566.Chapter 564 563 Hey, don’t put everything into your D

Chapter 564 563.Hey, don’t carve everything into your DNA! -Added [530

(For brother “Huo Zheng is fine” [5/20])
Murphy and Tris in the swamp ecological zone to do things have been done, according to reason they should leave here at night to the shadow valley, continue there urgent matters, but the two did not rush to move, but until the next day at noon.

Murphy procured a bit of fresh ingredients at Wolfsburg, and then used the kitchens of the Place of Creation to prepare a rather hearty lunch for himself and Tris.

The two of them took the time to enjoy the world of the two of them is happy, fly around the curator’s assistant iron beetle brought a “visitor application”.

It was Shani.

The two sides had agreed in advance that Shani needed to enter the land of creation to see if she could resolve the entanglements of the visions that had been troubling her, which only belonged to the Archduke of the Blood Clan.

Though Tris had told her that it was impossible to undo this stuff, the Archduke of Thorns, who had been tortured to the point of near mental collapse, was still stubborn enough to try.

She would be standing at the entrance of the exhibition hall this time, raising her head to survey this secret area that had been hidden for a thousand years. As a gold-ranked assassin, Shani maintained her due caution and didn’t take the initiative to touch any area of this heavy door in front of her, as she patiently waited for Murphy to come and pick her up.

Patience, this was an excellent quality that Shani was proud of.

She was able to mix from a downtrodden royal family to the current grand duke of the blood race, all relying on her own excellent qualities, at least she thought so herself.

After several minutes of patience, the steel door in front of her eyes slowly opened, and Murphy, wearing a slender and proper curator’s uniform, welcomed Mrs. Shani’s visit with a smile on his face as the “master”.

Wearing that silver-gray OL outfit, the vampire goblin Tris who dressed herself very smartly was wearing a pair of rimless gold glasses, holding an assistant tablet standing behind Murphy.

That bewitching face was filled with a malicious smile of watching the fun.

“I’d really love to give you a tour of the place, Mrs. Shani, but rules are rules.”

Murphy regretfully pointed to the registration device at the entrance and said:
“All guests entering the exhibition hall for the first time must remove all psychic items from their bodies, it’s for safety reasons, it’s not that I’m intentionally making it bad, Tris and I almost stripped naked the first time we came in.”

“Oops, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you about this rule before.”

Tris said as she pushed up her glasses and arched her fire next to her:

“My dear Shani, to come in you’ll have to take off your clothes, and don’t worry, I won’t let little Murphy peek.”

“I’m a gentleman, how could I do such a thing?”

Murphy grunted and took out a cloth to cover his eyes, and also turned around and held up his hands to show his innocence, but Shani was very much enraged by the one-two punch of the dog and boy in front of her.

She tried to make a hard break for it as well, only to take a step and play out the same embarrassing situation that Tris had last time.

A virtual prohibition road sign was generated in a flash of red light, and an ear-piercing warning sounded, more than fifty long guns of various styles popped out from the steel walls, locking and aiming at Mrs. Shani in an instant.

That terrifying threat sent a chill down the spine of the Archduke of Thorns.

Her instincts as an assassin were telling her that these things might not be able to kill her, but they would definitely cause her to suffer serious injuries in an instant that she would have to recuperate for decades or even centuries in order to recover from, and that was only the first defense of the Land of Creation.

It was pointless to break through here on her own, there were definitely more dangerous things waiting behind her.

“So what are you waiting for?”

Tris said at this time smugly crossing her waist:

“Hurry up and take it off! Don’t be afraid, I’ve got replacement clothes for you.”

“I think you did that on purpose! Tris.”

Shani chided with great displeasure:

“Both of you are doing this on purpose, just to see me make a fool of myself! How come I haven’t heard of people exploring other places of creation encountering such a dilemma? Did you guys purposely design it like this?”

“How can other places compare to our place?”

Tris pushed up the rimless glasses used for decoration and said in a long drawn out voice:
“This assistant can warn you, this Swamp Exhibition Hall is currently one of the few places of creation on the continent that is still functioning properly, and those mysteries you want to learn are hidden here.

You see, I informed you yesterday to bring your Thorn Clan’s jealousy shard, right?
Don’t tell me you didn’t bring it?
You wanted to see the ancient memories hidden in the vampire’s heritage, you had to pay a small price, didn’t you?”

“To be precise, it’s the candidate of the Thorn Clan.”

Murphy, who was blindfolded with a cloth, explained:

“This is an ancient mystery that we only discovered in the last few days, you holding the jealousy fragment can only prove that you are an Archduke of Thorns, but if you want to truly obtain the bloodline inheritance of the Thorn Clan, you will have to complete the Candidate’s Ceremony here.

I have already completed that ritual.

In it, I saw certain memories of Salokdar, the Ancient One of the Blood Wyverns, from the previous epoch, and I must say that the weight of those memories is really very heavy.

Beyond the fact that it made me lose my appetite for eating, it also helped me to recognize the truth of the original sin represented behind those flying visions, and I guess that Archduke Oksana must have left something similar in the lineage of the Thorn Clan in the same way.

Lady Shani, that’s why I’m going to renew the agreement between us!”

Murphy stood with his back turned to the entrance of the Land of Creation and said in a deep voice:
“I will tell you the ones I saw, and you must also tell me the images you saw in your bloodline memories. Each of the seven clans has its own heritage, and we must bring all of them together in order to piece together the veins of vampire civilization during the ‘Golden Age’.

And how we were reduced to ‘eternal sin descendants’ in this era.

Knowing this is only the beginning, of course, of trying to clear the identity of the Eternal Sinner.
Well, this goal is too ambitious, and for now, speaking only in terms of personal encounters, if you want to get rid of those visions of the past that are haunting and influencing your spiritual world, we still have to join hands afterward.

Please understand, Shani, that this is by no means something that you alone or the Thorn Clan alone can accomplish.

The original sin back then was committed by all the vampire leaders together, and we, the descendants, will have to come together if we want to wash away the shame.”

Shani did not reply.

It was true that Tris was provoking her just now, but this would be Murphy’s utterance of these made her feel a rare pressure, and with her knowledge of Murphy, this was by no means a credulous fellow.

Can let Murphy so carefully say “Golden Age” and the source of eternal sin these words, think Murphy really is to see some extraordinary things.

After a brief reflection, Shani nodded her head.

She began to take off her coat and leather armor, and glared fiercely at Tris, who was still whistling a rogue’s whistle as she watched.

The latter reluctantly turned away from looking, it was good that Shani was not a psychic, her two gold rank professions were both related to assassin, and she did not have many psychic items on her body except for some things for defense.

Much less exaggerated to the point where even her underwear was a psychic energy item like Tris.

Mrs. Shani, who was wearing a close-fitting single garment exposing her perfect figure, completed the visitor registration and was allowed to step into the visitor hall, and then after the temporary empowerment of Murphy, the curator, she was able to enter the biological laboratory on the negative floor.

Murphy had already prepared the bio-chamber and the authentication program.

Of course, with Shani’s vigilance, she couldn’t be completely at Murphy’s beck and call, and a secret, intimidating-looking force was released before she entered the bio-pod.

It was shadows converging on the shadows of the trio, writhing as if they were living creatures, and it looked strangely familiar.

“If you two want to do something bad then prepare yourselves.”

Shani stood in front of the bio-pod as she unbraided her hair while chiding the innocent looking Murphy and Tris:

“I call this power ‘Ghostly Shadow Stalking’ and a convergence of my powers on the path of assassination and shadows, once I die here or I lose my mind and fall into servitude then Ghostly Shadow Stalking will be unleashed.

Your shadows will become nightmares that will haunt you for the rest of your lives, and every night, at every shadow appearance they will transform into my vengeful ghosts, taking your lives in my place.

This is my transcendent law. One of them, Tris!
You should know what those three words represent, so I advise you not to tamper with this ritual, and if you do, you had better tear it down before I get angry.”

“Hey, some of these people just can’t learn to trust! It’s obvious we didn’t do anything.”

Tris sneered:
“If it weren’t for the fact that we’ve both already had delightful cooperation before, and if we didn’t have Dusk as a common enemy, Murphy and I wouldn’t have allowed one of the continent’s top thieves like you to enter this place of creation.

This is a secret stronghold that belongs to us!
Now that we are using our power to help you retrace your past, you actually don’t know enough! Do you know that Palanor has already reserved a bio-pod here for Venerable Lord Paying, and the Venerable Lord will also bring the Pride Fragment here to retrace his steps at that time.

If you don’t want it then you can absolutely leave, no one is stopping you.”

“I’m just putting the ugly word out there, it’s precisely because I know the character of my compatriots so well that I’m worried, and you, Tris, for all your attempts to be a good person now, back in the day you were the worst of us all!”

Shani grunted, tossing the shard of jealousy she was carrying to Murphy as she stripped off her clothes and lay down into the clear liquid-filled bio-pod as she said:

“I also know that every Archduke is doing their best to try and reunite the shattered tablets, but I advise you not to bother with that, the seven shards of original sin cannot be remolded into one by simple contact.

I tried that yesterday.

Pablo handed me the Greed shard, and that horribly shrewd-looking pirate was eager to see if the tablets could be remolded, but the results were disappointing; nothing happened after the two shards came into contact.”

“It was cut by the Ancients.”

Tris shook her head and explained:

“Young Murphy saw the end of the Golden Age, he even heard the last cries of the Ancient Ones in that era, and we can even confirm that it was Edward Sr. himself who sliced through the Tablet of our civilization.

He must have used some very special Creator power to do this, because it wasn’t just the tablets themselves that were cut, but also the original legacy of the vampire clans!
Shani, I’m not kidding you! I have a frightening suspicion right now, I think that in the Golden Age, there were no clans of vampires, the powers of the seven clans were fused together, and that a complete civilization tablet could grant us a truly complete bloodline heritage.

But those powers were permanently separated with the cutting of the tablet, leaving the vampires of this age to inherit only one of them.

We were once immensely powerful, but now we too are reduced to mediocrity.”

The Scarlet Witch glanced at the shards of jealousy that Murphy had placed on a tray as she said:
“We can be powerful again!
The prerequisite is that the clan leaders have to realize the importance of unity again after a thousand years of division. That’s why Murphy and I made sure to hold this certification ceremony for you; we want to see the Golden Age Bloods rise again.

It’s a wild and wonderful dream, but we may be able to take the first step today.

So don’t look at today with your lousy assassin’s mind, this is not a conspiracy in the making!”

“Well said!”

Shani said, rolling her eyes:
“If it didn’t come out of a vampire’s mouth then I would have chosen to believe it, so start, show me those ancient memories.”

It was obvious that the Archduke of Thorns was indeed very tormented by those visions that always flashed into his mind in the middle of the night, and it was only at this point that Murphy realized that Shani had put on make-up to hide her terrible dark circles whenever she met with them before.

To be able to make a vampire archduke have such dark circles under her eyes already fully indicates that Shani is likely to have something like a long-term neurasthenia that is troubling her.

Thus, without much hesitation she laid down into the bio-pod.

Murphy also didn’t move his hands, and initiated the certification ceremony for the vampire civilization Thorn Candidate as he did yesterday, and after the progress bar appeared, Murphy took a step back and looked at Shani, who had fallen into deep dormancy in the bio-pod, and he said to Tris:
“This weird liquid contains some sort of ingredient that can paralyze Golders, maybe we should extract a little for an experiment or something, if we can use it to come up with a powerful paralyzing toxin”

“Don’t even think about it, I experimented with it last night after you fell asleep.”

Tris said as she pointed to a still unpacked test bench at the edge of the lab:

“That liquid is just a simple nutrient, it’s some kind of energy in the bio-pod that really puts you into hibernation.

That’s the Creator’s domain, and with my current shallow understanding of Creator technology, I can’t fathom the way it takes effect at all . Hmm? What’s wrong with you? Why does your face look so ugly?”

She noticed that Murphy beside her was suddenly shaking his body, his breathing had become ragged, and his eyes were even showing exposed blood.

This startled Tris.

She had thought that it was some kind of strange damage and after-effects from yesterday’s certification process that had caused Murphy to appear, but it wasn’t, and Murphy really couldn’t tell Tris the embarrassing truth of what it would be like.

Because his mind would be undergoing the pressure of both reality and illusion.

Perhaps because of the close relationship between Salokdar and Ms. Oksana in the Golden Age, this will lead to Shani in browsing the “ancient dream”, so that the same certified Murphy also produced some kind of marvelous “resonance”.

Not between him and Shani, but between Salokdar and Oksana!

A vivid picture flashed in front of Murphy’s eyes, which was the memories of the two old fools, Salokdar and Oksana, when they were engaged in some kind of intimate relationship.

But the thing that killed Murphy was that he knew that when this kind of Ancient Dream was activated, the consciousness of the authenticator would be replaced with the protagonist of the memories, which meant that Ms. Oksana in those images that would keep appearing would actually be Shani’s mind in it, while Salokdar would be Murphy’s mind.

In this ancient memory, which is viewed by both people at the same time, Murphy and Shani are having a rather “strange” relationship as the ancestors of the two races.

This is awkward!

Murphy could only grit his teeth and keep his mind from falling into the strange resonance of this damned ancient dream, but it seemed to Tris that little Murphy’s situation was getting worse.

He was shaking his body like a bull that couldn’t control itself, and the blood was growing in his eyes.

“You don’t scare me! What the hell is going on here?”

Tris was so anxious that her hands clenched so tightly that Murphy’s wrists detected the pain, this pain made Murphy awake for a split second, he glanced at the still dormant Shani in the bio-compartment, and twisted his head to place a kiss on Tris’ lips.


Ms. Oksana!

As an Ancient One, you should not keep such nasty things in your heritage, okay? Why do you even put this kind of stuff in your DNA? It’s obvious that there’s nothing in Salokdar’s Ancient Dream!
Because of your boring behavior, you’re going to cause a poor vampire a thousand years from now to experience a terrible social death.
Luckily, Ms. Oksana had some decency after all, and that embarrassing memory came and went so quickly that the visions in front of Murphy’s eyes slowly dissipated, and the resonance of the Ancient Dream terminated at this moment.

Obviously, the other information that Oksana left in the bloodline of the Thorn Clan would have nothing to do with Salokdar.

Tris didn’t know what had happened, and although a small portion of her clothes had been removed, she was relieved to see Murphy quieting down, and pushed Murphy away again with great disgust.

Murphy, who had a ghost in his heart, could only keep apologizing with a smile on his face, and after agreeing to several excessively standard girlfriend’s nonsense requests from Tris in a row, that bio-pod of Madame Shani slowly opened.

Her certification was over.

Tris went up to ask, but Murphy stayed in place, to be Charney woke up after the two ghosts glanced at each other, both saw the embarrassment in each other’s eyes.


Looks like they both recognized each other from that damn Ancient Peachy Dream.

“I saw the full story from Ms. Oksana’s point of view.”

After all, Shani was a well-informed Golden Order, she didn’t waste time on those embarrassing details, but instead, she put on her tunic while whispering with a serious face:
“In that place called the ‘Eden District’, the seven Archdukes of the Vampires of the Ancient Ones worked together to advance a plan called ‘Perfect Life’, with His Excellency Vic Fator Fesnolatu, the Archduke of the Mad Blood Clan, personally leading the charge.

They wanted to weed out all the weak traits in the vampire bloodline that were not conducive to survival.

They possessed an arcane learning called ‘genetic recombination’ and opened an experiment in a place called the Greenhouse of Life, but this experiment was utilized by the Subspace Shadows.

I’m not sure of the exact process, but just when they thought they had gotten the hang of it completely and started conducting human trials, an immense and incomparable subspace rift opened up in the Eden Zone.

It was the world’s first subspace invasion, and it completely destroyed the Eden District.

Ah, shit!

That’s our original sin, we ruined everything.”

“But what’s with that light?”

Murphy pressed:
“You should have seen that white light! That white light that blocked the subspace from swallowing the world, do you know what that was about? Ms. Oksana serves as a high-ranking intelligence officer in the Eden Sector, she should know more about the inner workings.”

“That light that’s a ‘Sentinel’!”

Shani rubbed her sore forehead.

She curled up with some trepidation and said:
“I just know the name, and I know that Oksana sent out a last minute distress command to some strange place, a strange organization called the ‘Sentinels’, and they were the ones who stopped that subspace disaster.

Also, the Ancients didn’t lose their memories because of the subspace disaster, they voluntarily erased their memories before they left the ruins of Eden.

Not just them, all the survivors who left Eden had their memories erased.

That process was conducted by Ms. Oksana and Ms. Constance herself, the latter being a high-ranking researcher specializing in ‘psychic erosion’ in the Eden Sector’s energy research labs, and one of the people with the most understanding of the truth about subspace in that place.

She said that those tainted memories could not be brought back to life because the subspace erosion would revive in the memories and tempt us to step into the same vortex of error again, yet now those memories are coming back.

I have a feeling that this is the last malicious remnants of the Golden Age.

It may be a trap for us.
Charlemagne and Salokhtar both died in subspace-related disasters, the Archduke of the Secret Blood Clan, Lady Constance, mysteriously disappeared, and Lady Oksana .
I saw some tattered images in her last memories.

She returned to the ruins of Eden before she was murdered by Salokdar and Charlemagne! My God, there is an invisible hand luring us back to the past, and that may be original sin tormenting us heirs of sinful blood.

Good heavens!

I picked at the veil of the past and saw nothing but despair.

We may have been targeted, we’re finished, we”


Murphy’s slap hit the already disoriented Shani in the face, the Omega program’s antidote effect snapping Shani out of that undeserved state in an instant, and it was clear that she’d almost fallen into the subspace trap of losing herself just then.

The sobered up Shani stared at him with a kind of ghostly grudge that Murphy couldn’t understand, making Murphy’s whole body furious, hell! Shani looked like she hadn’t fully awakened from Ms. Oksana’s ancient dream, and she had just looked at herself exactly the same way Oksana had looked at Salokdar.

Things were starting to get weird, should I slap Shani again? But would that get her in trouble, like being targeted by the guys in the shadows of subspace called “Boxers”?

Just as Murphy hesitated, Tris reached out and gently patted Shani’s shoulder, she said softly:
“Be confident, there is no need to guess, we have long been targeted!

Isn’t Dusk His lapdog?

It’s too late to run now, Shani.

Unless you’re willing to kneel in subspace, we have no more choice but to meet the battle.”

(End of chapter)

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