making Murphy’s life “full”.

It’s no exaggeration to say that he is much busier than the small players who are chasing after fun.

Twenty minutes later, [Mud to Luda Oil] and [Khaki Toni Too] two small players finally arrived at the place where the workers disappeared, the two of them jumped off the old horse and tied the carrier to a tree, lifted up their weapons and began to search aimlessly.

However, as Precipice Bull’s schoolmates, the two gym students simply didn’t have the specialized searching skills to accomplish this, and their initial transitions weren’t even hunters but fighters.

Murphy had sent them purely to take a chance, utilizing the players’ nature of exploring without fear of death to take care of some areas that the natives didn’t have the means to go deeper into.

The two guys soon encountered the captain of the camp guard who was fishing in the forest, and after communicating with the other party with the help of the arithmetic pearl, the other party pointed out a possible direction, and then explored along the forest all the way to the farther side of the camp.

“This game doesn’t have a clue highlight or anything.”

Carrying a war spear, the short but sturdy “Mud to Luta Oil”, whose arms had obvious muscle contours and was very good at javelin and shot put, complained:

“At least give us a hunter’s field of vision or something like that, when will we be able to find someone if we just wander around aimlessly?
In this kind of storyline where a worker or farmer is captured, shouldn’t he end up dying in the mouth of a wild animal and then trigger a follow-up quest for revenge?”

“What? Are you still planning to carry the beast’s head back to the camp to collect the reward?”

The “Khaki Toni Tai” next to him was a tall, thin man with a pair of long legs that looked like a professional track and field athlete.

He pressed the hilt of the Squire’s sword at his waist, and carried a heraldic shield behind his back, and while looking left and right with wide eyes, he joked with his dormitory mates:
“Aren’t you afraid of running into a tiger?”

“I’m not afraid of anything, we’re all-powerful sports students, if we meet a tiger, I’ll just go up and do a sliding shovel!”

The good brother laughed, not even a little sense of crisis.

The two of them had only entered the game two days ago. Unlike the previous batch of veteran players who had fought in successive battles, the most dangerous thing they had faced now was only the city’s Despair Derivatives, and they weren’t very familiar with the various mechanisms that existed in this game.

As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless, and the sky is not afraid of the earth, thus naturally, they also failed to realize that on the branch next to them, there was a crouching witch hunter condescendingly sizing up these two rookies.

This elite scout was also surprised.

They had only captured three camp laborers last night and interrogated them for one night, but they didn’t expect that this morning they had triggered the other party’s vigilance and even sent people to search for them.

It was reasonable to say that the general management level of a post-disaster camp of this size could not reach this level.

“It seems that the information those three vampire worshippers said was true.”

This hidden witch hunter scout thought in his mind:

“The vampire leader who gathered up the survivors in Cadman City is a formidable fellow with tough warriors under his command and intends to penetrate deeper and recapture the city.

But are these the soldiers he sent?
So unprofessional!
But the armor they’re wearing is clearly in the style of the Blood Vulture Clan, they must know something more.”

With that thought in mind, the scout mimicked a bird’s call to send a message through the forest, while Mud to Luta Oil and Kachitonitai below were completely oblivious to the mutiny, as they continued to pugilistically huff and puff their way forward in their search, only to dive headfirst into an ambush circle of three Witchhunter elites ahead of them a few minutes later.


A smoke bomb suddenly fell from a high place and smashed under the feet of the two small players, and the thick smoke that rose up made their hearts startled.

After realizing that they had been ambushed, the two of them did not act in a panic, immediately drawing their weapons back to back to defend themselves in place without holding their heads.

This all came from two days of fighting in the city when they were used to Niu Niu and Maxim’s teaching and command.

But looking at the three elite witch hunters who jumped down from the tree and surrounded them, looking at the strange dress of these three guys and all kinds of weapons armed to the teeth on their bodies, the two small players realized that they were afraid that they would not be able to escape today.

“I’ll block them!”

The shield-wielding, sword-gripping khaki elder brother was quite righteous as he said to his fellow dormitory brothers behind him:
“You hurry up and break out, send coordinates on the world channel and shake people to save your life!”

“Ow, then you hold on!”

Mud to Luda Oil knew that this would not be the time to put on a show of brotherly love.

He squealed with his war spear and charged up towards the witch hunter in the rear in a piggy back stance, which was again lightly dodged by the other, while the khaki in front of him was being thrashed by two witch hunter warriors, one male and one female.

The difference was too great.

The battle was over after five seconds.

The breakout Mud to Luda Oil was stabbed in the back for refusing to cooperate and died on the spot, while Khaki was knocked out with a poisoned dart by the witch hunters and taken away as a captive.

Since the camp had been alerted, the witch hunter squad did not hesitate for a moment and quickly left the area with the four captives to return towards the village of Moorland.

They felt foolproof.

After all, killing the other party’s rookie soldier who had broken out was enough to ensure that the news wouldn’t leak.

However, in less than 20 seconds, the game forum group exploded.

Mud to Luda Oil: [Shit shit shit! We’ve encountered a ghost in a random event! Why are elite monsters being brushed near the newbie village? Or three at a time!

Lao Zi valiantly resisted and ended up getting poked and killed, and Kakitonitai got knocked out and grabbed!
Shit! What’s wrong with this game? Is there a function to capture players?

What if Kaki is tortured?

Kakitonitai: [Torture my ass! I went offline when I was knocked out, okay? The game helmet prompted me that my character was in a ‘special state’ requiring four hours before I could wake up and go online.

Good thing that doesn’t count as game time consumption.

What kind of new mechanic is this? How come there’s no description?

Tiger Leopard Cavalry – Soldier: [That’s not good, bro! Since you can go online it means you triggered a special plot ah, squinty-eyed grin, maybe it’s a test of a special feature of the game, like R18’s SM or something].

Lin Bei Dog Plane: [This game has such exciting features? Nosebleed Thumbs.jpg]

Lumina Yang Scars: [Don’t be so hasty you two, this game is still being tested, maybe it’s a small feature test, you two talk about what’s going on with those elite monsters first? New monster types?”]

Kakitonitai: [It’s a humanoid monster! Very fierce! Dressing up like the Assassin’s Creed Assassins, all wearing hoods loaded with all kinds of weapons, fighting skills are very powerful, my skillful level of swordsmanship and 7 points of endurance in front of people shit useless.

I even took a screenshot!

He sent up two pictures, taken in the middle of a fierce battle, the first one was blurry, but in the second one the image of the opponent clearly appeared.

Lumina Yangstreak: [!!!! Isn’t that an Old Cult witch hunter? We didn’t have to deal with them a lot in our previous tests, these guys are so powerful that they can’t even be killed with a gun, so I really don’t blame you guys for being rookies.

But how did they appear near Cadman City?

And touching the side of the camp? Is this a new plot to unlock? The rhythm of seamlessly connecting with the special event in Kadman City?]

Mud to Luda Oil: [Lumi-san tell me more about what’s going on here, so these guys are Murphy-sama’s enemies right? This is to seek revenge?

Lumina Yang Scar: [Not necessarily, the backstory of the witch hunters isn’t completely open right now, so hell knows what they’re up to, but I suspect it has something to do with the disaster in Cadman City, and the random quests that the two of you triggered were picked up from Lord Murphy?
It’s no wonder then.

It’s only right that a mainline NPC would release this kind of plot quest, maybe he’s already found out about these witch hunters.

Don’t be afraid, your encounters could be plot kills.

But I’m confused.

This plot kill theoretically doesn’t kill anyone, so how did you play yourself to death? Mud to Luta Oil

Mud to Luta Oil: [… I was thinking of fighting back to the end, so I wouldn’t lose face to our players! Actually, come to think of it, it seems that the witch hunter did shout something before poking me to death, maybe asking me to surrender?
I should have known not to resist!
But this is more or less a ‘work injury’ it, three days of resurrection it, hard to die, this does not give a compensation a little bit can not be said ow.

At this time in the peep screen of Murphy is also a face of confusion plus mind shock, he was not expecting to casually send a mission actually can get this kind of information.

Bastard witch hunters actually killed over again?
This bullying of honest people is not over yet!
When my little players grow up, I’ll be sure to scatter all of you!

The ashes are all for you guys to yank.

But those unlucky goods taking prisoners back?

They probably still don’t know what they’ve captured, right? This is not by the way to the witch hunters side insert a eye to take the opportunity to scout a little, simply wasted small players “sacrifice”.

Murphy thoughtfully took over Kakitonitai’s arithmetic pearl with his core pearl, and he seemed to have discovered another way to use his cute little players.

It’s a good thing they’re on his side, tsk, otherwise this would be a real defense!
(End of chapter)

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