550.Chapter 548 547 Line Thief Murphy: My Open Hands

Chapter 548 547. line Bandit Murphy: My open hands will reward my friends and embolden my enemies
“Massive fog of war spotted ahead! These damn things almost cut off this valley from the outside world, no wonder these guys are trapped here but no one is coming to rescue them, there’s no psychic communication that can be sent out in this situation.”

In the beat of the wind vulture’s wings, Old Qu, as a scout, had circled around the engagement site, he basically discerned the current situation, and again reported to the vampire legions and minions who were advancing over from the rear in the team frame:
“I can’t spot both sides of the engagement in the mist, but judging from the size of the mist that’s absolutely staggering, plus there’s been psionic fires bouncing around in the mist, so I suspect they may be engaged.

The good news is that the valley isn’t that big, so if we charge in we can bring back the wretches.

The bad news is that I don’t think the cultists here are going to happily let us in.

Also, there seems to be something else here! My wind buzzard is agitated, and it seems to sense some kind of strange power.”

“Huh? The wind vulture is scared?”

Brother Whoop Meow’s voice rang out from the team frame, and the Reserve Red Knight said suspiciously:

“Don’t the mountain folk say that wind vultures are the boldest birds? They even dare to bitch and harass the Thunderbirds when they’re in flocks, they’re a bully in Feather Valley. What is there here that could make a silly bold wind vulture feel afraid?”

“I can’t reach it!”

Old Qu replied helplessly:

“It’s all said and done, this damn fog of war is blocking everything out, and it’s obvious that the cultists aren’t going to let anyone outside know what they’re doing. I’m going to scout into the misty area on foot, how much longer do you guys need?”

“About 20 minutes to get there.”

Happy Stick, who had again been chosen as the commander due to his previous series of impressive battles, took over:

“Be careful, based on the intensity of the last racial mainline, this battle won’t be that easy. You go in first and take a look, don’t get yourself trapped, I’ve already commanded a group of hunters to go ahead and support you.

The order that Lord Murphy gave us is to end the engagement as soon as possible, if it’s not possible, we will choose to hold on outside the valley.

He had already sent a message to the Blood Alliance knights stationed at the Black Flame Mountain Pass, and the Blood Alliance side clearly stated that they would send support, but they were a bit far away from here, and in the most optimistic scenario, it would take two hours for the reinforcements to arrive.

But since the development group has assigned reinforcements to the mission, then I think we should be prepared to fight to the death here, the difficulty of this mission is estimated to be very alarming, the development group won’t allow us to save the Blood Fear Clan that easily.”

“I have a feeling that this is not right.”

The third one to speak was Lady Water, the most recognized and beautiful Wisdom amongst the players, she didn’t know that she had already become a member of the Black Hand Clan, this would be said in a grave tone:

“I’ve read Lady Adele’s battle report before, and that battle report clearly said that the Blood Alliance Clan’s position had Earth Priests helping them monitor the entire Barren Mountain, so it’s reasonable to say that nothing that happens in this great land can be hidden from those servants of Gaia.

However, according to the mummy’s words, it has been several days since the attack here, but the Blood Alliance Clan has not reacted at all.

Either the Blood Alliance Knights are sitting back and watching Blood Fear overthrow them, or their earth perception has been shielded by some kind of power.

Personally, I’m leaning towards the latter.

And I think that this racial quest is probably a sidequest for us to cut into the Black Plague material, much like the Valley of Shadows sidequest, which the devs want us to complete as a way to keep Transylvania’s strategy in the Black Plague running smoothly.

So my suggestion is that we try to keep this Blood Fear army intact if we can, they’ll probably work wonders in the Black Plague later on, and it’s a new camp, so maybe there’ll be a new vampire template out there just like Clan of Thorns.

It’s a big deal for all the players’ gaming experience, it can’t be sloppy.”

Lady Shui’s analysis was very reasonable, and the other people who were invited into the framework of the team called “Command” did not have any opinions, after they had finished speaking, the “true veteran player” who was respectfully called “Master Qin” was the last to speak up. After they had finished speaking, the “real old player”, who was honored as “Master Qin”, was the last to speak up.

When he opened his mouth, the others immediately fell silent in tacit agreement.

Obviously, although Master Qin had been reluctant to announce his identity, in the eyes of these old players, Master Qin was definitely a capable person.

This was something that even Brother Bang recognized.

He felt that in terms of command and understanding of war, he was not even worthy of Master Qin’s shoes, if not for Master Qin’s unwillingness to join the Winged Cavalry, Rod had the intention to “abdicate”.

“Have you considered a possibility? That is, this matter itself is a trap?”

The concierge, Master Qin, said slowly:

“I’ve been in the game for a short period of time, and I’m old, my brain isn’t spinning enough, I can’t distinguish the complex relationships between these vampire factions for a while, and I also have a half-assed understanding of the Black Plague DLC that you guys have been talking about.

But from what I’ve seen in Swamp Wars, I can tell you unequivocally that the intelligence possessed by the NPCs in this game is absolutely no worse than that of a living person.

As such, there are various strategies that living people can adopt that these NPCs will definitely use as well.

In terms of the matter itself, it seems to me that this is a typical ‘siege’ pattern!
Those cultists chose a very perfect time to cut off the Blood Fear Clan from the outside world, and that crazy mummy lady said that when she escaped, it was still business as usual in the valley. In a few days’ time, this fog of war had grown to this point, which showed that the other side was consciously strengthening the battlefield concealment.

They’re disguising their strategic purpose, boys.

If I were the other side’s commander, then I’d definitely have molded a death trap in the valley over the course of these few days, just waiting for the reinforcements to dive in headfirst, and even though I don’t know what’s in the valley, I don’t think it’ll be so easy to get out once we’re in.

Therefore, wipe your eyes and run headlong into it right now.”

Master Qin opened his mouth in a truly extraordinary manner, and the others in the team frame maintained their silence, and after several seconds, Stick spoke up:

“So, what you’re saying is that we should be smarter?”

“You might want to make that clearer, Happy Stick.”

Master Qin asked with a grin:

“You’re the commander that everyone is convinced of, old man I’m just making a suggestion, tell me, how are you going to fight?”

“My previous idea was to split people to disrupt the enemy, pick a main attack point to break through at one point, pick up the people and leave don’t waste time.”

Rod said honestly:
“But after your comments, I decided to change my strategy.

First advance to the back of the opponent’s position subsequently wait for the arrival of the Blood Alliance reinforcements, with the assistance of those high-level NPCs who specialize in charging and defending choose a position to storm, and after breaking through a line ask the trapped party to take the initiative to close in on us as a way of mobilizing the battlefield forces.

If that’s a trap, as you said, the result of us recklessly charging in definitely won’t be too good, but then again, we must occupy the battlefield initiative in any case, and we’ll have to say what we want to do in order to fight or withdraw.”

“Hey, you kid.”

Master Qin was clearly satisfied with this answer as he sighed and said:
“It would be better if we had air support, to face this kind of siege we need to use saturation firepower to open up the lines of transportation, but right now we don’t have that condition, let’s just do what you said. The teams gather your assassins and hunters and send them to me, I’ll act as a sharp platoon with them to do armed reconnaissance, and tell the others not to act rashly.

Stick go assign them their tasks, and stick to the plan.

You guys are too rough to fight!
Fierce yes, but no skill at all.”

“I’ll put all the little barrels together and use them, Master Chin.”

Rod responded:
“After you flare us we will provide fire bombardment in that direction, take care to avoid it, support time is in three minutes.”

“Good! That’s it, you good boy have been to Africa before, haven’t you?”

Old Qin asked:

“Can you reveal what you were doing over there? Don’t tell me that you were peacekeeping there, peacekeepers can’t practice this kind of battlefield intuition.”

“Master Qin, don’t ask, you know the discipline.”

Stick helplessly back to the old Qin also no longer ask more questions, but look at these two guys in a few words to finalize the battle plan, even Mrs. water such as women can feel a “professional” atmosphere.

Originally, I thought that the stick is very fierce, but see the always powerful stick in front of the Qin master good and chickens like, it is not difficult to guess this concierge master Qin’s origin is absolutely scary very.

And has been hiding in which “peeping screen” Murphy also nodded with satisfaction.

Old Qin head such a guy presided over the front battlefield, he this third-rate commander finally do not have to worry about the problem of micro-manipulation.

At the moment, shaking people is the most important thing.

The Blood Wyvern Clan had only just revived, there were too few NPCs, Murphy couldn’t afford to waste his carefully accumulated clansmen on saving other clans.

“Andre, divide some of your assassins and hand them over to my commander, Master Qin, for deployment.”

Murphy turned back to the Earl of White Mountain beside him:
“Ask for the best nightwalkers, and I demand that they follow orders unconditionally.”

“That’s a bit hard, Murphy, you know the stink of us vampires.”

Earl Whitehill commanded down the order, then turned to Murphy:

“It’s fine to let them listen to the command, but they won’t obey a human at the critical moment, I mean, if you fancy that commander, why don’t you make him your heir? The status of Governor Transylvania’s heir is high enough to avoid a lot of trouble.”

“That’s only if the person is willing.”

The vampire lord spat: “Our Blood Vulture Clan doesn’t do things like bullying men and women and earning people on the mountain, you know, in a moment, you and I will first feel our way into the valley and take a look around, we need to explain the situation to the leaders of these Blood Fear Clans first, as you said, these vampires of ours really do have a lot of bad habits that make people’s heads hurt.”


Earl Whitehill nodded, he then looked in the direction of the Black Flame Valley in the distance and said to Murphy:
“What does Lord Heather’s side say?”

“That female Dwarf Vampire said that we are giving her a hard time, but still sent a Shield Cavalry over to assist us, numbering around 200 people, with them, we don’t have to worry about our defense line.”

Murphy said as he waved his hand:
“Just leave these things to Adele and Femis, my warriors have honed a system in one war after another, there’s no need for me to intervene in any of this, they can do it on their own.”

“Yes, your warriors make me incredibly misty-eyed, even Lady Shani sees their potential.”

Andre gave a chuckle and said:
“I want warriors like that in my faction, so when I recruit them, you don’t secretly sabotage them, I can pay for that.”

“Gee whiz, talking with money hardens your back oh.”

Murphy teased.

Earl of White Mountain smiled without saying anything, it was obvious that the first installment of Hidden Treasure Bay’s dividend did make the Earl Lord, who was bent on proving himself, very satisfied.

Thirty minutes later, the army of players and NPCs arrived at the outskirts of the trapped valley, and began to spread out and form temporary positions according to their previously ordered battle plan.

The hunters and assassins were transferred to Master Qin’s command, Brother Stick personally commanded the players with small barrels up to a high ground to set up an artillery position, while Brother Woo Meow and Uncle Fording led the charging warriors, and the casters psychics were being led by Missy Fimis in the process of status-boosting and undead awakening.

The most important healers were assigned to the Silver Moon Regiment under the command of Lady Water.

It was like a machine that was in its break-in period began to run slowly, although the process was still a bit arduous, but once it rotated to its highest speed, any obstacles in front of it would be crushed mercilessly.

The newcomers are still not quite used to this group combat mode, like Firenze who is determined to stay by his wife’s side and be her “guardian angel”, but he is just a druid apprentice and can’t even change into a bear, so he has been incorporated into Woow Meow’s command to be the cannon fodder.

Yuan was walking behind Orchid Flower with a shield in his hand, and was criticized by Orchid Flower for his clumsiness. However, seeing that Yuan was not even clear about how to hold the tower shield, Orchid Flower could only helplessly step forward to help him master the correct usage of this big shield as soon as possible.

But from the strange auntie smile on Brother Firechild’s face, we can see that this is not likely to be Brother Yuan is deliberately pretending to be stupid, hehehe, the IQ of men when they are pursuing girls by chance is always comparable to Einstein’s.

“The sharp knife platoon has departed, let’s go too.”

Murphy saw Master Qin leading a group of assassins and hunters to touch the fog of war in the valley in a stealthy manner, he immediately got up and flapped his wings to lift off.

Andre was unable to fly and refused Murphy’s “air express” service, but Earl of White Mountain was a nightwalker personally taught by Lady Shani, so it wasn’t a big problem for him to cross the enemy’s position covered by the fog of war in a stealthy state.

Therefore, Murphy first.

Relying on his terrifying flying speed and skillful mastery of the Shadow Escape technique, it took him a few minutes to pass through a large area of the fog of war and enter the valley.

“There’s something odd about this fog of war!”

After Murphy realized that his perception was distorted and shielded by the mists, a wave of bad luck rose in his heart.

This is not an ordinary fog of war, the Dusk Believers added some other “things” to the fog, causing its suppression of spiritual perception to increase exponentially, almost like a “wide-area silence zone”.

But this can’t stop Murphy’s wings, especially under the precise navigation of the spirit vulture Ravenor, he quickly found the position of the Blood Fear Clan.

Afterwards, Murphy was shocked by the misery of the position.

The Blood Fear Clan obviously intended to build a strong defense line in the valley to ensure their survival in the Black Plague, these guys were very cocky and put a lot of effort in the entrance of the valley, unfortunately it has been occupied by cultists, from the high altitude to see those broken high walls and guys in black robes walking around.

There were humans, dwarves and jackals, but also goatmen and other races Murphy had never seen, and even a strange centaur-like creature with a war bow guarding the sentry tower.

The collapsed high wall with ropes tied dozens of pirates dressed as members of the Blood Fear, those guys were hanging in the air miserable, but they did not die but shouted and screamed, with Murphy heard the blush of dirty swearing abuse Dusk believers, and there is a specialized executioner swinging a whip to beat these guys.

This was obviously adding pressure to the recalcitrant vampires.

And in the center of the valley, the earth in the orientation separating the two positions was plowed over hard by something invisible.

Large swathes of dirt turned up like an earth dragon had rolled over here, this was obviously some sort of strange tactic, but it was useful because both of the Blood Fear Pirates’ positions could still be seen in the traces of dirt that had been brutally torn apart in this manner.

The Blood Fear Pirates were still holding out.

But their situation had gotten really bad, they had lost two thirds of their positions in the valley, and were now reduced to cowering in a fortress in the deepest part of the valley.

This should also be a fortress left over from the previous Black Plague War, occupied by the Blood Fear Pirates.

The good news was that this fort was sturdy, the bad news was that it seemed like it couldn’t hold out any longer either.

When Murphy was falling down, he could even see purple tainted fire burning on the walls of the fortress, ugly traces all over the walls, those were traces left by some kind of advanced spells, a few more burns would be enough to collapse the whole wall.

“Ka ka ka ka.”

More than twenty-seven guns and seven harpoons were aimed at Murphy the moment he dropped out of the mists, a group of tired but still yelling old sea dogs playing cards and having fun staring at him with eerie gazes.

There was also a vampire pirate who was blind in one eye who put his belt knife in front of his mouth and ran his tongue over it, deliberately giving him a very perverted look.

This seemingly evil but actually amusing action looked at Murphy with a burst of disgust.

No, big brother!
Your knife is rusty, at least wipe it before you lick it, evil or not, disgusting ah! And I suggest you buy yourself a tetanus insurance or something in advance, I just don’t know how the welfare of your fleet is?
If you don’t get reimbursed, forget I said anything.

“Get your leader out here!”

Murphy did not counterattack but held the staff and sword mounted up, he is after all the identity of the messenger over, at this time then put on the old blood positive black night flag of arrogance, face expressionless chided:
“The Blood Fear Clan has been exiled for 200 years, and the ancient traditions have been forgotten? Two blood clan honored people have come with the goodwill of rescue, why don’t we see him come out to greet? Are the pirates fools? What a shame. You don’t even care about the face of the Blood Clan!”


That very perverted knife licking sea dog glared at Murphy with malice and rudely spat towards his feet as he cursed:
“Sure enough, dryads only talk big, bullshit traditions! Even though I’m not a vampire, I know that you guys didn’t look so graceful when you banished us, but now you’re talking about tradition?
Who the hell would want to do that?”

“Well, I urge you to carefully consider what you are about to say, my overly rude compatriot.”

Andre’s sinister voice was accompanied by the cold blade of the Gray Claw Sword against the rude pirate’s neck, and the man who had a ferocious look on his face just a moment ago would immediately raise his hands.

The surrender posture was exceptionally standard, and it looked like he hadn’t practiced much.

“That. The captain is playing with the first mate in the house, if you guys want to go, go by yourselves, I don’t dare to disturb his enjoyment.”

That old sea dog whispered:

“That’s the way it is with us Blood Fear Clan, not with you dryads on shore, so could you please keep your uh, your dangerous sword away? You see, I’m peeing in my pants.”

“How nasty!”

Earl Whitehill withdrew his rapier with a disgusted look on his face, and Murphy calmed the Star Realm Headwolf at his feet, which was so fierce that the sea dogs’ scalps went numb.

He no longer paid attention to these dogs that changed their faces and turned the pages of a book, and walked with Andre towards the fortress room, and before he even got close, he heard a woman inside letting out a piercing and undisguised scream along with a man’s muffled gasp.

This caused the two honorees to exchange glances.

They suddenly realized that they seemed to know about the clan Blood Fear still 200 years ago.

Ah, 200 years was indeed enough time to change a lot of things.


The door of the room opened, and a middle-aged vampire with a black pirate captain’s hat and a beard leaned against the door with half a bottle of wine, looking at the two luxuriously dressed compatriots in front of him, and behind him could be seen a naked . Naked vampire female with a pirate hat was walking towards the balcony draped in a bed sheet, not caring at all about the spring light leaking out.

“I say, mate, are you guys here to rescue me?”

The guy in front of him said drunkenly as he took a swig of his drink:
“How much is my dog’s life worth? If it’s too expensive, forget it, and you always have to talk about this kind of thing in advance, lest you guys renege on the debt later.”

“Well before we discuss that.”

Murphy swept down, he and Andrei simultaneously looked away in a very gentlemanly manner and said:

“Could you put your pants on first? I understand that it’s not your fault that the thing is small, Your Excellency, but it’s not very decent to let it flail around, don’t you think?”


A large group of unscrupulous sea dogs laughed and whistled around them.

These dogs suddenly began to like this young vampire nobleman, tsk, look at this little white dryad, actually has a poisonous tongue that only a good man who fights the sea can have, look, the captain’s face is green with anger.

It’s really a relief!
(End of chapter)

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