560.Chapter 558 557 The Wrath of “Khan” of the Book of Frederick

Chapter 558: 557. The Book of Philip – The Wrath of the Khan

It was no coincidence that Murphy had suddenly appeared in the middle of the battle.

In fact, after arriving at Baphomet’s palace and realizing that Tris and the others hadn’t come up yet, Murphy decisively summoned George, and by virtue of the Starwolf’s amazing sense of smell, he led him all the way down to the palace, and he didn’t even arrive at the moment of crisis, but had already sneaked into the church when Tris was under the control of the Law of the Fallen, but, as he said, heroes always need to come on the scene at the critical moments in order to turn the tide of the situation around.

So the vampire lord even took a moment to handpick an entrance moment.

Walking the labyrinth hadn’t really been that easy, but it was a good thing that Miss Winnie had summoned the Minotaur, who had a very specific scent that made tracking easy for George.

It was also fortunate that he came in time, or else with the concentration of this subspace filth in this church coupled with the malicious stirring of the Evil God’s demonic fetus, Baphomet, even if Parano really did behead the blasphemous priests in the end it would probably be a disastrous victory.

As Tris said, these real “fallen” by the subspace shadow blessing, the gap between the power level in their eyes is not the key to victory, and the worst result is nothing worse than the Palano killed the blasphemous priest, but he himself was planted into the seed of the fall, then it would be a real Barbie Q.

Murphy really didn’t want to use the power of Omega here to execute this psychopathic Rose Knight that he actually kinda admired, and he didn’t want to personally go before the eyes of His Holiness, Pa Ying, to explain to him why his First Lord had inexplicably died in the evil dungeon of the Goatmen.

“I’ve seen that power in you once before, in the Blood Wyvern Cloisters, and I couldn’t confirm its connection to you then, but this time I have.”

The mentally weak Paranor was not actually injured, his Golden Rule-Guardian made it hard for him to be truly harmed, but the guy would be a bit dizzy, and not daring to move around strenuously for fear of his yue coming out and ruining his perfect image, he leaned on his mounted rifle and said to Murphy:
“I need to report this matter to Venerable Lord Paying, your kind of power that can restrain and defeat subspace filth is important to our cause. Forgive me for leaking, Murphy, but this is an advantage that cannot be hidden.”

“It doesn’t matter, you can say what you want, and I can’t wait to be a little higher in the esteem of His Holiness Pa’ying, so that he won’t think too much about it when I apply for assistance. What’s more, I reckon that when I meet with him, I might ask him something rather rude.

Making a good relationship now will also save me from being poked to death by an angry Venerable Lord when the time comes.”

Murphy sat on the only stone chair still intact in the church, he rested while playing with the civilized tablet in his hand, and without looking up he said to the Rose Knight:
“Regarding the true meaning of this power, I will personally explain it to His Elder when I meet His Holiness, but you were also ‘purified’ just now, so you will need to rest for the next period of time, this power of mine not only has suppression for subspace, but also for dark biased powers.

So don’t take it lightly, Paranor.”


The Rose Knight nodded and glanced again at Hogg next to him, who didn’t ask any more questions, but instead slung his mounted rifle behind his back, pressed his hands on the shoulders of Touch-You-Poor and Winnie, and led the two youngsters, who were turning back frequently, out of the church beyond.

Obviously, the gentle and knowing how to take care of his juniors, the Rose Knight did not want these two brave little ones to hear the next conversation.

This is a kind of protection, those heavy secrets are not their level should not know, in this chaotic continent, all secrets have weight, that is the price is also a sacrifice.

Standing next to Murphy, Tris was still flipping through the Broken Magical Codex dropped by the blasphemous priests, and in passing, she released another mute boundary to prevent prying ears.

The big wolf George lying at Murphy’s feet, pawing the purified skull of the fallen, this is its “new toy”, bring it back to its lair in the ancestral forest will certainly bring more majesty to the head wolf adults.

And the King of Bones, who was controlling Hogg’s body, was sitting in front of Murphy’s eyes, waiting for the vampire lord to ask him a question.

This specter from the past seemed truly ready to answer all of Murphy’s questions.

However, the vampire did not speak immediately, but stared at the irregular stone slab in his hand, this was the first time he had seen a complete civilization stone slab, and dropped an item identification on it in passing, and its words unfolded in the next second:

Name: jackal civilization slate – Eden Security Personnel Code Ds-04 Protocols

Quality: Miracle Artifact

I. Upon holding the Tablet and completing the binding, the holder will be given the title of [Advocate of Jackal Civilization], and will nominally have the right to rule and control all Jackals.

When entering any place of creation, the holder will be granted [Special – Advocate] privileges and gain access to a portion of the creation facilities, as well as decrypt and read a portion of specific creation knowledge.


This binding permission only takes effect for individual Jackals, and does not involve reproductive inheritance.

II. After holding the tablet and completing the binding process, the holder will be given the special word [Power of Creation – Evolution], which grants them the right to “choose evolution” once, allowing them to select one of the enhanced gene sequences from the tablet’s enhancement options for use in their own body.

Each holder can only evolve once.

Evolution must be accomplished in a Standard or Advanced Biochamber in the Creature Lands.

Upon completion of the evolution, the holder will be forced to take on the role of [Tablet Guardian], and must do everything in his power to protect the integrity and legacy of the Civilization Tablet until his death.

This effect is a contractual type of power, and abandoning the duty will result in the rapid death of the individual due to the disorganization of his or her genetic fragments.

iii. After holding the Tablet and completing the binding, the holder will be eligible to enter the special place of creation, the Jackal Civilization Hall, and learn from it about the birth, mission and racial blueprints of the Jackals.

IV. Upon holding the Tablet and completing the binding process, the holder of the Tablet of Civilization will be granted a “Leadership Aura – Jackal” effect, where any individual Jackal within the aura’s range is subject to a “mental appraisal”.


This effect is related to Charisma.

When Charisma is insufficient, the holder needs to persuade his compatriots with eloquent skills; successful persuasion results in the aura taking effect, causing the target individual to have unconditional trust and follow the holder, while failed persuasion results in the aura’s effect being drastically weakened for the particular individual.

Crafted by: [Data Deletion

Item Description:

[Early one morning, the cuties in the Eden District had the bright idea of creating a new creature to perform security duties, and they submitted their formal research to me, and even though I was long gone from there by this point, I still thought it was a terrible idea.

I knew that some more pretentious douchebag wanted to experience what it was like to be a Creator.

But I didn’t stop them.

Because this was a world for them, I no longer owed them anything, and they had the right to plan the future of their hometowns, but just in case they played it off, I purposely instructed the guys who stayed behind over there to make this thing, to make sure that there was a bottom-up plan if things went south in the worst case scenario.

Maybe I should have made another handful of preparations, after all, in my past experience, once someone starts claiming to be a god, disaster is on the agenda.

[Data Deletion]


“I knew that your formation of an invincible army in the Fourth Black Calamity was by no means just relying on your personal charisma, Philip, you shameless bastard! You really did ‘cheat’!”

Murphy pressed the irregular civilization stone plate to his hand with a thud, he looked at “Hogg”, the latter also raised his head, although it was still Hogg’s ugly face, the untamed and unruly glittering in his eyes represented the wild consciousness that existed in this body at this moment.

Even Jade couldn’t understand what kind of posture the King of Biting Bone existed in Hogg’s body, but Jade was sure that this was definitely not a simple “take over”.

Because Hogg’s soul did not suffer any damage, he was only in the consciousness level was suppressed senses.

In the face of Murphy’s ridicule, the King of Biting Bones reacted by raising his paw in a gesture that was quite nasty in the culture of the Jackals, and it let out an indebted laugh, assumed a big brother sitting position, and said with a big grin:

“None of them know who you really are, Lord Murphy, but I do! But since you’re having so much fun with these ignorant vampires, I won’t expose you, and look at you, you’ve started taming your own slave girl.

Well, a man of your stature is entitled to enjoy his life as he pleases, and even in this chaotic world, there’s not much that can stop you from doing what you want to do.

Compared to you, I’m nothing more than a pathetic head of security, so let’s talk about things as they are.

You clearly need me to answer your questions now.

I’ll do it.

I will cooperate very, very much, but only if you allow Hogg to complete the binding of his civilization’s spokesperson privileges immediately.

The Jackal civilization is at stake, and it is imperative that my people have an emissary from the Creator to guide them correctly, or a terrible fall is close at hand, and that is an outcome that I, the ‘Son of the Creator’, cannot accept.”

“That is exactly what I have been planning, Hogg is my chosen Jackal and I will help him to the end, you need not worry about that.”

Murphy narrowed his eyes and stared at the King of Biting Bones, as if warning it not to say something it shouldn’t.

After a few seconds of eye contact, he said:
“Tell me about you, about the mysterious first half of your life, did you deliberately erase your past because you didn’t want people to know where you came from? Hogg told me that you had said that you awoke in a time that was not yours.

So, you are a holdover from the ‘Age of Creation’?”

“Aigoo, you are more powerful than I thought.”

The King of Biting Bones sat down on the ground, it had no respect for Murphy, the Alpha Administrator, and spread out its claws again, saying:

“That’s right, I come from that forgotten ‘Golden Age’, but I’m not one of those pioneers, the humble me doesn’t have that qualification yet. Since you have become the curator of the Swamp Exhibition Hall, I assume you already know why we Jackals were born?

We were designed to be security personnel, a biological weapon born as a slave.

It is a terrible fate.

But I do not loathe the creators of the Jackals, without whom we would not have been born.

However the civilization spectrum of the Jackals was not designed to perfection from the start, those servants of the Creator, those good luck guys living in the Eden District were also experiencing the Creator for the first time, and they had their hands full with the damp squibs that led to the design of the first generation of Jackals that were terrible in every way.

I think you already know what I’m talking about.

Skinny jackals like Hogg were the very first generation of jackals designed and built by the Eden District, which they called ‘blueprints’, and it was clear that creatures that lacked power and majesty like that would not be able to serve as security guards, so the Eden District quickly embarked on a second phase of remodeling, and this time it was a success.

Based on the blueprints, the second generation of jackals were taller, meaner, more obedient, extremely durable, full of courage, and much more majestic in appearance, simply perfect creations! I also learned that they programmed the hound gene into our genetic sequence, making us naturally loyal needing a master to lead.

That’s not a bad thing.

However with the second generation of Jackals, the idiots in the Eden District weren’t satisfied, they were first time creators, so they were arrogant enough to make perfect beings.

What a greedy bunch.

The third phase of the experiment was then put on the agenda, and I, Frederick, I was the only individual in the third phase of the experiment that made it to the final stage of life.”

The King of Biting Bones once again let out the Jackal’s characteristic, mocking-flavored laughter as it rattled and chuckled:
“I was given the name ‘Perfection’ before I was born, and they gave me the nickname ‘Khan’! Apparently, they made a king for the Jackals, and they wanted me to rule over the Jackals, who by then had begun to fulfill their security duties.

But I hated the name they gave me!
I have my own intelligence, I know I have a personality, and they molded me to be too smart for my own good, and I plotted to ‘surprise’ them while I was still slumbering in the bio-pod.

But sadly, the Eden Zone was gone before I awoke.”


Murphy questioned, eyes wide:

“What do you mean it’s gone? Why did the Eden District back then turn into the current Dark Mountain Range? Why is the memory of the Golden Age like it was erased from history? Tell me, Frederick, what happened back then?”

“You ask me, who do I ask?”

The King of Biting Bones bristled as it revealed a very human helplessness and explained:
“Like I said, I hadn’t even awakened at that time, and my knowledge of the Eden District and the Jackal origin and mission was still from the Jackal Civilization Hall’s database.

My incubation pod was hidden there with a high security level, so I was very lucky to escape that unknown disaster.

I was frozen in time and should have just died, however fate was kind to me, it knew I had a mission yet to fulfill!
So more than a hundred years ago, a group of explorers who dared to enter the depths of the Dark Mountains awakened me, and I opened my eyes in a world that did not belong to me, and then brutally killed those inferior creatures who dared to step into the land of creation!
Not because I am cruel by nature.

Rather, I was fulfilling my mission, I was going to protect the Land of Creation and the Eden Zone.

At the end of that killing, I realized that everything was gone, my past, my future, the meaning of my existence, everything was ashes.

I almost went mad, Lord Murphy. No, Lord Murphy!


I was so close to being struck down by the emptiness inside me that I wandered around the Dark Mountains living like a savage until I accidentally saved a couple of second-generation jackals out hunting at the hands of a group of evil goatmen.

Foolishly, they regarded me as if I were a god and enthusiastically brought me back to the Bite Bone Clan, which only had a few dozen people at the time, and so that night I got my own family name and my own mate, and it was also in the Sage Time after a tasteless mating session that I suddenly realized that the fall of the Golden Age was not actually a bad thing!
My wise ‘masters’ had long since left the earth, and the leashes around our necks had long since snapped.

We are free!
That’s when I finally remembered I had a mission to fulfill, yes! Those fools who call themselves the Creator had given me the mission of leading the Jackals, and so I intended to fulfill it!

It only took me a week to lead the warriors of the King of Biting Bones to easily conquer the feeble jackals of the surrounding region, and to piece together from their elders the stupid failures of the last three Black Plagues.

I realized that the Jackals were facing a fight for survival in the Dark Mountains!
They need a king who can lead them.

They needed a ‘Khan’!
I had another epiphany, and I returned to the Jackal Civilization Hall, where I found our Civilization Tablet and completed the binding, inheriting the mission and duty I was meant to inherit as a Commander-level Jackal Brigadier in the Eden Sector Security Department.

I successfully acquired the weapons and gauntlets left to me by my masters, and also completed the evolution granted by the Tablet.

I chose power!
In this chaotic world, I must have power to lead my people.

Unfortunately, my makers raised me as a warrior.

They didn’t write too many wisdom and strategy-related bits into my individual genes, and I was so immersed in power and conquest that by the time I realized I might fail, the entire continent had united without me noticing.

Well, I lost.

I underestimated this trash heap of a stupid age.”

The King of Biting Bones shrugged.

But no more remorse or loss could be heard in its voice; instead, it said in a casual tone:

“I lost the Fourth Black Plague that was initiated by me, it’s a shame, that was the war where the Jackal civilization might finally crush the world, and I lost, and I feel that this is a punishment brought to me by fate because I went against my duty.

But it’s not something hard to accept, you know, I should have been buried with the Golden Age, but I was given the chance to live again, and even though I only lived for so many dozen years, I was really happy!

I followed my heart’s choice, and happily lived a glorious and short life as the King of the Bone Biters, and it felt really great! It’s definitely 10,000 times better than working as a security chief for hundreds of years in the Golden Age!
Winning or losing, it doesn’t matter if you look at it, after all, it’s most important to be happy.

In the last moment of my life, I took my most loyal guards back to the place where the jackals were first born.

You may not know it, but the first Jackal was born in the underground bio-hall of the Swamp Sanctuary, which is our true origin and the common home of all Jackals.

Believe it or not, the truth is that after my failure I didn’t intend to use the power of the swamp to make a comeback, I just wanted to close the eco-zone and let the guards I trained myself restart our civilization there, I wanted to return our homeland to the Jackals of this era.

There is no future for them staying in the Dark Mountains!

This land is cursed, and they must return to their original homeland to develop a higher civilization.

Unfortunately, I had already registered as a security chief in the Eden District, leaving me with no way to acquire the management of the forbidden area of the swamp, so in a final moment of loss and with a prayer for my children and grandchildren, I closed my eyes in the visitor’s chair in the land of creation.

As I gestured when I opened my eyes in this age.

This is probably a kind of destiny reincarnation, the sons of creation will eventually return to the land of creation.

It was a mistake for me to awaken in a time that was not mine, I should have left with my masters, and fate, the dog, toyed with me because it likes to see tragedy.

But after my death, I realized that my masters were so generous.

They actually wrote some strange things into my genes and spirit in order to mold the perfect creature, I couldn’t understand those messages, but those things protected my soul from dissipating allowing me to resist the call of the underworld.

Bullshit Hades!
The Underworld had no place in the destiny the Creator had molded for this world in the first place!
They came here of their own accord, to serve as dogs to the Creator in order to be given a meal in the material world, and if it weren’t for the Creator accepting that precarious realm and incorporating it into his perfect blueprint, the so-called Underworld would have been finished long ago.

As a result, after the end of the Golden Age, those dogs actually shook up and dared to steal the Creator’s greatness and call themselves the Kingdom of Death.

I’ll be damned!

Disgusting stuff, only the Engine of Creation is where we true sons of creation should be, Chief Murphy, that’s where you’ll be heading after your misfortune, and luckily for you, my name is already on the register there.

As soon as you send me there, I will be able to complete the final step in the life of a Sons of Creation, returning the power I have been given back to the Great Creator again, and giving a hand in the continuation of the blueprint of perfection.

That is my final request, Chief Murphy.

Please take my soul home!

Let me rest in peace in the wonderful home that our Creator designed for us.

I don’t belong here, and I don’t want to be buried here.

That is my story, the story of a loser, and I actually know very little else about the Golden Age, but if you still need it, I am bound to answer seriously.”

“So, the truth about the Tablets of Civilization…”

Murphy glanced at Tris, who was writing furiously beside him, recording the story of the King of Biting Bones, and he laughed dumbly, then turned back to Frederick and asked:

“What’s the use of this thing besides choosing a spokesperson? Why does Dusk want to get it?”

“It’s not the tablet they want, they just want the ‘Pact of All Beings’, sir.”

Philip replied very seriously:

“You’re really asking the right person, this field is supposed to be one of the Eden Sector Security Captain’s job areas, so I probably know something about it. Only those individuals who have signed the Pact of Beings with the Creator are qualified to approach the ‘Heart of the World’ without being attacked, and in order to enter it, it is said that one must have other high-level permissions as well.

That is the Creator’s eternal palace, which is said to conceal the mysteries of godhood and even the deepest depths of subspace.

Dusk was a believer in subspace, they were the enemies of the Creator, and since they didn’t dare to approach that sacred place, they had no choice but to take advantage of the loopholes.

Once the civilization tablet was contaminated, the contract of beings would be transferred to them, and they wouldn’t have to fear the heavenly punishment from the Creator.

Yes, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

Just a few years before the Fourth Black Plague, right here in the Gray Desert, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

That was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life, Chief Murphy.

Regarding Dusk, I must confess that I was the one who told them about the first place of creation they found…”

(End of chapter)

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